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Sci Total Environ ; 951: 175327, 2024 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39111454


Many local agencies in the United States and other countries are tasked to install air pollution monitoring systems of highly accurate sensors that have high acquisition, operating, and maintenance costs. The need for expanded coverage of air quality measurements across Salt Lake County (SLCO), Utah is being met by mounting air quality and temperature sensors on an expanding fleet of battery electric buses (BEBs). Monitoring air quality from a mobile sensor network provides real-time insights into air pollution patterns at high temporal and spatial resolution. Mobile measurements contribute to assessing residents' exposure to air pollution, facilitating the implementation of cost-effective public health policies and highlighting disparities. The Electric Bus Air Quality Observation Project was launched in SLCO during July 2021 and has collected millions of observations to date. A BEB traveling at typical traffic speeds (~10 m s-1) can provide multiple measurements along city block lengths of up to ~200 m. With careful analysis that factors in the time response of the differing sensors, variability from block-to-block may be attributed to fine-scale factors (e.g., pollution and heat sources, tree shading and urban vegetation, etc.). Preliminary findings showcase the value of increased coverage and resolution. During an extreme heat event in July 2023, both the morning and afternoon temperature readings showed differences of over 6.5 °C (12 °F), primarily as an east-west gradient with similar gradients in ozone. We conclude that temperature and pollutant concentration readings, at fine spatial and temporal resolutions, will facilitate future health studies and equitable policy and mitigation strategies. Our study demonstrates that our partnerships established with governmental, non-profit, and transit agencies facilitate the successful transfer of research and development to operational real-time mobile air quality monitoring.

Bull Am Meteorol Soc ; 0: 1-94, 2021 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34446943


Wintertime episodes of high aerosol concentrations occur frequently in urban and agricultural basins and valleys worldwide. These episodes often arise following development of persistent cold-air pools (PCAPs) that limit mixing and modify chemistry. While field campaigns targeting either basin meteorology or wintertime pollution chemistry have been conducted, coupling between interconnected chemical and meteorological processes remains an insufficiently studied research area. Gaps in understanding the coupled chemical-meteorological interactions that drive high pollution events make identification of the most effective air-basin specific emission control strategies challenging. To address this, a September 2019 workshop occurred with the goal of planning a future research campaign to investigate air quality in Western U.S. basins. Approximately 120 people participated, representing 50 institutions and 5 countries. Workshop participants outlined the rationale and design for a comprehensive wintertime study that would couple atmospheric chemistry and boundary-layer and complex-terrain meteorology within western U.S. basins. Participants concluded the study should focus on two regions with contrasting aerosol chemistry: three populated valleys within Utah (Salt Lake, Utah, and Cache Valleys) and the San Joaquin Valley in California. This paper describes the scientific rationale for a campaign that will acquire chemical and meteorological datasets using airborne platforms with extensive range, coupled to surface-based measurements focusing on sampling within the near-surface boundary layer, and transport and mixing processes within this layer, with high vertical resolution at a number of representative sites. No prior wintertime basin-focused campaign has provided the breadth of observations necessary to characterize the meteorological-chemical linkages outlined here, nor to validate complex processes within coupled atmosphere-chemistry models.
