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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6203, 2024 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39079972


Planetary defense efforts rely on estimates of the mechanical properties of asteroids, which are difficult to constrain accurately from Earth. The mechanical properties of asteroid material are also important in the interpretation of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) impact. Here we perform a detailed morphological analysis of the surface boulders on Dimorphos using images, the primary data set available from the DART mission. We estimate the bulk angle of internal friction of the boulders to be 32.7 ± 2. 5° from our measurements of the roundness of the 34 best-resolved boulders ranging in size from 1.67-6.64 m. The elongated nature of the boulders around the DART impact site implies that they were likely formed through impact processing. Finally, we find striking similarities in the morphology of the boulders on Dimorphos with those on other rubble pile asteroids (Itokawa, Ryugu and Bennu). This leads to very similar internal friction angles across the four bodies and suggests that a common formation mechanism has shaped the boulders. Our results provide key inputs for understanding the DART impact and for improving our knowledge about the physical properties, the formation and the evolution of both near-Earth rubble-pile and binary asteroids.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6202, 2024 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39080262


Images collected during NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission provide the first resolved views of the Didymos binary asteroid system. These images reveal that the primary asteroid, Didymos, is flattened and has plausible undulations along its equatorial perimeter. At high elevations, its surface is rough and contains large boulders and craters; at low elevations its surface is smooth and possesses fewer large boulders and craters. Didymos' moon, Dimorphos, possesses an intimate mixture of boulders, several asteroid-wide lineaments, and a handful of craters. The surfaces of both asteroids include boulders that are large relative to their host body, suggesting that both asteroids are rubble piles. Based on these observations, our models indicate that Didymos has a surface cohesion ≤ 1 Pa and an interior cohesion of ∼10 Pa, while Dimorphos has a surface cohesion of <0.9 Pa. Crater size-frequency analyzes indicate the surface age of Didymos is 40-130 times older than Dimorphos, with likely absolute ages of ~ 12.5 Myr and <0.3 Myr, respectively. Solar radiation could have increased Didymos' spin rate leading to internal deformation and surface mass shedding, which likely created Dimorphos.

Space Sci Rev ; 219(6): 46, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37636325


The Galileo mission to Jupiter revealed that Europa is an ocean world. The Galileo magnetometer experiment in particular provided strong evidence for a salty subsurface ocean beneath the ice shell, likely in contact with the rocky core. Within the ice shell and ocean, a number of tectonic and geodynamic processes may operate today or have operated at some point in the past, including solid ice convection, diapirism, subsumption, and interstitial lake formation. The science objectives of the Europa Clipper mission include the characterization of Europa's interior; confirmation of the presence of a subsurface ocean; identification of constraints on the depth to this ocean, and on its salinity and thickness; and determination of processes of material exchange between the surface, ice shell, and ocean. Three broad categories of investigation are planned to interrogate different aspects of the subsurface structure and properties of the ice shell and ocean: magnetic induction, subsurface radar sounding, and tidal deformation. These investigations are supplemented by several auxiliary measurements. Alone, each of these investigations will reveal unique information. Together, the synergy between these investigations will expose the secrets of the Europan interior in unprecedented detail, an essential step in evaluating the habitability of this ocean world.

Earth Planets Space ; 75(1): 103, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37378051


We created high-resolution shape models of Phobos and Deimos using stereophotoclinometry and united images from Viking Orbiter, Phobos 2, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter into a single coregistered collection. The best-fit ellipsoid to the Phobos model has radii of (12.95 ± 0.04) km × (11.30 ± 0.04) km × (9.16 ± 0.03) km, with an average radius of (11.08 ± 0.04) km. The best-fit ellipsoid to the Deimos model has radii of (8.04 ± 0.08) km × (5.89 ± 0.06) km × (5.11 ± 0.05) km with an average radius of (6.27 ± 0.07) km. The new shape models offer substantial improvements in resolution over existing shape models, while remaining globally consistent with them. The Phobos model resolves grooves, craters, and other surface features ~ 100 m in size across the entire surface. The Deimos model is the first to resolve geological surface features. These models, associated data products, and a searchable, coregistered collection of images across six spacecraft are publicly available in the Small Body Mapping Tool, and will be archived with the NASA Planetary Data System. These products enable an array of future studies to advance the understanding of Phobos and Deimos, facilitate coregistration of other past and future datasets, and set the stage for planning and operating future missions to the moons, including the upcoming Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40623-023-01814-7.

Nature ; 616(7957): 452-456, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36858074


Some active asteroids have been proposed to be formed as a result of impact events1. Because active asteroids are generally discovered by chance only after their tails have fully formed, the process of how impact ejecta evolve into a tail has, to our knowledge, not been directly observed. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission of NASA2, in addition to having successfully changed the orbital period of Dimorphos3, demonstrated the activation process of an asteroid resulting from an impact under precisely known conditions. Here we report the observations of the DART impact ejecta with the Hubble Space Telescope from impact time T + 15 min to T + 18.5 days at spatial resolutions of around 2.1 km per pixel. Our observations reveal the complex evolution of the ejecta, which are first dominated by the gravitational interaction between the Didymos binary system and the ejected dust and subsequently by solar radiation pressure. The lowest-speed ejecta dispersed through a sustained tail that had a consistent morphology with previously observed asteroid tails thought to be produced by an impact4,5. The evolution of the ejecta after the controlled impact experiment of DART thus provides a framework for understanding the fundamental mechanisms that act on asteroids disrupted by a natural impact1,6.

Nature ; 616(7957): 443-447, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36858073


Although no known asteroid poses a threat to Earth for at least the next century, the catalogue of near-Earth asteroids is incomplete for objects whose impacts would produce regional devastation1,2. Several approaches have been proposed to potentially prevent an asteroid impact with Earth by deflecting or disrupting an asteroid1-3. A test of kinetic impact technology was identified as the highest-priority space mission related to asteroid mitigation1. NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission is a full-scale test of kinetic impact technology. The mission's target asteroid was Dimorphos, the secondary member of the S-type binary near-Earth asteroid (65803) Didymos. This binary asteroid system was chosen to enable ground-based telescopes to quantify the asteroid deflection caused by the impact of the DART spacecraft4. Although past missions have utilized impactors to investigate the properties of small bodies5,6, those earlier missions were not intended to deflect their targets and did not achieve measurable deflections. Here we report the DART spacecraft's autonomous kinetic impact into Dimorphos and reconstruct the impact event, including the timeline leading to impact, the location and nature of the DART impact site, and the size and shape of Dimorphos. The successful impact of the DART spacecraft with Dimorphos and the resulting change in the orbit of Dimorphos7 demonstrates that kinetic impactor technology is a viable technique to potentially defend Earth if necessary.

Nature ; 616(7957): 457-460, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36858075


The NASA Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission performed a kinetic impact on asteroid Dimorphos, the satellite of the binary asteroid (65803) Didymos, at 23:14 UTC on 26 September 2022 as a planetary defence test1. DART was the first hypervelocity impact experiment on an asteroid at size and velocity scales relevant to planetary defence, intended to validate kinetic impact as a means of asteroid deflection. Here we report a determination of the momentum transferred to an asteroid by kinetic impact. On the basis of the change in the binary orbit period2, we find an instantaneous reduction in Dimorphos's along-track orbital velocity component of 2.70 ± 0.10 mm s-1, indicating enhanced momentum transfer due to recoil from ejecta streams produced by the impact3,4. For a Dimorphos bulk density range of 1,500 to 3,300 kg m-3, we find that the expected value of the momentum enhancement factor, ß, ranges between 2.2 and 4.9, depending on the mass of Dimorphos. If Dimorphos and Didymos are assumed to have equal densities of 2,400 kg m-3, [Formula: see text]. These ß values indicate that substantially more momentum was transferred to Dimorphos from the escaping impact ejecta than was incident with DART. Therefore, the DART kinetic impact was highly effective in deflecting the asteroid Dimorphos.

Earth Planets Space ; 73(1): 217, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34970072


The MEGANE instrument onboard the MMX mission will acquire gamma-ray and neutron spectroscopy data of Phobos to determine the elemental composition of the martian moon and provide key constraints on its origin. To produce accurate compositional results, the irregular shape of Phobos and its proximity to Mars must be taken into account during the analysis of MEGANE data. The MEGANE team is adapting the Small Body Mapping Tool (SBMT) to handle gamma-ray and neutron spectroscopy investigations, building on the demonstrated record of success of the SBMT being applied to scientific investigations on other spacecraft missions of irregularly shaped bodies. This is the first application of the SBMT to a gamma-ray and neutron spectroscopy dataset, and the native, three-dimensional foundation of the SBMT is well suited to MEGANE's needs. In addition, the SBMT will enable comparisons between the MEGANE datasets and other datasets of the martian moons, including data from previous spacecraft missions and MMX's multi-instrument suite.

Icarus ; 323: 40-45, 2019 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31031414


The discovery of Mercury's radar-bright deposits has expanded our understanding of volatiles in the solar system. Key to deciphering the history and origin of the radar-bright deposits is an estimate of the volume of radar-bright material that in turn requires a measure of the average thickness of the deposits. In this study we investigate changes in topography across radar-bright deposits hosted in flat-floored, complex craters using individual edited Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) tracks. We compare the difference in heights of radar-bright regions and non-radar-bright regions of the crater floor and the difference of similarly sized and located regions in non-radar-bright craters and show that the two populations cannot be distinguished. The similarity of topography in these two sets of craters allows an upper limit of 15 m to be placed on the thickness of the radar-bright deposits.

Icarus ; 280: 158-171, 2016 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29332948


Earth-based radar observations and results from the MESSENGER mission have provided strong evidence that permanently shadowed regions near Mercury's poles host deposits of water ice. MESSENGER's complete orbital image and topographic datasets enable Mercury's surface to be observed and modeled under an extensive range of illumination conditions. The shadowed regions of Mercury's north polar region from 65°N to 90°N were mapped by analyzing Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) images and by modeling illumination with Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) topographic data. The two independent methods produced strong agreement in identifying shadowed areas. All large radar-bright deposits, those hosted within impact craters ≥6 km in diameter, collocate with regions of shadow identified by both methods. However, only ∼46% of the persistently shadowed areas determined from images and ∼43% of the permanently shadowed areas derived from altimetry host radar-bright materials. Some sizable regions of shadow that do not host radar-bright deposits experience thermal conditions similar to those that do. The shadowed craters that lack radar-bright materials show a relation with longitude that is not related to the thermal environment, suggesting that the Earth-based radar observations of these locations may have been limited by viewing geometry, but it is also possible that water ice in these locations is insulated by anomalously thick lag deposits or that these shadowed regions do not host water ice.

Geophys Res Lett ; 43(18): 9461-9468, 2016 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28943677


Images obtained during MESSENGER's low-altitude campaign in the final year of the mission provide the highest-spatial-resolution views of Mercury's polar deposits. Images for distinct areas of permanent shadow within 35 north polar craters were successfully captured during the campaign. All of these regions of permanent shadow were found to have low-reflectance surfaces with well-defined boundaries. Additionally, brightness variations across the deposits correlate with variations in the biannual maximum surface temperature across the permanently shadowed regions, supporting the conclusion that multiple volatile organic compounds are contained in Mercury's polar deposits, in addition to water ice. A recent large impact event or ongoing bombardment by micrometeoroids could deliver water as well as many volatile organic compounds to Mercury. Either scenario is consistent with the distinctive reflectance properties and well-defined boundaries of Mercury's polar deposits and the presence of volatiles in all available cold traps.

Science ; 339(6117): 296-300, 2013 Jan 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23196910


Measurements of surface reflectance of permanently shadowed areas near Mercury's north pole reveal regions of anomalously dark and bright deposits at 1064-nanometer wavelength. These reflectance anomalies are concentrated on poleward-facing slopes and are spatially collocated with areas of high radar backscatter postulated to be the result of near-surface water ice. Correlation of observed reflectance with modeled temperatures indicates that the optically bright regions are consistent with surface water ice, whereas dark regions are consistent with a surface layer of complex organic material that likely overlies buried ice and provides thermal insulation. Impacts of comets or volatile-rich asteroids could have provided both dark and bright deposits.

Science ; 333(6051): 1847-50, 2011 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21960623


X-ray fluorescence spectra obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft orbiting Mercury indicate that the planet's surface differs in composition from those of other terrestrial planets. Relatively high Mg/Si and low Al/Si and Ca/Si ratios rule out a lunarlike feldspar-rich crust. The sulfur abundance is at least 10 times higher than that of the silicate portion of Earth or the Moon, and this observation, together with a low surface Fe abundance, supports the view that Mercury formed from highly reduced precursor materials, perhaps akin to enstatite chondrite meteorites or anhydrous cometary dust particles. Low Fe and Ti abundances do not support the proposal that opaque oxides of these elements contribute substantially to Mercury's low and variable surface reflectance.

Science ; 333(6051): 1853-6, 2011 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21960625


MESSENGER observations from Mercury orbit reveal that a large contiguous expanse of smooth plains covers much of Mercury's high northern latitudes and occupies more than 6% of the planet's surface area. These plains are smooth, embay other landforms, are distinct in color, show several flow features, and partially or completely bury impact craters, the sizes of which indicate plains thicknesses of more than 1 kilometer and multiple phases of emplacement. These characteristics, as well as associated features, interpreted to have formed by thermal erosion, indicate emplacement in a flood-basalt style, consistent with x-ray spectrometric data indicating surface compositions intermediate between those of basalts and komatiites. The plains formed after the Caloris impact basin, confirming that volcanism was a globally extensive process in Mercury's post-heavy bombardment era.

Science ; 333(6051): 1856-9, 2011 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21960626


High-resolution images of Mercury's surface from orbit reveal that many bright deposits within impact craters exhibit fresh-appearing, irregular, shallow, rimless depressions. The depressions, or hollows, range from tens of meters to a few kilometers across, and many have high-reflectance interiors and halos. The host rocks, which are associated with crater central peaks, peak rings, floors, and walls, are interpreted to have been excavated from depth by the crater-forming process. The most likely formation mechanisms for the hollows involve recent loss of volatiles through some combination of sublimation, space weathering, outgassing, or pyroclastic volcanism. These features support the inference that Mercury's interior contains higher abundances of volatile materials than predicted by most scenarios for the formation of the solar system's innermost planet.

Science ; 329(5992): 668-71, 2010 Aug 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20647421


During its first two flybys of Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft acquired images confirming that pervasive volcanism occurred early in the planet's history. MESSENGER's third Mercury flyby revealed a 290-kilometer-diameter peak-ring impact basin, among the youngest basins yet seen, having an inner floor filled with spectrally distinct smooth plains. These plains are sparsely cratered, postdate the formation of the basin, apparently formed from material that once flowed across the surface, and are therefore interpreted to be volcanic in origin. An irregular depression surrounded by a halo of bright deposits northeast of the basin marks a candidate explosive volcanic vent larger than any previously identified on Mercury. Volcanism on the planet thus spanned a considerable duration, perhaps extending well into the second half of solar system history.

Science ; 324(5927): 613-8, 2009 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19407196


Mapping the distribution and extent of major terrain types on a planet's surface helps to constrain the origin and evolution of its crust. Together, MESSENGER and Mariner 10 observations of Mercury now provide a near-global look at the planet, revealing lateral and vertical heterogeneities in the color and thus composition of Mercury's crust. Smooth plains cover approximately 40% of the surface, and evidence for the volcanic origin of large expanses of plains suggests that a substantial portion of the crust originated volcanically. A low-reflectance, relatively blue component affects at least 15% of the surface and is concentrated in crater and basin ejecta. Its spectral characteristics and likely origin at depth are consistent with its apparent excavation from a lower crust or upper mantle enriched in iron- and titanium-bearing oxides.

Clin Diagn Lab Immunol ; 9(6): 1338-42, 2002 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12414771


The performance of studies using sera from remote locations is greatly facilitated if whole-blood samples dried on filter paper are shown to be compatible with the serologic assay being employed. Since dried blood samples do not require immediate refrigeration, occupy little space, and are easily transported, they may be used for evaluating the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 in geographic locations where laboratory resources are limited. We evaluated the utility of dried blood samples for the detection of type-specific HSV antibodies. The efficiency of using immunoglobulin G (IgG) eluted from dried blood samples was found to be consistent with measurement of IgG concentrations in most corresponding serum samples. The ratio of the mean IgG concentration for all dried blood samples to the mean IgG concentration for the corresponding sera was 1:29. When the 1:29 ratio was applied to each of the 22 pairs of samples, there was a deviation of less than 15% between concentrations in the dried blood sample and in the corresponding serum sample in 19 of the pairs. No positive or negative bias was detected for the IgG eluted from dried blood. The presence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies was determined in the paired dried blood and serum samples, and no differences in the HSV serostatuses were detected for 43 of the 44 pairs. One pair's serostatus varied, with the serum sample being weakly positive for HSV-1 and the dried blood sample results being equivocal. The detection of HSV antibodies was generally consistent for dried blood samples stored frozen for over 1 year or at room temperature for 30 days, although decreased reactivities were found in a few samples.

Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Blood Specimen Collection , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Simplexvirus/immunology , Filtration , Humans , Serologic Tests , Temperature