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Rev. argent. microbiol ; 54(1): 21-30, mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407163


Abstract Campylobacter fetus fetus (Cff) is a major infectious cause of abortion in sheep worldwide, and an opportunistic human pathogen. Information on Cff as an ovine abortifacient in South America is limited. We describe a case of abortion caused by a multidrug resistant strain of Cff in a sheep in Uruguay. In August 2017, 3/57 pregnant ewes (5.3%) aborted whithin one week. Histopathologic examination of the placenta of an aborted ewe revealed severe neutrophilic and fibrinonecrotizing placentitis with vasculitis and thrombosis of the chorionic arterioles. Cff was isolated on microaerobic culture in Skirrow agar, and further confirmed by 16S rDNA PCR amplification and sequencing, and endpoint and real time PCR assays. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing revealed resistance to tetracyclines, nalidixic acid, telithromycin and clindamycin. Other abortifacients were not detected. Further studies are necessary to determine the geographic distribution, ecology, epidemiology, economic impact, and antimicrobial resistance of Cff in sheep flocks in Uruguay.

Resumen Campylobacter fetus fetus (Cff) es una importante causa de abortos en ovinos y un patógeno oportunista en humanos. La información sobre Cff como abortifaciente en ovinos en Sudamérica es limitada. Describimos un caso de aborto causado por una cepa de Cff mul tirresistente a antibióticos en una oveja en Uruguay. En agosto de 2017, 3/57 ovejas prenadas (5,3%) abortaron en una semana. El examen histopatológico de la placenta de una de ellas reveló placentitis neutrofílica fibrinonecrosante severa, vasculitis y trombosis. Cff fue aislado en microaerobiosis en agar Skirrow, y confirmado mediante amplificación del ADNr 16S por PCR seguida de secuenciación, y por PCR punto final y qPCR. Las pruebas de sensibilidad antimicrobiana revelaron resistencia a tetraciclinas, ácido nalidíxico, telitromicina y clindamicina. No se detectaron otros abortifacientes. Son necesarios más estudios para determinar la distribución geográfica, ecología, epidemiología, el impacto económico y la resistencia antimicrobiana de Cff en majadas ovinas de Uruguay.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 52(2): 41-50, jun. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155695


Resumen A pesar de su importancia, el diagnóstico etiológico del aborto en bovinos representa un desafío técnico para los veterinarios clínicos y laboratoristas, en parte debido a la dificultad de recuperar los fetos abortados en condiciones extensivas de campo. Dicha dificultad limita la posibilidad de detectar tempranamente los vientres abortados y de efectuar la investigación patológica y microbiológica de los abortos. Neospora caninum es un protozoario cosmopolita identificado como uno de los principales agentes abortigénicos en bovinos. En este estudio proponemos una aproximación seroepidemiológica para diagnosticar abortos por N. caninum en bovinos lecheros usando kits de ELISA comerciales. Se procesaron muestras de entre 12 y 93 vacas y/o vaquillonas con (casos) y sin (controles) historia reciente de aborto en 4 tambos comerciales de Uruguay. La proporción controles:casos analizados varió entre 1:1 y 4,6:1. Las muestras (n=230) fueron analizadas mediante 3 kits comerciales para la detección de anticuerpos IgG anti-N. caninum. En los 4 tambos la proporción de vacas y/o vaquillonas seropositivas por cualquier kit fue significativamente mayor en los casos respecto de los controles (odds ratio=5,13 a 36; p=0,0002 a 0,0485). La concordancia entre los kits varió de débil a fuerte (coeficiente Kappa de Cohen=0,58 a 0,83). Concluimos que, a pesar de la imperfecta concordancia entre estos kits, el empleo de todos ellos permitió arribar a conclusiones similares respecto de la asociación estadísticamente significativa entre seropositividad a N. caninum y aborto, lo que demuestra la utilidad de estos kits para la aproximación diagnóstica del aborto a nivel poblacional en condiciones de campo.

Abstract Bovine abortion causes considerable economic losses to the livestock industry worldwide and is of concern for public health and food safety, given that many abortigenic infectious agents of cattle are zoonotic. Despite its importance, the etiological diagnosis of abortion in cattle is challenging both for veterinary practitioners and laboratory technicians, partly due to the difficulty in recovering aborted fetuses under extensive field conditions for pathological and microbiological diagnostic investigation, and in the early identification of aborted dams. Neospora caninum is a cosmopolitan protozoon identified as one of the main abortigenic agents in cattle worldwide. In this study we propose a comparative seroepidemiological approach for the diagnosis of abortion by N. caninum in dairy cattle. Samples from 12 to 93 cows/heifers with and without recent history of abortion (cases and controls) in four commercial dairy farms were tested. The ratio of controls to cases tested varied from 1:1 to 4.6:1. All samples (n=230) were analyzed by three commercial ELISA kits for the detection of anti-N. caninum antibodies. In all four dairy farms, the proportion of seropositive cows and/or heifers per kit was significantly higher in the cases than in the controls (Odds Ratios=5.13 to 36, p=0.0002 to 0.0485). The agreement among the three kits varied from weak to strong (Cohen´s kappa coefficients=0.58 to 0.83). We conclude that, despite the imperfect agreement between these kits, all of them allowed to arrive at similar conclusions regarding the statistical association between N. caninum seropositivity and abortion, thus representing a useful tool for the diagnostic approach at the population level under field conditions.

Front Vet Sci ; 5: 321, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30619902


Bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BGC) is a venereal infectious disease that affects reproduction. It is caused by the Gram-negative bacillus Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis (Cfv), which may include the biotype intermedius. The bull is a lifelong asymptomatic carrier and transmitter of the disease. In females Cfv may cause infertility and sporadic abortion. The objective of this study is to review and discuss methods for the diagnosis of BGC, its prevalence and economic impact in South America. BGC is a worldwide distributed disease and can cause a pregnancy rate decrease of 15-25%. The farm prevalence of BGC in different regions of South American countries shows a variation between 2.3 and 100%. Discrepancies may depend on the differences on sanitary, management, and reproductive practices between farms and regions, but also on the interpretation of different diagnostic tests. Currently known laboratory tests include bacterial culture, direct immunofluorescence, immunoenzymatic assays, vaginal mucus agglutination test, PCR-based methods, histology and immunohistochemistry, which are applied and interpreted in diagnostic laboratories at different scales. Epidemiologic data of BGC in South America should be interpreted with caution. High prevalence has been reported in some studies, although the low specificity of the diagnostic tests used could lead to an overestimation of the results.
