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J Microsc ; 210(Pt 1): 94-101, 2003 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12694422


The electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) of Mo/SrTiO3 interfaces has been studied using high spatial resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in a dedicated scanning transmission electron microscope. Thin films of Mo with a thickness of 50 nm were grown on (001)-orientated SrTiO3 surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy at 600 degrees C. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy revealed that the interfaces were atomically abrupt with the (110)Mo plane parallel to the substrate surface. Ti-L2,3 ( approximately 460 eV), O-K ( approximately 530 eV), Sr-L2,3 ( approximately 1950 eV) and Mo-L2,3 ( approximately 2500 eV) absorption edges were acquired by using the Gatan Enfina parallel EELS system with a CCD detector. The interface-specific components of the ELNES were extracted by employing the spatial difference method. The interfacial Ti-L2,3 edge shifted to lower energy values and the splitting due to crystal field became less pronounced compared to bulk SrTiO3, which indicated that the Ti atoms at the interface were in a reduced oxidation state and that the symmetry of the TiO6 octahedra was disturbed. No interfacial Sr-L2,3 edge was observed, which may demonstrate that Sr atoms do not participate in the interfacial bonding. An evident interface-specific O-K edge was found, which differs from that of the bulk in both position (0.8 +/- 0.2 eV positive shift) and shape. In addition, a positive shift (0.9 +/- 0.3 eV) occurred for the interfacial Mo-L2,3, revealing an oxidized state of Mo at the interface. Our results indicated that at the interface SrTiO3 was terminated with TiO2. The validity of the spatial difference technique is discussed and examined by introducing subchannel drift intentionally.
