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Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 103507, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399930


A prototype of an infrared imaging bolometer (IRVB) was successfully tested on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak at the end of its 2016 campaign. The IRVB method interprets the power radiated from the plasma by measuring the temperature rise of a thin, ∼2 µm, Pt absorber that is placed in the torus vacuum and exposed, using a pinhole camera, to the full-spectrum of plasma's photon emission. The IRVB installed on C-Mod viewed the poloidal cross section of the core plasma and observed Ohmic and ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF)-heated plasmas. Analysis of total radiated power and on-axis emissivity from IRVB is summarized, and quantitative comparisons made to data from both resistive bolometers and AXUV diodes. IRVB results are clearly within a factor of two, but additional effort is needed for it to be used to fully support power exhaust research. The IRVB is shown to be immune to electromagnetic interference from ICRF which strongly impacts C-Mod's resistive bolometers. Results of the bench-top calibration are summarized, including a novel temperature calibration method useful for IRVBs.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(11): 11E708, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27910644


Measurements of radiated power in magnetically confined plasmas are important for exhaust studies in present experiments and expected to be a critical diagnostic for future fusion reactors. Resistive bolometer sensors have long been utilized in tokamaks and helical devices but suffer from electromagnetic interference (EMI). Results are shown from initial testing of a new bolometer concept based on fiber-optic temperature sensor technology. A small, 80 µm diameter, 200 µm long silicon pillar attached to the end of a single mode fiber-optic cable acts as a Fabry-Pérot cavity when broadband light, λo ∼ 1550 nm, is transmitted along the fiber. Changes in temperature alter the optical path length of the cavity primarily through the thermo-optic effect, resulting in a shift of fringes reflected from the pillar detected using an I-MON 512 OEM spectrometer. While initially designed for use in liquids, this sensor has ideal properties for use as a plasma bolometer: a time constant, in air, of ∼150 ms, strong absorption in the spectral range of plasma emission, immunity to local EMI, and the ability to measure changes in temperature remotely. Its compact design offers unique opportunities for integration into the vacuum environment in places unsuitable for a resistive bolometer. Using a variable focus 5 mW, 405 nm, modulating laser, the signal to noise ratio versus power density of various bolometer technologies are directly compared, estimating the noise equivalent power density (NEPD). Present tests show the fiber-optic bolometer to have NEPD of 5-10 W/m2 when compared to those of the resistive bolometer which can achieve <0.5 W/m2 in the laboratory, but this can degrade to 1-2 W/m2 or worse when installed on a tokamak. Concepts are discussed to improve the signal to noise ratio of this new fiber-optic bolometer by reducing the pillar height and adding thin metallic coatings, along with improving the spectral resolution of the interrogator.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(11): 11D856, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25430269


A new set of radiated-power-density diagnostics for the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U) tokamak have been designed to measure the two-dimensional poloidal structure of the total photon emissivity profile in order to perform power balance, impurity transport, and magnetohydrodynamic studies. Multiple AXUV-diode based pinhole cameras will be installed in the same toroidal angle at various poloidal locations. The local emissivity will be obtained from several types of tomographic reconstructions. The layout and response expected for the new radially viewing poloidal arrays will be shown for different impurity concentrations to characterize the diagnostic sensitivity. The radiated power profile inverted from the array data will also be used for estimates of power losses during transitions from various divertor configurations in NSTX-U. The effect of in-out and top/bottom asymmetries in the core radiation from high-Z impurities will be addressed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(11): 11D859, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25430272


The radiated-power-density diagnostic on the equatorial midplane for the NSTX-U tokamak will be upgraded to measure the radial structure of the photon emissivity profile with an improved radial resolution. This diagnostic will enhance the characterization and studies of power balance, impurity transport, and MHD. The layout and response expected of the new system is shown for different plasma conditions and impurity concentrations. The effect of toroidal rotation driving poloidal asymmetries in the core radiation from high-Z impurities is also addressed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(11): 11E825, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25430390


A conceptual design for a divertor Thomson scattering (DTS) diagnostic has been developed for the NSTX-U device to operate in parallel with the existing multipoint Thomson scattering system. Higher projected peak heat flux in NSTX-U will necessitate application of advanced magnetics geometries and divertor detachment. Interpretation and modeling of these divertor scenarios will depend heavily on local measurement of electron temperature, Te, and density, ne, which DTS provides in a passive manner. The DTS design for NSTX-U adopts major elements from the successful DIII-D DTS system including 7-channel polychromators measuring Te to 0.5 eV. If implemented on NSTX-U, the divertor TS system would provide an invaluable diagnostic for the boundary program to characterize the edge plasma.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(10): 10D717, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21033910


A beam emission spectroscopy (BES) system has been installed on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) to study ion gyroscale fluctuations. The BES system measures D(α) emission from a deuterium neutral heating beam. The system includes two optical views centered at r/a≈0.45 and 0.85 and aligned to magnetic field pitch angles at the neutral beam. f/1.5 collection optics produce 2-3 cm spot sizes at the neutral beam. The initial channel layout includes radial arrays, poloidal arrays, and two-dimensional grids. Radial arrays provide coverage from r/a≈0.1 to beyond the last-closed flux surface. Photodetectors and digital filters provide high-sensitivity, low-noise measurements at frequencies of up to 1 MHz. The BES system will be a valuable tool for investigating ion gyroscale turbulence and Alfvén/energetic particle modes on NSTX.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(10): 10E533, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21034060


Tangentially viewing soft x-ray (SXR) cameras are capable of detecting nonaxisymmetric plasma structures in magnetically confined plasmas. They are particularly useful for studying stationary perturbations or phenomenon that occur on a timescale faster than the plasma rotation period. Tangential SXR camera diagnostics are planned for the DIII-D and NSTX tokamaks to elucidate the static edge magnetic structure during the application of 3D perturbations. To support the design of the proposed diagnostics, a synthetic diagnostic model was developed using the CHIANTI database to estimate the SXR emission. The model is shown to be in good agreement with the measurements from an existing tangential SXR camera diagnostic on NSTX.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(10): 10E928, 2008 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044583


A variety of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) phenomena have been observed on NSTX. Many of these affect fast particle losses, which are of major concern for future burning plasma experiments. Usual diagnostics for studying these phenomena are arrays of Mirnov coils for magnetic oscillations and p-i-n diode arrays for soft x-ray emission from the plasma core. Data reported here are from a unique fast soft x-ray imaging camera (FSXIC) with a wide-angle (pinhole) tangential view of the entire plasma minor cross section. The camera provides a 64x64 pixel image, on a charge coupled device chip, of light resulting from conversion of soft x rays incident on a phosphor to the visible. We have acquired plasma images at frame rates of 1-500 kHz (300 frames/shot) and have observed a variety of MHD phenomena: disruptions, sawteeth, fishbones, tearing modes, and edge localized modes (ELMs). New data including modes with frequency >90 kHz are also presented. Data analysis and modeling techniques used to interpret the FSXIC data are described and compared, and FSXIC results are compared to Mirnov and p-i-n diode array results.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(11): 115001, 2001 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11531529


Simultaneous current ramping and application of lower hybrid heating and current drive (LHCD) have produced a region with zero current density within measurement errors in the core ( r/a< or =0.2) of JET tokamak optimized shear discharges. The reduction of core current density is consistent with a simple physical explanation and numerical simulations of radial current diffusion including the effects of LHCD. However, the core current density is clamped at zero, indicating the existence of a physical mechanism which prevents it from becoming negative.
