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J Geophys Res Atmos ; 127(15): e2022JD036597, 2022 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36245641


Abrupt and large-scale climate changes have occurred repeatedly and within decades during the last glaciation. These events, where dramatic warming occurs over decades, are well represented in both Greenland ice core mineral dust and temperature records, suggesting a causal link. However, the feedbacks between atmospheric dust and climate change during these Dansgaard-Oeschger events are poorly known and the processes driving changes in atmospheric dust emission and transport remain elusive. Constraining dust provenance is key to resolving these gaps. Here, we present a multi-technique analysis of Greenland dust provenance using novel and established, source diagnostic isotopic tracers as well as results from a regional climate model including dust cycle simulations. We show that the existing dominant model for the provenance of Greenland dust as sourced from combined East Asian dust and Pacific volcanics is not supported. Rather, our clay mineralogical and Hf-Sr-Nd and D/H isotopic analyses from last glacial Greenland dust and an extensive range of Northern Hemisphere potential dust sources reveal three most likely scenarios (in order of probability): direct dust sourcing from the Taklimakan Desert in western China, direct sourcing from European glacial sources, or a mix of dust originating from Europe and North Africa. Furthermore, our regional climate modeling demonstrates the plausibility of European or mixed European/North African sources for the first time. We suggest that the origin of dust to Greenland is potentially more complex than previously recognized, demonstrating more uncertainty in our understanding dust climate feedbacks during abrupt events than previously understood.

J Asian Earth Sci ; 52(3): 98-116, 2012 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27570473


New geochronological, petrological and structural data from the Beas-Sutlej area of Himachal Pradesh (India) are used to reconstruct the tectonothermal and exhumation history of this part of the Himalayan orogen. Sm-Nd garnet ages at 40.5 ± 1.3 Ma obtained on a pegmatoid from the inverse metamorphic High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) in the Malana-Parbati area probably mark local melting during initial decompression. Ongoing exhumation in ductilely deformed leuco-gneiss is constrained by Sm-Nd garnet ages at 29 ± 1 Ma and white mica Rb-Sr ages around 24-20 Ma, while Bt Rb-Sr ages indicate a drop of regional metamorphic temperatures below 300 °C between 15 and 12 Ma. The deep Sutlej gorge exposes medium-grade paragneisses and Proterozoic orthogneisses of the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline (LHC), overthrust by the HHC along the Main Central Thrust (MCT). Mica cooling ages in the HHC are in the range of 14-11 Ma. Above the extruded wedge of the HHC, the Leo Pargil leucogranite and associated dykes intrude the Haimanta Unit (HU) below the weakly metamorphic Palaeo-Mesozoic sediments of the Tethyan Himalayas (TH). The Leo Pargil leucogranite yielded a mean Sm-Nd garnet age of 19 ± 1 Ma and Rb-Sr muscovite and biotite cooling ages between 16.4 and 11.6 Ma. Marked young extrusion of LHC units resulted in differentiated exhumation/cooling of more frontal parts of the orogen. Very young ductile deformation of LHC gneisses near Wangtu is constrained by late-kinematic pegmatite intrusions crosscutting the main mylonitic foliation. Sm-Nd garnet and Rb-Sr muscovite ages of these pegmatites range between 7.9 ± 0.9 and 5.5 ± 0.1 Ma. Published apatite FT ages down to 0.6 Ma also document accelerated diachronous sub-recent exhumation of different parts of the orogen. Together with geochronological data from the literature, the new results demonstrate that the HHC and the HU were deformed by shortening and crustal thickening during the Eohimalayan phase (Late Eocene-Oligocene), followed by a strong thermal overprint and intrusions of granitoids during the Neohimalayan Phase (Early to Middle Miocene). The LHC experienced amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions in the Late Miocene prior to extrusion between the HHC and the very low-grade Lesser Himalayan sediments. In conjunction with climate changes, young tectonic activity in this central part of the Himalayan orogen may have strongly influenced fluvial incision and erosion, and therefore, contributed to the accelerated uplift, as indicated by extensive accumulation of Late Miocene to Early Pleistocene fluviatile-lacustrine sediments in the Zanda basin, the Transhimalayan headwaters of the Sutlej, in Western Tibet.