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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(48): 30412-30427, 2018 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30500015


Mixtures of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate with amphiphilic cosolvents, such as methanol and ethanol, nanoconfined between graphene walls are studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations and the results are compared with those of the pure ionic liquid and its mixtures with water confined in the same conditions. We investigate the adsorption of cosolvent molecules at the graphene walls as well as their distribution across the system. The results show that, due to a higher affinity of the polar groups to be close to the anions in combination with the electrostatic and excluded volume interactions, there exists a high tendency of the OH groups to lie close to the anode, inducing small changes in the first cation layer. The orientation of cosolvent molecules is found to be closely related to the alignment of the molecular dipole moment. We also investigate the lateral ionic distribution in the layers close to the electrodes, which shows a structural transition from liquid-like lamellar ordering to solid-like hexagonal patterns as the size of the cosolvent molecules increases leading to smaller position fluctuations of the ions. The dependence of the specific patterns on the nature of the electrodes is also studied. This study strongly suggests that the ionic patterns formed in the first ionic layers next to the charged interfaces are universal since their existence does not crucially depend on the atomic composition of the interfacial material, but only on the net charge density of the considered ionic layer, which significantly changes the ionic mobility in this region.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(28): 19071-19081, 2018 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29972160


Despite the growing interest in the potential electrochemical applications of both aluminium and ionic liquids in batteries, the microstructure of mixtures of trivalent salts and these dense ionic environments is completely unknown. In this work, the solvation of Al3+ cations in highly dense ionic solvents is investigated. For this purpose, molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of a protic ionic liquid, ethylammonium nitrate (EAN), with aluminium nitrate (Al(NO3)3), both in bulk and confined between graphene walls, are performed. Several structural quantities of the system are calculated for different salt concentrations, such as densities, radial distribution functions, structure factors, coordination numbers and hydrogen bonds for the bulk mixture and ionic density profiles for the confined ones. Moreover, vibrational density of states is calculated for the salt cations, both in bulk and when close to the walls. The results obtained are analyzed and compared to those for mixtures of EAN with monovalent and divalent salts, in order to probe the influence of the salt cation charge on the system's properties. Finally, ab initio density functional theory calculations were performed in order to analyze the structure of the Al3+-ligand complexes, and their predictions for the Raman spectrum are compared both to the corresponding experimental one and the one coming from molecular dynamics simulations. According to our calculations, [Al(NO3)6]3- octahedral complexes do not significantly change the microstructure of the mixtures relative to those of Mg2+-based ones.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(18): 12767-12776, 2018 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29697731


We perform molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of a prototypical protic ionic liquid, ethylammonium nitrate, with lithium or magnesium nitrate (LiNO3/Mg(NO3)2) confined between two graphene walls. The structure of the system is analyzed by means of ionic density profiles, angular orientations of ethylammonium cations close to the wall and the lateral structure of the first layer close to the graphene wall. All these results are compared to those of the corresponding aprotic ionic liquid systems, analyzing the influence of the graphene wall charge in the structure of the protic and aprotic mixtures. Moreover, vibrational densities of states are calculated for the salt cations close to the walls. Finally, we investigate the structure of the mixture with Li salt near the interface using ab initio density functional theory, and the results are compared with those obtained by classical molecular dynamics simulations.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(15): 9938-9949, 2018 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29619465


Mixtures of alkylammonium based protic ionic liquids and alkylmethylimidazolium based aprotic ionic liquids were studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Close to ideal mixing is observed in most studied magnitudes; however, the effect of increasing alkyl chain length in each of the cations is markedly different, with longer protic cations showing larger deviations, especially with regards to mixing enthalpy, which exhibits a strong compound forming tendency. The compound forming nature of these protic ionic liquids is shown to induce sharp changes in their local environment upon mixing.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 14(2): 466-478, 2018 Feb 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29257870


A new method for switching between structures consisting of equivalent discrete and flexible objects with different particle representation and object configuration, including different resolution levels (number of particles per object), is reported. The method is fully general since it does not require any extra code nor additional database elements for new systems. It is based on a Monte Carlo sampling of the configurational space for each object type of the target system. The sampling is controlled by a Metropolis acceptance criterion of movements (translations, rotations, and relative deformations of the object configuration) that uses the generalized distance between the sets of particles at both representations. For Gaussian distributed distances, such a minimization procedure is equivalent to an optimization of χ2 in a maximum likelihood method. This provides sound statistical support since the method leads to the most probable configuration of the system at each representation. The configurations obtained in this way are then used to create resolution exchange maps for each object type, which allows the extrapolation of the conversion to every object configuration throughout the whole system. As an example, the method is here tested with several molecular dynamics simulated systems (ionic liquids, cyclodextrins, cell-penetrating peptides, cyclic peptides, lipid bilayers, vesicles, heterogeneous organic molecules, DNA, and solvated proteins) for different resolution force fields (GROMOS, AMBER, OPLS, MARTINI) using GROMACS. In this context, the method can be applied to map structures described by any other pair of force fields, as well as to homogeneous and heterogeneous systems with many different molecules. The method is proved to be highly efficient since the time required for the mapping is practically independent of the number of molecules in the target system.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(36): 24505-24512, 2017 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28890961


We perform molecular dynamics simulations of ionic liquids confined between graphene walls under a large variety of conditions (pure ionic liquids, mixtures with water and alcohols, mixtures with lithium salts and defective graphene walls). Our results show that the formation of striped and hexagonal patterns in the Stern layer can be considered as a general feature of ionic liquids at electrochemical interfaces, the transition between patterns being controlled by the net balance of charge in the innermost layer of adsorbed molecules. This explains previously reported experimental and computational results and, for the first time, why these pattern changes are triggered by any perturbation of the charge density at the innermost layer of the electric double layer (voltage and composition changes, and vacancies at the electrode walls, among others), which may help tuning electrode-ionic liquid interfaces. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that such structures can be reproduced by a simple two-dimensional lattice model with only nearest-neighbour interactions, governed by highly screened ionic interactions and short-range and excluded volume interactions. We also show that the results of our simulations are consistent with those inferred from the Landau-Brazovskii theory of pattern formation in self-assembling systems. The presence of these patterns at the ionic liquid graphene-electrode interfaces may have a strong impact on the process of ionic transfer from the bulk mixtures to the electrodes, on the differential capacitance of the electrode-electrolyte double layer or on the rates of redox reactions at the electrodes, among other physicochemical properties, and is therefore an effect of great technological interest.

J Chem Phys ; 146(12): 124503, 2017 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388153


The structural and dynamical properties of bulk mixtures of long-chained primary and secondary alcohols (propanol, butanol, and 2-pentanol) with protic ionic liquids (ethylammonium and butylammonium nitrate) were studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Changes in the structure with the alcohol concentration and with the alkyl chain length of the alcohol moieties were found, showing variations in the radial distribution function and in the number of hydrogen bonds in the bulk liquids. Moreover, the structural behaviour of the studied mixtures is further clarified with the spatial distribution functions. The global picture in the local scale is in good agreement with the nanostructured solvation paradigm [T. Méndez-Morales et al. Phys. Chem. B 118, 761 (2014)], according to which alcohols are accommodated into the hydrogen bonds' network of the ionic liquid instead of forming clusters in the bulk. Indeed, our study reveals that the alcohol molecules are placed with their polar heads at the interfaces between polar and nonpolar nanodomains in the ionic liquid, with their alkyl chains inside the nonpolar organic nanodomains. The influence of alcohol chain length in the single-particle dynamics of the mixtures is also reported calculating the velocity autocorrelation function and vibrational densities of states of the different species in the ionic liquid-alcohol mixtures, and a weak caging effect for the ethylammonium cations independent of the chain size of the alcohols was found. However, the SAXS data collected for the studied mixtures show an excess of the scattering intensities which indicates that there are also some structural heterogeneities at the nanoscale.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 8(7): 1375-1380, 2017 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28285528


In the quest for stable 2D arsenic phases, four different structures have been recently claimed to be stable. We show that, due to phonon contributions, the relative stability of those structures differs from previous reports and depends crucially on temperature. We also show that one of those four phases is in fact mechanically unstable. Furthermore, our results challenge the common assumption of an inverse correlation between structural complexity and thermal conductivity. Instead, a richer picture emerges from our results, showing how harmonic interactions, anharmonicity, and symmetries all play a role in modulating thermal conduction in arsenenes. More generally, our conclusions highlight how vibrational properties are an essential element to be carefully taken into account in theoretical searches for new 2D materials.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(1): 846-853, 2016 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27934972


A molecular dynamics study of mixtures of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIm][BF4]) with magnesium tetrafluoroborate (Mg[BF4]2) confined between two parallel graphene walls is reported. The structure of the system is analyzed by means of ionic density profiles, lateral structure of the first layer close to the graphene surface and angular orientations of imidazolium cations. Free energy profiles for divalent magnesium cations are calculated using two different methods in order to evaluate the height of the potential barriers near the walls, and the results are compared with those of mixtures of the same ionic liquid and a lithium salt (Li[BF4]). Preferential adsorption of magnesium cations is analyzed using a simple model and compared to that of lithium cations, and vibrational densities of states are calculated for the cations close to the walls analyzing the influence of the graphene surface charge. Our results indicate that magnesium cations next to the graphene wall have a roughly similar environment to that in the bulk. Moreover, they face higher potential barriers and are less adsorbed on the charged graphene walls than lithium cations. In other words, magnesium cations have a more stable solvation shell than lithium ones.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(34): 23932-43, 2016 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27523167


Molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of the protic ionic liquid ethylammonium nitrate (EAN) and the aprotic 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([EMIM][BF4]) are reported and the results are compared with experimental density and electrical conductivity measurements. Essentially ideal mixing of the ionic liquids is seen to take place by means of experimental and simulated excess molar volumes, whose very low values suggest a gradual transition between the structures of the two end constituents of the mixture. A weak dominance of the structure of the protic ionic liquid is nevertheless registered, due to a slight preferential formation of the network of hydrogen bonds, as reflected in the coordination number and the number of hydrogen bonds in the mixture. A novel conductivity curve showing pronounced deviations from the simple ideal mixing rule is reported, with three different regions defined by a local maximum - reflecting enhanced translational dynamics relative to ideal mixture behaviour - and a global minimum at intermediate concentrations. The physical origin of this behaviour is discussed along with the structure and single-particle dynamics of the mixture, and it is seen that these regions are defined by the onset of the formation of the EAN hydrogen bonded network (xEAN = 0.2) and the virtual disappearance of the structure of the aprotic ionic liquid at xEAN = 0.7. It is concluded that the delicate interplay between both networks has a deep effect on the placement and mobility of [EMIM](+) cations in the mixture all throughout the different stages of the structural transition, which seems to be the driving force behind the reported transport properties of the mixture at intermediate to high EAN concentrations.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(2): 1302-10, 2016 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26661060


In this work we study mechanisms of solvent-mediated ion interactions with charged surfaces in ionic liquids by molecular dynamics simulations, in an attempt to reveal the main trends that determine ion-electrode interactions in ionic liquids. We compare the interfacial behaviour of Li(+) and K(+) at a charged graphene sheet in a room temperature ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, and its mixtures with lithium and potassium tetrafluoroborate salts. Our results show that there are dense interfacial solvation structures in these electrolytes that lead to the formation of high free energy barriers for these alkali metal cations between the bulk and direct contact with the negatively charged surface. We show that the stronger solvation of Li(+) in the ionic liquid leads to the formation of significantly higher interfacial free energy barriers for Li(+) than for K(+). The high free energy barriers observed in our simulations can explain the generally high interfacial resistance in electrochemical storage devices that use ionic liquid-based electrolytes. Overcoming these barriers is the rate-limiting step in the interfacial transport of alkali metal ions and, hence, appears to be a major drawback for a generalised application of ionic liquids in electrochemistry. Some plausible strategies for future theoretical and experimental work for tuning them are suggested.

J Chem Phys ; 143(12): 124507, 2015 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26429024


We report a molecular dynamics study of the structure and single-particle dynamics of mixtures of a protic (ethylammonium nitrate) and an aprotic (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexaflurophosphate [BMIM][PF6]) room-temperature ionic liquids doped with magnesium and calcium salts with a common anion at 298.15 K and 1 atm. The solvation of these divalent cations in dense ionic environments is analyzed by means of apparent molar volumes of the mixtures, radial distribution functions, and coordination numbers. For the protic mixtures, the effect of salt concentration on the network of hydrogen bonds is also considered. Moreover, single-particle dynamics of the salt cations is studied by means of their velocity autocorrelation functions and vibrational densities of states, explicitly analyzing the influence of salt concentration, and cation charge and mass on these magnitudes. The effect of the valency of the salt cation on these properties is considered comparing the results with those for the corresponding mixtures with lithium salts. We found that the main structural and dynamic features of the local solvation of divalent cations in ionic liquids are similar to those of monovalent salts, with cations being localized in the polar nanoregions of the bulk mixture coordinated in monodentate and bidentate coordination modes by the [NO3](-) and [PF6](-) anions. However, stronger electrostatic correlations of these polar nanoregions than in mixtures with salts with monovalent cations are found. The vibrational modes of the ionic liquid (IL) are seen to be scarcely affected by the addition of the salt, and the effect of mass and charge on the vibrational densities of states of the dissolved cations is reported. Cation mass is seen to exert a deeper influence than charge on the low-frequency vibrational spectra, giving a red shift of the vibrational modes and a virtual suppression of the higher energy vibrational modes for the heavier Ca(2+) cations. No qualitative difference with monovalent cations was found in what solvation is concerned, which suggests that no enhanced reduction of the mobility of these cations and their complexes in ILs respective to those of monovalent cations is to be expected.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(7): 5298-307, 2015 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25609558


The bulk structure of mixtures of two protic ionic liquids, propylammonium nitrate and butylammonium nitrate, with a salt with a common anion, is analyzed at room temperature by means of small angle X-ray scattering and classical molecular dynamics simulations. The study of several structural properties, such as density, radial distribution functions, spatial distribution functions, hydrogen bonds, coordination numbers and velocity autocorrelation functions, demonstrates that increasing the alkyl chain length of the alkylammonium cation results in more segregated, better defined polar and apolar domains, the latter having a larger size. This increase, ascribed to the erosion of the H-bond network in the ionic liquid polar regions as salt is added, is confirmed by means of small angle X-ray scattering measurements, which show a clear linear increase of the characteristic spatial sizes of the studied protic ionic liquids with salt concentration, similar to that previously reported for ethylammonium nitrate (J. Phys. Chem. B, 2014, 118, 761-770). In addition, larger ionic liquid cations lead to a lower degree of hydrogen bonding and to more sparsely packed three-dimensional structures, which are more easily perturbed by the addition of lithium salts.

J Chem Phys ; 140(21): 214502, 2014 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24908021


In this work, the effect of molecular cosolvents (water, ethanol, and methanol) on the structure of mixtures of these compounds with a protic ionic liquid (ethylammonium nitrate) is analyzed by means of classical molecular dynamics simulations. Included are as-yet-unreported measurements of the densities of these mixtures, used to test our parameterized potential. The evolution of the structure of the mixtures throughout the concentration range is reported by means of the calculation of coordination numbers and the fraction of hydrogen bonds in the system, together with radial and spatial distribution functions for the various molecular species and molecular ions in the mixture. The overall picture indicates a homogeneous mixing process of added cosolvent molecules, which progressively accommodate themselves in the network of hydrogen bonds of the protic ionic liquid, contrarily to what has been reported for their aprotic counterparts. Moreover, no water clustering similar to that in aprotic mixtures is detected in protic aqueous mixtures, but a somehow abrupt replacing of [NO3](-) anions in the first hydration shell of the polar heads of the ionic liquid cations is registered around 60% water molar concentration. The spatial distribution functions of water and alcohols differ in the coordination type, since water coordinates with [NO3](-) in a bidentate fashion in the equatorial plane of the anion, while alcohols do it in a monodentate fashion, competing for the oxygen atoms of the anion. Finally, the collision times of the different cosolvent molecules are also reported by calculating their velocity autocorrelation functions, and a caging effect is observed for water molecules but not in alcohol mixtures.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(26): 13271-8, 2014 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24871696


We performed molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate with lithium tetrafluoroborate and potassium tetrafluoroborate between two charged and uncharged graphene walls, in order to analyze the structure of the well-known formation of layers that takes place on liquids under confinement. For this purpose, we studied the molecular density profiles, free energy profiles for bringing lithium and potassium cations from the bulk mixture to the graphene wall and the orientational distributions of imidazolium rings within the first adsorbed layer as a function of salt concentration and electrode potential. The charge densities in the electrodes were chosen to be zero and ±1 e nm(-2), and the salt molar percentages were %salt = 0, 10 and 25. We found that the layered structure extends up to 1-2 nm, where the bulk behaviour is recovered. In addition, whereas for the neutral surface the layers are composed of both ionic species, increasing the electrode potential, the structure changes to alternating cationic and anionic layers leading to an overcompensation of the charge of the previous layer. We also calculated the distribution of angles of imidazolium rings near neutral and charged graphene walls, finding a limited influence of the added salt. In addition, the average tilt of the imidazolium ring within the first layer goes from 36° with respect to a normal vector to the uncharged graphene wall to 62° in the presence of charged walls. The free energy profiles revealed that lithium and potassium ions are adsorbed on the negative surface only for the highest amount of salt, since the free energy barriers for approaching this electrode are considerably higher than kBT.

J Phys Chem B ; 118(3): 761-70, 2014 Jan 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24405468


The structure of solutions of lithium nitrate in a protic ionic liquid with a common anion, ethylammonium nitrate, at room temperature is investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Several structural properties, such as density, radial distribution functions, hydrogen bonds, spatial distribution functions, and coordination numbers, are analyzed in order to get a picture of the solvation of lithium cations in this hydrogen-bonded, amphiphilically nanostructured environment. The results reveal that the ionic liquid mainly retains its structure upon salt addition, the interaction between the ammonium group of the cation and the nitrate anion being only slightly perturbed by the addition of the salt. Lithium cations are solvated by embedding them in the polar nanodomains of the solution formed by the anions, where they coordinate with the latter in a solid-like fashion reminiscent of a pseudolattice structure. Furthermore, it is shown that the average coordination number of [Li](+) with the anions is 4, nitrate coordinating [Li](+) in both monodentate and bidentate ways, and that in the second coordination layer both ethylammonium cations and other lithiums are also found. Additionally, the rattling motion of lithium ions inside the cages formed by their neighboring anions, indicative of the so-called caging effect, is confirmed by the analysis of the [Li](+) velocity autocorrelation functions. The overall picture indicates that the solvation of [Li](+) cations in this amphiphilically nanostructured environment takes place by means of a sort of inhomogeneous nanostructural solvation, which we could refer to as nanostructured solvation, and which could be a universal solvation mechanism in ionic liquids.

J Phys Chem B ; 117(11): 3207-20, 2013 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23480174


Structural and dynamical properties of room-temperature ionic liquids containing the cation 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ([BMIM](+)) and three different anions (hexafluorophosphate, [PF6](-), tetrafluoroborate, [BF4](-), and bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [NTf2](-)) doped with several molar fractions of lithium salts with a common anion at 298.15 K and 1 atm were investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The effect of the size of the salt cation was also analyzed by comparing these results with those for mixtures of [BMIM][PF6] with NaPF6. Lithium/sodium solvation and ionic mobilities were analyzed via the study of radial distribution functions, coordination numbers, cage autocorrelation functions, mean-square displacements (including the analysis of both ballistic and diffusive regimes), self-diffusion coefficients of all the ionic species, velocity and current autocorrelation functions, and ionic conductivity in all the ionic liquid/salt systems. We found that lithium and sodium cations are strongly coordinated in two different positions with the anion present in the mixture. Moreover, [Li](+) and [Na](+) cations were found to form bonded-like, long-lived aggregates with the anions in their first solvation shell, which act as very stable kinetic entities within which a marked rattling motion of salt ions takes place. With very long MD simulation runs, this phenomenon is proved to be on the basis of the decrease of self-diffusion coefficients and ionic conductivities previously reported in experimental and computational results.

J Phys Chem B ; 116(20): 5941-50, 2012 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22587330


In this work, we used molecular dynamics simulations to analyze in detail the spatial distributions of the different constituents in mixtures of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate with three polar molecular species: water and two alcohols of different chain lengths (methanol and ethanol). In particular, we report results regarding the influence of the chosen species and its concentration on the formation of ionic and molecular clusters over the whole miscibility range, as well as on the angular distribution of polar molecules around the anion and the cation in these systems. Both analyses showed that addition of a molecular species breaks down the polar network of the pure ionic liquid in clusters whose mean size decreases progressively as more molecules are added. At very high concentrations of the molecular species, the ions are found to be isolated in mixtures with water and methanol, but they tend to form pairs in ethanol. In mixtures with water we identified large clusters that form a water network at very high water concentrations, while at low water concentrations polar molecules tend to form smaller aggregates. In contrast, in mixtures with alkanols there is no evidence of the formation of large alcohol clusters at any concentration. Spatial order in alcohol was also studied by means of the Kirkwood G factor, reaching the conclusion that the angular correlations which appear in pure alcohols due to dipole interactions are destroyed by the ionic liquid, even when present only in tiny amounts.

J Phys Chem B ; 115(51): 15313-22, 2011 Dec 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22145910


In this work, extensive molecular dynamics simulations of the dynamics of mixtures of ionic liquids (ILs) composed of the cation 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium and several anions of different hydrophobicity degrees (Cl(-), BF(4)(-), PF(6)(-)) with alcohols of different chain lengths (methanol and ethanol) are reported. We evaluated the influence of the nature of the anion, the length of the molecular chain of the alcohol, and the alcohol concentration on some dynamical properties of the mixtures, such as self-diffusion coefficients of all the species, mean square displacements (with an analysis of both ballistic and diffusive regimes), and velocity autocorrelation functions of alcohol molecules. The diffusivity of the mixtures was found to be highly dependent on the nature of the anion since the interaction between chloride and alcohols is greater than that with fluorinated anions and leads to slower dynamics. Additionally, our results show that self-diffusion coefficients increase with alcohol concentration. On the other hand, a subdiffusive regime over thousands of picoseconds was detected at intermediate times through analysis of the center-of-mass mean square displacements of alcohol molecules, a region that becomes narrower as alcohol concentration increases. Finally, the study of the role of the anion and of solvent concentration on velocity autocorrelation functions reflects an increase in mean collision times as the amount of alcohol increases until the value of pure alcohols is reached. These collision times are smaller in mixtures with halogenated ILs.

J Phys Chem B ; 115(21): 6995-7008, 2011 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21561120


We have performed extensive molecular dynamic simulations to analyze the influence of cation and anion natures, and of water concentration, on the structure and dynamics of water-1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquid mixtures. The dependence on water concentration of the radial distribution functions, coordination numbers, and hydrogen bonding degree between the different species has been systematically analyzed for different lengths of the cation alkyl chain (alkyl = ethyl, butyl, hexyl, and octyl) and several counterions. These include two halogens of different sizes and positions in Hoffmeister series, Cl(-) and Br(-), and the highly hydrophobic inorganic anion PF(6)(-) throughout its whole solubility regime. The formation of water clusters in the mixture has been verified, and the influences of both anion hydrophobicity and cation chain length on the structure and size of these clusters have been analyzed. The water cluster size is shown to be relatively independent of the cation chain length, but strongly dependent on the hydrophobicity of the anion, which also determines critically the network formation of water and therefore the miscibility of the ionic liquid. The greater influence of the anion relative to the cation one is seen to be reflected in all the analyzed physical properties. Finally, single-particle dynamics in IL-water mixtures is considered, obtaining the self-diffusion coefficients and the velocity autocorrelation functions of water molecules in the mixture, and analyzing the effect of cation, anion, and water concentration on the duration of the ballistic regime and on the time of transition to the diffusive regime. Complex non-Markovian behavior was detected at intermediate times within an interval progressively shorter as water concentration increases.
