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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(3): 32-45, sep.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447044


Resumen Cumplir con las medidas de prevención de la salud es fundamental para controlar brotes de enfermedades infecciosas como aquellos causados por la COVID-19. Se han realizados numerosas investigaciones para comprender algunas variables psicosociales (desde personalidad hasta diferencias culturales) asociadas con las conductas de precaución en contextos de pandemia. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre el papel que el capital y la responsabilidad social pueden jugar en estos comportamientos de precaución en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19. El presente trabajo aborda variables psicológicas asociadas con el capital social y conductas socialmente responsables (e.g. amabilidad, empatía, apoyo social, justicia, impulsividad, conducta cívica), que ayudan a un grupo a desarrollar actividades socialmente valiosas propiciando el cumplimiento de las medidas de prevención. El presente estudio evaluó el efecto del capital social y variables asociadas (e.g., personalidad, apoyo social) en comportamientos precautorios relacionados con el COVID-19. Se utilizaron regresiones jerárquicas y modelos mediacionales en 3 diferentes muestras mexicanas (muestra 1: n=709, muestra 2: n=718, muestra 3: n= 309). Los resultados muestran que las variables asociadas con la responsabilidad social evaluadas aquí, con excepción de la legitimidad y la justicia distributiva, se relacionan con un mayor reporte de conductas de precaución. Estos resultados sugieren un enfoque encaminado a aumentar el capital y la responsabilidad social para reducir el efecto de enfermedades infecciosas como el COVID-19.

Abstract Compliance with health protection measures is essential to control outbreaks of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Extensive research has been done in the pursuit of understanding psychosocial variables (e.g., personality to cultural differences) associated with precautionary behaviors. However, little is known about the role social capital and responsibility may play on these behaviors in the context of COVID-19. The present work assessed psychological variables associated with social capital and responsibility (e.g. agreeableness, empathy, social support, justice, impulsivity, civic behaviors), which help the development of socially valuable activities leading individuals to comply with preventative measures. The present study, using 3 different Mexican samples (sample 1, n=709; sample 2, n=718; sample 3, n= 309) explored the effect of social capital, civic culture, and associated variables (e.g., personality, social support) on COVID-19 related precautionary behaviors using hierarchical linear regressions and mediational models. In the first sample, we explored the relationship between empathy, impulsivity, and precautionary behaviors. In the second sample, we explored whether trust in authorities, social support, and social pressure predicted these behaviors. In the third sample, we used a longitudinal design to assess the mediating role of prosocial and socially responsible behaviors between personality and precautionary behaviors. Results from the first sample showed that empathy predicted precautionary behaviors. In the second sample, we observed that although legitimacy and distributive justice did not predict precautionary behaviors, social pressure had a negative and social support had a positive effect on these behaviors. Finally, our longitudinal data suggested that those who report higher conscientiousness and agreeableness also report more socially responsible and prosocial behaviors and in turn report higher precautionary behaviors. In general, results from all samples, showed that the variables associated with social capital and responsibility are significantly related with increased report of precautionary behaviors. These results suggest that efforts should be focused on increasing social capital and responsibility while seeking to reduce the spread and deleterious effects of infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(1): 39-48, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429544


Resumen En el presente estudio se busca analizar los predictores de la agencia personal de estudiantes universitarios, diferenciando entre estudiantes colombianos y mexicanos. Para lo cual se exploraron las estructuras factoriales de la Agencia Personal de ambos grupos de estudiantes, así como las interrelaciones que exhiben los factores en cada una de las muestras. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de 243 estudiantes, 127 mexicanos y 116 colombianos quienes respondieron la Escala de Agencia Personal del IASE. Un AF-MM refleja universalidad a juzgar por los valores de chi cuadrado; sin embargo, sí se presentan diferencias entre los predictores de cada factor para ambas muestras. Se discute acerca de que estudios de este tipo permiten el uso de la escala de Agencia personal como predictor de dicho factor para estudiantes de ambas muestras dado que es un instrumento culturalmente sensible y relevante para la realidad cultural latinoamericana.

Abstract The present study seeks to analyze the predictors of the personal agency of university students, differentiating between Colombian and Mexican students. For which the factorial structures of the Personal Agency of both groups of students were explored, as well as the interrelationships exhibited by the factors in each of the samples. We worked with a non-probabilistic sample of 243 students, 127 Mexicans and 116 Colombians who answered the IASE Personal Agency Scale. An AF-MM reflects universality as judged by chi square values; however, there are differences between the predictors of each factor for both samples. It is discussed that studies of this allow the use of the Personal Agency scale as a predictor of said factor for students from both samples, given that it is a culturally sensitive and relevant instrument for the Latin American cultural reality.

Front Psychol ; 12: 559289, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33995161


The first lines of defense during an epidemic are behavioral interventions, including stay-at-home measures or precautionary health training, aimed at reducing contact and disease transmission. Examining the psychosocial variables that may lead to greater adoption of such precautionary behaviors is critical. The present study examines predictors of precautionary practices against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 709 Mexican participants from 24 states. The study was conducted via online questionnaire between the end of March and the beginning of April 2020, when the pandemic response was in its initial stages in Mexico. The instrument included demographic items, as well as scales assessing COVID-19-resembling symptoms, empathy, impulsivity, anhedonic depression, general health practices, alcohol consumption, and COVID-19-associated precautionary behaviors. Most participants reported adopting limited social distancing or other precautionary behaviors against COVID-19. The results of a structural equation model demonstrated that the presence of COVID-19 symptoms was related to impulsivity and general health behaviors. However, no direct association between precautionary behaviors and the presence of COVID-19 symptoms was found. In turn, precautionary behaviors were more prevalent among participants who reported higher empathy and general health behaviors and were inhibited indirectly by impulsivity via alcohol consumption. Furthermore, the model suggests that anhedonic depression symptoms have a negative indirect effect on precautionary behaviors via general health behaviors. Finally, impulsivity showed a negative direct effect on general health behavior. These results highlight the role that general physical health and mental health play on precautionary behavior and the critical importance of addressing issues such as depression, general health behaviors, and impulsivity in promoting safe actions and the protection of self and others.

Front Psychol ; 12: 624155, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33790838


Theoretically, a positive environment (PE) includes (a) tangible and intangible resources that satisfy human needs, (b) enablers of healthy, pro-social, and pro-environmental behaviors that guarantee socio-environmental quality and wellbeing, and (c) environmental challenges that must be faced and solved. One of the most salient challenges is the global COVID-19 pandemic. This study sought to investigate whether PEs can stimulate responsible actions (i.e., self-care and precautionary behaviors against COVID-19), while maintaining personal wellbeing. Nine hundred and forty-nine Mexicans participated in an online survey encompassing five primary factors: resources, enablers, challenges, responsible health behaviors, and wellbeing. The first three factors examine "resources" such as physical infrastructure as well as family and social support, "enablers" which include information about protective health practices and perceived legitimacy of authorities in handling the pandemic, and "challenges" encompassing threat perception and social pressure to not engage in precautionary measures. Participants also self-reported hedonic wellbeing as well as self-care and precautionary behaviors, which formed the "responsible (health) behavior" factor. Structural equations model (n = 714 after list-wise deletion) showed that "resources," "challenges," and "enablers" form a second-order factor, "positive environments," and this factor strongly covaries with "responsible behavior" and "wellbeing." These results suggest that PEs are not only buffers against the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic but can also stimulate effective responses against a threat while maintaining individual wellbeing. These results can be used to inform the development and maintenance of PE frameworks aimed at minimizing the spread of COVID-19 and encouraging mental and physical health.

Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 2-15, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360746


Resumen La perspectiva temporal es una variable psicológica que se ha asociado con múltiples comportamientos, entre ellos la conducta sustentable (CS). Son escasos los estudios sobre la relación entre la orientación temporal denominada futuro trascendental y la CS. Objetivo: estimar las relaciones entre dos perspectivas temporales (orientación al futuro y orientación al futuro trascendental) y la conducta sustentable; y su asociación, con el autocuidado y la felicidad. Metodología: estudio correlacional, con un diseño no experimental, transeccional. Participaron 209 personas de una ciudad al noroeste de México, con una edad promedio de 30.33 años, quienes respondieron a un instrumento que constó de ocho escalas Likert que evaluaron perspectiva de futuro, perspectiva temporal de futuro trascendental, conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad, comportamientos de autocuidado y felicidad subjetiva. Las interrelaciones entre las variables se estimaron mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: las orientaciones temporales al futuro y al futuro trascendental influyen en las conductas sustentables (conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad), que, a su vez, impactan en la felicidad y el autocuidado de las personas. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos aportan información valiosa que ayuda a elucidar las características que posee un individuo que orienta su conducta a los ideales de la sostenibilidad.

Abstract Time perspective is a psychological variable that has been associated it with multiple behaviors, including sustainable behaviors. Research on transcendental future perspective is scarce, among the studies on temporal perspective and sustainable behavior, none were found on the relationship between transcendental future and SC. Objective: this research was aimed at assessing the relationship between two-time perspectives (future orientation, transcendent future orientation) and sustainable behavior, and its association with self-care and happiness. Method: a correlational study was developed, with a non-experimental, transactional design. Two hundred nine people from a northwestern city in Mexico participated, with an average age of 30.33 years, who responded to an instrument that consisted of eight Likert scales that evaluated future perspective, transcendental future temporal perspective, pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity, self-care behaviors, and subjective happiness. Results: the results were processed within a structural equation model, where it is emphasized that temporal orientations to the future and to the transcendental future influence sustainable behaviors (pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity), which, in turn, impact on the happiness and self-care of people. Conclusion: these findings provide valuable information that helps elucidate the characteristics of an individual who guides his behavior to sustainability ideals.

Front Psychol ; 11: 567752, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33329203


The transition toward sustainability and the adjustment to climate change should involve the reduction of consumption behavior and the need to maintain social practices of frugality. This paper investigates the influences of consciousness for sustainable consumption (CSC), materialism, and the consideration of future consequences (CFC) on frugal behaviors. Four-hundred-and-forty-four individuals responded to an instrument investigating these variables. Results of a structural model revealed that materialism significantly and negatively influenced the three dimensions of CSC: economic, environmental, and social. The consideration of distant future consequences positively and significantly affected the economic dimension of CSC. Frugal behavior received significant and positive influences from the three CSC dimensions and from consideration of distant future consequences. The model explained 46% of variance in frugal behavior, revealing the importance of awareness of the consequences of resource consumption and the CFC has on promoting a moderate consumption of resources.

Front Psychol ; 11: 510, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32265803


School environment refers to the set of relationships that occur among members of a school community that are determined by structural, personal, and functional factors of the educational institution, which provide distinctiveness to schools. The school environment is an important factor when evaluating student well-being. Previous findings have shown that variables such as physical, academic, and social dimensions influence school environments. This research seeks to explain the relationship between school environment and the well-being of primary education students. To carry out this research, a total of 405 students from four public elementary schools in northwestern Mexico were selected to participate. The instrument used to measure the variables and the relationship of school environment and well-being is based on the three dimensions of school environment proposed by Kutsyuruba et al. (2015): Physical, social, and academic. Statistical analyses were carried out to determine the reliability and validity of the measurement scales using SPSS V20 and EQS software. Confirmatory factor analysis models were tested to determine the construct validity of each scale; then, an analysis via structural equation modeling was made to form an explanatory model obtaining acceptable practical and statistical indicators. Among the relationships in this study, our research identified the variable of school environments as an outcome determined by physical, academic, and social factors. School environment and student well-being variables were also found to be correlated.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(2): 43-55, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152712


Resumen La Agencia humana ha sido estudiada desde varias disciplinas de las ciencias sociales y aunque tienen similitudes en su conceptualización y características, existe un aislamiento en su estudio y ausencia de comunicación entre disciplinas. Se buscó probar el efecto de mediación de los tres modos de Agencia propuestos por Bandura en el contexto del aprendizaje en educación superior. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios por modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales de los resultados de la aplicación a estudiantes universitarios, del Inventario de Agencia en Situaciones Escolares (IASE), elaborado exprofeso para este estudio, permitió probar un efecto de mediación entre la agencia personal y la agencia colectiva a través de la agencia mediada. La relación tríadica de la agencia propuesta por la teoría, centrada en situaciones escolares, es un aporte a la etnopsicometría que permite asumir el papel de múltiples factores en el proceso de adquisición de aprendizajes complejos.

Abstract The Human Agency has been studied from various Social Science disciplines and although they exhibit similarities in their conceptualization and characteristics, a lack of communication between disciplines is detected. We sought to test the mediation effect of the three modes of Agency proposed by Bandura in the context of learning in higher education. A confirmatory factor analysis of the Inventory of Agency in School Situations, elaborated for this study, allowed to prove a mediation effect between the personal agency and the collective agency through the mediated agency. The triadic relationship of agency proposed by the theory, centered on school situations, is a contribution to ethnopsychometry that allows us to assume the role of multiple factors in the process of acquiring complex learning.

Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 38(2)dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, INDEXPSI, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387228


Resumen El ambiente familiar se considera uno de los contextos más importantes en la vida de las personas. El presente estudio centró su interés en el bienestar personal que este ambiente sociofísico genera en sus habitantes. El objetivo general fue identificar la relación que existe entre el ambiente familiar positivo (AFP) y el bienestar personal en individuos que viven en zona urbana y rural. La muestra estuvo conformada por 202 personas, de las cuales 68% eran de sexo femenino y 32% del masculino. Las edades oscilaron entre 18 y 76 años con una media de 34.7 (DE = 14.3). Se utilizó un instrumento para medir factores del ambiente sociofísico de las familias y el bienestar personal. Se llevó a cabo el análisis de confiabilidad, estadísticos descriptivos y comparativos, así como un modelo de ecuacio- nes estructurales. Los resultados comprueban que existen diferencias en algunas dimensiones socio- físicas del ambiente familiar entre las personas que habitan en zona urbana y aquellos que residen en área rural. Además, se probó que el factor de orden superior denominado ambiente familiar positivo se encuentra significativamente relacionado con el bienestar de los individuos.

Abstract: Family environment is considered one of the essential contexts in life; one of the reasons is because people spend most of their quality time in the home. This study focused its interest in the positivity that this socio-physical con- text generates in the individual. The study aimed at identifying the relationship between the construct called a posi- tive family environment and the personal well-being of people living in urban and rural contexts. A sample of 202 people gave their answers, 68% woman, and 32% man, the age was between 18 y 76 years old with a mean of 34.7 (SD = 14.3). The instrument combined scales to measure socio-physical components in the family environment and personal well-being. Reliability, descriptive, and comparative analyses, as well as a structural equation model were performed. Results showed the existence of differences between people living in urban and rural zones on most of the socio-physical dimensions of the family environment. A higher-order factor was formed with physical and social aspects, this variable is called a positive family environment, and it is significantly related to personal well-being.

Humanos , Zona Rural , Saúde da Família , Área Urbana , Psicologia Social , México
Univ. psychol ; 17(2): 49-58, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979495


Resumen El propósito del estudio fue desarrollar una escala que mida la expectativa de comportamiento ambiental de otros y observar si hay relación con la conducta proambiental autorreportada. Se generaron 13 reactivos de respuesta tipo Likert, aplicados a una muestra de 218 adultos jóvenes mexicanos. El análisis factorial exploratorio muestra una estructura bifactorial, que distingue entre la expectativa de comportamiento proambiental y antiambiental, cuyos índices de consistencia interna fueron alfa = 0.77 y alfa = 0.79, que explican el 57.65% de la varianza. Se les aplicó también una escala de conductas proambientales. Mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales se mostró que el factor de expectativa de comportamiento en estudio tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la conducta proambiental. Los resultados muestran evidencia de una escala bifactorial con propiedades psicométricas aceptables.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure expectation of others' environmental behavior, and notice if there is a relationship between this variable and self-report of pro-environmental behaviors. Thirteen items Likert-type were development, and was applied to a sample of two hundred eighteen Mexican young adults. The exploratory factor analysis shows a bi-factorial structure distinguishes between, expectation of pro-environmental behavior, and expectation of anti-environmental behavior. Their Cronbach's alpha score was 0.77 and 0.79; both factors accounted for 57.65% of the variance. A scale of pro-environmental actions was applied too. A structural equation model showed that the factor expectation of pro-environmental behavior has a significant effect on pro-environmental actions. The result shows evidence for bi-factorial scale with acceptable psychometrics properties.

Comportamento do Adolescente , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , México
Biomedica ; 35 Spec: 46-57, 2015 Aug.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26535741


INTRODUCTION: Depression is a highly prevalent illness among adults, and it is the second most frequently reported mental disorder in urban settings in México. Exposure to natural environments and its components may improve the mental health of the population. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between biodiversity indicators and the prevalence of depressive symptoms among the adult population (20 to 65 years of age) in México. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Information from the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) and the Compendio de Estadísticas Ambientales 2008 was analyzed. A biodiversity index was constructed based on the species richness and ecoregions in each state. A multilevel logistic regression model was built with random intercepts and a multiple logistic regression was generated with clustering by state. RESULTS: The factors associated with depressive symptoms were being female, self-perceived as indigenous, lower education level, not living with a partner, lack of steady paid work, having a chronic illness and drinking alcohol. The biodiversity index was found to be inversely associated with the prevalence of depressive symptoms when defined as a continuous variable, and the results from the regression were grouped by state (OR=0.71; 95% CI = 0.59-0.87). CONCLUSIONS: Although the design was cross-sectional, this study adds to the evidence of the potential benefits to mental health from contact with nature and its components.

Biodiversidade , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/prevenção & controle , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Saúde Ambiental , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , México/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);35(spe): 46-57, ago. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-762717


Introducción. La depresión es una enfermedad muy prevalente entre adultos, y es el segundo trastorno mental más frecuente en los centros urbanos de México. Es posible que la exposición a los ambientes naturales y a sus componentes mejore la salud mental de la población. Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación entre indicadores de biodiversidad y la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en la población adulta (20 a 65 años de edad) de México. Materiales y métodos. Se analizó la información de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006 (ENSANUT 2006), así como el Compendio de Estadísticas Ambientales del 2008. Además, se elaboró un índice de biodiversidad, teniendo en cuenta la abundancia de especies y las ecorregiones en cada entidad federativa, y un modelo de regresión logística multinivel con interceptos aleatorios, y otro de regresión logística múltiple con agrupación por estados. Resultados. Los factores asociados con los síntomas depresivos fueron: ser mujer, considerarse indígena, tener menor escolaridad, vivir sin pareja, carecer de trabajo remunerado de forma regular, padecer una enfermedad crónica y beber alcohol. Se encontró una asociación inversa entre el índice de biodiversidad y la prevalencia de los síntomas depresivos cuando se definió de manera continua y los resultados de la regresión se agruparon por estados (OR=0,71; IC 95% 0,59-0,87). Conclusión. A pesar de su diseño transversal, el estudio contribuye a aumentar la ´evidencia´ científica en torno a los beneficios potenciales que el contacto con la naturaleza y sus componentes tiene para la salud mental.

Introduction: Depression is a highly prevalent illness among adults, and it is the second most frequently reported mental disorder in urban settings in México. Exposure to natural environments and its components may improve the mental health of the population. Objective: To evaluate the association between biodiversity indicators and the prevalence of depressive symptoms among the adult population (20 to 65 years of age) in México. Materials and methods: Information from the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) and the Compendio de Estadísticas Ambientales 2008 was analyzed. A biodiversity index was constructed based on the species richness and ecoregions in each state. A multilevel logistic regression model was built with random intercepts and a multiple logistic regression was generated with clustering by state. Results: The factors associated with depressive symptoms were being female, self-perceived as indigenous, lower education level, not living with a partner, lack of steady paid work, having a chronic illness and drinking alcohol. The biodiversity index was found to be inversely associated with the prevalence of depressive symptoms when defined as a continuous variable, and the results from the regression were grouped by state (OR=0.71; 95% CI = 0.59-0.87). Conclusions: Although the design was cross-sectional, this study adds to the evidence of the potential benefits to mental health from contact with nature and its components.

Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Biodiversidade , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/prevenção & controle , Estudos Transversais , Saúde Ambiental , México/epidemiologia
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;45(3): 361-372, sep.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-703889


Resumen Basado en la idea de que la conducta sustentable es un tipo de comportamiento virtuoso, el presente estudio explora la relación entre tres virtudes universales - Humanidad, Justicia, Moderación - y cuatro instancias de conducta sustentable - acciones altruistas, pro-ecológicas, frugales y equitativas - las cuales se consideran necesarias para alcanzar los ideales de un desarrollo sostenible. Se investigaron las respuestas que dieron cuatrocientas personas de la población general, en una ciudad del noroeste mexicano, a reactivos del Inventario de Virtudes y Fortalezas Psicológicas (VIA Survey, Peterson & Seligman, 2004) y a un instrumento que investigaba conductas sustentables. Los resultados se procesaron dentro de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, el cual produjo factores de primer orden para las tres virtudes y los cuatro tipos de comportamiento sustentables. A su vez, el grupo de virtudes generó un factor de segundo orden (virtudes) y eso mismo ocurrió para el de conductas sustentables (CS). La covariación entre el factor superior de virtudes y el de CS fue alta y significativa lo que parece indicar que las conductas prosociales y proambientales son de naturaleza virtuosa, por lo menos en lo concerniente a las tres virtudes aquí analizadas.

Abstract Based upon the idea that sustainable (prosocial, proenvironmental) actions are a kind of virtuous behavior, this study explores the relationship between three universal virtues -Humanity, Justice, Temperance - and four instances of sustainable behavior (SB) -altruistic, proecological, frugal and equitable actions - which are considered necessary for achieving the ideals of sustainable development. The responses of four hundred individuals, living in a northwestern Mexican city to the Inventory of Strengths and Virtues (VIA Survey, Peterson & Seligman, 2004), as well as an instrument assessing sustainable behavior, were processed within a structural equation model. This model produced first-order factors for the three analyzed virtues and the four types of sustainable behaviors. In turn, the group of virtues generated a second-order factor (Virtue) and the group of sustainable behaviors produced a secondorder factor (SB) as well. The covariation between the Virtue and SB factors was salient and significant, which seems to indicate that prosocial and proenvironmental behaviors have a virtuous nature, at least in regard to Humanity, Justice, and Temperance.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 2(2): 749-764, ago. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-706742


This study was aimed at exploring one potential psychological benefit of sustainable behaviors: the perceived psychological restoration (PR) associated to engaging in pro-environmental activities at both the physical and social levels. PR involves the recovery of lost psychological resources (attention, positive mood states, psychological wellbeing) mostly caused by attentional fatigue and stress, while sustainable behavior constitutes a set of actions aimed at the protection of natural and social resources. One-hundred- and thirty-seven individuals living in a Northern Mexican city participated in a study assessing four instances of sustainable behavior: altruistic, proecological, frugal, and equitable actions. In addition, four dimensions of a construct related to the perceived psychological restorative effects of sustainable behaviors were measured: being away, fascination, extent and compatibility, assumedly resulting from pro-environmental and pro-social actions. Using structural equation modeling, the first four constructs were aggregated into a higher-order factor (sustainable behavior), while the rest of the constructs constituted a second higher-order factor (perceived restoration). These two higher-order factors resulted highly and significantly associated, indicating that practicing actions of environmental and social conservation might likely result in the restoration of lost psychological functions. These results reinforce the idea that sustainable behavior produces positive psychological consequences.

El propósito del presente estudio se centró en explorar un potencial beneficio psicológico de las conductas sustentables: la restauración psicológica percibida que las personas asocian a su involucramiento en actividades pro-ambientales, tanto en lo que se refiere al cuidado del ambiente físico, como del social. La restauración psicológica involucra la recuperación de funciones (atención, estados de ánimo positivos, sensaciones de bienestar) perdidas por la fatiga atencional y el estrés, mientras que la conducta sustentable constituye un conjunto de acciones encaminadas al cuidado de recursos naturales y sociales. Dado que la investigación previa sugiere que las personas anticipan efectos restaurativos de la exposición a ambientes sustentables, surge la interrogante acerca de un posible efecto restaurador de las conductas sustentables. Se desarrolló un estudio en el que participaron ciento treinta y siete habitantes de de una ciudad del norte de México; la investigación midió cuatro instancias de la conducta sustentable: acciones altruistas, pro-ecológicas, frugales y equitativas. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron cuatro dimensiones de un constructo relacionado con los efectos restaurativos psicológicos de las conductas sustentables. Estas dimensiones comprendieron la evasión, la fascinación, la extensión y la compatibilidad, las cuales, se asumían como estados resultantes de las acciones pro-ambientales y pro-sociales. A través del uso de ecuaciones estructurales se agregaron los primeros cuatro constructos dentro de un factor de orden superior, al que denominamos "conducta sustentable", en tanto que el resto de los constructos medidos constituyó un segundo factor de orden superior, etiquetado como "restauración psicológica percibida". Los resultados señalan que los dos factores de orden superior se asocian de manera sobresaliente y significativa, lo que indicaría que la práctica de acciones de conservación ambienta y social pueden ayudar a la restauración de funciones psicológicas perdidas. Estos resultados se aúnan a una serie de evidencias que muestran beneficios psicológicos de la actuación a favor del ambiente.

Interam. j. psychol ; 40(2): 139-147, Aug. 2006. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-510905


Three hundred individuals at a Mexican city responded to Zimbardo’s Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI), and self-reported how frequently they engaged in water conservation practices. The ZTPI assesses individual differences in terms of attitudes believed to identify orientations towards a positive or negative past, hedonistic or fatalistic present, and future orientations. Results were processed within two structural equation models, which showed that present orientation negatively affected water conservation. Water conservation did not correlate with past orientation. Yet, that pro-environmental behavior significantly and positively was influenced by Future Orientation. Women reported a higher involvement in water conservation practices, whereas adult individuals (> 18 years old) and those with higher schooling levels presented a higher Future Orientation. Proposals considering these results are discussed aimed at developing sustainable attitudes and behaviors.

Trecentos mexicanos contestaron a los reactivos del Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo (IPTZ) y auto-reportaron sus conductas de ahorro de agua. El IZPT mide diferencias individuales en t‚rminos de orientaciones hacia un pasado positivo o negativo, un presente fatalista o hedonista y tendencia hacia el futuro. Los resultados se procesaron en dos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, revelando que la orientaci¢n al presente afecta negativamente al ahorro de agua. Este ahorro no se correlacion¢ con la orientaci¢n al pasado, pero s¡ lo hizo positivamente con la orientaci¢n al futuro. Las mujeres reportaron ahorrar m s agua, mientras que los adultos (> 18 a¤os) y las personas de mayor escolaridad se plantearon con una mayor orientaci¢n hacia el futuro.

Interam. j. psychol ; 40(1): 85-93, Jan.-Apr. 2006. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-439114


Se presentan modelos estructurales de variables asociadas con la adquisición de la lengua escrita y con el desempeño en dominios de la lectura y la escritura. El propósito de nuestro trabajo es fundamentar con ejemplos derivados de situaciones y temas reales, la utilidad potencial de los modelos estructurales en la investigación en lengua escrita, tanto en lo que al diseño de la recolección de información corresponde, como para el análisis y la interpretación de los datos. También nos interesó mostrar cómo el análisis de Ias relaciones funcionales entre distintas variables permite al investigador ir más allá de los supuestos acerca de las relaciones causales en el inicio de la alfabetización formal

/métodos , Escrita Manual , Aprendizagem , Leitura
Psicol. USP ; 16(1/2): 71-87, 2005.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-401470


O autor define o objeto da Psicologia Ambiental como a mútua influência de fatores ambientais e comportamentais no enfoque de problemas específicos e de suas soluções. Quanto às dimensões da realidade, discute primeiramente o tópico ambiente físico e as condições que deveriam ser levadas em conta ao estudar o comportamento ambiental e, a seguir, os aspectos sócio-culturais dos entornos e como esses influenciam as visões de mundo, tanto leigas quanto científicas, apontando que, como diferentes culturas produzem visões ambientais diferentes, estas podem se manifestar como psicologias ambientais específicas, o que não significa abandonar a idéia de uma Psicologia Ambiental universal

Comportamento , Fatores Culturais , Meio Ambiente , Psicologia
Environ Manage ; 30(4): 527-35, 2002 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12481919


This paper explores the effect of the perception of externalities (PE) on residential water consumption. Externalities occur when individuals make decisions that harm others, without concern for the impact or feeling a need to compensate for the harm. The aim of this study was to investigate whether PE affects people's motivation to conserve water, and, consequently, the practice of residential water consumption. Two hundred eighty Mexican citizens responded to a questionnaire investigating how they perceived that other individuals in their community wasted water. Respondents were also asked about their motives to conserve water, and direct observations of individual water consumption were recorded. Results were processed within a structural equations model, which revealed that motives to conserve water significantly inhibit water consumption. Since the perception of extemalities also inhibits conservation motives, the resulting effect of PE on water consumption is positive. This result means that the more people perceive that others waste water, the less their conservation motives, and, therefore, the more their own water consumption.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Motivação , Opinião Pública , Abastecimento de Água , Adulto , Tomada de Decisões , Feminino , Habitação , Humanos , Masculino , México , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 4(1): 7-22, jan.-jun. 1999.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-248472


Revisa-se o estado atual da investigaçäo do comportamento pró-ambiental(CPA), assinalando as condiçöes que, segundo os autores, poderiam resultar em obstáculos ou vantagens para essa área de pesquisa. Dentre essas condiçöes, discutem-se o papel desempenhado pela quantidade e qualidade das variáveis preditoras no poder explicativo dos modelos, o problema dos auto-relatos como métodos de mensuraçäo do CPA, o efeito dos contextos de investigaçäo, as influências dos sistemas de análise de dados e a suposta universalidade do CPA

Comportamento , Meio Ambiente , Modelos Ambientais , Pesquisa Ambiental