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Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 26(7): 622-629, 2022 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36532619


In recent years, raspberry breeding has shifted its emphasis from agronomic performance to characteristics related to the sensory qualities of the fruit and its potential health benef its. The therapeutic and preventive properties of raspberries are related to their biochemical composition. In this regard, the purpose of the work was to determine the content of macro- and micronutrients in fruits of different cultivars of repair raspberry using modern high-tech analytical methods and the selection of genetic sources of the analyzed elements for further breeding. The objects of the research were 17 cultivars of repair raspberry of different ecological and geographical origin from the genetic plant bioresource collection of FSBSO ARHCBAN. It was found that the ash residue of berries contains 12 major elements, which form the following descending series: K > P > Mg ≥ Mo > Ca > S ≥ Ni > Zn > Mn > Se > Fe ≥ Co. The largest proportion of ash residue in raspberry fruits is K. Depending on the cultivar, its quantity averaged from 12.81 wt % (Samorodok and Karamelka) to 22.37 wt % (Atlant). The minimum K content was observed in the ash of the Carolina cultivar (5.62 wt %), while in berries of this cultivar Mg (2.91), Ca (2.62) and Zn (0.14 wt %) accumulated above average. Among the group of early maturing cultivars, the cultivar Yubileinaya Kulikova stands out with a high content of Mo (4.63), Ca (2.19), Fe (0.25) and Co (0.21 wt %). The cultivar Pingvin is characterized by a high content of K (22.65) and Se (0.31 wt %). The medium maturity cultivar Samorodok is characterized by a higher content of P (4.08), S (0.47), Ni (0.51) and Zn (0.26 wt %). Among the late maturing cultivars, the cultivar Poranna Rosa stands out with the preferential accumulation of nine elements: Mg (2.98), P (4.42), S (0.36), K (20.34), Ca (1.71), Mn (0.14), Co (0.13), Se (0.21) and Mo (3.08 wt %). Correlation relationships between the elements have been established. Samples with the highest accumulation of macro- and microelements in berries represent genetic sources for further selection of raspberry for improvement of the mineral composition of fruits.

Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 25(4): 414-419, 2021 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35088013


It is possible to achieve the target indices of the Russian Doctrine of Food Security (self-sufficiency in fruits and berries should be at least 60 %) by combining the competencies of science and business. At present, hundreds of varieties of small fruit crops are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Admitted for Use. Domestic breeders have obtained substantial results; the share of their assortment is 79-100 %. Federal Research Center of Horticulture (Moscow) (101 pcs.), Federal Altai Research Center of Agrobiotechnology (Barnaul) (85 pcs.), Michurin Federal Research Center (Michurinsk) (42 pcs.) are the leaders in the number of created hybrids and varieties. Over the past five years, 133 new breeding achievements of traditional small fruit crops have been submitted to the State variety testing, the originators of which are research institutions, private companies and individuals. The creation of modern seed-breeding (nursery-breeding) centers (SBC) on the basis of leading specialized research institutions is expected to be the solution to the problems of modern breeding and nursery breeding and to give impetus to the development of domestic small fruit growing. The research programs of the SBC involve an integrated approach that combines the knowledge and capabilities of researchers from different disciplines, the concentration of a complex analytical instrument base in the Centers of collective use, the using of biotechnological and molecular genetic research, along with traditional methods of breeding. An analysis of the achievements in small fruit growing in research institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation revealed a huge scientific potential (genetic collections, hybrid funds) for creating competitive commercial varieties and technologies for their cultivation by establishing plantations with certified planting material in accordance with international requirements. Information from literary sources indicates that one of the main criteria for the value of varieties is resistance to harmful viral diseases. The cultivation of such varieties will reduce the cost of producing planting material for small fruit crops of the highest quality categories. In the near future, the most relevant areas for the breeding of small fruit crops will be: breeding for resistance to the most harmful viruses, winter hardiness, increased transportability and long-term post-harvest storage of fruits, suitability for mechanized cultivation, high content of biologically active substances.