The research aimed to determine the scale of the potential contamination of the southern Baltic by substances from dumped chemical weapons, in the context of applying a strategy for detecting the potential releases of toxic materials. The research included the analysis of total arsenic in sediments, macrophytobenthos, fish, and yperite with derivatives and arsenoorganic compounds in sediments and as an integral part of the warning system the threshold values for arsenic in these matrices were set. Arsenic concentrations in sediments ranged from 11 to 18 mg kg-1 with an increase to 30 mg kg-1 in layers dated to 1940-1960, what was accompanied by the detection of triphenylarsine (600 mg kg-1). The presence of yperite or arsenoorganic-related chemical warfare agents was not confirmed in other areas. Arsenic ranged from 0.14 to 1.46 mg kg-1 in fish and from 0.8 to 3 mg kg-1 in macrophytobenthos.