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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 69-80, jul./dez. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554908


Objetivo: verificar a influência da pandemia de Covid-19 no risco de desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares em mulheres. Metodologia: pesquisa quantitativa, com mulheres com acesso ao computador, a celular e à internet. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um questionário on-line contendo 60 perguntas, com respostas fechadas, que visavam conhecer a sua relação com a alimentação. Foram verificados o consumo alimentar e o risco de desenvolvimento de anorexia nervosa (Eating Attitudes Test - EAT-26) e bulimia nervosa (Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh- BITE). Resultados: participaram da pesquisa 92 mulheres, sendo que 81,50% (n=75) referiram que ficaram em casa durante a pandemia. Sobre a ingestão de alimentos, 45,70% (n=42) relataram que consumiram diariamente frutas e hortaliças, 55,40% (n=51) ingeriram de 1 a 2 vezes/semana bolachas, salgadinhos, doces e guloseimas e 62,00% (n=57) consumiam embutidos pelo menos 1 vez/semana. Ainda, 18,50% (n=17) apresentaram risco para o desenvolvimento de anorexia nervosa e 83,60% (n=73) risco de bulimia nervosa. Entretanto, analisando se esse risco estava associado à pandemia, verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa entre o grupo que permaneceu em casa e o grupo que saiu para trabalhar (p > 0,05). Conclusão: portanto, grande parte das voluntárias apresentaram um risco de desenvolver algum transtorno alimentar, entretanto, não houve uma relação entre o possível risco de desenvolver transtornos alimentares influenciado pela pandemia.

Objective: to verify the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the risk of developing eating disorders in women. Methodology: quantitative research, with women with access to a computer, cell phone and internet. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire containing 60 questions, with closed answers, which aimed to understand their relationship with food. Food consumption Abstract and the risk of developing nervous anorexia (Eating Attitudes Test - EAT-26) and nervous bulimia (Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh - BITE) were verified. Results: 92 women participated in the research, with 81.50% (n=75) reporting that they stayed at home during the pandemic. Regarding food intake, 45.70% (n=42) reported that they consumed fruits and vegetables daily, 55.40% (n=51) ate cookies, snacks, sweets and sweets 1 to 2 times/week and 62, 00% (n=57) consumed sausages at least once/week. Furthermore, 18.50% (n=17) were at risk for developing nervous anorexia and 83.60% (n=73) were at risk for nervous bulimia. However, analyzing whether this risk was associated with the pandemic, it was found that there was no significant difference between the group that remained at home and the group that went out to work (p > 0.05). Conclusion: therefore, most of the volunteers presented a risk of developing an eating disorder, however, there was no relationship between the possible risk of developing eating disorders influenced by the pandemic.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Acta Psychiatr Scand ; 2024 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244381


INTRODUCTION: Many patients with eating disorders (EDs) engage in excessive and compulsive physical activity (pathological exercise, PE) to regulate negative mood or to "burn calories." PE can lead to negative health consequences. Non-exercise activity (NEA) bears the potential to serve as intervention target to counteract PE and problematic eating behaviors since it has been associated with positive mood effects. However, to date, there is no investigation on whether the positive link between NEA and mood seen in the healthy translates to patients with ED. MATERIAL AND METHODS: To study potential associations of NEA and mood in ED, we subjected 29 ED-patients and 35 healthy controls (HCs) to an ambulatory assessment study across 7 days. We measured NEA via accelerometers and repeatedly assessed mood on electronic smartphone diaries via a mixed sampling strategy based on events, activity and time. Within- and between-subject effects of NEA on mood, PE as moderator, and the temporal course of effects were analyzed via multilevel modeling. RESULTS: NEA increased valence (ß = 2.12, p < 0.001) and energetic arousal (ß = 4.02, p < 0.001) but showed no significant effect on calmness. The effects of NEA on energetic arousal where significantly stronger for HCs (ßHC = 6.26, p < 0.001) than for EDs (ßED = 4.02, p < 0.001; ßinteraction = 2.24, p = 0.0135). Effects of NEA were robust across most timeframes of NEA and significantly moderated by PE, that is, Lower PE levels exhibited stronger NEA effects on energetic arousal. CONCLUSION: Patients with ED and HC show an affective benefit from NEA, partly depending on the level of PE. If replicated in experimental daily life studies, this evidence may pave the way towards expedient NEA interventions to cope with negative mood. Interventions could be especially promising if delivered as Just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) and should be tailored according to the PE level.

J Eat Disord ; 12(1): 131, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227928


BACKGROUND: Anorexia nervosa is a serious and potentially lethal psychiatric disorder. Furthermore, there is significant evidence that some individuals develop a very long-standing form of the illness that requires a variety of different treatment interventions over time. OBJECTIVE: The primary goal of this paper was to provide a review of treatment strategies for severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (SE-AN) with the particular focus on treatments involving hospital care. Additionally, we wish to highlight a contemporary approach to such care and provide qualitative reactions to this model from both staff and patients. METHODS: A selective and strategic review of the treatment literature for SE-AN was conducted for the current paper. Emphasis was placed on clinical or scientific papers related to hospital-based care. Additionally, staff who work on a specific inpatient eating disorder unit with a substantial treatment program for SE-AN, along with a number of SE-AN patients were surveyed regarding their experiences working on, or receiving treatment on the unit. Importantly, the staff of this unit created a specific treatment protocol for individuals receiving hospital care. The results of the highlight both advantages and challenges of a hospital-based protocol oriented toward emphasizing quality of life, medical stability, and a health-promoting meal plan. DISCUSSION: While there is general inconsistency with the type of treatment that is best suited to individuals with SE-AN, this is particularly true for higher levels of care that rely on inpatient hospital units or residential treatment settings. This is a highly significant clinical topic in need of further clinical and scientific examination.

Anorexia nervosa is a serious illness which often persists for decades. Treatments for persistent anorexia nervosa are not well defined and there is considerable debate in the field about appropriate types of treatment strategies for these individuals. Such clinical uncertainty is particularly noteworthy in terms of the most appropriate types of care for these patients when they are hospitalized, which happens relatively frequently. Greater efforts are needed to develop inpatient programs for SE-AN that take into consideration their unique clinical needs.

Int J Eat Disord ; 2024 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39238195


OBJECTIVE: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is characterized by a tendency to limit intake of food, with specific restriction of foods that are generally considered highly palatable. This observation raises questions about whether reward processing is disturbed in AN. This study examined whether adolescents with AN differ from healthy control peers (HC) in anticipatory and consummatory reward processing. METHOD: Adolescents with AN (n = 71) and HC (n = 41) completed the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale (TEPS). The TEPS Anticipatory Pleasure scale was divided into two further subscales (Food and Non-food). Anticipatory (Food and Non-food) and Consummatory Pleasure (Non-food) scores were compared between adolescents with AN and HC using independent t-tests. RESULTS: TEPS scores were significantly lower among adolescents with AN than HC in Anticipatory Pleasure Food (t(110) = 7.80, p < 0.001) and Non-food (t(110) = 4.36, p < 0.001), and Consummatory Pleasure (t(110) = 2.60, p = 0.01) subscales. When controlling for BDI score, there was no significant group difference in TEPS Consummatory Pleasure scores (t(108) = 0.88, p = 0.38). Among adolescents with AN, Food Anticipatory Pleasure was significantly negatively correlated with all EDE-Q subscales and global score (r(68) = -0.38, p = 0.002) and positively correlated with food intake at a laboratory buffet meal (r(61) = 0.53, p < 0.001). DISCUSSION: Measures of both anticipatory and consummatory reward were reduced among adolescents with AN with a short duration of illness. In this study, eating disorder symptoms were related to diminished reward responses in anticipation of food. Dampened anticipatory reward response may comprise a mechanism of illness in AN that should be subject to further study.

Int J Soc Psychiatry ; : 207640241280159, 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39257158


BACKGROUND: Negative affectivity of caregivers has been linked to difficulties in the caregiver-patient relationship and it is assumed to contribute to the maintenance of eating disorder (ED) symptoms. AIMS: The present study investigated the relationship of patients' ED symptom severity to patients' and caregivers' depressive symptoms, and caregivers' involvement in a mixed sample of adult inpatients with anorexia (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), as well as their caregivers. METHOD: The Eating Disorder Examination and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered to 55 adult ED patients (26 AN and 29 BN), and the BDI as well as the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire were filled in by one caregiver of each patient. RESULTS: Our results showed caregivers' depressive symptoms to be significantly related to patients' ED symptom severity, however depressive symptoms and ED symptoms of patients were not related. No connection of involvement of caregivers and ED severity of patients was found. AN and BN patients did not significantly differ on ED severity or depressive symptoms. Caregivers of AN and BN patients did not differ significantly on depressive symptoms and involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the importance of mental health support for caregivers of adults with AN and BN.

Int J Eat Disord ; 2024 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39243171


OBJECTIVE: Hypoglycemia causes significant morbidity and mortality in patients with severe eating disorders. We measured average glycemic levels using hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) in patients hospitalized for extreme anorexia nervosa (AN) and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). METHODS: This was a prospective, single-center cohort study conducted in an inpatient medical stabilization unit. Clinical outcomes were compared using paired t-tests. Additional analysis comparing clinical variables between undetectable and detectable HbA1c used two-sample t-tests. RESULTS: The study cohort consisted of 148 individuals, 90% female, average age of 31 years, average admit body mass index of 12.5 kg/m2, and mean percentage ideal body weight of 60.1%. Diagnoses included AN-restricting (54%), AN-binge purge (39%), and ARFID (7%). HbA1C and fructosamine levels decreased from admission to discharge. Serum glucose levels increased significantly from admission to discharge. Mean HbA1C was 4.7% on admission and 4.3% on discharge. DISCUSSION: This study evaluated mean blood glucose levels using HbA1C in patients with extreme forms of AN and ARFID. Given the concern for morbidity and mortality from hypoglycemia in this population, which can be overlooked on a single point-of-care glucose measurement, HbA1C is a valuable laboratory measure of glycemic status in patients with extreme forms of eating disorders.

Neurochem Int ; : 105842, 2024 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244038


Several evidence suggest that immuno-inflammatory responses are involved in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa (AN). Herein we investigate the possible alteration of key mediators of inflammation, redox balance, and neuroplasticity in the brain of rats showing an anorexic-like phenotype. We modeled AN in adolescent female rats using the activity-based anorexia (ABA) paradigm and measured gene expression levels of targets of interest in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and dorsal hippocampus (DH). We observed reduced mRNA levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1ß and TNF-α, the inflammasome NLRP3, and the microglial marker CD11b in both PFC and DH of ABA animals. Conversely, the mRNA of IL-6, which acts as both a pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine, was increased. Moreover, we observed an overall upregulation of different antioxidant enzymes in PFC, while their profile was not affected or opposite in the DH except for MT1α. Interestingly, ABA animals showed elevated levels of the neuroplasticity marker BDNF in both PFC and DH. Our data indicate that ABA induction is associated with anatomical-specific cerebral alteration of mediators of neuroinflammation, oxidative balance and neuroplasticity. Although more research should be conducted, these results add important information about the role of these systems in the complex of AN etiopathogenesis.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244212


OBJECTIVE: Research demonstrates reduced cognitive flexibility and weak central coherence during acute illness and following recovery from anorexia nervosa (AN). This systematic review investigated if these impairments are present in first-degree relatives of individuals with AN, representing a possible neuropsychological risk profile. METHODS: A systematic review of electronic databases was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The search ended on July 14, 2023. Established search terms and inclusion criteria identified relevant research. Risk of bias was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program. The review was registered with Prospero international prospective register of systematic reviews (No. CRD42023401268). Study selection, descriptive data, critical appraisal, and risk of bias are presented in tables and figures. RESULTS: The search yielded 10 studies. The included studies conducted neuropsychological assessments of discordant AN relatives and lifetime longitudinal study participants. Most studies found cognitive flexibility and central coherence to be significantly reduced in participants with AN and their relatives compared with controls. One study found decision making to be significantly impaired in AN participants and relatives. Effect sizes were moderate to large. DISCUSSION: Reduced cognitive flexibility and weak central coherence appear to be endophenotypes of AN. Further research is required with relatives concordant for AN to establish whether these biomarkers co-segregate with AN within families. These findings suggest a possibility of developing screeners to identify individuals at risk of AN allowing for early intervention.

Biopsychosoc Med ; 18(1): 18, 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232751


Eating disorders can significantly impact the psychosocial functioning and physical health of adolescents. Early and effective treatment is crucial to prevent long-lasting and potentially devastating adverse effects. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has recommended cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for eating disorders in adolescents when family therapy is unacceptable, contraindicated, or ineffective. This recommendation was primarily based on the review of promising results from the enhanced version of CBT (CBT-E) adapted for adolescents with eating disorders aged between 12 and 19 years. A non-randomized effectiveness trial has also shown that CBT-E achieved a similar outcome to family-based treatment (FBT) at 6- and 12-months. CBT-E has several advantages. It is acceptable to young people, and its collaborative nature suits ambivalent young patients who may be particularly concerned about control issues. The transdiagnostic scope of the treatment is an advantage as it can treat the full range of disorders that occur in adolescent patients. It is an individual one-on-one treatment that does not necessitate the full involvement of the family. This approach is particularly beneficial for families that can only provide limited support. Future challenges include clarifying the relative efficacy of CBT-E and family therapy for the treatment of adolescent patients with eating disorders in a randomized control trial and increasing its effectiveness, identifying the reasons for the lack of response, and modifying the treatment accordingly.

J Eat Disord ; 12(1): 132, 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232825


BACKGROUND: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder, from which recovery is often protracted. The role of prior specialized inpatient treatment on subsequent treatment attempts for adults with chronic AN and predictors of treatment response for severe and enduring AN (SE-AN) are needed to improve outcomes. METHOD: Participants (N = 135) with chronic AN (ill ≥7 years) admitted to an integrated inpatient-partial hospitalization eating disorders (ED) unit with prior ED hospitalization(s) (+ PH; n = 100) were compared to those without prior ED hospitalizations (-PH; n = 35) on admission characteristics (BMI, length of illness, outpatient ED treatment history, symptomatology (ED, anxiety, and depressive), history of suicide attempts or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI)), treatment motivation and recovery self-efficacy, and discharge outcomes (discharge BMI, rate of weight gain, length of stay, clinical improvement). RESULTS: Groups were similar with regard to age, years ill, and admission BMI. The + PH group had lower desired weight, lifetime nadir BMI and self-efficacy for normative eating, and higher state and trait anxiety than the -PH group. +PH were also more likely to endorse history of NSSI and suicide attempt. Regarding discharge outcomes, most patients achieved weight restoration at program discharge (mean discharge BMI = 19.8 kg/m2). Groups did not differ on rate of weight gain, likelihood of attending partial hospital, partial hospital length of stay, program discharge BMI, or likelihood of clinical improvement (p's > 0.05) although inpatient length of stay was longer for the + PH group. CONCLUSIONS: Participants with chronic AN + PH exhibited more severe psychiatric comorbidity and lower self-efficacy for normative eating than AN -PH, however short-term discharge outcomes were similar. Future research should determine whether weight restoration and targeting comorbidities impacts relapse risk or need for rehospitalization among chronic and severe + PH. Despite similar illness durations, those with chronic AN -PH may be able to transition to partial hospital earlier. Conversely there is risk of undertreatment of chronic AN + PH given the recent shift promoting briefer self-directed admissions for adults with SE-AN. Research comparing + PH and -PH adults with chronic AN may facilitate efforts to individualize care and characterize relapse risk following intensive treatment.

Some individuals with longstanding anorexia nervosa (AN) remain ill despite multiple attempts at intensive treatment. Others reach a high level of specialty care (e.g. inpatient or residential) for the first time only late in their illness. This study compared 100 hospitalized patients with chronic AN (ill ≥ 7 years) who previously received specialty inpatient eating disorder care to 35 hospitalized patients with chronic AN and no prior intensive treatment. Participants completed questionnaires at admission and weight change and hospital course were assessed at program discharge by chart review. At admission, individuals with prior hospitalizations reported greater difficulties with anxiety and suicidal behavior, lower confidence for changing their eating habits, and lower desired body weight compared to those with no prior inpatient treatment. Both groups had similar weight change and clinical improvement during treatment with mean discharge BMI consistent with weight restoration. These outcomes suggest equivalent short term improvement and weight restoration for individuals with chronic AN regardless of whether they previously received inpatient treatment and call into question whether the recent shift to brief admissions for those with chronic and severe AN may result for some in undertreatment, given that weight restoration remains the strongest predictor of long-term recovery.

Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1438829, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234621


Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) and obesity (OB) are relevant concerns in adolescence. Despite their contrasting phenotypes, they share common pathogenic origins and may be present in the same individual at different times. We explored the psychopathology and attachment features of adolescents with AN who did (AN-ow) or did not (AN-nw) have previous overweight, compared with OB adolescents and healthy control (HC) adolescents. Method: In total, 148 female adolescents referred to an outpatient clinic for an eating disorder (66 for AN and 42 for OB) and 40 HCs were assessed using self-administered instruments that measured parenting, attachment, eating, and general psychopathology. Group differences were tested by analysis of covariance, and correlations between variables were examined. Results: AN-ow, AN-nw, and OB adolescents had greater interpersonal distrust and avoidance of relationships, compared with HC adolescents. AN-nw and AN-ow adolescents displayed a higher need for approval and a drive to thinness and interpersonal distrust, compared with HC adolescents. AN-ow adolescents displayed lower paternal care and higher ineffectiveness, asceticism, social insecurity, and depression, compared with HC adolescents. Compared with AN-nw adolescents, AN-ow adolescents felt more ineffective and more ascetic. The dynamics linking the psychopathological features clearly distinguished the four groups. Conclusions: AN-ow is a well-identified subtype of AN, with specific features that differ from AN-nw; some of these features are shared with OB. A therapeutic approach tailored to AN-ow adolescents should consider these features.

J Eat Disord ; 12(1): 134, 2024 Sep 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39243050


Decisions about the treatment of eating disorders do not occur in a socio-political vacuum. They are shaped by power relations that produce categories of risk and determine who is worthy of care. This impacts who gets access to care and recognition of rights in mental health services. Globally, there are calls for more human rights-based approaches in mental health services to reduce coercion, improve collaborative decision making and enhance community care. Treating individuals with longstanding, Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders (SEED) or Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa (SE-AN) can be particularly problematic when it involves highly controversial issues such as treatment withdrawal and end-of-life decisions and, where legally permissible, medically assisted dying. In this article, we argue that the socio-political context in which clinical decision making occurs must be accounted for in these ethical considerations. This encompasses considerations of how power and resources are distributed, who controls these decisions, who benefits and who is harmed by these decisions, who is excluded from services, and who is marginalised in decision making processes. The article also presents tools for critically reflective practice and collaborative decision-making that can support clinicians in considering power factors in their practice and assisting individuals with longstanding eating disorders, SEED and SE-AN to attain their rights in mental health services.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240360


Thiamine is an essential vitamin that plays a crucial role in many biochemical processes in the body. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is one potential cause of a state of deficiency which can result in grave medical sequelae. There is limited available evidence of the prevalence of thiamine deficiency in patients who suffer from AN. The current study aimed to systematically review all available evidence on the prevalence of thiamine deficiency in cohorts with AN. Studies were included where thiamine status in a group of participants with AN was measured, either through self-reporting or objective measurement. Eight databases (Scopus, CINAHL complete, Medline complete, EMBASE, WEB OF SCIENCE, PROSPERO, COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched. PRISMA guidelines were followed. The study was registered on PROSPERO. A minimum of two researchers conducted each part of the review. The search identified 42 articles whose full texts were screened for eligibility, with 17 retained for qualitative synthesis. The prevalence rates of thiamine deficiency in AN varied from 5.9% to 100% when based on self-report dietary intake. When objective measurements were taken, rates ranged from 0% to 56.7%. The review suggested that age, body mass index (BMI), duration of illness and subtype of AN were not associated with thiamine status. The limited available evidence suggested that the use of supplements, prior treatment and higher energy intakes were associated with a reduced risk of developing a thiamine deficiency among individuals with AN. Poor study methodology including small sample size, inconsistent deficiency definition and study heterogeneity limits the conclusions that can be drawn. Ultimately, there is insufficient strength of evidence to draw definitive clinical recommendations. This review highlights the need for further studies with more robust methodology to help further inform clinical practice.

J Eat Disord ; 12(1): 127, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223672


Research into the risk of anorexia nervosa (AN) has examined twin pairs to further the understanding of the contributions of genetics, trait inheritance, and environmental factors to eating disorder (ED) development. Investigations of twin experiences of EDs have been biologically-based and have not considered the qualitative, phenomenological aspects of twin experiences. A gap in the literature exists regarding understanding of discordant twins with EDs. This research was developed in response, with the aim to deepen understanding of AN in discordant twins and to create novel ideas for further research and testing. The case studies presented in this article provide lived experience insights of two identical discordant twin pairs: one twin pair discordant for longstanding AN and one twin pair discordant for 'atypical' AN (the twin with AN has recovered). The perspectives and experiences of each co-twin (one with AN and one without) explore a number of factors that may have contributed to twin discordance in these cases, and how each twin has responded to the impact of AN in their lives. Through use of first-person accounts in case study presentation, this article centres social justice values of lived experience leadership and involvement in research. This article aims to extend current knowledge and understanding of EDs in discordant twins, particularly regarding risk for ED development, ED duration, diagnosis and treatment, and recovery processes.

Int J Eat Disord ; 2024 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234637


OBJECTIVE: Post-operative development of restrictive eating disorders can occur in patients after bariatric surgery. In children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN) or atypical AN, premorbid body mass index (BMI) has recently been shown to predict total weight loss. We hypothesized that pre-operative BMI similarly predicts weight loss and the development of a restrictive eating disorder in adult bariatric patients. METHOD: A PubMed search identified case studies/series of 29 adult females who developed AN or atypical AN/eating disorder not otherwise specified following bariatric surgery. Non-parametric Spearman's correlation (rs) between pre-operative BMI and total weight loss was calculated; a scatterplot was used to illustrate the relationship between pre-operative/premorbid BMI and weight loss in kg for 29 bariatric patients and 460 children and adolescents with AN or atypical AN as published previously. RESULTS: The correlation between pre-operative BMI and weight loss among bariatric patients was rs = 0.65 (p = 0.0001). Scatterplot data of this relationship fit the previously identified pattern in children and adolescents with AN or atypical AN. DISCUSSION: The prediction of weight loss by pre-operative/premorbid BMI appears applicable across the weight spectrum, from underweight to severe obesity, thus strengthening our hypothesis of underlying regulatory mechanisms for the development of AN and atypical AN. Such data may guide the determination of critical weight loss thresholds that trigger eating disorder development in predisposed individuals.

Int J Eat Disord ; 2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219064


OBJECTIVE: Despite substantial research indicating difficulties with emotion regulation across eating disorder presentations, emotion regulation has yet to be studied in adults with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). We hypothesized that (1) those with ARFID would report greater overall emotion regulation difficulties than nonclinical participants, and (2) those with ARFID would not differ from those with other eating disorders on the level of emotion regulation difficulty. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-seven adults (age 18-30) from an outpatient clinic with ARFID (n = 27), with other primarily restrictive eating disorders (e.g., anorexia nervosa; n = 34), and with binge/purge eating disorders (e.g., bulimia nervosa; n = 51), as well as nonclinical participants (n = 25) recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) completed the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). We compared DERS scores across groups. RESULTS: In line with expectations, patients with ARFID scored significantly higher than nonclinical participants on the DERS Total (p = 0.01) with a large effect size (d = 0.87). Also as hypothesized, those with ARFID did not differ from those with other primarily restrictive (p = 0.99) or binge/purge disorders (p = 0.29) on DERS Total. DISCUSSION: Adults with ARFID appear to exhibit emotion regulation difficulties which are greater than nonclinical participants, and commensurate with other eating disorders. These findings highlight the possibility of emotion regulation difficulties as a maintenance mechanism for ARFID.

Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res ; 29(3): 337-342, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100404


Background: Cancer and associated treatment methods present numerous complications, including anorexia and disturbances in sleep patterns. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of reflexology on the symptoms of anorexia and sleep quality among individuals afflicted with cancer. Materials and Methods: In this double-blinded randomized clinical trial, a total of 60 patients undergoing chemotherapy at Khansari Hospital, Arak, Iran, were selected using convenience sampling and then assigned to two groups of control and experimental using blocked randomization (30 patients in each group). The sample intervention group received reflexology in an exceedingly 4-week amount (two sessions a week), By contrast, the control group was administered a placebo treatment without exerting any pressure on the reflex points during the same time frame. Sleep quality and anorexia in patients were measured using a Pittsburgh questionnaire and visual analog scale before and right after the intervention. Eventually, the data were analyzed, and we used the tests of central tendency, dispersion, independent- and paired-samples t-tests, and Chi-square. Results: The findings of the study revealed a significant improvement in sleep quality and reduction in anorexia symptoms among patients who received reflexology treatment scores (p < 0.001). Conversely, there was no significant difference in the control group before and after the intervention (without pressure effect on the foot points) (p > 0.05). Conclusions: According to the positive effects on sleep quality and the reduction of anorexia symptoms, it is recommended to incorporate this therapeutic modality along with conventional medication for the treatment of individuals with cancer.

J Eat Disord ; 12(1): 111, 2024 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39107833


INTRODUCTION: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a complex psychiatric illness, characterized by a high risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Given the high risk of vascular diseases in patients with AN, we can assume that patients with severe AN have a high risk of developing ischemic stroke. However, to the best of our knowledge, no reports of patients with AN presenting with ischemic stroke have been published, other than a report of the development of IS during refeeding therapy in patients with severe AN. CASE PRESENTATION: The present case report is aimed at describing the characteristics of an ischemic stroke occurring in a 19-year-old university student who had a 6-month history of AN. She was a non-smoker, had no relevant medical history and no family history of stroke. Upon hospital admission due to symptoms of stroke (aphasia and facial droop), she exhibited severe malnutrition with a BMI of 12.8 kg/m2. Computerized tomography imaging revealed occlusion of the left M2 branch and a congruous extensive area of hypoperfusion. Further investigations ruled out all common causes of stroke: she had no vascular stenosis, no heart diseases or arrhythmias, and no shunts, and gave negative results in autoimmune, toxicological and thrombophilia screenings. CONCLUSION: Clinicians should suspect development of severe complications, including ischemic stroke, in patients with severe AN. Further extensive group studies or group-based studies are needed to elucidate the etiology of ischemic stroke in patients with severe AN. This will enable us to develop more precise and effective interventions.

Int J Eat Disord ; 2024 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119884


OBJECTIVE: The scientific literature reports on how social media potentially influences eating disorders, although there is a large gap in the specific case of TikToks influence of adolescent's recovery from anorexia nervosa (AN). Our study uses in-depth interviews with female adolescents primarily suffering from AN to explore how they perceive the social media platform TikTok in relation to their recovery. METHOD: A total of 14 interviews with female adolescents recovering from AN were conducted and analyzed with reflexive thematic analysis. RESULTS: We developed four distinct main themes: social connectivity, algorithmic engagement, regulation and adaptation, and personal agency and recovery pathways. Our findings indicate both potential benefits and harm by TikTok use when in recovery from AN, depending on a complex interplay of individual and contextual factors. DISCUSSION: The study adds nuance to the on-going scientific debate on the role that TikTok plays in recovery from AN in general from the perspective provided by female adolescents. Suggestions are made for clinical implications at adolescent AN outpatient care including parental or professional support in TikTok adaptations and advice on how to discern when use may be triggering or supportive. Future research would benefit from longitudinal designs and inclusion of how individual differences, such as gender and personality, influence the effects on recovery and TikTok use.
