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Mali Med ; 37(1): 65-70, 2022.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38196254


We report two observations of portal cavernoma diagnosed successively in Bamako and Dakar. The first is a 6-year-old male admitted to the service for ascites and abdominal pain. At admission the clinical parameters (weight, height, temperature, cranial perimeter and temperature) were within the norms for age. The clinical examination noted a moderate skin-mucosal pallor, asthenia. The biological assessment returned to moderate normochrome anemia with impaired pancreatic function while renal and hepatic functions were maintained. The abdominal scan performed after two low-contribution abdominal ultrasounds, objected signs in favor of a portal cavernoma with perisplenic and gastric varicose veins. The second is an 8-year-old male child born from an unborn marriage and from a followed pregnancy with premature delivery. His pathological history includes a notion of prematurity that required a stay in neonatology with umbilical catheterization and repeated abdominal pain. He had an acute abdominal episode in March 2015 justifying a surgical hospitalization for suspicion of appendicitis. At admission the clinical parameters (weight, height, temperature, cranial perimeter and temperature) were within the norms for age. The abdominal ultrasound prescribed for this was suggestive of portal cavernoma, later confirmed by abdominal computed tomography.

Nous rapportons deux observations de cavernome portal diagnostiqué successivement à Bamako et à Dakar. Le premier est un enfant de 6 ans de sexe masculin admis dans le service pour ascite et douleurs abdominales. L'examen clinique notait une pâleur cutanéo-muqueuse modérée, une asthénie. Le bilan biologique retrouvait une anémie modérée normochrome normocytaire avec une fonction pancréatique perturbée tandis que les fonctions rénales et hépatiques étaient conservées. Le scanner abdominal réalisé après deux échographies abdominales peu contributives, objectivait des signes en faveur d'un cavernome portal avec varice péri-splénique et gastrique. Le second est un enfant de 8 ans de sexe masculin né d'un mariage non consanguin et issu d'une grossesse suivie avec accouchement prématuré. Il est le 3e enfant de sa fratrie et scolarisé. On retrouve dans ses antécédents pathologiques une notion de prématurité ayant nécessitée un séjour en néonatologie avec cathétérisme ombilical et des douleurs abdominales à répétition. L'enfant a commencé à se plaindre de douleurs abdominales récurrentes vers l'âge de 6 ans. Douleurs de siège péri ombilical sans réveil nocturne dans un contexte de constipation chronique d'allure fonctionnelle. Il a fait un épisode abdominal aigu justifiant une hospitalisation en chirurgie pour suspicion d'appendicite. A l'admission les paramètres cliniques (poids, taille, température, périmètre crânien et température) étaient dans les normes pour l'âge. L'échographie abdominale prescrite à cet effet était évocatrice de cavernome porte, confirmé par la suite par la tomodensitométrie abdominale.

Mali Med ; 35(3): 70-73, 2020.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978733


We report a rare case of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with maxillofacial dysmorphia diagnosed in the radiology department at Hopital Sominé Dolo of Mopti. The aim was to describe the role of medical imaging including the CT scan in its diagnosis. He was a 42-year-old man of rural origin with poor socio-economic conditions. He was sent to us for a craniofacial CT scan for assessment of a maxillofacial mass. This CT scan showed a thickening of the diploid of the vault and the cranial base with osteocondensation and osteolytic lesions at the maxillofacial level. An extension assessment showed polyostotic involvement. His diagnosis is based on medical imaging and in particular CT scan. Three types of radiological aspects are evocative: a homogeneous or heterogeneous clarity, a smoke-like appearance and a slightly condensed appearance. Complications observed were deformities, fracture of the femoral neck and aesthetic damage.

Nous rapportons un cas rare de dysplasie fibreuse polyostotique avec dysmorphie maxillo-faciale diagnostiqué au service de radiologie à l'hôpital Sominé Dolo de Mopti. Le but était de décrire le rôle de l'imagerie médicale notamment le scanner dans son diagnostic. Il s'agissait d'un homme âgé de 42 ans, de provenance rurale avec des conditions socio-économiques défavorables. Il nous a été adressé pour un scanner crâniofacial pour bilan d'une masse maxillo-faciale. Cette exploration scanographique avait objectivé un épaississement du diploé de la voûte et de la base crânienne avec ostéocondensation et des lésions ostéolytiques soufflantes au niveau maxillo-facial. Un bilan d'extension a objectivé une atteinte polyostotique. Son diagnostic repose sur l'imagerie médicale et en particulier la tomodensitométrie. Trois types d'aspects radiologiques sont évocateurs: une clarté homogène ou hétérogène, un aspect en volutes de fumée et un aspect légèrement condensé. Les complications observées étaient les déformations, la fracture du col fémoral et le préjudice esthétique.

Mali Med ; 35(1): 56-61, 2020.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978765


INTRODUCTION: Dysthyroidism (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) in children and adolescents is much rarer than in adults. The purpose of our study was to study the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical, etiological and etiological aspects and to specify the therapeutic and evolutionary modalities of this condition. METHOD: This was a five-year descriptive, retrospective and prospective study of children and adolescents under 18 years of age with dysthyroidism. RESULTS: We collected 90 children and adolescents with dysthyroidism (hyperthyroidism 77.8% (n=70) and hypothyroidism 22.2% (n=20). For hyperthyroidism (n=70): the average age was 13.07 years and the sex ratio was 0.16. The family history of dysthyroidism was found in 24.3% (n=17). Clinical manifestations were dominated by tachycardia 88.57% (n=62), weight loss 87.14% (n=61), vibrating pulse 87.14% (n=61) and palpitation 81.42% (n=57). Bilateral exophthalmos was present in 70% of patients (n=49) with palpebral retraction in 51.42% (n=56). Goitre was present in 54 patients (77.1%). It was diffuse in 62.9% (n=44) and nodular in 12.9% (n=9). Basedow's disease represented the first etiology with 84.3% (n=59), followed by toxic multinodular goitre12, 9% (n=9). Sixty-eight patients (97.1%) received medical treatment with synthetic antithyroid drugs. Clinical remission was achieved in 64.3% (n=45) and 54.3% of patients were in biological euthyroidism at 6 months follow-up. For hypothyroidism (n=20): the average age was 10.70 years and the sex ratio was 0.53. Six family cases of hypothyroidism and three cases of family goitre were found. The clinical picture was dominated by signs of hypo metabolism at hypersomnia type 95% (n=19) and anorexia 75% (n=15). The skin was dry in 60% (n=12). A staturo-weight delay in 65% (n=13), behavioural disorders in 55% (n=11), weight gain in 40% (n=8) and puberty delay in 10% (n=2). Goitre was nodular in 25% (n=5) with cervical adenopathy present in 15% (n=3). Hashimoto's thyroiditis accounted for 45% (n=9) of etiologies followed by iodine deficiency disorders in 15% (n=3) and iatrogenic causes (2 cases of thyroidectomy). All patients were started on hormone replacement therapy for life. Five patients with large multinodular goiter received total thyroidectomy in addition to medical treatment. Euthyroidism was observed in 55% (n=11) of patients at 6 months follow-up. CONCLUSION: Dysthyroidism in children and adolescents exists in our health facilities. Its management is deficient because of the technical and financial platform. Our public health decision-makers must help implement a screening strategy to facilitate faster diagnosis and treatment.

INTRODUCTION: La dysthyroïdie (hyperthyroïdie ou hypothyroïdie) chez l'enfant et l'adolescent est beaucoup plus rare que chez l'adulte. Notre étude avait pour but d'étudier les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, paracliniques, étiologiques et de préciser les modalités thérapeutiques et évolutives de cette affection. MÉTHODE: Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive, rétrospective et prospective de cinq ans portant sur les enfants et adolescents âgés de moins de 18 ans présentant une dysthyroïdie. RÉSULTATS: Nous avons colligé 90 enfants et adolescents présentant une dysthyroïdie (hyperthyroïdie 77,8% (n=70) et hypothyroïdie 22,2% (n=20).Pour l'hyperthyroïdie (n=70) : l'âge moyen était de 13,07 ans et le sex ratio de 0,16. L'antécédent familial de dysthyroïdie était retrouvé dans 24,3% (n=17). Les manifestations cliniques étaient dominées par la tachycardie 88,57% (n=62), l'amaigrissement 87,14% (n=61), le pouls vibrant 87,14% (n=61) et la palpitation 81,42% (n=57).L'exophtalmie bilatérale était présente chez 70% des patients (n=49) avec rétraction palpébrale dans 51,42% (n=56). Le goitre était présent chez 54 patients (77,1%). Il était diffus dans 62,9% (n=44) et nodulaire dans 12,9% (n=9). La maladie de Basedow représentait la première étiologie avec 84,3% (n=59), suivie du goitre multinodulaire toxique12, 9% (n=9). Soixante-huit patients (97,1%) ont bénéficié d'un traitement médical par antithyroïdien de synthèse. La rémission clinique était obtenue chez 64,3% (n=45) et 54,3% des patients étaient en euthyroïdie biologique au bout 6 mois de suivi. Pour l'hypothyroïdie (n=20) : l'âge moyen était de 10,70 ans et le sex ratio à 0,53. Six cas familiaux d'hypothyroïdie et trois cas de goitre familial étaient retrouvés. Le tableau clinique était dominé par les signes d'hypo métabolisme à type d'hypersomnie 95% (n=19) et d'anorexie 75% (n=15). La peau était sèche dans 60% (n=12). Un retard staturo-pondéral dans 65% (n=13), les troubles du comportement dans 55% (n=11), la prise pondérale chez 40% (n=8) et le retard pubertaire chez 10% (n=2). Le goitre était nodulaire chez 25% (n=5) avec présence d'adénopathies cervicales dans 15% (n=3). La thyroïdite d'Hashimoto représentait 45% (n=9) des étiologies suivies des troubles dus à la carence iodée dans 15% (n=3) et des causes iatrogéniques (2 cas de thyroïdectomie). Tous les patients ont été mis sous traitement hormonal substitutif à vie. Cinq patients ayant un volumineux goitre multinodulaire ont bénéficié en plus du traitement médical une thyroïdectomie totale. L'euthyroïdie était observée chez 55% (n=11) des patients au bout 6 mois de suivi. CONCLUSION: La dysthyroïdie chez les enfants et les adolescents existe dans nos structures de santé. Sa prise en charge est déficiente à cause du plateau technique et financier. Nos décideurs en santé publique doivent aider à la mise en place d'une stratégie de dépistage pour faciliter le diagnostic et le traitement plus rapide.

Mali Med ; 35(2): 26-31, 2020.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978778


INTRODUCTION: Hyperprolactinemia, which is a supra-physiological secretion of prolactin, is the most common anterior pituitary disorder encountered in clinical practice. Its incidence and prevalence are poorly defined in Africa and the rest of the world. The objectives were to study the clinical, paraclinical, etiological and therapeutic aspects of hyperprolactinemia at the Mali hospital. METHODOLOGY: This was a 5-year cross-sectional study. Data collection was retrospective (July 2011 to October 2015) and prospective (December 2015 to July 2016). RESULTS: We collected 37 cases of hyperprolactinemia. The sex ratio was 0.85. The average age was 37.32 years with extremes ranging from 15 to 74 years. The clinical picture was dominated in women by amenorrhea (80%), galactorrhea (70%), headache (55%), hypofertility (50%), visual disorders (25%) and in men by decreased libido (64.7%), gynecomastia (47.1%), headache (47.1%), visual disorders (41.2%) and erection disorders (29.4%). Basal prolactinemia was greater than 100ng/ml in 45.9% of patients. Cerebral CT had objectified: 11 cases of macroadenomas and 5 cases of pituitary microadenomas. The main causes of hyperprolactinemia were: prolactin pituitary adenoma (43.24%); hypothyroidism (5.40%) and estrogen-progestin use in 5.40%. For treatment, 64.9% of patients were placed on cabergoline; 27% on bromocriptine and 8.10% on simple clinical and biological monitoring. CONCLUSION: Hyperprolactinemia is a condition that exists in our health care facilities. Clinicians should consider this in the face of galactorrhea amenorrhea or decreased libido. It is also necessary to improve the technical platform for better care.

INTRODUCTION: L'hyperprolactinémie, qui est une sécrétion supra physiologique de prolactine est en clinique le désordre hypophysaire antérieur le plus fréquemment rencontré. Son incidence et sa prévalence sont peu définies, en Afrique et dans le reste du Monde. Les objectifs étaient d'étudier les aspects cliniques, paracliniques, étiologiques et thérapeutiques de l'hyperprolactinémie à l'hôpital du Mali. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de 5 ans. La collecte des données a été rétrospective (juillet 2011 à octobre 2015) et prospective (décembre 2015 à juillet 2016). RÉSULTATS: Nous avons colligés 37 cas d'hyperprolactinémie. Le sex ratio était de 0,85. L'âge moyen était 37,32 ans avec des extrêmes allant de 15 à 74 ans. Le tableau clinique était dominé chez les femmes par l'aménorrhée (80%), la galactorrhée (70%), les céphalées (55%), l'hypofertilité (50%), les troubles visuels (25%) et chez les hommes par la baisse de la libido (64,7%), la gynécomastie (47,1%), les céphalées (47,1%), les troubles visuels (41,2%) et les troubles de l'érection (29,4%). La prolactinémie basale était supérieure à 100ng/ml chez 45,9% des patients. La tomodensitométrie cérébrale avait objectivé : 11 cas de macroadénomes et 5 cas de microadénomes hypophysaires. Les principales causes de l'hyperprolactinémie étaient : l'adénome hypophysaire à prolactine (43,24%) ; l'hypothyroïdie (5,40%) et la prise d'oestroprogestatifs chez 5,40%. Pour le traitement, 64,9% des patients étaient mis sous cabergoline ; 27% sous bromocriptine et 8,10% sous simple surveillance clinique et biologique. CONCLUSION: L'hyperprolactinémie est une pathologie qui existe dans nos structures de santé. Les cliniciens doivent y penser devant une aménorrhée galactorrhée ou une baisse de la libido. Il est aussi nécessaire d'améliorer le plateau technique pour une meilleure prise en charge.

Mali Med ; 34(1): 1-6, 2019.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897246


GOAL: To study the diabetes sweetened in farming environment in the sanitary district of Selingue (CS Ref of Selingue). MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was about a descriptive survey done from January 01 to June 30, 2016 with a prospective compilation of data in the center of health of reference of Selingue (CS Ref of Selingue). All our patients benefitted from a complete clinical exam with research of factor of risk and reverberation of the diabetes.The statistical test used was Chi-square 2 with a threshold of significance p ≤ 0.05. RESULTS: Among the 1 525 patients collected, 84 were diabetic is a hospitable frequency of 5, 51% and the average age of 51, 43 years ±12, 25.The sex ratio was 1, 33. Diabetes type 2 was in 98% of cases. We did not record specific diabetes or gestational diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle was found in 70, 23% of the cases followed by Dyslipidemia with 42.85% of the cases. 1.2% of our patients presented an AOMI, a fifth of our patients have suffered from erectile dysfunction, 2/3 had a diabetic neuropathy and 4% had a wound. (P: 0.048) neuropathy and nephropathy (p: 0.016) diabetic were correlated with blood sugar imbalance. CONCLUSION: the gravity, the inaccessibility and the cost raised of the follow-up balances in Selingue limit the hold in charge of the diabetes in this sanitary district.

BUT: Etudier le diabète sucré en milieu rural dans le district sanitaire de Sélingué (CS Réf Sélingué). MATÉRIELS ET MÉTHODES: Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive effectuée du 01 janvier au 30 juin 2016 avec un recueil prospectif des données au Centre de Santé de Référence de Sélingué (CS Réf de Sélingué). Tous nos patients ont bénéficié d'un examen clinique complet avec recherche de facteurs de risque et de retentissement du diabète. Le test statistique utilisé était le Khi 2 avec un seuil de significativité p ≤ 0,05. RÉSULTATS: Parmi les 1 525 dossiers de patients colligés, 84 était diabétiques soit une fréquence hospitalière de 5,51 % et l'âge moyen de 51,43 ans ± 12,25. Le sex ratio était de 1, 33. Le diabète était de type 2 dans 98% des cas. La sédentarité était retrouvée dans 70,23 % des cas suivie de la dyslipidémie avec 42,85 % des cas. 1,2 % de nos patients ont présenté une AOMI, un cinquième de nos patients ont souffert d'une dysfonction érectile, 2/3 avaient une neuropathie diabétique et 4 % avait une plaie. La neuropathie (p: 0,048) et la néphropathie (p: 0,016) diabétique étaient corrélées au déséquilibre glycémique. CONCLUSION: La gravité, l'inaccessibilité et le coût élevé des bilans de suivi à Sélingué limitent la prise en charge du diabète dans ce district sanitaire.

Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique ; 66(3): 181-185, 2018 May.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29625861


BACKGROUND: Newborn screening for sickle cell anemia is necessary in Africa where the disease is more frequent. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is used for screening, but is limited by a high cost and difficult access. Sickling test (Emmel test), which is more affordable and technically more accessible, is often requested for prenatal assessment of pregnant women in West African areas to reserve screening for newborns from mothers in whom the positive sickling test attests the presence of hemoglobin S. This study aims to evaluate the number of undetected sickle cell anemia newborns by a screening policy targeting only newborns from mothers in whom a sickling test would have been positive. METHODS: From 2010 to 2012, in Bamako, Mali, West Africa, 2489 newborns were routinely screened for sickle cell anemia at the umbilical cord or heel by isoelectrofocusing and, if necessary, by high-performance liquid chromatography. These newborns were born from 2420 mothers whose hemoglobin was studied by isoelectrofocusing. The data was recorded and processed using Excel software version 14.0.0. We calculated the frequency of the sickle cell gene in mothers and newborns as well as the number of SCA newborns from heterozygous or C homozygous mothers. RESULTS: Of the 2489 newborns, 16 had sickle cell anemia (6 SS and 10 SC); 198 had the sickle cell trait; 139 were AC and 1 was CC. Of the 10 newborns with SC profile, 3 were born from mothers not carrying the S gene but the C gene of hemoglobin and in which an Emmel test would have been negative. CONCLUSION: Targeted newborn screening, based on the results of sickling test in pregnant women, would misdiagnose more than one of six sickle cell anemia newborns who would not benefit from early care. Cost-effectiveness studies of routine newborn screening for sickle cell anemia should lead to a better screening strategy in contexts where hemoglobin S and other hemoglobin defect genes coexist.

Anemia, Sickle Cell/diagnosis , Hematologic Tests/methods , Neonatal Screening/methods , Population Surveillance/methods , Pregnancy Complications, Hematologic/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis , Adult , Africa, Western/epidemiology , Anemia, Sickle Cell/blood , Female , Hematologic Tests/standards , Hematologic Tests/statistics & numerical data , Hemoglobin, Sickle/analysis , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Limit of Detection , Male , Mali/epidemiology , Mothers , Predictive Value of Tests , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Hematologic/blood , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Prenatal Diagnosis/standards
Rev Med Interne ; 38(9): 572-577, 2017 Sep.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28237127


INTRODUCTION: Retinopathy is a chronic complication with severe functional consequences in patients with sickle cell disease. Its prevalence is not well known in sub-Saharan Africa because of the absence of screening. We report here the results of a routine screening for sickle retinopathy in a Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center in Sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: Screening of sickle retinopathy was carried out in all sickle cell patients aged 10 and over, followed between 2010 and 2012. Retinopathy was screened by dilated indirect fundoscopic examination and retinal angiography, if necessary. The gender, age and hematological parameters of patients with sickle retinopathy were compared with those of controls randomly selected from the cohort of sickle cell patients without retinopathy followed during the same period. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of sickle cell retinopathy was 8.8% (142/1604): 12.4% (91/731) in SC, 5.2% (38/734) in SS, 9.4% (5/53) in Sß°-thalassemia patients and 9.3% (8/86) in Sß+-thalassemia patients. Proliferative retinopathy was more common in SC patients (P<0.01). High levels of hemoglobin or of hematocrit were associated with retinopathy in all patients and with proliferative retinopathy in SC patients. In SS or Sß0thalassemia patients, high leukocyte count was associated with proliferative retinopathy. Low fetal hemoglobin level was associated with retinopathy in all groups. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of sickle cell retinopathy is high and negatively associated to the level of fetal hemoglobin. The efficiency of a routine screening for sickle cell retinopathy must be assessed in Africa as well as the benefit of phlebotomy and hydroxyurea therapy as a preventive treatments.

Anemia, Sickle Cell/complications , Anemia, Sickle Cell/epidemiology , Retinal Diseases/epidemiology , Retinal Diseases/etiology , Adolescent , Adult , Africa South of the Sahara/epidemiology , Female , Hospitals, Special , Humans , Male , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Young Adult
Arch Pediatr ; 22(3): 260-6, 2015 Mar.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25636211


Cerebral vasculopathy exposes patients to a high risk of stroke, a major complication of sickle cell disease (SCD) associated with a high risk of death and disability. Transcranial doppler (TCD) ultrasonography used to identify SCD patients at risk of stroke may contribute to significantly reducing morbidity and mortality in these patients by indicating appropriate treatment. From March 2008 to February 2013, we conducted systematic screening for cerebral vasculopathy using TCD in 572 SCD patients (including 375 SS, 144 SC, 26 S/ß(0), and 27 S/ß(+) thalassemia patients) aged 1-17 years in a comprehensive center for follow-up and research on sickle cell disease in Bamako, Mali. After exclusion of 30 inadequate results and one case of abnormal TCD observed in a multiple organ failure patient, we found an abnormal or conditional TCD in 18% of 541 children examined in a steady state. The highest prevalence of abnormal cases concerned homozygous SS patients (8.1%). No case of abnormal or conditional TCD was observed in children with S/ß(+) thalassemia. Hemoglobin concentrations were significantly lower in patients with conditional or abnormal TCD (P<0.01). In a subgroup of 68 patients with conditional TCD, nine (13%) converted to abnormal TCD over 1 year. In this subgroup of 68 conditional TCD patients, a decrease or increase in baseline hemoglobin concentration was predictive of conditional or abnormal TCD at the follow-up visit. Progression towards conditional TCD was observed in four patients (0.9%) who initially had normal TCD. Children with abnormal TCD had, whenever possible, a monthly exchange transfusion program. One case of transient stroke in the context of P. falciparum malaria with low hemoglobin concentration and one death were observed. These findings highlight the need for systematic TCD in sickle cell disease monitoring and implementing regular blood transfusion programs in the context of limited access to regular and secure blood transfusions.

Anemia, Sickle Cell/complications , Cerebrovascular Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Cerebrovascular Disorders/etiology , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Transcranial , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male
Bull Soc Pathol Exot ; 107(3): 165-70, 2014 Aug.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24952161


Erythrocyte G6PD deficiency is the most common worldwide enzymopathy. The aim of this study was to determine erythrocyte G6PD deficiency in 3 ethnic groups of Mali and to investigate whether erythrocyte G6PD deficiency was associated to the observed protection against malaria seen in Fulani ethnic group. The study was conducted in two different areas of Mali: in the Sahel region of Mopti where Fulani and Dogon live as sympatric ethnic groups and in the Sudanese savannah area where lives mostly the Malinke ethnic group. The study was conducted in 2007 in Koro and in 2008 in Naguilabougou. It included a total 90 Dogon, 42 Fulani and 80 Malinke ethnic groups. Malaria was diagnosed using microscopic examination after Giemsa-staining of thick and thin blood smear. G6PD deficiency (A-(376/202)) samples were identified using RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) assay and analysis of PCR-amplified DNA amplicon. G6PD deficiency (A-(376/202)) rate was 11.1%, 2.4%, and 13.3% in Dogon, Fulani, and Malinke ethnic group respectively. Heterozygous state for G6PD (A-(376/202)) was found in 7.8% in Dogon; 2.4% in Fulani and 9.3% in Malinke ethnic groups while hemizygous state was found at the frequency of 2.2% in Dogon and 4% in Malinke. No homozygous state was found in our study population.We conclude that G6PD deficiency is not differing significantly between the three ethnic groups, Fulani, Dogon and Malinke.

Ethnicity/statistics & numerical data , Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency/epidemiology , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Ethnicity/genetics , Female , Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency/genetics , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Mali/epidemiology , Mali/ethnology , Middle Aged , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Young Adult
Transfus Clin Biol ; 20(5-6): 476-81, 2013 Dec.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23916574


Red cell transfusion is one of the main treatments in sickle cell disease. However there are potential risks of blood transfusions. In order to propose strategies to improve blood safety in sickle cell disease in Mali, we conducted a prospective study of 133 patients with sickle cell anemia recruited at the sickle cell disease research and control center of Bamako, November 2010 to October 2011. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections by serum screening and the frequency of red cell alloimmunization before and after blood transfusion. The diagnosis of sickle cell syndrome was made by HPLC, the detection of markers of viral infection was performed by ELISA, and the diagnosis of alloimmunization was conducted by the Indirect Coombs test. Prevalence of viral infections observed at the time of enrolment of patients in the study was 1%, 3% and 1% respectively for HIV, HBV and HCV. Three cases of seroconversion after blood transfusion were detected, including one for HIV, one for HBV and one another for HCV in sickle cell anemia patients. All these patients had received blood from occasional donors. The red cell alloimmunization was observed in 4.4% of patients. All antibodies belonged to Rh system only. Blood transfusion safety in sickle cell anemia patients in Mali should be improved by the introduction of at least the technique for detecting the viral genome in the panel of screening tests and a policy of transfusions of blood units only from regular blood donors.

Anemia, Sickle Cell/epidemiology , Blood Group Incompatibility/epidemiology , Blood Safety , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Hepatitis B/epidemiology , Hepatitis C/epidemiology , Transfusion Reaction , Viremia/transmission , Adolescent , Adult , Anemia, Sickle Cell/therapy , Blood Group Incompatibility/diagnosis , Blood Group Incompatibility/etiology , Blood-Borne Pathogens , Child , Child, Preschool , Comorbidity , Coombs Test , Erythrocyte Transfusion/adverse effects , Female , HIV Infections/transmission , HIV Seroprevalence , Hepatitis B/transmission , Hepatitis C/transmission , Humans , Immunization , Infant , Isoantibodies/biosynthesis , Kell Blood-Group System , Male , Mali , Mass Screening , Middle Aged , Prospective Studies , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Viremia/epidemiology , Viremia/prevention & control
Arch Pediatr ; 18(9): 962-5, 2011 Sep.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21803552


Human parvovirus B19 (HP-19) is the only Parvoviridae known to be pathogenic in human. Studies of HP-19 infection and its associated life-threatening complications in sickle cell anemia patients have been reported in Europe and the US. These results justify the development of HP-B19 prevention and strategies to reduce the incidence of severe and life-threatening complications associated with the infection in patients with sickle cell anemia, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where the sickle cell anemia burden is high. In light of these considerations, we conducted a case-control study including 163 patients with sickle cell anemia and 163 controls. HP-B19 diagnosis was based on the detection of IgG and IgM antibodies specific for HP-B19 using commercially available enzyme immunoassays. Anti-human parvovirus B19 IgG antibodies were found in 105 of 193 (64.8%) patients vs 79 of 193 controls (48.4%). IgM antibodies were found at a higher frequency in sickle cell anemia patients than in controls. This higher frequency was found to be age-dependent. However, the reticulocyte count showed no significant decrease in Malian patients with sickle cell anemia. Further studies are needed to better characterize the implication of HP-B19 infection in sickle cell anemia mortality and morbidity and to develop preventive strategies and efficient management of the resulting complications.

Anemia, Sickle Cell/complications , Parvoviridae Infections/diagnosis , Parvovirus B19, Human , Adolescent , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Case-Control Studies , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Immunoglobulin M/blood , Incidence , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Mali/epidemiology , Parvoviridae Infections/blood , Parvoviridae Infections/epidemiology , Parvoviridae Infections/prevention & control , Parvoviridae Infections/virology , Parvovirus B19, Human/immunology , Parvovirus B19, Human/isolation & purification
Tissue Antigens ; 77(6): 562-71, 2011 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21447146


Pre-erythrocytic immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria is likely to be mediated by T-cell recognition of malaria epitopes presented on infected host cells via class I and II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. To test for associations of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles with disease severity, we performed high-resolution typing of HLA class I and II loci and compared the distributions of alleles of HLA-A, -B, -C and -DRB1 loci in 359 Malian children of Dogon ethnicity with uncomplicated or severe malaria. We observed that alleles A*30:01 and A*33:01 had higher frequency in the group of patients with cerebral disease compared to patients with uncomplicated disease [A*30:01: gf = 0.2031 vs gf = 0.1064, odds ratio (OR) = 3.17, P = 0.004, confidence interval (CI) (1.94-5.19)] and [A*33:01: gf = 0.0781 vs gf = 0.0266, 4.21, P = 0.005, CI (1.89-9.84)], respectively. The A*30:01 and A*33:01 alleles share some sequence motifs and A*30:01 appears to have a unique peptide binding repertoire compared to other A*30 group alleles. Computer algorithms predicted malaria peptides with strong binding affinity for HLA-A*30:01 and HLA-A*33:01 but not to closely related alleles. In conclusion, we identified A*30:01 and A*33:01 as potential susceptibility factors for cerebral malaria, providing further evidence that polymorphism of MHC genes results in altered malaria susceptibility.

HLA-A Antigens/genetics , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II/immunology , Malaria, Falciparum/immunology , Plasmodium falciparum/metabolism , Adolescent , Algorithms , Alleles , Child , Child, Preschool , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Humans , Infant , Interleukin-10/genetics , Leukocytes, Mononuclear/cytology , Malaria, Falciparum/genetics , Mali , Odds Ratio , Polymorphism, Genetic
Mali Med ; 26(3): 8-12, 2011.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22949300


INTRODUCTION : An estimated 300 to 500 million clinical cases of malaria occur each year worldwide, 90% in Africa, mostly among young children. In Cote d'Ivoire, malaria is 46.03% of disease states and 62.44% of hospital admissions. In children under 5 years, it is 42.67% of the reasons for consultation and 59.68% of hospital admissions. In pregnant women, it represents 22.91% of disease states and 36.07% of hospital admissions. In Africa, traditional medicine is the first resort for the vast majority of people, because of its accessibility both geographically, economically and culturally. However, some modern practitioners show an attitude of distrust of traditional medicine and its players, calling them irrational. This work had set out to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of traditional healers in the uncomplicated and complicated in the context of collaboration between traditional and modern medicine for the optimal management of critical cases. MATERIALS AND METHOD : The study focused on traditional healers practicing in the city of Abidjan. The study was conducted using individual interviews over a period of 30 days. The interviews were conducted in local languages, with the assistance, if necessary, translators. For data collection, we used a questionnaire containing four items: the socio-demographic characteristics of traditional healers, their knowledge on malaria, diagnostic practices and traditional therapies. RESULTS : Of the 60 healers and included in the study, only six were women (10%), a sex-ratio of a woman to 9 men. 66.7% of respondents traditional healers are herbalists and 25% of naturopaths.Only 8.3% were spiritualists. The etiology of malaria most commonly cited by the traditional healers were mosquito bites (16.7%), food (1.7%), solar (1.7%) and fatigue (1.7%) . 25% of traditional healers are associated with mosquitoes, sun and fatigue. Symptomatology most cited were fever (100%), dark urine (86%), the yellow or pale conjunctiva (80%), vomiting (71.7%), nausea (58.3%) and abdominal pain (48.3%). Traditional healers recognized three types of malaria: the white shape, form yellow / red and the black form. Traditional healers malarious patients surveyed were receiving both first (58.3%) than second-line (41.7%). 78.3% of them practiced an interview and physical examination of theirpatients before the diagnosis. In 13.3% of cases they were divinatory consultation. Medications used to treat malaria were herbal in 95% of cases. The main sign of healing was the lack of fever (58.3%). 90%of traditional healers interviewed referring cases of malaria black (severe malaria). This reference is made to modern health facilities (90.2%). 68.3% of respondents practiced traditional healers of malaria prophylaxis among pregnant women and children under 5 years.CONCLUSION : A description of clinical malaria by traditional practitioners in health is not very far from that of modern medicine. Nevertheless, the logics of our respondents are etiological more complex and linked to their cultural context. The management of cases is made from medicinal plants in treatment failure patients are usually referred to modern health facilities. The involvement of traditional healers in the detection and quick reference risk cases can contribute to reducing child mortality due to severe malaria.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Malaria/therapy , Medicine, African Traditional , Plants, Medicinal , Animals , Child , Cote d'Ivoire , Female , Fever , Humans , Male
Mali Med ; 26(3): 8-12, 2011.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22977888


INTRODUCTION: An estimated 300 to 500 million clinical cases of malaria occur each year worldwide, 90% in Africa, mostly among young children. In Cote d'Ivoire, malaria is 46.03% of disease states and 62.44% of hospital admissions. In children under 5 years, it is 42.67% of the reasons for consultation and 59.68% of hospital admissions. In pregnant women, it represents 22.91% of disease states and 36.07% of hospital admissions. In Africa, traditional medicine is the first resort for the vast majority of people, because of its accessibility both geographically, economically and culturally. However, some modern practitioners show an attitude of distrust of traditional medicine and its players, calling them irrational. This work had set out to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of traditional healers in the uncomplicated and complicated in the context of collaboration between traditional and modern medicine for the optimal management of critical cases. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study focused on traditional healers practicing in the city of Abidjan. The study was conducted using individual interviews over a period of 30 days. The interviews were conducted in local languages, with the assistance, if necessary, translators. For data collection, we used a questionnaire containing four items: the socio-demographic characteristics of traditional healers, their knowledge on malaria, diagnostic practices and traditional therapies. RESULTS: Of the 60 healers and included in the study, only six were women (10%), a sex-ratio of a woman to 9 men. 66.7% of respondents traditional healers are herbalists and 25% of naturopaths.Only 8.3% were spiritualists. The etiology of malaria most commonly cited by the traditional healers were mosquito bites (16.7%), food (1.7%), solar (1.7%) and fatigue (1.7%) . 25% of traditional healers are associated with mosquitoes, sun and fatigue. Symptomatology most cited were fever (100%), dark urine (86%), the yellow or pale conjunctiva (80%), vomiting (71.7%), nausea (58.3%) and abdominal pain (48.3%). Traditional healers recognized three types of malaria: the white shape, form yellow / red and the black form. Traditional healers malarious patients surveyed were receiving both first (58.3%) than second-line (41.7%). 78.3% of them practiced an interview and physical examination of theirpatients before the diagnosis. In 13.3% of cases they were divinatory consultation. Medications used to treat malaria were herbal in 95% of cases. The main sign of healing was the lack of fever (58.3%). 90%of traditional healers interviewed referring cases of malaria black (severe malaria). This reference is made to modern health facilities (90.2%). 68.3% of respondents practiced traditional healers of malaria prophylaxis among pregnant women and children under 5 years. CONCLUSION: A description of clinical malaria by traditional practitioners in health is not very far from that of modern medicine. Nevertheless, the logics of our respondents are etiological more complex and linked to their cultural context. The management of cases is made from medicinal plants in treatment failure patients are usually referred to modern health facilities. The involvement of traditional healers in the detection and quick reference risk cases can contribute to reducing child mortality due to severe malaria.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Malaria/etiology , Malaria/therapy , Medicine, African Traditional , Cote d'Ivoire , Female , Humans , Interviews as Topic , Male
Public Health Nutr ; 6(3): 233-44, 2003 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12740072


OBJECTIVES: The impact on vitamin A status of the distribution of vitamin A during national immunisation days (NIDs) has not been well established despite strong promotion by international agencies and donors. Using a pre-post design, the change in prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was examined in pre-school children in Mali. DESIGN: Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted in Mopti region, the first in March 1997 before this strategy was adopted and the second in March 1999, four-and-a-half months after a mass distribution of vitamin A during NIDs. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: We compared the vitamin A status of children aged 12 to 66 months targeted in 1999 by NIDs with the status of children in the same age group in 1997. Infectious events of the previous two weeks were concurrently recorded. Within the 1999 sample, the status of recipient and non-recipient children was also compared. RESULTS: In 1997, the prevalence of xerophthalmia (defined by the presence of night blindness and/or Bitot spots) was 6.9% (95% confidence interval (CI) 5.1-9.2) and the modified retinol dose response (MRDR) test proved abnormal in 77.8% of 12-66-month-old children (95% CI 68.27-85.17). In 1999 this picture had improved significantly, both for xerophthalmia prevalence, 3.3% (95% CI 2.1-5.2), and abnormal MRDR test response, 63.1% (95% CI 54.25-71.23). The infectious morbidity rates between 1997 and 1999 tended to decrease. No significant improvement was found among children older than those targeted by NIDs. In 1999, children who received vitamin A had a lower risk for xerophthalmia (3.0% for recipients vs. 8.7% for non-recipients) and experienced fewer infectious events. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical and biological vitamin A status of pre-school children improved between 1997 and 1999. Mass distribution of vitamin A appears to reduce the occurrence of xerophthalmia and would seem to be associated with a decrease in other related illnesses. Vitamin A supplementation during NIDs should be given a high priority when vitamin A deficiency remains a public health problem.

Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Vitamin A Deficiency/epidemiology , Vitamin A/administration & dosage , Xerophthalmia/epidemiology , Anthropometry , Child Nutrition Disorders/drug therapy , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dietary Supplements , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Mali/epidemiology , Night Blindness/drug therapy , Night Blindness/epidemiology , Nutrition Surveys , Prevalence , Treatment Outcome , Vitamin A/therapeutic use , Vitamin A Deficiency/drug therapy , Xerophthalmia/drug therapy
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg ; 97(5): 595-6, 2003.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15307435


Due to chloroquine resistance, several African countries have changed their first-line malaria treatment to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). In this report, we present a case of hypoglycaemic coma associated with SP, an adverse reaction that is likely to be underreported and expected to occur with greater frequency as the use of SP increases.

Antimalarials/adverse effects , Hypoglycemia/chemically induced , Malaria, Falciparum/drug therapy , Pyrimethamine/adverse effects , Sulfadoxine/adverse effects , Drug Combinations , Humans , Infant , Male