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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 6038, 2023 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37758694


Antiferromagnets have large potential for ultrafast coherent switching of magnetic order with minimum heat dissipation. In materials such as Mn2Au and CuMnAs, electric rather than magnetic fields may control antiferromagnetic order by Néel spin-orbit torques (NSOTs). However, these torques have not yet been observed on ultrafast time scales. Here, we excite Mn2Au thin films with phase-locked single-cycle terahertz electromagnetic pulses and monitor the spin response with femtosecond magneto-optic probes. We observe signals whose symmetry, dynamics, terahertz-field scaling and dependence on sample structure are fully consistent with a uniform in-plane antiferromagnetic magnon driven by field-like terahertz NSOTs with a torkance of (150 ± 50) cm2 A-1 s-1. At incident terahertz electric fields above 500 kV cm-1, we find pronounced nonlinear dynamics with massive Néel-vector deflections by as much as 30°. Our data are in excellent agreement with a micromagnetic model. It indicates that fully coherent Néel-vector switching by 90° within 1 ps is within close reach.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1861, 2023 Apr 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37012272


Current pulse driven Néel vector rotation in metallic antiferromagnets is one of the most promising concepts in antiferromagnetic spintronics. We show microscopically that the Néel vector of epitaxial thin films of the prototypical compound Mn2Au can be reoriented reversibly in the complete area of cross shaped device structures using single current pulses. The resulting domain pattern with aligned staggered magnetization is long term stable enabling memory applications. We achieve this switching with low heating of ≈20 K, which is promising regarding fast and efficient devices without the need for thermal activation. Current polarity dependent reversible domain wall motion demonstrates a Néel spin-orbit torque acting on the domain walls.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1818, 2023 Mar 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37002246


Antiferromagnetic materials have been proposed as new types of narrowband THz spintronic devices owing to their ultrafast spin dynamics. Manipulating coherently their spin dynamics, however, remains a key challenge that is envisioned to be accomplished by spin-orbit torques or direct optical excitations. Here, we demonstrate the combined generation of broadband THz (incoherent) magnons and narrowband (coherent) magnons at 1 THz in low damping thin films of NiO/Pt. We evidence, experimentally and through modeling, two excitation processes of spin dynamics in NiO: an off-resonant instantaneous optical spin torque in (111) oriented films and a strain-wave-induced THz torque induced by ultrafast Pt excitation in (001) oriented films. Both phenomena lead to the emission of a THz signal through the inverse spin Hall effect in the adjacent heavy metal layer. We unravel the characteristic timescales of the two excitation processes found to be < 50 fs and > 300 fs, respectively, and thus open new routes towards the development of fast opto-spintronic devices based on antiferromagnetic materials.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6140, 2022 Oct 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36253357


In antiferromagnets, the efficient transport of spin-waves has until now only been observed in the insulating antiferromagnet hematite, where circularly (or a superposition of pairs of linearly) polarized spin-waves diffuse over long distances. Here, we report long-distance spin-transport in the antiferromagnetic orthoferrite YFeO3, where a different transport mechanism is enabled by the combined presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and externally applied fields. The magnon decay length is shown to exceed hundreds of nanometers, in line with resonance measurements that highlight the low magnetic damping. We observe a strong anisotropy in the magnon decay lengths that we can attribute to the role of the magnon group velocity in the transport of spin-waves in antiferromagnets. This unique mode of transport identified in YFeO3 opens up the possibility of a large and technologically relevant class of materials, i.e., canted antiferromagnets, for long-distance spin transport.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(42)2022 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35940170


Using momentum microscopy with sub-µm spatial resolution, allowing momentum resolved photoemission on individual antiferromagnetic domains, we observe an asymmetry in the electronic band structure,E(k)≠E(-k), in Mn2Au. This broken band structure parity originates from the combined time and parity symmetry,PT, of the antiferromagnetic order of the Mn moments, in connection with spin-orbit coupling. The spin-orbit interaction couples the broken parity to the Néel order parameter direction. We demonstrate a novel tool to image the Néel vector direction,N, by combining spatially resolved momentum microscopy withab-initiocalculations that correlate the broken parity with the vectorN.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 6539, 2021 Nov 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34764314


In antiferromagnetic spintronics, the read-out of the staggered magnetization or Néel vector is the key obstacle to harnessing the ultra-fast dynamics and stability of antiferromagnets for novel devices. Here, we demonstrate strong exchange coupling of Mn2Au, a unique metallic antiferromagnet that exhibits Néel spin-orbit torques, with thin ferromagnetic Permalloy layers. This allows us to benefit from the well-established read-out methods of ferromagnets, while the essential advantages of antiferromagnetic spintronics are only slightly diminished. We show one-to-one imprinting of the antiferromagnetic on the ferromagnetic domain pattern. Conversely, alignment of the Permalloy magnetization reorients the Mn2Au Néel vector, an effect, which can be restricted to large magnetic fields by tuning the ferromagnetic layer thickness. To understand the origin of the strong coupling, we carry out high resolution electron microscopy imaging and we find that our growth yields an interface with a well-defined morphology that leads to the strong exchange coupling.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(18): 187201, 2021 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34018804


We study theoretically and experimentally the spin pumping signals induced by the resonance of canted antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and demonstrate that they can generate easily observable inverse spin-Hall voltages. Using a bilayer of hematite/heavy metal as a model system, we measure at room temperature the antiferromagnetic resonance and an associated inverse spin-Hall voltage, as large as in collinear antiferromagnets. As expected for coherent spin pumping, we observe that the sign of the inverse spin-Hall voltage provides direct information about the mode handedness as deduced by comparing hematite, chromium oxide and the ferrimagnet yttrium-iron garnet. Our results open new means to generate and detect spin currents at terahertz frequencies by functionalizing antiferromagnets with low damping and canted moments.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 6332, 2020 Dec 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33303758


Antiferromagnetic materials can host spin-waves with polarizations ranging from circular to linear depending on their magnetic anisotropies. Until now, only easy-axis anisotropy antiferromagnets with circularly polarized spin-waves were reported to carry spin-information over long distances of micrometers. In this article, we report long-distance spin-transport in the easy-plane canted antiferromagnetic phase of hematite and at room temperature, where the linearly polarized magnons are not intuitively expected to carry spin. We demonstrate that the spin-transport signal decreases continuously through the easy-axis to easy-plane Morin transition, and persists in the easy-plane phase through current induced pairs of linearly polarized magnons with dephasing lengths in the micrometer range. We explain the long transport distance as a result of the low magnetic damping, which we measure to be ≤ 10-5 as in the best ferromagnets. All of this together demonstrates that long-distance transport can be achieved across a range of anisotropies and temperatures, up to room temperature, highlighting the promising potential of this insulating antiferromagnet for magnon-based devices.

ACS Nano ; 14(11): 14960-14970, 2020 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33152236


Magnetic skyrmions are stable spin textures with quasi-particle behavior and attract significant interest in fundamental and applied physics. The metastability of magnetic skyrmions at zero magnetic field is particularly important to enable, for instance, a skyrmion racetrack memory. Here, the results of the nucleation of stable skyrmions and formation of ordered skyrmion lattices by magnetic force microscopy in (Pt/CoFeSiB/W)n multilayers, exploiting the additive effect of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, are presented. The appropriate conditions under which skyrmion lattices are confined with a dense two-dimensional liquid phase are identified. A crucial parameter to control the skyrmion lattice characteristics and the number of scans resulting in the complete formation of a skyrmion lattice is the distance between two adjacent scanning lines of a magnetic force microscopy probe. The creation of skyrmion patterns with complex geometry is demonstrated, and the physical mechanism of direct magnetic writing of skyrmions is comprehended by micromagnetic simulations. This study shows a potential of a direct-write (maskless) skyrmion (topological) nanolithography with sub-100 nm resolution, where each skyrmion acts as a pixel in the final topological image.

ACS Nano ; 14(12): 17554-17564, 2020 Dec 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33236903


The coupling of real and momentum space is utilized to tailor electronic properties of the collinear metallic antiferromagnet Mn2Au by aligning the real space Néel vector indicating the direction of the staggered magnetization. Pulsed magnetic fields of 60 T were used to orient the sublattice magnetizations of capped epitaxial Mn2Au(001) thin films perpendicular to the applied field direction by a spin-flop transition. The electronic structure and its corresponding changes were investigated by angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with photon energies in the vacuum-ultraviolet, soft, and hard X-ray range. The results reveal an energetic rearrangement of conduction electrons propagating perpendicular to the Néel vector. They confirm previous predictions on the origin of the Néel spin-orbit torque and anisotropic magnetoresistance in Mn2Au and reflect the combined antiferromagnetic and spin-orbit interaction in this compound leading to inversion symmetry breaking.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(7): 077201, 2020 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32857543


We achieve current-induced switching in collinear insulating antiferromagnetic CoO/Pt, with fourfold in-plane magnetic anisotropy. This is measured electrically by spin Hall magnetoresistance and confirmed by the magnetic field-induced spin-flop transition of the CoO layer. By applying current pulses and magnetic fields, we quantify the efficiency of the acting current-induced torques and estimate a current-field equivalence ratio of 4×10^{-11} T A^{-1} m^{2}. The Néel vector final state (n⊥j) is in line with a thermomagnetoelastic switching mechanism for a negative magnetoelastic constant of the CoO.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(17): 177201, 2019 Oct 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31702247


We probe the current-induced magnetic switching of insulating antiferromagnet-heavy-metal systems, by electrical spin Hall magnetoresistance measurements and direct imaging, identifying a reversal occurring by domain wall (DW) motion. We observe switching of more than one-third of the antiferromagnetic domains by the application of current pulses. Our data reveal two different magnetic switching mechanisms leading together to an efficient switching, namely, the spin-current induced effective magnetic anisotropy variation and the action of the spin torque on the DWs.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(44): 445804, 2019 Nov 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31392970


We report a combined study of imaging the antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin structure and measuring the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in epitaxial thin films of the insulating non-collinear antiferromagnet SmFeO3. X-ray magnetic linear dichroism photoemission electron microscopy measurements reveal that the AFM spins of the SmFeO3(1 1 0) align in the plane of the film. Angularly dependent magnetoresistance measurements show that SmFeO3/Ta bilayers exhibit a positive SMR, in contrast to the negative SMR expected in previously studied collinear AFMs. The SMR amplitude increases linearly with increasing external magnetic field at higher magnetic fields, suggesting that field-induced canting of the AFM spins plays an important role. In contrast, around the coercive field, no detectable SMR signal is observed, indicating that the SMR of the AFM and canting magnetization components cancel out. Below 50 K, the SMR amplitude increases sizably by a factor of two as compared to room temperature, which likely correlates with the long-range ordering of the Sm ions. Our results show that the SMR is a sensitive technique for non-equilibrium spin systems of non-collinear AFMs.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(46): 465802, 2018 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30280698


Lateral spin valves are attractive device geometries where functional spin currents can be generated and detected by various mechanisms, such as spin injection and the direct and the inverse spin Hall effect. To understand the mechanisms behind these effects better, as well as their potential for application in devices, we combine multiple mechanisms in multi-terminal Pt-Py-Cu lateral spin valves: we generate pure spin currents in the copper spin conduit both via the spin Hall effect in platinum and electric spin injection from permalloy and detect signals both via conventional non-local detection and via the inverse spin Hall effect in the same device at variable temperatures. Differences are observed, which we explain by the different spin injection and detection mechanisms, revealing their importance for the temperature dependence, which is not just governed by the spin transport in the conduit as previously claimed. By determining a different sensitivity of the observed effects on the interfaces, we highlight the importance of the exact current path for the device operation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(14): 147203, 2018 Oct 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30339435


We measure and analyze the chirality of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-interaction (DMI) stabilized spin textures in multilayers of Ta|Co_{20}F_{60}B_{20}|MgO. The effective DMI is measured experimentally using domain wall motion measurements, both in the presence (using spin-orbit torques) and absence of driving currents (using magnetic fields). We observe that the current-induced domain wall motion yields a change in effective DMI magnitude and opposite domain wall chirality when compared to field-induced domain wall motion (without current). We explore this effect, which we refer to as current-induced DMI, by providing possible explanations for its emergence, and explore the possibility of its manifestation in the framework of recent theoretical predictions of DMI modifications due to spin currents.

Nature ; 561(7722): 222-225, 2018 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30209370


Spintronics relies on the transport of spins, the intrinsic angular momentum of electrons, as an alternative to the transport of electron charge as in conventional electronics. The long-term goal of spintronics research is to develop spin-based, low-dissipation computing-technology devices. Recently, long-distance transport of a spin current was demonstrated across ferromagnetic insulators1. However, antiferromagnetically ordered materials, the most common class of magnetic materials, have several crucial advantages over ferromagnetic systems for spintronics applications2: antiferromagnets have no net magnetic moment, making them stable and impervious to external fields, and can be operated at terahertz-scale frequencies3. Although the properties of antiferromagnets are desirable for spin transport4-7, indirect observations of such transport indicate that spin transmission through antiferromagnets is limited to only a few nanometres8-10. Here we demonstrate long-distance propagation of spin currents through a single crystal of the antiferromagnetic insulator haematite (α-Fe2O3)11, the most common antiferromagnetic iron oxide, by exploiting the spin Hall effect for spin injection. We control the flow of spin current across a haematite-platinum interface-at which spins accumulate, generating the spin current-by tuning the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency using an external magnetic field12. We find that this simple antiferromagnetic insulator conveys spin information parallel to the antiferromagnetic Néel order over distances of more than tens of micrometres. This mechanism transports spins as efficiently as the most promising complex ferromagnets1. Our results pave the way to electrically tunable, ultrafast, low-power, antiferromagnetic-insulator-based spin-logic devices6,13 that operate without magnetic fields at room temperature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(23): 237201, 2018 Jun 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29932703


We observe the excitation of collective modes in the terahertz (THz) range driven by the recently discovered Néel spin-orbit torques (NSOTs) in the metallic antiferromagnet Mn_{2}Au. Temperature-dependent THz spectroscopy reveals a strong absorption mode centered near 1 THz, which upon heating from 4 to 450 K softens and loses intensity. A comparison with the estimated eigenmode frequencies implies that the observed mode is an in-plane antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR). The AFMR absorption strength exceeds those found in antiferromagnetic insulators, driven by the magnetic field of the THz radiation, by 3 orders of magnitude. Based on this and the agreement with our theory modeling, we infer that the driving mechanism for the observed mode is the current-induced NSOT. Here the electric field component of the THz pulse drives an ac current in the metal, which subsequently drives the AFMR. This electric manipulation of the Néel order parameter at high frequencies makes Mn_{2}Au a prime candidate for antiferromagnetic ultrafast memory applications.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 348, 2018 01 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29367633


Using antiferromagnets as active elements in spintronics requires the ability to manipulate and read-out the Néel vector orientation. Here we demonstrate for Mn2Au, a good conductor with a high ordering temperature suitable for applications, reproducible switching using current pulse generated bulk spin-orbit torques and read-out by magnetoresistance measurements. Reversible and consistent changes of the longitudinal resistance and planar Hall voltage of star-patterned epitaxial Mn2Au(001) thin films were generated by pulse current densities of ≃107 A/cm2. The symmetry of the torques agrees with theoretical predictions and a large read-out magnetoresistance effect of more than ≃6% is reproduced by ab initio transport calculations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(1): 015806, 2018 01 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29205170


We report an unusual angular-dependent exchange bias effect in ferromagnet/antiferromagnet bilayers, where both ferromagnet and antiferromagnet are epitaxially grown. Numerical model calculations predict an approximately 45° period for the sign switching of the exchange-bias field, depending on the ratio between magnetocrystalline anisotropy and exchange-coupling constant. The switching of the sign is indicative of a competition between a fourfold magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the ferromagnet and a unidirectional anisotropy field of the exchange coupling. This predicted unusual angular-dependent exchange bias and its magnetization switching process are confirmed by measurements on fully epitaxial Co3FeN/MnN bilayers by longitudinal and transverse magneto-optic Kerr effect magnetometry. These results provide a deeper understanding of the exchange coupling phenomena in fully epitaxial bilayers with tailored materials and open up a complex switching energy landscape engineering by anisotropies.