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Mol Cell Ther ; 6(1)2018 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30815266


BACKGROUND: For many deadly viruses, there are no preventive and / or therapeutic vaccines approved by health authorities World-wide (e.g., HIV, Ebola, Dengue, and many others). Although, for some viruses, prophylactic vaccines are very effective (e.g., HBV, and many others).In this realm, we design, manufacture, test, and streamline into the clinics novel viral universal vaccines (VUV). VUV have such unique features, that medical vaccination or natural infection induced immunity against some viruses (e.g., HBV) upon the VUV's administration to the infected with other, different viruses patients, is redirected against these other, newly infecting viruses (e.g., HIV). SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this work was biomolecular engineering of the HIV universal vaccine comprising the two main functional domains: CD4 or anti-gp120 - as the HIV tagging domain and HBsAg - as the immune response eliciting domain, so that upon its administration the HBV medical immunization or natural infection induced immunity would be redirected, accelerated, and amplified to fight the HIV infection. HEALTHY DONORS AND PATIENTS: Per the Institutional Review Board approval and in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki, all healthy donors and patients were presented with the Patients' Bill of Rights and provided Patient Informed Consent. All the procedures were pursued by the licensed medical doctors. METHODS & RESULTS: We have biomolecularly engineered HIV universal vaccine (HIVUV) comprising human CD4 or anti-gp120 and HBsAg of HBV. By immunoblotting and magnetic activated molecular sorting, we have demonstrated high specificity of this vaccine in binding HIV. By flow cytometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, we have demonstrated high efficacy of these vaccines to engage HBV immunized patients' immune system against HIV. Administration of HIVUV to blood or lymph of the HIV+ patients resulted in rapid reduction of the HIV viremia down to undetectable. It also resulted in protection of populations of CD4+ cells against HIV caused decline. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated the proof of concept for high efficacy of VUV, specifically HIVUV, in annihilating HIV. Nevertheless, the same compositions, processes, and methods, for persons skilled in biotechnology, pharmacogenomics, and molecular medicine, are adaptable for other deadly viral infections, which we vigorously pursue.

Mol Cell Ther ; 6(1)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30931130


INTRODUCTION: HIV viremia is the essential element for progression of an initial HIV infection into AIDS and death. The currently approved management relies primarily on chemotherapy repressing the HIV replication in the infected CD4+ cells, although with severe systemic adverse effects. The problem is that it does not physically eliminate viruses, which then not only keep infecting healthy cells of these patients, but also promote infections of other people. SPECIFIC AIM: An overall objective of our work is biomolecular engineering of virus apheresis tags (VAT) that eliminate viremias without adverse effects. The specific aim of this project was biomolecular engineering of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Apheresis Tags (HIVAT): CD4-Au-Fe3O4, CD4-SiO2-Fe3O4, anti-gp120-Au-Fe3O4, and anti-gp120-SiO2-Fe3O4. HEALTHY DONORS AND PATIENTS: Per the Institutional Review Board's approval and in compliance with Declaration of Helsinki, healthy donors and patients were presented with Patient Bill of Rights and provided Patient Informed Consent, while all the procedures were pursued by the licensed physicians. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CD4, gp120, gp41, gp160, anti-gp120, p24 were transgenomically expressed. Superparamagnetic core-shell particles (SPM-CSP) were synthesized. SPM-CSP were used as the nucleation centers for assembling the expressed molecules upon them to create virus apheresis tags (VAT). VAT were injected into the blood or lymph acquired from the HIV+ and HBV+ patients followed by apheresis at 0.47 - 9.4 T. VAT efficacy in eliminating viremia was determined through immunoblots, NMR and q-RT-PCR. RESULTS: Treatment of blood or lymph of the HIV+ patients' with VAT followed by virus apheresis resulted in rapid elimination of the HIV viremia. Efficacy of apheresis was contingent upon the gravity of viremia versus doses and regimens of VAT. Importantly, administration of VAT also effectively improved levels of non-infected CD4+ lymphocytes. DISCUSSION / CONCLUSIONS: Herein, we present the proof of concept for a new, effective treatment with virus apheresis tags (VAT), specifically Human Immunodeficiency Virus Apheresis Tags (HIVAT), of the HIV+ patients' blood and lymph, which is eliminating the HIV viremia.It can be easily adapted as treatments of viremias perpetrated by other deadly viruses, which we vigorously pursue.

Clin Transl Med ; 5(1): 44, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27905089


BACKGROUND: Only eight women out of one hundred diagnosed with ovarian epithelial cancers, which progressed to the clinical stage IV, survive 10 years. First line therapies: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy inflict very serious iatrogenic consequences. Passive immunotherapy of ovarian cancers offers only low efficacy. Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for ovarian cancers are not available. Interestingly, prophylactic vaccines for Hepatitis B Viruses (HBV) are very effective. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this work was to design, synthesize, and administer biomolecules, which would engage prophylactic, vaccination-induced immunity for HBV towards killing of ovarian cancer cells with high specificity and efficacy. PATIENTS: Tissue biopsies, ascites, and blood were acquired from the patients, whose identities were entirely concealed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, pursuant to the Institutional Review Board approval, and with the Patients' informed consent. METHODS AND RESULTS: By biomolecular engineering, we have created a novel family of biomolecules: antibody × vaccine engineered constructs (AVEC: anti-HER-2 × HBsAg). We have collected the blood from the volunteers, and measured the titers of anti-HBV antibodies resulting from the FDA approved and CDC scheduled HBV vaccinations. We have acquired tumor biopsies, ascites, and blood from patients suffering from the advanced ovarian cancers. We have established cultures of HER-2 over-expressing epithelial ovarian cancers: OV-90, TOC-112D, SKOV-3, as well as human ovary surface epithelial (HOSE) and human artery endothelial (HAE) cells. Treatment of the HER-2+ ovarian cancer cells with AVEC: anti-HER-2 × HBsAg, accompanied by administration of blood drawn from patients with high titers of the anti-HBV antibodies, resulted in much higher therapeutic efficacy as compared to treatment with the naked anti-HER-2 antibodies alone and/or with the relevant isotype antibodies. This treatment had practically no effect upon the HOSE and HAE cells. DISCUSSION: Herein, we report attaining the great improvement in eradication efficacy of ovarian epithelial cancer cells' by engaging prophylactic immunity against HBV; thus creating a novel paradigm for immunotherapy of ovarian cancer. We have accomplished that by designing, synthesis, and administration of AVEC. Therefore, the HBV vaccination acquired immunity mounts immune response against the vaccine, but AVEC redirect, accelerate, and amplify this immune response of all the elements of the native and adaptive immune system against ovarian cancer. Our novel paradigm of immunotherapy is currently streamlined to clinical trials also of other cancers, while also engaging prophylactic and acquired immunity. CONCLUSION: Novel antibody-vaccine engineered constructs (AVEC) create the solid foundation for redirected, accelerated, and amplified prophylactic, HBV vaccination-induced immunity immunotherapy (RAAVIIT) of ovarian cancers.

Clin Transl Med ; 5(1): 32, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27539579


BACKGROUND: Immunotherapy of patients suffering from the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 overexpressing (HER-2(+)) breast cancers with the anti-HER-2 antibodies results in increase of the patients' overall survival. However, no prophylactic vaccine is available against HER-2(+) breast cancers. Although, prophylactic vaccine for human hepatitis B virus (HBV) is very effective. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this work was to design, synthesize, and test bio-molecules which would engage prophylactic immunity against hepatitis B virus towards killing breast cancers cells. METHODS AND RESULTS: By biomolecular engineering, we have created a novel family of biomolecules: antibody (anti-HER-2) × vaccine (HBsAg) engineered constructs (AVEC: anti-HER-2 × HBsAg). These biomolecules were utilized for redirecting, accelerating, and amplifying of the vaccination-induced, prophylactic immunity originally targeted against HBV as therapeutic immunity, newly targeted against HER-2(+) breast cancers. Treatment of the HER-2(+) breast cancer cells with AVEC: anti-HER-2 × HBsAg in blood of the patients, vaccinated with HBsAg, rapidly increased efficacy of killing of HER-2(+) breast cancer cells over that attained with the naked anti-HER-2 antibodies. CONCLUSION: Novel antibody-vaccine engineered constructs (AVEC) facilitate redirecting, accelerating, and amplifying of prophylactic, HBV vaccination-induced immunity as immunotherapy (RAAVIIT) of HER-2(+) breast cancer. We currently streamline this novel therapeutic paradigm into clinical trials of breast and other cancers.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26798564


INTRODUCTION: Neuroblastoma (NB), Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), clinically referred as the NB-HSCR-CCHS cluster, are genetic disorders linked to mutations in the PHOX2B gene on chromosome 4p12. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this project is to define the PHOX2B gene mutations as the genomic basis for the clinical manifestations of the NB-HSCR-CCHS cluster. PATIENT: A one day old male patient presented to the Jagiellonian University Medical College (JUMC), American Children Hospital, neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to abdominal distention, vomiting, and severe apneic episodes. With the preliminary diagnosis of the NB-HSCR-CCHS, the blood and tissue samples were acquired from the child, as well as from the child's parents. All procedures were pursued in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, with the patient's Guardian Informed Consent and the approval from the Institutional Review Board. GENETIC/GENOMIC METHODS: Karyotyping was analyzed based upon Giemsa banding. The patient's genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood and amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Direct microfluidic Sanger sequencing was performed on the genomic DNA amplicons. These procedures were pursued in addition to the routine clinical examinations and tests. RESULTS: G-banding showed the normal 46 XY karyotype. However, genomic sequencing revealed a novel, heterozygous deletion (8 nucleotides: c.699-706, del8) in exon 3 of the PHOX2B gene on chromosome 4. This led to the frame-shift mutation and malfunctioning gene expression product. CONCLUSION: Herein, we report a novel PHOX2B gene mutation in the patient diagnosed with the NB-HSCR-CCHS cluster. The resulting gene expression product may be a contributor to the clinical manifestations of these genetic disorders. It adds to the library of the mutations linked to this syndrome. Consequently, we suggest that screening for the PHOX2B mutations becomes an integral part of genetic counseling, genomic sequencing of fetal circulating nucleic acids and / or genomes of circulating fetal cells prenatally, while preparing supportive therapy upon delivery, as well as on neonates' genomes of intubated infants, when breathing difficulties occur upon extubation. Further, we hypothesize that PHOX2B may be considered as a potential target for gene therapy.

Mol Cell Ther ; 22014 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25132967


OBJECTIVE: Myocardial infarctions constitute a major factor contributing to non-natural mortality world-wide. Clinical trials of myocardial regenerative therapy, currently pursued by cardiac surgeons, involve administration of stem cells into the hearts of patients suffering from myocardial infarctions. Unfortunately, surgical acquisition of these cells from bone marrow or heart is traumatic, retention of these cells to sites of therapeutic interventions is low, and directed differentiation of these cells in situ into cardiomyocytes is difficult. The specific aims of this work were: (1) to generate autologous, human, pluripotent, induced stem cells (ahiPSCs) from the peripheral blood of the patients suffering myocardial infarctions; (2) to bioengineer heterospecific antibodies (htAbs) and use them for recruitment of the ahiPSCs to infarcted myocardium; (3) to initiate in situ directed cardiomyogenesis of the ahiPSCs retained to infarcted myocardium. METHODS: Peripheral blood was drawn from six patients scheduled for heart transplants. Mononuclear cells were isolated and reprogrammed, with plasmids carrying six genes (NANOG, POU5F1, SOX2, KLF4, LIN28A, MYC), to yield the ahiPSCs. Cardiac tissues were excised from the injured hearts of the patients, who received transplants during orthotopic surgery. These tissues were used to prepare in vitro models of stem cell therapy of infarcted myocardium. The htAbs were bioengineered, which simultaneously targeted receptors displayed on pluripotent stem cells (SSEA-4, SSEA-3, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81) and proteins of myocardial sarcomeres (myosin, α-actinin, actin, titin). They were used to bridge the ahiPSCs to the infarcted myocardium. The retained ahiPSCs were directed with bone morphogenetic proteins and nicotinamides to differentiate towards myocardial lineage. RESULTS: The patients' mononuclear cells were efficiently reprogrammed into the ahiPSCs. These ahiPSCs were administered to infarcted myocardium in in vitro models. They were recruited to and retained at the treated myocardium with higher efficacy and specificity, if were preceded with the htAbs, than with isotype antibodies or plain buffers. The retained cells differentiated into cardiomyocytes. CONCLUSIONS: The proof of concept has been attained, for reprogramming the patients' blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) into the ahiPSCs, recruiting these cells to infarcted myocardium, and initiating their cardiomyogenesis. This novel strategy is ready to support the ongoing clinical trials aimed at regeneration of infarcted myocardium.

Stem Cell Res Ther ; 5(3): 73, 2014 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25158017


Human pluripotent stem cells are the foundations of regenerative medicine. However, the worst possible complication of using pluripotent stem cells in therapy could be iatrogenic cancerogenesis. Nevertheless, despite the rapid progress in the development of new techniques for induction of pluripotency and for directed differentiation, risks of cancerogenic transformation of therapeutically implanted pluripotent stem cells still persist. 'Above all, do no harm', as quoted from the Hippocratic Oath, is our ultimate creed. Therefore, the primary goal in designing any therapeutic regimes involving stem cells should be the elimination of any possibilities of their neoplasmic transformation. I review here the basic strategies that have been designed to attain this goal: sorting out undifferentiated, pluripotent stem cells with antibodies targeting surface-displayed biomarkers; sorting in differentiating cells, which express recombinant proteins as reporters; killing undifferentiated stem cells with toxic antibodies or antibody-guided toxins; eliminating undifferentiated stem cells with cytotoxic drugs; making potentially tumorigenic stem cells sensitive to pro-drugs by transformation with suicide-inducing genes; eradication of differentiation-refractive stem cells by self-triggered transgenic expression of human recombinant DNases. Every pluripotent undifferentiated stem cell poses a risk of neoplasmic transformation. Therefore, the aforementioned or other novel strategies that would safeguard against iatrogenic transformation of these stem cells should be considered for incorporation into every stem cell therapy trial.

Doença Iatrogênica/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias/etiologia , Neoplasias/prevenção & controle , Células-Tronco Pluripotentes/transplante , Transplante de Células-Tronco/efeitos adversos , Transformação Celular Neoplásica/genética , Humanos
J Cancer Res Ther (Manch) ; 2(1): 22-33, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24860662


INTRODUCTION: Diagnosis and therapy of cancer remain to be the greatest challenges for all physicians working in clinical oncology and molecular medicine. The statistics speak for themselves with the grim reports of 1,638,910 men and women diagnosed with cancer and nearly 577,190 patients passed away due to cancer in the USA in 2012. For practicing clinicians, who treat patients suffering from advanced cancers with contemporary systemic therapies, the main challenge is to attain therapeutic efficacy, while minimizing side effects. Unfortunately, all contemporary systemic therapies cause side effects. In treated patients, these side effects may range from nausea to damaged tissues. In cancer survivors, the iatrogenic outcomes of systemic therapies may include genomic mutations and their consequences. Therefore, there is an urgent need for personalized and targeted therapies. Recently, we reviewed the current status of suicide gene therapy for cancer. Herein, we discuss the novel strategy: genetically engineered stem cells' guided gene therapy. REVIEW OF THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES IN PRECLINICAL AND CLINICAL TRIALS: Stem cells have the unique potential for self renewal and differentiation. This potential is the primary reason for introducing them into medicine to regenerate injured or degenerated organs, as well as to rejuvenate aging tissues. Recent advances in genetic engineering and stem cell research have created the foundations for genetic engineering of stem cells as the vectors for delivery of therapeutic transgenes. Specifically in oncology, the stem cells are genetically engineered to deliver the cell suicide inducing genes selectively to the cancer cells only. Expression of the transgenes kills the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unaffected. Herein, we present various strategies to bioengineer suicide inducing genes and stem cell vectors. Moreover, we review results of the main preclinical studies and clinical trials. However, the main risk for therapeutic use of stem cells is their cancerous transformation. Therefore, we discuss various strategies to safeguard stem cell guided gene therapy against iatrogenic cancerogenesis. PERSPECTIVES: Defining cancer biomarkers to facilitate early diagnosis, elucidating cancer genomics and proteomics with modern tools of next generation sequencing, and analyzing patients' gene expression profiles provide essential data to elucidate molecular dynamics of cancer and to consider them for crafting pharmacogenomics-based personalized therapies. Streamlining of these data into genetic engineering of stem cells facilitates their use as the vectors delivering therapeutic genes into specific cancer cells. In this realm, stem cells guided gene therapy becomes a promising new frontier in personalized and targeted therapy of cancer.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25642355


INTRODUCTION: Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Ulcerative Colitis (UC), and Crohn's Disease (CD) manifest as various, multiple symptoms from malfunctioning and/or damaged gastrointestinal tract, which plague the patients. These symptoms result from the dysfunctional expression products of the specific mutations of the genes, which either manifest upon birth (CF) or later in life in immuno-genetically susceptible individuals as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). They all may potentially lead to malnutrition of the patients. Since only correcting the mutated genes, may cure these diseases permanently, the works on the future safe gene therapies continue vigorously. However, provision of the necessary nutrients to the suffering patients is the requirement for an effective, supportive care at present. In this realm, we have developed a model of the diseased gastrointestinal tract aimed to guide designing and testing various nutritional therapies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It is well known that inflammatory bowel diseases induce crypts within the patients' gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, we have bioengineered, a novel, three-dimensional model of the gastrointestinal tract to evaluate the rheology of different types of nutrients. The model was assembled out of the bio-inert polymer tube with openings leading to vials of different shapes and sizes, as the simulation of the gastrointestinal tract altered by the diseases to contain multiple crypts. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed three-dimensional model effectively simulates the structure and functions of the gastrointestinal tract of the patients with mild and severe Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, and Cystic Fibrosis. This model should allow us to design and test different nutritional supplements, with properties complementing the pathologically altered by the diseases functionalities of the patients' gastrointestinal tracts. Therefore, it should help us to design the effective supportive therapies; thus to prevent the patients' malnutrition.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24294541


Current cancer treatments may create profound iatrogenic outcomes. The adverse effects of these treatments still remain, as the serious problems that practicing physicians have to cope with in clinical practice. Although, non-specific cytotoxic agents constitute an effective treatment modality against cancer cells, they also tend to kill normal, quickly dividing cells. On the other hand, therapies targeting the genome of the tumors are both under investigation, and some others are already streamlined to clinical practice. Several approaches have been investigated in order to find a treatment targeting the cancer cells, while not affecting the normal cells. Suicide gene therapy is a therapeutic strategy, in which cell suicide inducing transgenes are introduced into cancer cells. The two major suicide gene therapeutic strategies currently pursued are: cytosine deaminase/5-fluorocytosine and the herpes simplex virus/ganciclovir. The novel strategies include silencing gene expression, expression of intracellular antibodies blocking cells' vital pathways, and transgenic expression of caspases and DNases. We analyze various elements of cancer cells' suicide inducing strategies including: targets, vectors, and mechanisms. These strategies have been extensively investigated in various types of cancers, while exploring multiple delivery routes including viruses, non-viral vectors, liposomes, nanoparticles, and stem cells. We discuss various stages of streamlining of the suicide gene therapy into clinical oncology as applied to different types of cancer. Moreover, suicide gene therapy is in the center of attention as a strategy preventing cancer from developing in patients participating in the clinical trials of regenerative medicine. In oncology, these clinical trials are aimed at regenerating, with the aid of stem cells, of the patients' organs damaged by pathologic and/or iatrogenic factors. However, the stem cells carry the risk of neoplasmic transformation. We discuss cell suicide inducing strategies aimed at preventing stem cell-originated cancerogenesis.

J Stem Cell Res Ther ; 3(2)2013 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23956947


Clinical trials, to regenerate the human heart injured by myocardial infarction, involve the delivery of stem cells to the site of the injury. However, only a small fraction of the introduced stem cells are detected at the site of the injury, merely two weeks after this therapeutic intervention. This significantly hampers the effectiveness of the stem cell therapy. To resolve the aforementioned problem, we genetically and molecularly bioengineered heterospecific, tetravalent antibodies (htAbs), which have both exquisite specificity and high affinity towards human, pluripotent, stem cells through the htAbs' domains binding SSEA-4, SSEA-3, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81, as well as towards the injured cardiac muscle through the htAbs' domains binding human cardiac myosin, α-actinin, actin, and titin. The cardiac tissue was acquired from the patients, who were receiving heart transplants. The autologous, human, induced, pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were generated from the patients' fibroblasts by non-viral delivery and transient expression of the DNA constructs for: Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, Lin28, Klf4, c-Myc. In the trials involving the htAbs, the human, induced, pluripotent stem cells anchored to the myocardial sarcomeres with the efficiency, statistically, significantly higher, than in the trials with non-specific or without antibodies (p < 0.0003). Moreover, application of the htAbs resulted in cross-linking of the sarcomeric proteins to create the stable scaffolds for anchoring of the stem cells. Thereafter, these human, induced pluripotent stem cells differentiated into cardiomyocytes at their anchorage sites. By bioengineering of these novel heterospecific, tetravalent antibodies and using them to guide and to anchor the stem cells specifically to the stabilized sarcomeric scaffolds, we demonstrated the proof of concept in vitro for improving effectiveness of regenerative therapy of myocardial infarction and created the foundations for the trials in vivo.

J Stem Cell Res Ther ; 3(1)2013 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23772337


INTRODUCTION: Cancer of the testes is currently the most frequent neoplasm and a leading cause of morbidity in men 15-35 years of age. Its incidence is increasing. Embryonal carcinoma is its most malignant form, which either may be resistant or may develop resistance to therapies, which results in relapses. Cancer stem cells are hypothesized to be drivers of these phenomena. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this work was identification and isolation of spectra of single, living cancer stem cells, which were acquired directly from the patients' biopsies, followed by testing of their pluripotency. PATIENTS METHODS: Biopsies were obtained from the patients with the clinical and histological diagnoses of the primary, pure embryonal carcinomas of the testes. The magnetic and fluorescent antibodies were genetically engineered. The SSEA-4 and TRA-1-60 cell surface display was analyzed by multiphoton fluorescence spectroscopy (MPFS), flow cytometry (FCM), immunoblotting (IB), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS), and total reflection x-ray spectroscopy (TRXFS). The single, living cells were isolated by magnetic or fluorescent sorting followed by their clonal expansion. The OCT4A, SOX2, and NANOG genes' transcripts were analyzed by qRTPCR and the products by IB and MPFS. RESULTS: The clones of cells, with the strong surface display of TRA-1-60 and SSEA-4, were identified and isolated directly from the biopsies acquired from the patients diagnosed with the pure embryonal carcinomas of the testes. These cells demonstrated high levels of transcription and translation of the pluripotency genes: OCT4A, SOX2, and NANOG. They formed embryoid bodies, which differentiated into ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. CONCLUSION: In the pure embryonal carcinomas of the testes, acquired directly from the patients, we identified, isolated with high viability and selectivity, and profiled the clones of the pluripotent stem cells. These results may help in explaining therapy-resistance and relapses of these neoplasms, as well as, in designing targeted, personalized therapy.

J Genet Syndr Gene Ther ; 4(6): 152, 2013 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24587967


INTRODUCTION: Ovarian cancer is the most deadly among all gynecological cancers. Patients undergoing systemic therapies of advanced ovarian cancers suffer from horrendous side effects. Cancer survivors and their offspring suffer from iatrogenic consequences of systemic therapies: genetic mutations. The ultimate goal of our work is development of therapies, which selectively and completely eliminate cancer cells, but do not harm healthy cells. An important consideration for attaining this goal is the fact that ovarian cancer cells over-express EGFR or its mutants, what becomes the factor discriminating them from healthy cells - a potential facilitator of personalized therapy. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this project was threefold: (1) to bioengineer suicide genes' carrying vectors guided by synthetic antibodies for EGFRvIII and EGFR; (2) to genetically engineer DNA constructs for the human, recombinant DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, and DFFB controlled by the EGFR promoter; (3) to selectively eradicate ovarian cancer cells by intranuclear targeting of the transgenically expressed recombinant DNases. METHODS: Synthetic antibodies for EGFR and EGFRvIII were selected from the human library and used to bioengineer biotag-guided transgenes' vectors. Coding sequences for the human DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, DFFB controlled by the EGFR promoter were amplified from the human cDNA and genetically engineered into the plasmid constructs also coding for the fusions with NLS and GFP. The vectors carrying transgenes for the DNases were delivered in vitro into human ovarian cancer cells from ascites and cultures. RESULTS: Synthetic antibody guided vectors delivered the transgenes for the recombinant DNases efficiently into the ovarian cancer cells. Transgenic expression and nuclear targeting of the DNases in those cells resulted in destruction of their genomes and led to their death, as validated by labeling with the molecular death tags. In healthy cells, which did not over-express EGFR, no changes were recorded. CONCLUSION: Targeted expression of the recombinant DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, DFFB in the ovarian cancers in vitro resulted in their complete eradication, but had no effects upon the healthy cells. This novel therapeutic strategy has a potential for streamlining it into in vivo trials, as personalized, targeted therapy of ovarian and other cancers.

Mol Cell Ther ; 12013 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25045527


BACKGROUND: Ongoing clinical trials, in regenerative therapy of patients suffering from myocardial infarctions, rely primarily upon administration of bone marrow stem cells to the infarcted zones. Unfortunately, low retention of these cells, to the therapeutic delivery sites, reduces effectiveness of this strategy; thus it has been identified as the most critical problem for advancement of cardiac regenerative medicine. SPECIFIC AIMS: The specific aim of this work was three-fold: (1) to isolate highly viable populations of human, autologous CD34+, CD117+, and CD133+ bone marrow stem cells; (2) to bioengineer heterospecific, tetravalent antibodies and to use them for recruiting of the stem cells to regenerated zones of infarcted myocardium; (3) to direct vasculogenesis of the retained stem cells with the defined factors. PATIENTS METHODS: Cardiac tissue was biopsied from the hearts of the patients, who were receiving orthotopic heart transplants after multiple cardiac infarctions. This tissue was used to engineer fully human in vitro models of infarcted myocardium. Bone marrow was acquired from these patients. The marrow cells were sorted into populations of cells displaying CD34, CD117, and CD133. Heterospecific, tetravalent antibodies were bioengineered to bridge CD34, CD117, CD133 displayed on the stem cells with cardiac myosin of the infarcted myocardium. The sorted stem cells were administered to the infarcted myocardium in the in vitro models. RESULTS: Administration of the bioengineered, heterospecific antibodies preceding administration of the stem cells greatly improved the stem cells' recruitment and retention to the infarcted myocardium. Treatment of the retained stem cells with vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin efficiently directed their differentiation into endothelial cells, which expressed vascular endothelial cadherin, platelet / endothelial cell adhesion molecule, claudin, and occludin, while forming tight and adherens junctions. CONCLUSIONS: This novel strategy improved retention of the patients' autologous bone marrow stem cells to the infarcted myocardium followed by directed vasculogenesis. Therefore, it is worth pursuing it in support of the ongoing clinical trials of cardiac regenerative therapy.

J Stem Cell Res Ther ; Suppl 9(5)2013 Jul 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25045589


INTRODUCTION: The worst possible complication of using stem cells for regenerative therapy is iatrogenic cancerogenesis. The ultimate goal of our work is to develop a self-triggering feedback mechanism aimed at causing death of all stem cells, which resist directed differentiation, keep proliferating, and can grow into tumors. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim was threefold: (1) to genetically engineer the DNA constructs for the human, recombinant DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, DFFB controlled by POLA promoter; (2) to bioengineer anti-SSEA-4 antibody guided vectors delivering transgenes to human undifferentiated and proliferating pluripotent stem cells; (3) to cause death of proliferating and directed differentiation resisting stem cells by transgenic expression of the human recombinant the DNases (hrDNases). METHODS: The DNA constructs for the human, recombinant DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, DFFB controlled by POLA promoter were genetically engineered. The vectors targeting specifically SSEA-4 expressing stem cells were bioengineered. The healthy volunteers' bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) were induced into human, autologous, pluripotent stem cells with non-integrating plasmids. Directed differentiation of the induced stem cells into endothelial cells was accomplished with EGF and BMP. The anti-SSEA 4 antibodies' guided DNA vectors delivered the transgenes for the human recombinant DNases' into proliferating stem cells. RESULTS: Differentiation of the pluripotent induced stem cells into the endothelial cells was verified by highlighting formation of tight and adherens junctions through transgenic expression of recombinant fluorescent fusion proteins: VE cadherin, claudin, zona occludens 1, and catenin. Proliferation of the stem cells was determined through highlighting transgenic expression of recombinant fluorescent proteins controlled by POLA promoter, while also reporting expression of the transgenes for the hrDNases. Expression of the transgenes for the DNases resulted in complete collapse of the chromatin architecture and degradation of the proliferating cells' genomic DNA. The proliferating stem cells, but not the differentiating ones, were effectively induced to die. CONCLUSION: Herein, we describe attaining the proof-of-concept for the strategy, whereby transgenic expression of the genetically engineered human recombinant DNases in proliferating and directed differentiation resisting stem cells leads to their death. This novel strategy reduces the risk of iatrogenic neoplasms in stem cell therapy.

J Fertili In Vitro ; 2012(2): 108-118, 2012 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22896814


The molecular architecture of Nuclear Pore Complexes (NPCs), as well as the import and export of molecules through them, has been intensively studied in a variety of cells, including oocytes. However, the structures and mechanisms, involved in the transport of molecules beyond the NPCs, remained unclear, until now. The specific aim of this work was, therefore, to determine, if there exist any intranuclear structures in continuum with the NPCs. This information could help in explaining the mechanisms, which propel the distribution of biomolecules and vectors inside the cell nuclei.To attain this aim, we used rapid cryo-immobilization to capture molecular processes of living cells with millisecond resolution. We pursued molecular imaging, including electron energy loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, to reveal structures with nanometer spatial resolution. We also bioengineered single chain variable fragments to track biomolecules and transgenes' constructs.Herein, we reveal the Nuclear Routing Networks (NRNs) in the oocytes of Xenopus laevis. The NRNs originate at and extend from the tops of intranuclear baskets of the NPCs to interconnect them, while creating a complex, intra-nuclear, three-dimensional architecture. The NRNs guide the export of both tRNA, as well as the Nuclear Export Signal (NES) equipped vectors, from the nuclei. Moreover, the NRNs guide the import of both nucleoplasmin, as well as the Nuclear Localization Signals (NLS) modified transgenes' vectors, into the nuclei. The vectors equipped with these NLS and NES shuttle back and forth through the NPCs and NRNs.To summarize, we reveal the NRN, which functions as the guided distribution system in the Xenopus laevis oocytes' nuclei. We further proceed with the identification of its molecular components.

J Genet Syndr Gene Ther ; 2012(3)2012 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23330070


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) predict that 1,638,910 men and women will be diagnosed with cancer in the USA in 2012. Nearly 577,190 patients will die of cancer of all sites this year. Patients undergoing current systemic therapies will suffer multiple side effects from nausea to infertility. Potential parents, when diagnosed with cancer, will have to deposit oocytes or sperm prior to starting systemic radiation or chemo-therapy for the future genetic testing and in vitro fertilization, while trying to avoid risks of iatrogenic mutations in their germ cells. Otherwise, children of parents treated with systemic therapies, will be at high risk of developing genetic disorders. According to these predictions, this year will carry another, very poor therapeutic record again.The ultimate goal of cancer therapy is the complete elimination of all cancer cells, while leaving all healthy cells unharmed. One of the most promising therapeutic strategies in this regard is cancer suicide gene therapy (CSGT), which is rapidly progressing into new frontiers.The therapeutic success, in CSGT, is primarily contingent upon precision in delivery of the therapeutic transgenes to the cancer cells only. This is addressed by discovering and targeting unique or / and over-expressed biomarkers displayed on the cancer cells and cancer stem cells. Specificity of cancer therapeutic effects is further enhanced by designing the DNA constructs, which put the therapeutic genes under the control of the cancer cell specific promoters. The delivery of the suicidal genes to the cancer cells involves viral, as well as synthetic vectors, which are guided by cancer specific antibodies and ligands. The delivery options also include engineered stem cells with tropisms towards cancers. Main mechanisms inducing cancer cells' deaths include: transgenic expression of thymidine kinases, cytosine deaminases, intracellular antibodies, telomeraseses, caspases, DNases. Precautions are undertaken to eliminate the risks associated with transgenesis.Progress in genomics and proteomics should help us in identifying the cancer specific biomarkers and metabolic pathways for developing new strategies towards clinical trials of targeted and personalized gene therapy of cancer.

J Fertili In Vitro ; 2(4)2012 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23275893


In health and disease, biomolecules, which are involved in gene expression, recombination, or reprogramming have to traffic through the nucleoplasm, between nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and genomic DNA (gDNA). This trafficking is guided by the recently revealed nuclear routing networks (NRNs).In this study, we aimed to investigate, if the NRNs have established associations with the genomic DNA in situ and if the NRNs have capabilities to bind the DNA de novo. Moreover, we aimed to study further, if nucleoplasmic trafficking of the histones, rRNA, and transgenes' vectors, between the NPCs and gDNA, is guided by the NRNs.We used Xenopus laevis oocytes as the model system. We engineered the transgenes' DNA vectors equipped with the SV40 LTA nuclear localization signals (NLS) and/or HIV Rev nuclear export signals (NES). We purified histones, 5S rRNA, and gDNA. We rendered all these molecules superparamagnetic and fluorescent for detection with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).The NRNs span between the NPCs and genomic DNA. They form firm bonds with the gDNA in situ. After complete digestion of the nucleic acids with the RNases and DNases, the newly added DNA - modified with the dNTP analogs, bonds firmly to the NRNs. Moreover, the NRNs guide the trafficking of the DNA transgenes' vectors - modified with the SV40 LTA NLS, following their import into the nuclei through the NPCs. The pathway is identical to that of histones. The NRNs also guide the trafficking of the DNA transgenes' vectors, modified with the HIV Rev NES, to the NPCs, followed by their export out of the nuclei. Ribosomal RNAs follow the same pathway.To summarize, the NRNs are the structures connecting the NPCs and the gDNA. They guide the trafficking of the biomolecules between the NPCs and the gDNA.

J Stem Cell Res Ther ; 2(5)2012 Nov 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23293749


INTRODUCTION: Embryonal carcinoma of the ovary (ECO), pure or admixed to other tumors, is the deadly gynecological cancer. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this work was identification, isolation, clonal expansion, and molecular profiling of the pluripotent cells in the embryonal carcinomas of the ovaries. PATIENTS METHODS: The samples were acquired from the patients, who were clinically and histopathologically diagnosed with the advanced, pure embryonal carcinomas of the ovaries. The cell surface display of the TRA-1-60 and SSEA-4 was analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM), immunoblotting (IB), multiphoton fluorescence spectroscopy (MPFS), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS), and total reflection x-ray spectroscopy (TRXFS). The transcripts of the Oct4A and Nanog were analyzed by qRTPCR and MPFS and the products by MPFS. The human pluripotent, embryonic stem cells (ESC), human pluripotent, embryonal carcinoma of the testes (ECT), healthy tissues of the ovary (HTO), healthy tissue of testes (HTT), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) served as the controls. RESULTS: The studied embryonal carcinomas of the ovaries (ECOs) contained the cells with the strong surface display of the TRA-1-60 and SSEA-4, which was similar to the pluripotent ESC and ECT. Their morphology was consistent with the histopathological diagnosis. Moreover, these cells showed strong expression of the Oct4A and Nanog, which was similar to the pluripotent ESC and ECT. The ECO cells formed embryoid bodies, which differentiated into ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. These cells were induced to differentiate into muscles, epithelia, and neurons. CONCLUSION: Herein, we revealed presence and identified molecular profiles of the clones of the pluripotent stem cells in the embryonal carcinomas of the ovaries. These results should help us with refining molecular diagnoses of these deadly neoplasms and design biomarker-targeted, patient-centered, personalized therapy.

Gene ; 493(1): 132-9, 2012 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22155315


The first step towards effective therapy of cancer is to reveal molecular profiles of all cell clones propelling tumor growth. The specific aim of this project was to develop a technology helping us to isolate patient's single, living cells based upon their cancer-specific, cell surface biomarkers, to reveal their molecular profiles, and to isolate, from these selected cells, intact chromosomes for in situ hybridization (FISH) and for next generation sequencing (NGS). We attained this aim, while probing the cells from the ovarian cancer patients. Ovarian cancer is the most deadly of all gynecological cancers. In most of the patients with the advanced stages of this cancer, the gene for epidermal growth factors receptor (EGFR) is mutated, as the deletion variant III, resulting in the truncated transcripts and products. From these patients, we collected cells from peritoneal fluid, blood, lymph, and biopsies. We genetically engineered fluorescent and superparamagnetic single chain variable fragments (scFvs) targeting EGFRwt and EGFRvIII. Using these scFvs, we isolated single, living ovarian cancer cells and analyzed their transcripts and products. We further genetically engineered scFv targeting dsDNA. Using these scFvs, we isolated the entire single, intact chromosomes from the selected, single ovarian cancer cells for NGS and for liquid phase FISH. This novel work-flow opens new routes not only for molecular profiling of the entire spectrum of cancer cell clones in the diagnosed patient, one cell clone at a time, but also for manufacturing targeted contrast for in vivo imaging and for designing and guiding targeted delivery of therapeutic genes in cancer therapy.

Cromossomos/genética , Receptores ErbB/genética , Neoplasias Ovarianas/genética , DNA Recombinante , Feminino , Marcação de Genes , Humanos , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Anticorpos de Cadeia Única/genética