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Hippocampus ; 2024 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39258930


BACKGROUND: Hippocampal subfields perform specific roles in normal cognitive functioning and have distinct vulnerabilities in neurological disorders. However, measurement of subfields with MRI is technically difficult in the head and tail of the hippocampus. Recent studies have utilized curved multiplanar reconstruction (CMPR) to improve subfield visualization in the head and tail, but this method has not yet been applied to histological data. METHODS: We utilized BigBrain data, an open-source database of serially sectioned histological data for our analyses. The left hippocampus was segmented according to histological criteria by two raters in order to evaluate intra- and inter-rater reliability of histology-based segmentation throughout the long axis. Segmentation according to our previous protocol for the hippocampal body was then compared to these histological measurements to evaluate for histological validity. Agreement between segmentations was evaluated using Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs). RESULTS: Intra-rater reliability (DSCs) of histological segmentation was excellent for all subfields: CA1 (0.8599), CA2 (0.7586), CA3/CA4/DG (0.8907), SLM (0.9123), subiculum (0.8149). Similarly, inter-rater reliability analysis demonstrated excellent agreement (DSCs) for all subfield locations: CA1 (0.8203), CA2 (0.7253), CA3/CA4/DG (0.8439), SLM (0.8700), subiculum (0.7794). Finally, histological accuracy (DSCs) for our previous protocol was excellent for all subfields: CA1 (0.8821), CA2 (0.8810), CA3/CA4/DG (0.9802), SLM (0.9879), subiculum (0.8774). When subfields in the hippocampus head, body, and tail were analyzed independently, DSCs also showed excellent agreement. CONCLUSIONS: CMPR allows reliable subfield segmentation based on histological criteria throughout the hippocampal head, body, and tail. Our previous protocol for the hippocampal body can be applied to provide histologically valid subfield measurements throughout the entire hippocampal long axis.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240140


BACKGROUND: Standard antidepressant treatments often take weeks to reach efficacy and are ineffective for many patients. (R,S)-ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, has been shown to be a rapid-acting antidepressant and to decrease depressive symptoms within hours of administration. While previous studies have shown the importance of the GluN2B subunit of the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) on interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), no study has investigated the influence of GluN2B-expressing adult-born granule cells (abGCs). METHODS: Here, we examined whether (R,S)-ketamine's efficacy depends upon these adult-born hippocampal neurons using a genetic strategy to selectively ablate the GluN2B subunit of the NMDAR from Nestin+ cells in male and female mice, tested across an array of standard behavioral assays. RESULTS: We report that in male mice, GluN2B expression on 6-week-old adult-born neurons is necessary for (R,S)-ketamine's effects on behavioral despair in the forced swim test (FST) and on hyponeophagia in the novelty suppressed feeding (NSF) paradigm, as well on fear behavior following contextual fear conditioning (CFC). In female mice, GluN2B expression is necessary for effects on hyponeophagia in the NSF. These effects were not replicated when ablating GluN2B from 2-week-old adult-born neurons. We also find that ablating neurogenesis increases fear expression in CFC, which is buffered by (R,S)-ketamine administration. CONCLUSIONS: In line with previous studies, these results suggest that 6-week-old adult-born hippocampal neurons expressing GluN2B partially modulate (R,S)-ketamine's rapid-acting effects. Future work targeting these 6-week-old adult-born neurons may prove beneficial for increasing the efficacy of (R,S)-ketamine.

Front Cell Neurosci ; 18: 1392498, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104439


General anesthesia can impact a patient's memory and cognition by influencing hippocampal function. The CA1 and dentate gyrus (DG), serving as the primary efferent and gateway of the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit facilitating cognitive learning and memory functions, exhibit significant differences in cellular composition, molecular makeup, and responses to various stimuli. However, the effects of isoflurane-induced general anesthesia on CA1 and DG neuronal activity in mice are not well understood. In this study, utilizing electrophysiological recordings, we examined neuronal population dynamics and single-unit activity (SUA) of CA1 and DG in freely behaving mice during natural sleep and general anesthesia. Our findings reveal that isoflurane anesthesia shifts local field potential (LFP) to delta frequency and reduces the firing rate of SUA in both CA1 and DG, compared to wakefulness. Additionally, the firing rates of DG neurons are significantly lower than CA1 neurons during isoflurane anesthesia, and the recovery of theta power is slower in DG than in CA1 during the transition from anesthesia to wakefulness, indicating a stronger and more prolonged impact of isoflurane anesthesia on DG. This work presents a suitable approach for studying brain activities during general anesthesia and provides evidence for distinct effects of isoflurane anesthesia on hippocampal subregions.

Cogn Neurodyn ; 18(4): 2077-2093, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104672


Young immature granule cells (imGCs) appear via adult neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG). In comparison to mature GCs (mGCs) (born during development), the imGCs exhibit two competing distinct properties such as high excitability (increasing activation degree) and low excitatory innervation (reducing activation degree). We develop a spiking neural network for the DG, incorporating both the mGCs and the imGCs. The mGCs are well known to perform "pattern separation" (i.e., a process of transforming similar input patterns into less similar output patterns) to facilitate pattern storage in the hippocampal CA3. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the young imGCs on pattern separation of the mGCs. The pattern separation efficacy (PSE) of the mGCs is found to vary through competition between high excitability and low excitatory innervation of the imGCs. Their PSE becomes enhanced (worsened) when the effect of high excitability is higher (lower) than the effect of low excitatory innervation. In contrast to the mGCs, the imGCs are found to perform "pattern integration" (i.e., making association between dissimilar patterns). Finally, we speculate that memory resolution in the hippocampal CA3 might be optimally maximized via mixed cooperative encoding through pattern separation and pattern integration.

Hippocampus ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39138952


The processing of rich synaptic information in the dentate gyrus (DG) relies on a diverse population of inhibitory GABAergic interneurons to regulate cellular and circuit activity, in a layer-specific manner. Metabotropic GABAB-receptors (GABABRs) provide powerful inhibition to the DG circuit, on timescales consistent with behavior and learning, but their role in controlling the activity of interneurons is poorly understood with respect to identified cell types. We hypothesize that GABABRs display cell type-specific heterogeneity in signaling strength, which will have direct ramifications for signal processing in DG networks. To test this, we perform in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from identified DG principal cells and interneurons, followed by GABABR pharmacology, photolysis of caged GABA, and extracellular stimulation of endogenous GABA release to classify the cell type-specific inhibitory potential. Based on our previous classification of DG interneurons, we show that postsynaptic GABABR-mediated currents are present on all interneuron types albeit at different amplitudes, dependent largely on soma location and synaptic targets. GABABRs were coupled to inwardly-rectifying K+ channels that strongly reduced the excitability of those interneurons where large currents were observed. These data provide a systematic characterization of GABABR signaling in the rat DG to provide greater insight into circuit dynamics.

Epilepsy Res ; 206: 107440, 2024 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39213710


Seizures induce hippocampal subregion dependent enhancements in microglia/macrophage phagocytosis and cytokine release that may contribute to the development of epilepsy. As a model of hyperactive mTOR induced epilepsy, neuronal subset specific phosphatase and tensin homolog (NS-Pten) knockout (KO) mice exhibit hyperactive mTOR signaling in the hippocampus, seizures that progress with age, and enhanced hippocampal microglia/macrophage activation. However, it is unknown where microglia/macrophages are most active within the hippocampus of NS-Pten KO mice. We quantified the density of IBA1 positive microglia/macrophages in the CA1, CA2/3, and dentate gyrus of NS-Pten KO and wildtype (WT) male and female mice at 4, 10, and 15 weeks of age. NS-Pten KO mice exhibited an overall increase in the number of IBA1 positive microglia/macrophages in each subregion and in the entire hippocampus. After accounting for differences in size, the whole hippocampus of NS-Pten KO mice still exhibited an increased density of IBA1 positive microglia/macrophages. Subregion analyses showed that this increase was restricted to the dentate gyrus of both male and female NS-Pten KO mice and to the CA1 of male NS-Pten KO mice. These data suggest enhanced microglia/macrophage activity may occur in the NS-Pten KO mice in a hippocampal subregion and sex-dependent manner. Future work should seek to determine whether these region-specific increases in microgliosis play a role in the progression of epilepsy in this model.

Front Neurosci ; 18: 1400963, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39184324


In the adult murine brain, neural stem cells (NSCs) can be found in two main niches: the dentate gyrus (DG) and the subventricular zone (SVZ). In the DG, NSCs produce intermediate progenitors (IPs) that differentiate into excitatory neurons, while progenitors in the SVZ migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB), where they mainly differentiate into inhibitory interneurons. Neurogenesis, the process of generating new neurons, persists throughout life but decreases dramatically with aging, concomitantly with increased inflammation. Although many cell types, including microglia, undergo significant transcriptional changes, few such changes have been detected in neural progenitors. Furthermore, transcriptional profiles in progenitors from different neurogenic regions have not been compared on a single-cell level, and little is known about how they are affected by aging-related inflammation. We have generated a single cell RNA sequencing dataset enriched for IPs, which revealed that most aged neural progenitors only acquire minor transcriptional changes. However, progenitors set to become excitatory neurons decrease faster than others. In addition, a population in the aged SVZ, not detected in the OB, acquired major transcriptional activation related to immune responses. This suggests that differences in age related neurogenic decline between regions is not due to tissue differences but rather cell type specific intrinsic transcriptional programs, and that subset of neuroblasts in the SVZ react strongly to age related inflammatory cues.

Metab Brain Dis ; 2024 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39177865


Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neuropsychiatric complication of acute liver failure or chronic liver injury. Liver dysfunction impairs ammonia detoxification, allowing it to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and disrupt brain function. The hippocampus becomes a crucial target during elevated ammonia levels, causing spatial memory impairment and decreased learning ability. Leuprolide acetate (LA), a GnRH agonist, has been implicated in neuroprotection and neuroregeneration in several regions of the central nervous system (CNS) including hippocampus. In this study, we aim to evaluate the effects of LA treatment on hippocampus of rats with HE induced by portocaval anastomosis (PCA) trough cognitive tests, histology analysis and expression of neuronal recovery marker proteins, such as neurofilament (NF200) and neurabin II, and astrocyte marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Rats were divided into three groups: SHAM, portocaval anastomosis with saline solution (PCA + SS) and portocaval anastomosis treated with LA (PCA + LA). To evaluate learning and spatial memory elevated T-maze (ETM) and Y-maze test (YMT) were respectively used. Results indicated that LA-treated rats performed significantly better in ETM and YMT than untreated rats. Histological analysis of hippocampus showed increased neuron density, nuclear area, and layer thickness in dentate gyrus of PCA + LA group compared to PCA + SS. Additionally, neurabin II and NF200 expression were higher in LA-treated rats, while GFAP expression was elevated in the PCA + SS group compared to control and PCA + LA groups. In conclusion, LA enhances hippocampal neuron recovery and reduces astrogliosis, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic intervention for attenuating hippocampal damage during HE.

Front Neurosci ; 18: 1418058, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39176381


Desmoplakin (Dsp) is a component of desmosomal cell-cell junctions that interacts with the cadherin complex and cytoskeletal intermediate filaments. In addition to its function as an adhesion component, Dsp is involved in various biological processes, such as gene expression, differentiation, and migration. Dsp is specifically expressed in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) in the central nervous system. However, it is unclear how Dsp impacts hippocampal function and its related behaviors. Using an adeno-associated virus knockdown system in mice, we provide evidence that Dsp in the DG maintains hippocampal functions, including neuronal activity and adult neurogenesis, and contributes to anxiolytic-like effects. Dsp protein is mostly localized in mature granule cells in the adult DG. Dsp knockdown in the DG resulted in a lowered expression of an activity-dependent transcription factor FosB, and an increased expression of mature neuronal markers, such as calbindin. In addition, the suppression of Dsp decreases serotonin responsiveness at the DG output mossy fiber synapses and alters adult neurogenic processes in the subgranular zone of the DG. Moreover, DG-specific Dsp knockdown mice showed an increase in anxiety-like behaviors. Taken together, this research uncovers an unexplored function for Dsp in the central nervous system and suggests that Dsp in the DG may function as a regulator to maintain proper neuronal activation and adult neurogenesis, and contribute to the adaptation of emotion-related behavior.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149280


Embryonic and early postnatal promotor-driven deletion of the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) gene results in neuronal hypertrophy, hyperexcitable circuitry and development of spontaneous seizures in adulthood. We previously documented that focal, vector-mediated PTEN deletion in mature granule cells of adult dentate gyrus triggers dramatic growth of cell bodies, dendrites, and axons, similar to that seen with early postnatal PTEN deletion. Here, we assess the functional consequences of focal, adult PTEN deletion, focusing on its pro-epileptogenic potential. PTEN deletion was accomplished by injecting AAV-Cre either bilaterally or unilaterally into the dentate gyrus of double transgenic PTEN-floxed, ROSA-reporter mice. Hippocampal recording electrodes were implanted for continuous digital EEG with concurrent video recordings in the home cage. Electrographic seizures and epileptiform spikes were assessed manually by two investigators, and corelated with concurrent videos. Spontaneous electrographic and behavioral seizures appeared after focal PTEN deletion in adult dentate granule cells, commencing around 2 months post-AAV-Cre injection. Seizures occurred in the majority of mice with unilateral or bilateral PTEN deletion and led to death in several cases. PTEN-deletion provoked epilepsy was not associated with apparent hippocampal neuron death; supra-granular mossy fiber sprouting was observed in a few mice. In summary, focal, unilateral deletion of PTEN in the adult dentate gyrus suffices to provoke time-dependent emergence of a hyperexcitable circuit generating hippocampus-origin, generalizing spontaneous seizures, providing a novel model for studies of adult-onset epileptogenesis.

Biomedicines ; 12(7)2024 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39061995


Our study investigated the innate immune response to Toxoplasma gondii infection by assessing microglial phenotypic changes and sickness behavior as inflammatory response markers post-ocular tachyzoite instillation. Disease progression in Swiss albino mice was compared with the previously documented outcomes in BALB/c mice using an identical ocular route and parasite burden (2 × 105 tachyzoites), with saline as the control. Contrary to expectations, the Swiss albino mice displayed rapid, lethal disease progression, marked by pronounced sickness behaviors and mortality within 11-12 days post-infection, while the survivors exhibited no apparent signs of infection. Comparative analysis revealed the T. gondii-infected BALB/c mice exhibited reduced avoidance of feline odors, while the infected Swiss albino mice showed enhanced avoidance responses. There was an important increase in microglial cells in the dentate gyrus molecular layer of the infected Swiss albino mice compared to the BALB/c mice and their respective controls. Hierarchical cluster and discriminant analyses identified three microglial morphological clusters, differentially affected by T. gondii infection across strains. The BALB/c mice exhibited increased microglial branching and complexity, while the Swiss albino mice showed reduced shrunken microglial arbors, diminishing their morphological complexity. These findings highlight strain-specific differences in disease progression and inflammatory regulation, indicating lineage-specific mechanisms in inflammatory responses, tolerance, and resistance. Understanding these elements is critical in devising control measures for toxoplasmosis.

eNeuro ; 11(8)2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39084907


The integration of spatial information in the mammalian dentate gyrus (DG) is critical to navigation. Indeed, DG granule cells (DGCs) rely upon finely balanced inhibitory neurotransmission in order to respond appropriately to specific spatial inputs. This inhibition arises from a heterogeneous population of local GABAergic interneurons (INs) that activate both fast, ionotropic GABAA receptors (GABAAR) and slow, metabotropic GABAB receptors (GABABR), respectively. GABABRs in turn inhibit pre- and postsynaptic neuronal compartments via temporally long-lasting G-protein-dependent mechanisms. The relative contribution of each IN subtype to network level GABABR signal setting remains unknown. However, within the DG, the somatostatin (SSt) expressing IN subtype is considered crucial in coordinating appropriate feedback inhibition on to DGCs. Therefore, we virally delivered channelrhodopsin 2 to the DG in order to obtain control of this specific SSt IN subpopulation in male and female adult mice. Using a combination of optogenetic activation and pharmacology, we show that SSt INs strongly recruit postsynaptic GABABRs to drive greater inhibition in DGCs than GABAARs at physiological membrane potentials. Furthermore, we show that in the adult mouse DG, postsynaptic GABABR signaling is predominantly regulated by neuronal GABA uptake and less so by astrocytic mechanisms. Finally, we confirm that activation of SSt INs can also recruit presynaptic GABABRs, as has been shown in neocortical circuits. Together, these data reveal that GABABR signaling allows SSt INs to control DG activity and may constitute a key mechanism for gating spatial information flow within hippocampal circuits.

Giro Denteado , Interneurônios , Receptores de GABA-B , Somatostatina , Animais , Somatostatina/metabolismo , Interneurônios/metabolismo , Interneurônios/fisiologia , Giro Denteado/metabolismo , Receptores de GABA-B/metabolismo , Masculino , Feminino , Optogenética , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Camundongos , Camundongos Transgênicos , Ácido gama-Aminobutírico/metabolismo , Sinapses/metabolismo
Cell Rep ; 43(8): 114529, 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39046876


Neuronal activation is required for the formation of drug-associated memory, which is critical for the development, persistence, and relapse of drug addiction. Nevertheless, the metabolic mechanisms underlying energy production for neuronal activation remain poorly understood. In the study, a large-scale proteomics analysis of lysine crotonylation (Kcr), a type of protein posttranslational modification (PTM), reveals that cocaine promoted protein Kcr in the hippocampal dorsal dentate gyrus (dDG). We find that Kcr is predominantly discovered in a few enzymes critical for mitochondrial energy metabolism; in particular, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex E1 subunit α (PDHA1) is crotonylated at the lysine 39 (K39) residue through P300 catalysis. Crotonylated PDHA1 promotes pyruvate metabolism by activating PDH to increase ATP production, thus providing energy for hippocampal neuronal activation and promoting cocaine-associated memory recall. Our findings identify Kcr of PDHA1 as a PTM that promotes pyruvate metabolism to enhance neuronal activity for cocaine-associated memory.

Cocaína , Hipocampo , Memória , Neurônios , Piruvato Desidrogenase (Lipoamida) , Animais , Cocaína/farmacologia , Neurônios/metabolismo , Neurônios/efeitos dos fármacos , Piruvato Desidrogenase (Lipoamida)/metabolismo , Memória/efeitos dos fármacos , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Hipocampo/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Camundongos , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Processamento de Proteína Pós-Traducional , Lisina/metabolismo , Humanos
Mol Cell Proteomics ; 23(8): 100811, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996918


Highly specialized cells are fundamental for the proper functioning of complex organs. Variations in cell-type-specific gene expression and protein composition have been linked to a variety of diseases. Investigation of the distinctive molecular makeup of these cells within tissues is therefore critical in biomedical research. Although several technologies have emerged as valuable tools to address this cellular heterogeneity, most workflows lack sufficient in situ resolution and are associated with high costs and extremely long analysis times. Here, we present a combination of experimental and computational approaches that allows a more comprehensive investigation of molecular heterogeneity within tissues than by either shotgun LC-MS/MS or MALDI imaging alone. We applied our pipeline to the mouse brain, which contains a wide variety of cell types that not only perform unique functions but also exhibit varying sensitivities to insults. We explored the distinct neuronal populations within the hippocampus, a brain region crucial for learning and memory that is involved in various neurological disorders. As an example, we identified the groups of proteins distinguishing the neuronal populations of the dentate gyrus (DG) and the cornu ammonis (CA) in the same brain section. Most of the annotated proteins matched the regional enrichment of their transcripts, thereby validating the method. As the method is highly reproducible, the identification of individual masses through the combination of MALDI-IMS and LC-MS/MS methods can be used for the much faster and more precise interpretation of MALDI-IMS measurements only. This greatly speeds up spatial proteomic analyses and allows the detection of local protein variations within the same population of cells. The method's general applicability has the potential to be used to investigate different biological conditions and tissues and a much higher throughput than other techniques making it a promising approach for clinical routine applications.

Proteômica , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem , Animais , Proteômica/métodos , Cromatografia Líquida/métodos , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem/métodos , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz/métodos , Camundongos , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Masculino , Neurônios/metabolismo , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Giro Denteado/metabolismo , Espectrometria de Massa com Cromatografia Líquida
Adv Neurobiol ; 38: 163-193, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39008016


In mammals, the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus is one of two brain regions (with the subventricular zone of the olfactory bulb) that continues to generate new neurons throughout adulthood, a phenomenon known as adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) (Eriksson et al., Nat Med 4:1313-1317, 1998; García-Verdugo et al., J Neurobiol 36:234-248, 1998). The integration of these new neurons into the dentate gyrus (DG) has implications for memory encoding, with unique firing and wiring properties of immature neurons that affect how the hippocampal network encodes and stores attributes of memory. In this chapter, we will describe the process of AHN and properties of adult-born cells as they integrate into the hippocampal circuit and mature. Then, we will discuss some methodological considerations before we review evidence for the role of AHN in two major processes supporting memory that are performed by the DG. First, we will discuss encoding of contextual information for episodic memories and how this is facilitated by AHN. Second, will discuss pattern separation, a major role of the DG that reduces interference for the formation of new memories. Finally, we will review clinical and translational considerations, suggesting that stimulation of AHN may help decrease overgeneralization-a common endophenotype of mood, anxiety, trauma-related, and age-related disorders.

Giro Denteado , Neurogênese , Neurogênese/fisiologia , Humanos , Animais , Giro Denteado/fisiologia , Hipocampo/fisiologia , Memória Episódica , Neurônios/fisiologia , Neurônios/metabolismo , Memória/fisiologia
Front Neurosci ; 18: 1418694, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38952923


The advent of artificial lighting, particularly during the evening and night, has significantly altered the predictable daily light and dark cycles in recent times. Altered light environments disrupt the biological clock and negatively impact mood and cognition. Although adolescents commonly experience chronic changes in light/dark cycles, our understanding of how the adolescents' brain adapts to altered light environments remains limited. Here, we investigated the impact of chronic light cycle disruption (LCD) during adolescence, exposing adolescent mice to 19 h of light and 5 h of darkness for 5 days and 12 L:12D for 2 days per week (LCD group) for 4 weeks. We showed that LCD exposure did not affect circadian locomotor activity but impaired memory and increased avoidance response in adolescent mice. Clock gene expression and neuronal activity rhythms analysis revealed that LCD disrupted local molecular clock and neuronal activity in the dentate gyrus (DG) and in the medial amygdala (MeA) but not in the circadian pacemaker (SCN). In addition, we characterized the photoresponsiveness of the MeA and showed that somatostatin neurons are affected by acute and chronic aberrant light exposure during adolescence. Our research provides new evidence highlighting the potential consequences of altered light environments during pubertal development on neuronal physiology and behaviors.

Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev ; 32(3): 101275, 2024 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39022742


Heterozygous mutations in the FOXG1 gene manifest as FOXG1 syndrome, a severe neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by structural brain anomalies, including agenesis of the corpus callosum, hippocampal reduction, and myelination delays. Despite the well-defined genetic basis of FOXG1 syndrome, therapeutic interventions targeting the underlying cause of the disorder are nonexistent. In this study, we explore the therapeutic potential of adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9)-mediated delivery of the FOXG1 gene. Remarkably, intracerebroventricular injection of AAV9-FOXG1 to Foxg1 heterozygous mouse model at the postnatal stage rescues a wide range of brain pathologies. This includes the amelioration of corpus callosum deficiencies, the restoration of dentate gyrus morphology in the hippocampus, the normalization of oligodendrocyte lineage cell numbers, and the rectification of myelination anomalies. Our findings highlight the efficacy of AAV9-based gene therapy as a viable treatment strategy for FOXG1 syndrome and potentially other neurodevelopmental disorders with similar brain malformations, asserting its therapeutic relevance in postnatal stages.

Neurobiol Dis ; 199: 106604, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39002810


Mitochondria are essential regulators of cellular energy metabolism and play a crucial role in the maintenance and function of neuronal cells. Studies in the last decade have highlighted the importance of mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetics in adult neurogenesis, a process that significantly influences cognitive function and brain plasticity. In this review, we examine the mechanisms by which mitochondria regulate adult neurogenesis, focusing on the impact of mitochondrial function on the behavior of neural stem/progenitor cells and the maturation and plasticity of newborn neurons in the adult mouse hippocampus. In addition, we explore the link between mitochondrial dysfunction, adult hippocampal neurogenesis and genes associated with cognitive deficits in neurodevelopmental disorders. In particular, we provide insights into how alterations in the transcriptional regulator NR2F1 affect mitochondrial dynamics and may contribute to the pathophysiology of the emerging neurodevelopmental disorder Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome (BBSOAS). Understanding how genes involved in embryonic and adult neurogenesis affect mitochondrial function in neurological diseases might open new directions for therapeutic interventions aimed at boosting mitochondrial function during postnatal life.

Hipocampo , Mitocôndrias , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento , Neurogênese , Neurogênese/fisiologia , Animais , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento/metabolismo , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento/genética , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento/patologia , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento/fisiopatologia , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Humanos , Células-Tronco Neurais/metabolismo
Alcohol Clin Exp Res (Hoboken) ; 48(8): 1483-1491, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38850072


BACKGROUND: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is one of the leading causes of neurodevelopmental disorder for which there is a pressing need for an effective treatment. Recent studies have investigated the essential nutrient choline as a postnatal treatment option. Supplementation with choline has produced improvements in behavioral tasks related to learning and memory and reverted changes in methylation signature following third-trimester equivalent ethanol exposure. We examined whether there are related improvements in hippocampal synaptic plasticity in vivo. METHODS: Sprague-Dawley offspring were administered binge-levels of ethanol from postnatal day (PND) 4 to 9, then treated with choline chloride (100 mg/kg/day) from PND 10 to 30. In vivo electrophysiology was performed on male and female offspring from PND 55 to 70. Long-term potentiation (LTP) was induced in the medial perforant pathway of the dentate gyrus using a theta-burst stimulation (TBS) protocol, and field-evoked postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were evoked for 60 min following the conditioning stimulus. RESULTS: Developmental ethanol exposure caused long-lasting deficits in LTP of the slope of the evoked responses and in the amplitude of the population spike potentiation. Neither deficit was rescued by postnatal choline supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to our prior findings that choline can improve hippocampal plasticity (Nutrients, 2022, 14, 2004), here we found that deficits in hippocampal synaptic plasticity due to developmental ethanol exposure persisted into adulthood despite adolescent choline supplementation. Future research should examine more subtle changes in synaptic plasticity to identify synaptic changes that mirror behavioral improvements.

Cell Rep ; 43(6): 114339, 2024 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38852158


Quiescent adult neural stem cells (NSCs) in the mammalian brain arise from proliferating NSCs during development. Beyond acquisition of quiescence, an adult NSC hallmark, little is known about the process, milestones, and mechanisms underlying the transition of developmental NSCs to an adult NSC state. Here, we performed targeted single-cell RNA-seq analysis to reveal the molecular cascade underlying NSC development in the early postnatal mouse dentate gyrus. We identified two sequential steps, first a transition to quiescence followed by further maturation, each of which involved distinct changes in metabolic gene expression. Direct metabolic analysis uncovered distinct milestones, including an autophagy burst before NSC quiescence acquisition and cellular reactive oxygen species level elevation along NSC maturation. Functionally, autophagy is important for the NSC transition to quiescence during early postnatal development. Together, our study reveals a multi-step process with defined milestones underlying establishment of the adult NSC pool in the mammalian brain.

Autofagia , Hipocampo , Células-Tronco Neurais , Células-Tronco Neurais/metabolismo , Células-Tronco Neurais/citologia , Animais , Camundongos , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Hipocampo/citologia , Neurogênese , Giro Denteado/metabolismo , Giro Denteado/citologia , Giro Denteado/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Diferenciação Celular , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio/metabolismo , Células-Tronco Adultas/metabolismo , Células-Tronco Adultas/citologia , Análise de Célula Única , Proliferação de Células