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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552244


Introdução: A comunicação é reconhecida como uma habilidade central por vários órgãos reguladores internacionais da educação médica. O ensino específico de habilidades de comunicação é fundamental para melhorar a comunicação dos médicos. As técnicas experienciais mostraram superioridade em comparação com os modelos tradicionais. A utilização de consultas reais ajuda os estudantes a visualizar melhor as suas competências de entrevista e a refletir sobre elas. Com os avanços da tecnologia, o uso de consultas médicas gravadas em vídeo tornou-se a abordagem padrão para o ensino da comunicação. No entanto, a eficácia dessa técnica depende do envolvimento ativo dos estudantes. As suas contribuições e comentários dos pares sobre a consulta gravada são essenciais para a aprendizagem. Contudo, a perspectiva do estudante sobre a utilidade dessa abordagem educativa recebeu pouca atenção. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção da aprendizagem dos residentes de medicina de família e comunidade resultante da atividade de vídeo feedback na sua formação profissional. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, realizado com residentes do primeiro ano de medicina de família e comunidade de um programa de residência estabelecido em São Paulo, Brasil. Os participantes foram entrevistados após as sessões educativas, que foram analisadas por meio de análise temática reflexiva. Resultados: A autopercepção de sua prática, o aprendizado de habilidades de comunicação e os ganhos afetivos foram identificados pelos participantes como pontos de aprendizado derivados da atividade de vídeo feedback. Além disso, sobre o aprendizado de habilidades específicas de comunicação, eles mencionaram comunicação não-verbal e verbal, conexões entre teoria e prática, estrutura de consulta e oportunidades para cristalizar conhecimentos. Os ganhos afetivos incluíram sentir-se parte de um grupo, melhora da autoestima, superação de inseguranças, percepção de consultas mais efetivas, reforço do gosto pelo trabalho e reconhecer a necessidade de mais aprendizado. Conclusões: Os ganhos de aprendizagem identificados em nosso estudo levaram a uma experiência de humanidade compartilhada, que permite aos participantes serem mais efetivos técnica e afetivamente com seus pacientes. Além disso, identificamos que a atividade educativa de vídeo feedback pode ser utilizada para outros possíveis fins educacionais além do ensino da comunicação.

Introduction: Communication is recognized as a central skill by various international medical education regulatory bodies. Specific teaching on communication skills is important to enhance doctors' communication. Experiential techniques appear to be superior compared to traditional models. Real-life consultation helps trainees visualize their interview skills and reflect on them. Upgraded by technology, the use of video-recorded medical visits became the standard approach for communication teaching. However, the effectiveness pf this technique relies on trainees' active involvement. Their inputs and peer feedback on the recorded consultation are essential to learning. Despite its importance, their perspective on the usefulness of video feedback in medical education has received limited attention. Objective: To understand the perception of learning among general practice trainees as a result of the video feedback activity in their vocational training. Methods: An exploratory, qualitative study, conducted with first-year general practice trainees from an established training program in São Paulo, Brazil. Participants were interviewed after educational session, which were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Self-perception of their practice, communication skills learning, and affective gains were identified by participants as learning points derived from the video feedback activity. Furthermore, for specific communication skills learning, they mentioned nonverbal and verbal communication, theory and practice connections, consultation structure and opportunities for crystallizing knowledge. Affective gains included feeling part of a group, improving self-esteem, overcoming insecurities, perception of more effective consultations, reinforcing fondness for their work, and need for more learning. Conclusions: The learning gains identified in our study led to an experience of common humanity, which allowed participants to be more technically and affectively effective with their patients. Also, we identified that the video feedback educational activity can be used for other possible educational purposes, beyond the teaching of communication.

Introducción: La comunicación es reconocida como una habilidad fundamental por varios organismos reguladores internacionales de educación médica. La enseñanza específica de habilidades de comunicación es importante para mejorar la comunicación de los médicos. Las técnicas experienciales parecen ser superiores a los modelos tradicionales. El uso de consultas reales ayuda a los estudiantes a visualizar y reflexionar mejor sobre sus habilidades de entrevista. Actualizado por la tecnología, el uso de consultas médicas grabadas en video se ha convertido en el enfoque estándar para la enseñanza de la comunicación. Sin embargo, para que la técnica funcione, la participación de los estudiantes es crucial. Sus contribuciones y comentarios de los compañeros sobre la consulta grabada son esenciales para el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad de este enfoque educativo ha recibido poca atención. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción del aprendizaje por parte de los residentes de medicina de familia y comunitaria como resultado de la actividad de vídeo feedback en su formación profesional. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio realizado con residentes de primer año de medicina familiar y comunitaria de un programa de residencia establecido en São Paulo, Brasil. Los participantes fueron entrevistados después de una sesión educativa, que fueron analizados mediante análisis temático reflexivo. Resultados: La autopercepción de su práctica, el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas y las ganancias afectivas fueron identificadas por los participantes como puntos de aprendizaje derivados de la actividad de vídeo feedback. Además, sobre el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas específicas, mencionaron la comunicación verbal y no verbal, las conexiones entre la teoría y la práctica, la estructura de consulta y las oportunidades para cristalizar conocimientos. En cuanto a las ganancias afectivas, relataron sentirse parte de un grupo, mejora de la autoestima, superación de las inseguridades, percepción de consultas más efectivas, refuerzo del gusto por el trabajo y necesidad de más aprendizaje. Conclusión: Los logros de aprendizaje identificados en nuestro estudio llevaron a una experiencia de humanidad compartida, que permite a los participantes ser técnica y afectivamente más efectivos con sus pacientes. Además, identificamos que la actividad educativa de vídeo feedback puede ser utilizada para otros posibles fines educativos, además de la enseñanza de la comunicación.

Humanos , Comunicação em Saúde , Relações Médico-Paciente , Educação de Pós-Graduação em Medicina
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561704


Introdução: Este artigo explora o tema da empatia na relação médico-paciente. Objetivo: Contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das habilidades de comunicação clínica ao revisar o entendimento e a aplicação da empatia na prática clínica. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão não sistemática dos principais livros utilizados na comunicação clínica sobre o tema da empatia. O recorte metodológico compreendeu as seguintes etapas: (1) amostra intencional da literatura; (2) coleta e leitura de dados ­ i.e., extração de fragmentos dos textos; (3) análise do conteúdo, com o foco na definição, importância e instrumentalização para a aplicação prática; (4) seleção e síntese, para facilitar a compreensão e a contextualização sobre o tema; e (5) comparação e ponderação do conteúdo selecionado. Resultados: A abrangência com que a empatia foi trabalhada na literatura selecionada resultou em três níveis de densidade empática: baixa, moderada e alta. Assim, a baixa densidade empática limitou-se mais à definição e importância do tema; a densidade moderada incorporou algum exemplo de como aplicar a empatia, porém de forma fragmentada; e a alta densidade empática abordou o tema de modo mais completo, facilitando a instrumentalização na prática clínica. Há concordância na literatura analisada de que a prática da empatia reflete-se na melhoria do cuidado médico, entretanto seu exercício permanece no campo racional. Ao exemplificar a aplicação prática da empatia, os autores sugerem que o médico adote uma postura isenta de julgamentos, ao mesmo tempo que propõem um exercício imaginativo, de adivinhação dos sentimentos/emoções do paciente. Apesar de os autores de alta densidade empática compreenderem a importância das emoções e nomeá-las no processo, percebe-se a necessidade de um desdobramento e aprofundamento a partir desse ponto. Conclusões: Por se tratar de um assunto complexo, com vários matizes, a empatia é abordada de diferentes formas na literatura selecionada. Isso evidencia sua riqueza e originalidade, ao mesmo tempo que apresenta lacunas para sua aplicação na prática clínica.

Introduction: This article explores the theme of empathy in the doctor-patient relationship. Objective: To contribute to the improvement of clinical communication skills by reviewing the understanding and application of empathy in clinical practice. Methods: A non-systematic review of the main books used in clinical communication on the topic of empathy. The methodological approach consisted in the following steps: (1) An intentional sample of the literature; (2) Data collection and reading, i.e., extracting fragments from texts; (3) Content analysis, focusing on definition, importance and instrumentalization for practical application; (4) Selection and synthesis to facilitate understanding and contextualization on the topic; and (5) Comparison and ponderance of the selected content. Results: The scope within which empathy was worked on in the selected literature resulted in three levels of empathic density: low, moderate, and high. Thus, low empathic density was limited to definition and importance; moderate density incorporated some examples of how to apply empathy in a fragmented way; high empathic density addressed the topic more fully, facilitating instrumentation in clinical practice. There is agreement in the literature analyzed that the practice of empathy reflects on the improvement of medical care. However, its exercise remains in the rational field. By exemplifying the practical application of empathy, the authors suggest that the physician adopt a non-judgmental posture, while proposing an imaginative exercise of guessing the patient's feelings/emotions. Although high-density empathy authors understand the importance of emotions and name them in the process, there is a need for an unfolding and deepening from this point on. Conclusions: Empathy is a complex subject with several nuances and is approached in different ways in the selected literature. This evidences its richness and originality, at the same time that it presents gaps for the application of empathy in clinical practice.

Introducción: Este artículo explora el tema de la empatía en la relación médico-paciente. Objetivo: contribuir a la mejora de las habilidades de comunicación clínica mediante la revisión de la comprensión y aplicación de la empatía en la práctica clínica. Método: se trata de una revisión no sistemática de los principales libros utilizados en comunicación clínica sobre el tema de la empatía. El enfoque metodológico comprendió los siguientes pasos: (1) Una muestra intencional de la literatura; (2) Recopilación y lectura de datos, es decir, extracción de fragmentos de textos; (3) Análisis de contenido, centrándose en definición, importancia e instrumentalización para la aplicación práctica; (4) Selección y síntesis para facilitar la comprensión y contextualización sobre el tema; y (5) Comparación y ponderación del contenido seleccionado. Resultados: el alcance con el que se trabajó la empatía en la literatura seleccionada tuvo como resultado tres niveles de densidad empática: baja, moderada y alta. Así, la baja densidad empática se limitaba más a la definición y la importancia; densidad moderada, incorporó algún ejemplo de cómo aplicar la empatía, pero de manera fragmentada; alta densidad empática se acercó del tema de manera más completa, facilitando la instrumentación en la práctica clínica. Existe acuerdo en la literatura analizada en que la práctica de la empatía se refleja en la mejora de la atención médica. Sin embargo, su ejercicio queda en el campo racional. Al ejemplificar la aplicación práctica de la empatía, los autores sugieren que el médico adopte una postura no crítica, al tiempo que propone un ejercicio imaginativo de adivinar los sentimientos/emociones del paciente. Si bien los autores de alta densidad empática entienden la importancia de las emociones y las nombran en el proceso, existe la necesidad de un desdoblamiento y profundización a partir de este punto. Conclusiones: Por tratarse de un tema complejo y con varios matices, la empatía es abordada de diferentes maneras en la literatura seleccionada. Esto evidencia su riqueza y originalidad, al mismo tiempo que presenta vacíos para la aplicación de la empatía en la práctica clínica.

Relações Médico-Paciente , Educação Médica , Empatia , Medicina de Família e Comunidade
Indian J Palliat Care ; 30(3): 207-214, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39371504


Objectives: The current global practice is to plan for the end-of-life period of persons already terminally ill with chronic diseases. However, affected persons should not have to wait till the stage of terminal illness to begin making plans for future healthcare preferences. This pilot study explored perceived barriers to and willingness of physicians to initiate discussions on advance care planning (ACP) with young adults living with cardiometabolic diseases. Materials and Methods: The study was the pilot phase of descriptive cross-sectional research conducted among primary care physicians practising in Kuwait. Pilot data was collected with an electronic version of the modified DECIDE questionnaire (adapted from the "DECIsion-making about goals of care for hospitalized ElDErly patients" study) from February to April 2023. Data were analysed with Google Sheets. Results: Nine out of 22 participants exited the study early on grounds of non-familiarity with the concept of ACP. Thirteen responses were analysed and reported herein. The mean age of the participants was 44.2 (±7.9) years; eight were male and five were female; five were Hindu, 7 Muslim, and 2 Christian. Perceived barriers to initiating ACP discussions included lack of knowledge about ACP and its relationship to ACP and goals of care discussions (8), lack of knowledge about the legal status of ACP documents in Kuwait (11), religious disapproval (12), lack of knowledge about how to elicit values, beliefs, preferences related to end-of-life care (13) and fear that these conversations will diminish hope in patients with serious illness (12), among others. Twelve participants were willing to initiate discussions and exchange information with young adult patients. Twelve participants indicated that they were confident about initiating discussions and exchanging ACP information, had all not taken any extra training or certification in ACP, but, respectively, described their current level of skill in having ACP discussions and supporting patients in the finalisation of their advance care plans as limited (2), fair (3), average (4), very good (3) and expert (1). Conclusion: Despite the low level of awareness and other factors perceived as barriers, the primary care physicians who participated in the study were confident and willing to initiate ACP discussions with young adults living with cardiometabolic diseases. With the generally reported lack of previous training in ACP, there might be a need for coordinated efforts in training or up-skilling on knowledge and practice of ACP among primary care physicians.

Health Serv Insights ; 17: 11786329241285529, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39371630


Background: The Ghanaian elderly population is increasing at the fastest rate and this has become a burden as the rate is not proportional to the investment in health to meet their deteriorating health needs. This creates discrepancies and inequalities in healthcare access and coupled with poor healthcare provider services, the inequalities widen. Poor care services are related to poor knowledge and bad attitudes of care providers hence this study seeks to explore the health practitioners' level of knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) toward geriatric care. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional survey design with a simple stratified random technique to select study participants. Out of 257 participants who were sampled for the study, 215 responses were received, representing 83.6% response rate. However, 200 questionnaires were complete (93%) and valid for analysis, which consisted of 166 nurses, representing 83% valid responses, and 34 medical officers, physician assistants, and other allied health care providers, representing 17% valid responses from these professionals. A structured questionnaire was used to assess KAP using the knowledge about Older Patients Quiz (KOP-Q) and Kogan's Attitudes toward Old People Scale (KAOP). Using a mean score of 80%, knowledge, attitude, and practice were dichotomized into good or bad. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare mean rank across health professionals' knowledge, attitude, and practice of geriatric care. Results: It shows that the majority (94%) of participants have low levels of knowledge in geriatric care. The majority (84%) of participants do not practice good geriatric care. Differences in knowledge exist among health providers and were statistically significant (P = .045). Doctors had the lowest mean knowledge score (78.61). Nurses (100.27) and physician assistants (106.15) had moderate mean knowledge score ranks. Although not statistically significant, the rank order for practice scores from highest to lowest was: physician assistants (112.95), nurses (99.19), and doctors (79.21). There were however no statistically significant differences between professions in practice scores (P = .067), or attitude scores (P = .097). Conclusion: Health care providers have low knowledge and, bad attitude toward aged care and this may be related to their service delivery which may affect the aged patronage of healthcare services. This is a wake-up call for authorities to organize continuous professional development to enable care providers to improve their service delivery.

Appl Netw Sci ; 9(1): 63, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39372037


Social network analysis and shared-patient physician networks have become effective ways of studying physician collaborations. Assortative mixing or "homophily" is the network phenomenon whereby the propensity for similar individuals to form ties is greater than for dissimilar individuals. Motivated by the public health concern of risky-prescribing among older patients in the United States, we develop network models and tests involving novel network measures to study whether there is evidence of homophily in prescribing and deprescribing in the specific shared-patient network of physicians linked to the US state of Ohio in 2014. Evidence of homophily in risky-prescribing would imply that prescribing behaviors help shape physician networks and would suggest strategies for interventions seeking to reduce risky-prescribing (e.g., strategies to directly reduce risky prescribing might be most effective if applied as group interventions to risky prescribing physicians connected through the network and the connections between these physicians could be targeted by tie dissolution interventions as an indirect way of reducing risky prescribing). Furthermore, if such effects varied depending on the structural features of a physician's position in the network (e.g., by whether or not they are involved in cliques-groups of actors that are fully connected to each other-such as closed triangles in the case of three actors), this would further strengthen the case for targeting groups of physicians involved in risky prescribing and the network connections between them for interventions. Using accompanying Medicare Part D data, we converted patient longitudinal prescription receipts into novel measures of the intensity of each physician's risky-prescribing. Exponential random graph models were used to simultaneously estimate the importance of homophily in prescribing and deprescribing in the network beyond the characteristics of physician specialty (or other metadata) and network-derived features. In addition, novel network measures were introduced to allow homophily to be characterized in relation to specific triadic (three-actor) structural configurations in the network with associated non-parametric randomization tests to evaluate their statistical significance in the network against the null hypothesis of no such phenomena. We found physician homophily in prescribing and deprescribing. We also found that physicians exhibited within-triad homophily in risky-prescribing, with the prevalence of homophilic triads significantly higher than expected by chance absent homophily. These results may explain why communities of prescribers emerge and evolve, helping to justify group-level prescriber interventions. The methodology may be applied, adapted or generalized to study homophily and its generalizations on other network and attribute combinations involving analogous shared-patient networks and more generally using other kinds of network data underlying other kinds of social phenomena.

Front Pharmacol ; 15: 1375529, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39376602


Objective: Norm Balance is an approach under the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) where subjective norm is weighted by the relative importance of others and self-identity is weighted by the relative importance of self. The relative importance was measured previously by a trade-off measure. In this study, we developed separate measures for the relative importance. The study objectives were to: 1) assess the construct validity of the separate measures; 2) examine the approach of Norm Balance in predicting pharmacists' intention to collaborate with physicians to improve medication therapy; and 3) establish a modified TPB. Methods: We selected a random sample of 750 Iowa pharmacists and conducted two surveys. The first survey was to examine intention prediction, and the second survey was to examine behavior prediction by measuring behavior among respondents to the first survey. The relative importance was measured by both the trade-off measure and the separate measures. Exploratory factor analyses were performed for the relative importance of others (separate measures) and subjective norm, and for the relative importance of self (separate measures) and self-identity. Regressions for intention prediction were conducted for TPB with self-identity and the approach of Norm Balance. The same regressions were also conducted for three subgroups according to the median of the relative importance of others (trade-off measure). Moreover, another regression was conducted for behavior prediction. Results: 239 practicing pharmacists responded to the first survey, and 188 responded to the second survey. The separate measures had cross factor loadings, whereas the trade-off measure had low correlations with other constructs. Both regressions for intention prediction explained 75% of the variance, with self-efficacy and attitude being strong predictors. Self-identity was not a predictor in the TPB with self-identify, but self-identity weighted by the relative importance of self was a significant predictor in the approach of Norm Balance. Regression coefficients of subjective norm and self-identify varied across subgroups. The regression for behavior prediction explained 30% of the variance, with intention and self-efficacy being two predictors. Conclusion: The trade-off measure was better than separate measures. The approach of Norm Balance appears to be a better model than the TPB with self-identity to examine pharmacist-physician collaboration.

Digit Health ; 10: 20552076241282395, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39376946


Introduction: Verbal autopsy (VA) methods have emerged to estimate causes of death in populations lacking robust civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems. Despite World Health Organization endorsement of routine VA use, cost and efficiency concerns persist. Telephonic verbal autopsies (teleVAs) can reduce cost. Physician coding offers a valuable approach, but the expertise required makes it resource-intensive, often involving multiple coders for consensus. Objective: To assess inter-coder agreement for cause of death (CoD) in South African teleVAs using Kappa statistics, evaluating if agreement surpasses a 0.8 cut-off (very high) potentially allowing single coders. Methods: A cross-sectional study employed telephonic VA interviews on non-facility deaths in Cape Town (December 2020-September 2021). Trained fieldworkers administered a standard VA questionnaire. Each case's VA responses were reviewed independently by two physicians, medically certifying the CoD. A panel was used to solve disagreements. Cohen's kappa-statistic (k-statistic) tested agreement levels. Results: Decedents were aged between 18 and 98 years. In total, 228 teleVAs (16.6% response rate) were conducted. Physician coding agreement was good overall (k-statistic: 0.63). Diabetes mellitus (47%) and other non-communicable disease (42%) had initial agreement between physician coders in less than 50% of cases in comparison to consensus totals. COVID-19 (89%) and acute cardiac disease (83%) showed initial agreement in more than 80% of cases compared to consensus totals. A chi-square test revealed a significant difference in the number of causes listed on death notification forms for cases with and without agreement in Part 1 (χ2 = 14.71, p < 0.01), but not in Part 2 (χ2 = 4.97, p = 0.17). Conclusion: CoD agreement might not be high enough to infer that single coders can be used instead of multiple coders. Challenges with co-morbidities and specific CoDs with multiple sequelae highlight the need for further research and refinement of VA methodologies for reliable CoD determination in routine practice.

Surg Endosc ; 2024 Oct 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39377951


BACKGROUND: It is unknown if there are differential industry payments to surgeons based on gender. This study aims to examine differences by gender for industry relations with minimally invasive surgeons, using speakers at the SAGES Annual Meeting as a proxy for key thought leaders in minimally invasive surgery. METHODS: We queried the Open Payments Database for payments made to US speakers from the 2023 SAGES meeting. All payments from the prior fiscal year prior were collected. The National Provider Identity (NPI) Registry was cross-referenced to determine surgeon's self-reported gender. Industry sponsors were analyzed based on differences in payments made. RESULTS: A total of 305 speakers were assessed, with 175 (57.4%) males and 130 (42.6%) females. Of the 305 speakers, 246 were listed in the OPD. There were 145/175 (82.8%) males who were received general payments, compared to 101/130 (77.6%) females (p = 0.326). The total amount of industry payments was $2,894,287 for males and $1,539,481 for females. Median payments were 2.8X higher for males ($4657, IQR $422-$15,798) than females ($1651, IQR $299-$9005) (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Despite efforts to decrease gender bias in surgery, there remains a significant and substantial difference in payments towards male and female surgeons via industry relationships. This has potential downstream effects on career development, consulting and research opportunities, and development of new devices.

Hastings Cent Rep ; 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39352376


Since 2020, physician associations have become more vocal about confronting racism, initiating a wide range of advocacy efforts, making programming changes, and issuing public statements on the topic. However, associations have directed their enthusiasm about addressing racism toward an overly broad range of statements, initiatives, and legislative advocacy. In this essay, we provide some guidance regarding which race-based actions are best suited for physicians' professional associations. We describe traits of three types of physician associations in the United States-state, specialty, and affinity-highlighting characteristics of each and discussing their strengths and weaknesses regarding different types of action around racism. It is our hope that we might direct concerned physicians toward initiatives that draw upon association strengths and that can serve as the basis for association-specific advocacy niches-and away from initiatives that enable associations to signal that they are engaged in racial-equity work without accountability or efficacy.

Emerg Med Australas ; 2024 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39355899


OBJECTIVE: A 45-min interval from injury to intubation has been proposed as a performance indicator for severe trauma patient management. In the Sydney pre-hospital system a previous change in case identification systems was associated with activation delay. We aimed to determine if this also decreased the proportion of patients intubated within this benchmark. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of patients intubated by a helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) over two time periods. Period 1 dispatch was via HEMS crew directly screening the computerised dispatch system, and period 2 was via paramedics in a central control room. Times from emergency call to intubation were compared. RESULTS: In the HEMS crew screening period 46/58 (79.31%) intubations met the target, compared with 137/314 (43.6%) in the central control period (P < 0.001). The median (interquartile range) time to intubation in the direct crew screening period was 33 (25-41) min, versus the central control period at 47 (38-60) min (P < 0.001). On multivariate modelling, distance to the scene was related to time to intubation (P < 0.001; Incident Rate Ratio = 1.018, 95% confidence interval 1.015-1.020) as was dispatch system, entrapment/access difficulty and indication for intubation (all P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Time from emergency call to intubation was significantly shorter in the HEMS screening period where all non-trapped cases less than 50 km distant were intubated within the 45-min benchmark. There was no distance where intubation within 45 min could be assured for non-trapped patients in the central control period due to dispatch delays.

Jpn J Ophthalmol ; 2024 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39356386


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a cultured human corneal endothelial cell (cHCEC) product in eyes with bullous keratopathy (BK). Combined analysis of multicenter phase II and III clinical trials. This analysis involved 15 BK eyes in the phase II trial and 12 BK eyes in the phase III trial that underwent cHCEC transplant therapy. Safety was assessed in all the cases. Efficacy was assessed in 17 cases with exclusion of the low- and medium-dose groups in the phase II trial. The primary endpoint was a corneal endothelial cell density of 1000 cells/mm2 or more at 24 weeks post-transplant, which was attained in 94.1% of the eyes (16 of 17), with a 95% CI of 71.3-99.9%. Additionally, 82.4% of the eyes (14 of 17) met the secondary endpoint of reduction in corneal thickness to less than 630 µm without corneal epithelial edema within the same time frame, with a 95% CI of 56.6-96.2%. The mean decrease in corneal thickness from baseline to 24 weeks post-transplant was -187.4 µm (95% CI, -240.2 µm to -134.5 µm). Furthermore, all the eyes exhibited improvement in best-corrected visual acuity from baseline to 24 weeks post-transplant (95% CI, 80.5-100.0%). By 24 weeks post-transplant, 88.9% of the patients (24 of 27) had experienced adverse events, which were mostly local, mild, and transient. The cHCEC product of this study reconstitutes the corneal endothelial layer with high cellular density and restores corneal thickness and improves visual acuity.

J Rural Health ; 2024 Oct 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39363445


PURPOSE: In Australia, there is limited research regarding the effect of rurality on health care utilization using longitudinal data. METHODS: We analyzed data from four annual waves (2009, 2013, 2017, and 2021) of the longitudinal Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey to examine changes in the health care utilization over time among urban and rural residents. Poisson regression models estimated adjusted incidence rate ratios (aIRR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for rural versus urban residents, accounting for a range of health-related and sociodemographic characteristics. Health care utilization was measured using four key indicators: visits to family doctor or another general practitioner (GP visits from hereon), hospital admissions, total nights' stay in the hospital, and prescribed medications taken on a regular basis. RESULTS: The aIRR for GP visits among rural versus urban Australian residents increased over time, from 0.89 (95% CI: 0.82 to 0.97) in 2009 to 0.96 (95% CI: 0.89 to 1.04) in 2021 although not consistently increased in a statistically significant manner. While there were no consistent temporal patterns, our analysis found that rural residents experienced higher number of hospital admissions (aIRR, 1.12 to 1.15) and number of nights in the hospital in the last 12 months (aIRR, 1.18 to 1.25) compared to urban residents. Moreover, rurality had little to no effect on the number of prescribed medications taken on a regualar basis in the 12 months preceding the HILDA Surveys in 2013, 2017, and 2021. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that GP visits were less frequent among rural residents compared to metropolitan residents in 2009, indicating health care access disparities between rural and urban areas in Australia. However, the differences in GP visits between rural and urban areas were less pronounced  from 2013 to 2021.

Vascular ; : 17085381241289811, 2024 Oct 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39364914


PURPOSE: To describe the technique of off-centering a balloon-expandable covered stent for selective occlusion of a distal entry tear (ET) in a patient, conservatively treated for chronic type B aortic dissection (cTBAD), presenting FL expansion. TECHNIQUE: A 63-year-old male, with conservatively managed cTBAD, presented at follow-up with FL partial thrombosis and expansion (thoracic aorta FL from 21 mm to 27 mm and abdominal aorta FL from 11 mm to 15 mm in 6 months). No proximal ET was identifiable. Distal FL perfusion was caused by an ET in the abdominal aorta feeding a 2 mm accessory renal artery (ARA). As the aortic diameter was below the threshold for endovascular repair, a selective occlusion of the distal ET and ARA was planned. A balloon-expandable covered stent was modified by off-centering the covered stent proximally and resulting in a funnel-shape occluder after deployment across the ET into the ARA. To prevent type Ic endoleak due to possible FL expansion caused by an intra-operatively detected phrenic artery (PA), coils were deployed into the lumen of the modified stent and the ARA. The pre-discharge computed tomography angiography showed exclusion of both the ARA and ET and a type 2 endoleak from the PA. CONCLUSION: A balloon-expandable covered stent can be modified by off-centering the covered stent resulting in a funnel shape to adapt to different diameter requirements.

J Am Acad Dermatol ; 2024 Oct 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39365215


Our country's population continues to diversify, highlighting the need for an equally diverse physician workforce to care for patients. Unfortunately, the percentage of underrepresented minority residents in dermatology has remained relatively unchanged over the past several years. To address this disparity, the American Academy of Dermatology created the Pathways Programs to focus on early exposure to dermatology, skill-building workshops, research, and mentorship. The overarching goal is to increase the number of underrepresented minority dermatologists, which will result in improved patient care and mitigation of healthcare disparities.

J Health Econ ; 98: 102933, 2024 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39366133


This paper provides an institutional economics framework for analyzing medical ethics. An ethical policy partitions the set of physician actions into (un)ethical subsets, with unethical actions then unavailable. Individual physicians' preferences over policies combined with a political process determine equilibrium constraints. I show that physicians' concern for colleagues' patients uniquely motivates their support for ethics which restrict behavior under strong assumptions. Without these assumptions, even identical physicians might ban actions they would otherwise select for reasons varying from protecting patients to differences in the costs of maintaining ethical policies. Interestingly, heightened altruism for colleagues' patients makes the former reasoning less credible. Novel applications for 'Provide Free Care to Physicians' and 'Duty to Treat in a Pandemic' demonstrate: (i) rising physician income can explain long-run weakening of both formal ethics in the United States; and (ii) the duty to treat can deteriorate as fewer physicians are required to improve pandemic outcomes.

Health Expect ; 27(5): e70029, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39358983


INTRODUCTION: Divided narratives pose long-standing difficulties in physician and patient communication. In decision-making on cancer treatment, divided narratives between physicians and patients hinder mutual understanding and agreement over the illness and its treatment. For effective decision-making on treatments, it is necessary to investigate the similarities and differences in these divided narratives. METHODS: This study adopted a qualitative research design of narrative inquiry to examine the data, which included interviews with 32 cancer patients and 16 paired physicians in two hospitals in China. Data analysis was conducted using grounded theory to generate findings. RESULTS: Both physicians and patients were concerned about goals and obstacles to their decision-making on cancer treatment. Four common aspects of goal setting were identified from the divided narratives: decision pools, treatment goals, identity practice and preferred identity. Four common obstacles were identified: pains and trust, communication gap, financial issues and complex family. However, the meanings attached to these eight aspects differed between physicians and patients. CONCLUSION: Cancer treatment decision-making is an encounter of the scientific world and lifeworld. A divided narrative approach can identify the similarities and differences in the decision-making on cancer treatment between physicians and patients. Physicians generally adopt a rational decision-making approach, whereas patients generally adopt a relational decision-making approach. Despite the common concerns in their goals and obstacles, physicians and patients differed in their contextualized interpretations, which demonstrates the physicians' and the patients' pursuit of preferred identities in decision-making. The results of this study provide a new perspective to treatment decision-making, emphasizing the importance of narrative integration in reaching mutual agreement. PATIENT AND PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: The findings were shared with 15 cancer patients and caregivers for feedback and advice in June 2024. This study was also presented at the international conferences of COMET (International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics) and ICCH (International Conference on Communication in Healthcare) 2023 for continuous feedback and comments.

Comunicação , Tomada de Decisões , Neoplasias , Relações Médico-Paciente , Médicos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Neoplasias/terapia , Neoplasias/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , China , Adulto , Médicos/psicologia , Narração , Entrevistas como Assunto , Teoria Fundamentada , Idoso
J Hand Surg Am ; 2024 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39352350


PURPOSE: This study evaluated the prevalence, characteristics, and reimbursement of advanced practice providers, including nurse practitioners and physician assistants, who provide care related to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions of the hand, wrist, and upper extremities in the United States from 2013 to 2021. METHODS: Our analysis was a retrospective cohort study evaluating the diagnostic, procedural, and therapeutic services provided by advanced practice providers from 2013 to 2021 using the Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data Public Use Files from the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services. The reported provider type and billing codes were used to identify health care professionals providing upper-extremity care such as ordering radiographs, applying casts and splints, and performing procedures on the hand, wrist, or other anatomic regions of the upper extremity. Trends over the study period and available data about services provided were analyzed. RESULTS: From 2013 to 2021, providers of upper-extremity care included 19,525 (64.7%) doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathic medicine upper-extremity surgeons, 7,612 (25.2%) physician assistants, and 3,042 (10.1%) nurse practitioners. The nonsurgeon providers were more likely to be women and provide care in micropolitan areas with less than 50,000 people compared with upper-extremity surgeons. Overall, the number of advanced practice providers who billed for upper-extremity care increased by 170.9% from 1,965 in 2013 to 5,324 in 2021. Based on these trends, the growth of APPs providing upper-extremity care is expected to continue. CONCLUSIONS: There is a growing prevalence of advanced practice providers in upper-extremity care, and this trend is expected to continue. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: With a growing need for upper-extremity care and predicted shortages in the surgeon workforce, the scope of practice and integration of advanced practice providers merits further discussion and evaluation.

Pain Physician ; 27(7): E687-E693, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39353116


BACKGROUND: Increasing enrollment in Medicare has coincided with reductions in reimbursement for various procedures, including interventional pain procedures. No previous analysis of state-to-state differences in Medicare reimbursement rates for practicing pain management physicians has been performed. OBJECTIVE: To quantify recent national and geographical trends for interventional pain procedures. STUDY DESIGN: This study used datasets from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to identify the top 10 highest-grossing Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes for pain procedures and for evaluation and management (E/M) from 2014 to 2023. Data analysis took place during May 2023. METHODS: Primary outcomes were calculated inflation-adjusted rates of yearly percent change (YPC) for each CPT code, state, territory, and U.S. Census region. An independent samples t-test compared the national YPC rates of procedure to those of E/M reimbursement. Medicare reimbursements throughout the United States for interventional pain procedures and clinic evaluations were measured from 2014-2023. RESULTS: From 2014 to 2023, inflation-adjusted Medicare reimbursement for interventional pain procedures decreased yearly by an average of 3.63%. In comparison, clinic evaluation reimbursement decreased by only 0.87% yearly and was significantly different from procedure reimbursement (P < 0.001). Pain management procedure reimbursement decreased the most in Illinois (-4.26%), Wyoming (-3.88%), Wisconsin (-3.87%), Nevada (-3.83%) and Kansas (-3.82%). Meanwhile, rates for Puerto Rico (-1.94%), Massachusetts (-3.24%), Washington (-3.31%), New York (-3.39%), and West Virginia (-3.47%) decreased the least. When states were grouped into U.S. Census regions, no significant regional differences in pain management procedure reimbursement changes could be observed. LIMITATIONS: Only the facility prices of the top 10 highest-grossing procedure and E/M CPT codes that had available data for 2014 to 2023 could be included in our analysis; trends for private insurance reimbursement could not be analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Medicare reimbursement rates for interventional pain procedures have decreased from 2014 to 2023, both nationally and in each region of the U.S. Our analysis suggests that certain states and territories have experienced less favorable reimbursement trends than others. This issue is worthy of attention as larger proportions of the U.S. population become eligible for Medicare coverage; should these trends continue, interventional pain physicians may consider moving their practices to areas that are less affected. Major efforts are required to preserve the quality of care that Medicare beneficiaries receive and to remedy the problem of depreciating reimbursement.

Medicare , Manejo da Dor , Estados Unidos , Medicare/economia , Medicare/tendências , Manejo da Dor/economia , Manejo da Dor/tendências , Humanos , Reembolso de Seguro de Saúde/tendências , Reembolso de Seguro de Saúde/economia