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Theor Appl Genet ; 106(8): 1517-23, 2003 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12750795


A "F1" diploid population between Solanum tuberosum 2 x and the wild Solanum spegazzinii was studied. It segregated for resistance against the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida derived from the wild species. The inheritance had a quantitative nature. Linkage maps of AFLP and RFLP markers were constructed for both parents. Three QTLs were identified on the map of the resistant parent on chromosomes V, VI and XII, respectively. The first one had a major effect and explained more than 50% of the total variance of resistance. It is located in a cluster of resistance genes and may be the same locus as Gpa which has been described formerly. The two others explained about 20% of the total variance each. The QTL on chromosome XII is also in a cluster of resistance genes, and in an orthologous position with resistance genes against nematodes in tomato and pepper.

Nematoda/pathogenicity , Quantitative Trait Loci , Solanum/genetics , Animals
Genome ; 37(3): 367-74, 1994 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18470081


Reciprocal crosses were performed between Brassica napus (AACC, 2n = 38) cv. Brutor and Sinapis alba (SalSal, 2n = 24) cv. Carine. Using fertilized ovary culture, 2.2 and 1.9% of interspecific hybrids were produced when white mustard was the female and the male parent, respectively. On S. alba cytoplasm, three plants with a BC1-like structure (SalSalAC, 2n = 43) were obtained and ACSal (2n = 31) and AACCSal (2n = 50) hybrids on reciprocal crosses. At the same ploidy level, no differences in meiotic behavior were observed. The amphidiploids (AACCSalSal, 2n = 62), produced after colchicine treatment of ACSal hybrids, were compared with the somatic hybrids previously obtained from the same parental varieties. Only two somatic hybrids differed and one of them lost Idh-2 rapeseed isozymes, whereas all the plants presented an hybrid pattern for all the other molecular markers. The plants with 50 chromosomes (AACCSal) from sexual hybrids were similar whatever their origins. Their comparison with back-cross progeny of somatic hybrids revealed that the latter one differed either by chromosome number, ranging from 42 to 54, or by the percentage of cells with less than 12 univalents and with multivalents. From our results, the efficiency of protoplast fusion compared with sexual crosses as a tool to introduce new traits in a crop is discussed.

Genome ; 36(6): 1099-106, 1993 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18470052


In interspecific hybrids produced between a transgenic rapeseed, an allotetraploid species, resistant to herbicide, phosphinotricin, and five diploid related species, the risk for gene introgression in weed genomes was explored through cytogenetic and bar gene characterizations. Among the 75 hybrids studied, most had the expected triploid structure, with the exception of B. napus - B. oleracea amphidiploid plants and one B. napus - S. arvensis amphidiploid plant. In triploid hybrid plants, the reciprocal hybrids did not exhibit any difference in their meiotic behavior. The comparison of the percentage of chromosome pairing in the hybrids with that of haploid rapeseed permit to conclude that allosyndesis between AC genomes and related species genomes took place. This possibility of recombination was confirmed by the presence of multivalent associations in all the interspecific hybrids. Nevertheless, in B. napus - B. adpressa hybrids a control of chromosome pairing seemed to exist. The possibility of amphidiploid plant production directly obtained in the F1 generation increased the risk of gene dispersal. The B. napus - B. oleracea amphidiploid plant presented a meiotic behavior more regular than that of the B. napus - S. arvensis amphidiploid plant. Concerning the herbicide bar gene characterization, the presence of the gene detected by DNA amplification was correlated with herbicide resistance, except for two plants. Different hypotheses were proposed to explain these results. A classification of the diploid species was established regarding their gene dispersal risk based on the rate of allosyndesis between chromosomes of AC genomes of rapeseed and the genomes of the related species.