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Science ; 384(6695): 551-556, 2024 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38696562


Large ensembles of laser-cooled atoms interacting through infinite-range photon-mediated interactions are powerful platforms for quantum simulation and sensing. Here we realize momentum-exchange interactions in which pairs of atoms exchange their momentum states by collective emission and absorption of photons from a common cavity mode, a process equivalent to a spin-exchange or XX collective Heisenberg interaction. The momentum-exchange interaction leads to an observed all-to-all Ising-like interaction in a matter-wave interferometer. A many-body energy gap also emerges, effectively binding interferometer matter-wave packets together to suppress Doppler dephasing in analogy to Mössbauer spectroscopy. The tunable momentum-exchange interaction expands the capabilities of quantum interaction-enhanced matter-wave interferometry and may enable the realization of exotic behaviors, including simulations of superconductors and dynamical gauge fields.

Nature ; 625(7996): 679-684, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38267683


In conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductors1, electrons with opposite momenta bind into Cooper pairs due to an attractive interaction mediated by phonons in the material. Although superconductivity naturally emerges at thermal equilibrium, it can also emerge out of equilibrium when the system parameters are abruptly changed2-8. The resulting out-of-equilibrium phases are predicted to occur in real materials and ultracold fermionic atoms, but not all have yet been directly observed. Here we realize an alternative way to generate the proposed dynamical phases using cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). Our system encodes the presence or absence of a Cooper pair in a long-lived electronic transition in 88Sr atoms coupled to an optical cavity and represents interactions between electrons as photon-mediated interactions through the cavity9,10. To fully explore the phase diagram, we manipulate the ratio between the single-particle dispersion and the interactions after a quench and perform real-time tracking of the subsequent dynamics of the superconducting order parameter using nondestructive measurements. We observe regimes in which the order parameter decays to zero (phase I)3,4, assumes a non-equilibrium steady-state value (phase II)2,3 or exhibits persistent oscillations (phase III)2,3. This opens up exciting prospects for quantum simulation, including the potential to engineer unconventional superconductors and to probe beyond mean-field effects like the spectral form factor11,12, and for increasing the coherence time for quantum sensing.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(11): 113202, 2023 Mar 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37001062


We propose to simulate bosonic pair creation using large arrays of long-lived dipoles with multilevel internal structure coupled to an undriven optical cavity. Entanglement between the atoms, generated by the exchange of virtual photons through a common cavity mode, grows exponentially fast and is described by two-mode squeezing of effective bosonic quadratures. The mapping between an effective bosonic model and the natural spin description of the dipoles allows us to realize the analog of optical homodyne measurements via straightforward global rotations and population measurements of the electronic states, and we propose to exploit this for quantum-enhanced sensing of an optical phase (common and differential between two ensembles). We discuss a specific implementation based on Sr atoms and show that our sensing protocol is robust to sources of decoherence intrinsic to cavity platforms. Our proposal can open unique opportunities for next-generation optical atomic clocks.

Sci Adv ; 8(41): eadc9242, 2022 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36223457


Engineering a Hamiltonian system with tunable interactions provides opportunities to optimize performance for quantum sensing and explore emerging phenomena of many-body systems. An optical lattice clock based on partially delocalized Wannier-Stark states in a gravity-tilted shallow lattice supports superior quantum coherence and adjustable interactions via spin-orbit coupling, thus presenting a powerful spin model realization. The relative strength of the on-site and off-site interactions can be tuned to achieve a zero density shift at a "magic" lattice depth. This mechanism, together with a large number of atoms, enables the demonstration of the most stable atomic clock while minimizing a key systematic uncertainty related to atomic density. Interactions can also be maximized by driving off-site Wannier-Stark transitions, realizing a ferromagnetic to paramagnetic dynamical phase transition.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(21): 210401, 2021 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34860098


We propose a quantum enhanced interferometric protocol for gravimetry and force sensing using cold atoms in an optical lattice supported by a standing-wave cavity. By loading the atoms in partially delocalized Wannier-Stark states, it is possible to cancel the undesirable inhomogeneities arising from the mismatch between the lattice and cavity fields and to generate spin squeezed states via a uniform one-axis twisting model. The quantum enhanced sensitivity of the states is combined with the subsequent application of a compound pulse sequence that allows us to separate atoms by several lattice sites. This, together with the capability to load small atomic clouds in the lattice at micrometric distances from a surface, make our setup ideal for sensing short-range forces. We show that for arrays of 10^{4} atoms, our protocol can reduce the required averaging time by a factor of 10 compared to unentangled lattice-based interferometers after accounting for primary sources of decoherence.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(24): 240504, 2020 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33412075


We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate the use of motional sidebands in a trapped ensemble of ^{87}Rb atoms to engineer tunable long-range XXZ spin models. We benchmark our simulator by probing a ferromagnetic to paramagnetic dynamical phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, a collective XXZ model plus additional transverse and longitudinal fields, via Rabi spectroscopy. We experimentally reconstruct the boundary between the dynamical phases, which is in good agreement with mean-field theoretical predictions. Our work introduces new possibilities in quantum simulation of anisotropic spin-spin interactions and quantum metrology enhanced by many-body entanglement.
