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Fungal Syst Evol ; 6: 157-231, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32904192


Seven new genera, 26 new species, 10 new combinations, two epitypes, one new name, and 20 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. New genera are: Italiofungus (based on Italiofungus phillyreae) on leaves of Phillyrea latifolia (Italy); Neolamproconium (based on Neolamproconium silvestre) on branch of Tilia sp. (Ukraine); Neosorocybe (based on Neosorocybe pini) on trunk of Pinus sylvestris (Ukraine); Nothoseptoria (based on Nothoseptoria caraganae) on leaves of Caragana arborescens (Russia); Pruniphilomyces (based on Pruniphilomyces circumscissus) on Prunus cerasus (Russia); Vesiculozygosporium (based on Vesiculozygosporium echinosporum) on leaves of Muntingia calabura (Malaysia); Longiseptatispora (based on Longiseptatispora curvata) on leaves of Lonicera tatarica (Russia). New species are: Barrmaelia serenoae on leaf of Serenoa repens (USA); Chaetopsina gautengina on leaves of unidentified grass (South Africa); Chloridium pini on fallen trunk of Pinus sylvestris (Ukraine); Cadophora fallopiae on stems of Reynoutria sachalinensis (Poland); Coleophoma eucalyptigena on leaf litter of Eucalyptus sp. (Spain); Cylindrium corymbiae on leaves of Corymbia maculata (Australia); Diaporthe tarchonanthi on leaves of Tarchonanthus littoralis (South Africa); Elsinoe eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus propinqua (Australia); Exophiala quercina on dead wood of Quercus sp., (Germany); Fusarium californicum on cambium of budwood of Prunus dulcis (USA); Hypomyces gamsii on wood of Alnus glutinosa (Ukraine); Kalmusia araucariae on leaves of Araucaria bidwillii (USA); Lectera sambuci on leaves of Sambucus nigra (Russia); Melanomma populicola on fallen twig of Populus canadensis (Netherlands), Neocladosporium syringae on branches of Syringa vulgarishorus (Ukraine); Paraconiothyrium iridis on leaves of Iris pseudacorus (Ukraine); Pararoussoella quercina on branch of Quercus robur (Ukraine); Phialemonium pulveris from bore dust of deathwatch beetle (France); Polyscytalum pinicola on needles of Pinus tecunumanii (Malaysia); Acervuloseptoria fraxini on Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Russia); Roussoella arundinacea on culms of Arundo donax (Spain); Sphaerulina neoaceris on leaves of Acer negundo (Russia); Sphaerulina salicicola on leaves of Salix fragilis (Russia); Trichomerium syzygii on leaves of Syzygium cordatum (South Africa); Uzbekistanica vitis-viniferae on dead stem of Vitis vinifera (Ukraine); Vermiculariopsiella eucalyptigena on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (Australia).

Stud Mycol ; 94: 1-124, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31636728


This paper represents the third contribution in the Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) series. The series provides morphological descriptions, information about the pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms for the treated genera, as well as primary and secondary DNA barcodes for the currently accepted species included in these. This third paper in the GOPHY series treats 21 genera of phytopathogenic fungi and their relatives including: Allophoma, Alternaria, Brunneosphaerella, Elsinoe, Exserohilum, Neosetophoma, Neostagonospora, Nothophoma, Parastagonospora, Phaeosphaeriopsis, Pleiocarpon, Pyrenophora, Ramichloridium, Seifertia, Seiridium, Septoriella, Setophoma, Stagonosporopsis, Stemphylium, Tubakia and Zasmidium. This study includes three new genera, 42 new species, 23 new combinations, four new names, and three typifications of older names.

Stud Mycol ; 94: 125-298, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31636729


Species of eucalypts are commonly cultivated for solid wood and pulp products. The expansion of commercially managed eucalypt plantations has chiefly been driven by their rapid growth and suitability for propagation across a very wide variety of sites and climatic conditions. Infection of foliar fungal pathogens of eucalypts is resulting in increasingly negative impacts on commercial forest industries globally. To assist in evaluating this threat, the present study provides a global perspective on foliar pathogens of eucalypts. We treat 110 different genera including species associated with foliar disease symptoms of these hosts. The vast majority of these fungi have been grown in axenic culture, and subjected to DNA sequence analysis, resolving their phylogeny. During the course of this study several new genera and species were encountered, and these are described. New genera include: Lembosiniella (L. eucalyptorum on E. dunnii, Australia), Neosonderhenia (N. eucalypti on E. costata, Australia), Neothyriopsis (N. sphaerospora on E. camaldulensis, South Africa), Neotrichosphaeria (N. eucalypticola on E. deglupta, Australia), Nothotrimmatostroma (N. bifarium on E. dalrympleana, Australia), Nowamyces (incl. Nowamycetaceae fam. nov., N. globulus on E. globulus, Australia), and Walkaminomyces (W. medusae on E. alba, Australia). New species include (all from Australia): Disculoides fraxinoides on E. fraxinoides, Elsinoe piperitae on E. piperita, Fusculina regnans on E. regnans, Marthamyces johnstonii on E. dunnii, Neofusicoccum corticosae on E. corticosa, Neotrimmatostroma dalrympleanae on E. dalrympleana, Nowamyces piperitae on E. piperita, Phaeothyriolum dunnii on E. dunnii, Pseudophloeospora eucalyptigena on E. obliqua, Pseudophloeospora jollyi on Eucalyptus sp., Quambalaria tasmaniae on Eucalyptus sp., Q. rugosae on E. rugosa, Sonderhenia radiata on E. radiata, Teratosphaeria pseudonubilosa on E. globulus and Thyrinula dunnii on E. dunnii. A new name is also proposed for Heteroconium eucalypti as Thyrinula uruguayensis on E. dunnii, Uruguay. Although many of these genera and species are commonly associated with disease problems, several appear to be opportunists developing on stressed or dying tissues. For the majority of these fungi, pathogenicity remains to be determined. This represents an important goal for forest pathologists and biologists in the future. Consequently, this study will promote renewed interest in foliar pathogens of eucalypts, leading to investigations that will provide an improved understanding of the biology of these fungi.

Stud Mycol ; 92: 47-133, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29997401


This paper represents the second contribution in the Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) series. The series provides morphological descriptions and information regarding the pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms for the treated genera. In addition, primary and secondary DNA barcodes for the currently accepted species are included. This second paper in the GOPHY series treats 20 genera of phytopathogenic fungi and their relatives including: Allantophomopsiella, Apoharknessia, Cylindrocladiella, Diaporthe, Dichotomophthora, Gaeumannomyces, Harknessia, Huntiella, Macgarvieomyces, Metulocladosporiella, Microdochium, Oculimacula, Paraphoma, Phaeoacremonium, Phyllosticta, Proxypiricularia, Pyricularia, Stenocarpella, Utrechtiana and Wojnowiciella. This study includes the new genus Pyriculariomyces, 20 new species, five new combinations, and six typifications for older names.

Persoonia ; 36: 316-458, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27616795


Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Vermiculariopsiella eucalypti, Mulderomyces natalis (incl. Mulderomyces gen. nov.), Fusicladium paraamoenum, Neotrimmatostroma paraexcentricum, and Pseudophloeospora eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus spp., Anungitea grevilleae (on leaves of Grevillea sp.), Pyrenochaeta acaciae (on leaves of Acacia sp.), and Brunneocarpos banksiae (incl. Brunneocarpos gen. nov.) on cones of Banksia attenuata. Novel foliicolous taxa from South Africa include Neosulcatispora strelitziae (on Strelitzia nicolai), Colletotrichum ledebouriae (on Ledebouria floridunda), Cylindrosympodioides brabejum (incl. Cylindrosympodioides gen. nov.) on Brabejum stellatifolium, Sclerostagonospora ericae (on Erica sp.), Setophoma cyperi (on Cyperus sphaerocephala), and Phaeosphaeria breonadiae (on Breonadia microcephala). Novelties described from Robben Island (South Africa) include Wojnowiciella cissampeli and Diaporthe cissampeli (both on Cissampelos capensis), Phaeotheca salicorniae (on Salicornia meyeriana), Paracylindrocarpon aloicola (incl. Paracylindrocarpon gen. nov.) on Aloe sp., and Libertasomyces myopori (incl. Libertasomyces gen. nov.) on Myoporum serratum. Several novelties are recorded from La Réunion (France), namely Phaeosphaeriopsis agapanthi (on Agapanthus sp.), Roussoella solani (on Solanum mauritianum), Vermiculariopsiella acaciae (on Acacia heterophylla), Dothiorella acacicola (on Acacia mearnsii), Chalara clidemiae (on Clidemia hirta), Cytospora tibouchinae (on Tibouchina semidecandra), Diaporthe ocoteae (on Ocotea obtusata), Castanediella eucalypticola, Phaeophleospora eucalypticola and Fusicladium eucalypticola (on Eucalyptus robusta), Lareunionomyces syzygii (incl. Lareunionomyces gen. nov.) and Parawiesneriomyces syzygii (incl. Parawiesneriomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Syzygium jambos. Novel taxa from the USA include Meristemomyces arctostaphylos (on Arctostaphylos patula), Ochroconis dracaenae (on Dracaena reflexa), Rasamsonia columbiensis (air of a hotel conference room), Paecilomyces tabacinus (on Nicotiana tabacum), Toxicocladosporium hominis (from human broncoalveolar lavage fluid), Nothophoma macrospora (from respiratory secretion of a patient with pneumonia), and Penidiellopsis radicularis (incl. Penidiellopsis gen. nov.) from a human nail. Novel taxa described from Malaysia include Prosopidicola albizziae (on Albizzia falcataria), Proxipyricularia asari (on Asarum sp.), Diaporthe passifloricola (on Passiflora foetida), Paramycoleptodiscus albizziae (incl. Paramycoleptodiscus gen. nov.) on Albizzia falcataria, and Malaysiasca phaii (incl. Malaysiasca gen. nov.) on Phaius reflexipetalus. Two species are newly described from human patients in the Czech Republic, namely Microascus longicollis (from toenails of patient with suspected onychomycosis), and Chrysosporium echinulatum (from sole skin of patient). Furthermore, Alternaria quercicola is described on leaves of Quercus brantii (Iran), Stemphylium beticola on leaves of Beta vulgaris (The Netherlands), Scleroderma capeverdeanum on soil (Cape Verde Islands), Scleroderma dunensis on soil, and Blastobotrys meliponae from bee honey (Brazil), Ganoderma mbrekobenum on angiosperms (Ghana), Geoglossum raitviirii and Entoloma kruticianum on soil (Russia), Priceomyces vitoshaensis on Pterostichus melas (Carabidae) (Bulgaria) is the only one for which the family is listed, Ganoderma ecuadoriense on decaying wood (Ecuador), Thyrostroma cornicola on Cornus officinalis (Korea), Cercophora vinosa on decorticated branch of Salix sp. (France), Coprinus pinetorum, Coprinus littoralis and Xerocomellus poederi on soil (Spain). Two new genera from Colombia include Helminthosporiella and Uwemyces on leaves of Elaeis oleifera. Two species are described from India, namely Russula intervenosa (ectomycorrhizal with Shorea robusta), and Crinipellis odorata (on bark of Mytragyna parviflora). Novelties from Thailand include Cyphellophora gamsii (on leaf litter), Pisolithus aureosericeus and Corynascus citrinus (on soil). Two species are newly described from Citrus in Italy, namely Dendryphiella paravinosa on Citrus sinensis, and Ramularia citricola on Citrus floridana. Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS nrDNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.

Phytopathology ; 99(9): 1100-4, 2009 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19671013


Resistance to anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum capsici and C. acutatum, was investigated in Capsicum baccatum PBC80 and PBC1422 and C. chinense PBC932. Mature green and ripe fruit were inoculated with 13 isolates of the two Colletotrichum species PBC80 contained the broadest spectrum of resistance to both Colletotrichum species because none of the isolates were able to infect the genotype. At both fruit maturity stages, PBC1422 was infected by only Colletotrichum acutatum. PBC932 at ripe fruit stage was infected by both C. capsici and C. acutatum, except for one isolate, 158ci, that did not infect PBC932. PBC932 at the mature green fruit stage was infected by only C. acutatum. An intraspecific cross between PBC80 and PBC1422 was developed to determine inheritance of resistance to C. acutatum. Anthracnose resistance was assessed at mature green and ripe fruit stages using 0 to 9 disease severity scores. Frequency distribution of the disease scores in the F(2) and BC(1) populations suggested a single recessive gene responsible for the resistance at mature green fruit stage and a single dominant gene for the resistance at ripe fruit stage. Linkage analysis between the two genes identified in both fruit maturity stages showed the genes to be independent. Based on phenotypic data, the two newly identified genes, co4 and Co5, from PBC80 appeared to be different loci from the co1 and co2 previously identified from PBC932 and will be valuable sources of resistance to anthracnose in chili breeding programs.

Capsicum/genética , Colletotrichum/patogenicidade , Genes de Plantas
Plant Dis ; 93(1): 17-20, 2009 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30764264


Eleven isolates of Colletotrichum capsici were screened on nine chili genotypes derived from four cultivated species of Capsicum: Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense, and C. frutescens. Host reactions were assessed 9 days after inoculation by microinjection of spores into the pericarp of red fruit. A set of disease scales, with 0 to 9 scores, were developed for anthracnose infection of each Capsicum sp. based on percent lesion size in relation to fruit size, appearance of necrotic or water-soaked tissue, and presence of acervuli. Three pathotypes, PCc1, PCc2, and PCc3, were identified according to differential qualitative infection of fruit of C. chinense genotypes PBC932 and C04714. PCc1 was the most virulent pathotype, infecting all genotypes of C. annuum, C. chinense, and C. frutescens, whereas PCc3 was the least virulent pathotype, infecting only the genotypes C. annuum and C. frutescens. Quantitative infection occurred in all chili genotypes except for genotypes of C. baccatum, where no infection occurred, demonstrating various levels of aggressiveness of isolates within pathotypes.

Mol Ecol Resour ; 9(4): 1175-9, 2009 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21564867


Genomic libraries enriched for microsatellites from Colletotrichum capsici, one of the major causal agents of anthracnose disease in chilli pepper (Capsicum spp.), were developed using a modified hybridization procedure. Twenty-seven robust primer pairs were designed from microsatellite flanking sequences and were characterized using 52 isolates from three countries India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Highest gene diversity of 0.857 was observed at the CCSSR1 with up to 18 alleles among all the isolates whereas the differentiation ranged from 0.05 to 0.45. The sequence-tagged microsatellite site markers developed in this study will be useful for genetic analyses of C. capsici populations.

Theor Appl Genet ; 107(7): 1257-65, 2003 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12928777


In both controlled environment and the field, six QTLs for ascochyta blight resistance were identified in three regions of the genome of an intraspecific population of chickpea using the IDS and AUDPC disease scoring systems. One QTL-region was detected from both environments, whereas the other two regions were detected from each environment. All the QTL-regions were significantly associated with ascochyta blight resistance using either of the disease scoring systems. The QTLs were verified by multiple interval mapping, and a two-QTL genetic model with considerable epistasis was established for both environments. The major QTLs generally showed additive gene action, as well as dominance inter-locus interaction in the multiple genetic model. All the QTLs were mapped near a RGA marker. The major QTLs were located on LG III, which was mapped with five different types of RGA markers. A CLRR-RGA marker and a STMS marker flanked QTL 6 for controlled environment resistance at 0.06 and 0.04 cM, respectively. Other STMS markers flanked QTL 1 for field resistance at a 5.6 cM interval. After validation, these flanking markers may be used in marker-assisted selection to breed for elite chickpea cultivars with durable resistance to ascochyta blight. The tight linkage of RGA markers to the major QTL on LG III will allow map-based cloning of the underlying resistance genes.

Ascomicetos/patogenicidade , Cicer/genética , Genes de Plantas/genética , Imunidade Inata/genética , Doenças das Plantas/genética , Locos de Características Quantitativas , Alelos , Ascomicetos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mapeamento Cromossômico , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Cicer/microbiologia , Cruzamentos Genéticos , Epistasia Genética , Ligação Genética , Marcadores Genéticos , Fenótipo , Doenças das Plantas/microbiologia
Theor Appl Genet ; 107(5): 910-6, 2003 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12830386


The first intraspecific linkage map of the lentil genome was constructed with 114 molecular markers (100 RAPD, 11 ISSR and three RGA) using an F(2) population developed from a cross between lentil cultivars ILL5588 and ILL7537 which differed in resistance for ascochyta blight. Linkage analysis at a LOD score of 4.0 and a maximum recombination fraction of 0.25 revealed nine linkage groups comprising between 6 and 18 markers each. The intraspecific map spanned a total length of 784.1 cM. The markers were distributed throughout the genome, however markers were clustered in the middle or near the middle of the linkage groups, suggesting the location of centromeres. Of 114 mapped markers, 16 (14.0%) were distorted, usually at the end or middle of the linkage groups. The utility of ISSR and RGA markers for mapping in lentil was explored, and the primer with an (AC) repeat motif was found to be useful.

Cruzamentos Genéticos , Genes de Plantas , Ligação Genética , Marcadores Genéticos , Lens (Planta)/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Mapeamento Cromossômico , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , DNA de Plantas/genética , Técnica de Amplificação ao Acaso de DNA Polimórfico
Plant Cell Rep ; 21(8): 814-20, 2003 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12789528


An aberrant random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker in genomic DNA of tissue culture plantlets was frequently observed during a comparison of DNA fingerprints derived from potato germplasm grown in tissue culture and the field. The RAPD marker was cloned, sequenced and determined to be of bacterial origin. A bacterial contaminant was isolated from the tissue culture plants and identified as a Bacillus pumilus. A set of sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) primers were designed from the sequence of the cloned fragment and tested for the specific detection of B. pumilus. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLPs) were also used to generate B. pumilus profiles specific to our isolate in order to test and confirm the sequence homology of amplified markers generated from a range of DNA samples isolated from tissue culture plants and pure isolates of B. pumilus-like bacteria.

Bacillus/genética , Doenças das Plantas/microbiologia , Solanum tuberosum/microbiologia , Bacillus/isolamento & purificação , Sequência de Bases , Técnicas de Cultura , DNA Bacteriano/química , DNA Bacteriano/genética , DNA Bacteriano/isolamento & purificação , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Polimorfismo de Fragmento de Restrição , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Técnica de Amplificação ao Acaso de DNA Polimórfico/métodos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Solanum tuberosum/genética
Theor Appl Genet ; 106(8): 1447-56, 2003 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12750788


An intraspecific linkage map of the chickpea genome based on STMS as anchor markers, was established using an F(2) population of chickpea cultivars with contrasting disease reactions to Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. At a LOD-score of 2.0 and a maximum recombination distance of 20 cM, 51 out of 54 chickpea-STMS markers (94.4%), three ISSR markers (100%) and 12 RGA markers (57.1%) were mapped into eight linkage groups. The chickpea-derived STMS markers were distributed throughout the genome, while the RGA markers clustered with the ISSR markers on linkage groups LG I, II and III. The intraspecific linkage map spanned 534.5 cM with an average interval of 8.1 cM between markers. Sixteen markers (19.5%) were unlinked, while l1 chickpea-STMS markers (20.4%) deviated significantly ( P < 0.05) from the expected Mendelian segregation ratio and segregated in favor of the maternal alleles. However, ten of the distorted chickpea-STMS markers were mapped and clustered mostly on LG VII, suggesting the association of these loci in the preferential transmission of the maternal germ line. Preliminary comparative mapping revealed that chickpea may have evolved from Cicer reticulatum, possibly via inversion of DNA sequences and minor chromosomal translocation. At least three linkage groups that spanned a total of approximately 79.2 cM were conserved in the speciation process.

Cicer/genética , Ligação Genética , Genoma de Planta , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , Polimorfismo Genético
Theor Appl Genet ; 107(4): 719-29, 2003 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12768241


Accessions from Cicer echinospermum, a wild relative of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), contain resistance to the fungal disease ascochyta blight, a devastating disease of chickpea. A linkage map was constructed based on an interspecific F(2) population, derived from a cross between a susceptible chickpea cultivar (Lasseter) and a resistant C. echinospermum accession (PI 527930). The linkage map incorporated 83 molecular markers, that included RAPD, ISSR, STMS and RGA markers; eight markers remained unlinked. The map comprised eight linkage groups and covered a map distance of 570 cM. Six out of the eight linkage groups were correlated to linkage groups from the integrated Cicer map using STMS markers. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with ascochyta blight resistance were detected using interval mapping and single-point analysis. The F(2) population was evaluated for seedling and stem resistance in glasshouse trials. At least two QTLs were identified for seedling resistance, both of which were located within linkage group 4. Five markers were associated with stem resistance, four of which were also associated with seedling resistance. QTLs from previous studies also mapped to LG 4, suggesting that this linkage group is an important region of the Cicer genome for resistance to ascochyta blight.

Ascomicetos/patogenicidade , Cicer/genética , Cicer/microbiologia , Mapeamento Cromossômico , Cicer/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cruzamentos Genéticos , DNA de Plantas/genética , Germinação , Fenótipo , Doenças das Plantas/genética , Doenças das Plantas/microbiologia , Caules de Planta/genética , Caules de Planta/microbiologia , Locos de Características Quantitativas , Plântula/genética , Plântula/microbiologia
Mol Plant Pathol ; 4(5): 373-81, 2003 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20569397


SUMMARY A genome linkage map was developed for Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labrousse, (teleomorph) Didymella rabiei (Kovachevski), an important pathogen causing ascochyta blight in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The map was constructed using 96 progeny generated from a single pseudothecium produced from a cross between a USA MAT-2 isolate and an Australian MAT-1 isolate. The map comprised 126 molecular markers of which 69 were random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, 46 were amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers, 10 were sequence-tagged microsatellite site (STMS) markers, and one was a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Eighteen large and 10 small linkage groups (LG) were characterized and the mating-type locus was mapped on to LGd. The map spanned 1271 cM with an average spacing between markers of 15.1 cM. The SCAR marker, specific for mating type 2, was designed to amplify a region of the MAT locus and was used to identify the mating type of A. rabiei isolates. One AFLP marker, derived from the MAT-1 parent, was closely linked to the mating-type locus (9.6 cM). The linkage map provides a framework for the future identification of the locations of other important traits such as virulence/avirulence and fungicide resistance. Findings from this study suggest that the MAT-2 isolates of D. rabiei should be renamed to MAT-1 isolates because the alpha-box, specific for MAT-1 from other ascomycetes, was amplified from A. rabiei MAT-2 isolates.
