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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(8)2024 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39185926


Sagittally focusing x-ray crystal spectrometers with elliptical profiles in the meridional (x-ray dispersion) plane are proposed for plasma diagnostics in experiments accompanied by high neutron yields. The spectrometers feature a variable sagittal radius of curvature to ensure the sagittal focusing of rays for each photon energy in a chosen detection plane. The detector is placed after the ray crossing point at the second ellipse focus, and the source-to-detector distance is maximized to reduce the neutron-induced background. The elliptical shape imposes a limitation on the spectrometer geometry such that the influence of the source size on the spectral resolution can be avoided only for a demagnifying spectrometer (the source-to-crystal distance is larger than that of crystal-to-detector). Hence, two designs are proposed. The first design, featuring high magnification and limited spectral resolution can be suitable for x-ray continuum spectroscopy. The second design of high demagnification is optimized for spectral resolution, and can be used for time-resolved spectroscopy of plasma's characteristic emission lines using streak cameras. The key performance characteristics of the two designs are verified using ray tracing.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(4)2023 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38081294


Large scale high-energy density science facilities continue to grow in scale and complexity worldwide. The increase in driver capabilities, including pulsed-power and lasers, continue to push the boundaries of temperature, pressure, and densities, opening up new physics regimes. X-ray imaging is one of the many diagnostic techniques that are used to probe states of matter in these extreme conditions. Improved fabrication and polishing methods have provided improved x-ray microscope performance, while improving detector and x-ray sources now enable pico-second imaging with few micron resolutions. This Review will cover x-ray imaging methods, primarily absorption imaging, and their improvements over the last few decades.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(11)2023 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37955555


A methodology for measuring x-ray continuum spectra of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosions is described. The method relies on the use of ConSpec, a high-throughput spectrometer using a highly annealed pyrolytic graphite crystal [MacDonald et al., J. Instrum. 14, P12009 (2019)], which measures the spectra in the ≃20-30 keV range. Due to its conical shape, the crystal is sagittally focusing a Bragg-reflected x-ray spectrum into a line, which enhances the recorded x-ray emission signal above the high neutron-induced background accompanying ICF implosions at the National Ignition Facility. To improve the overall measurement accuracy, the sensitivity of the spectrometer measured in an off-line x-ray laboratory setting was revised. The error analysis was expanded to include the accuracy of the off-line measurements, the effect of the neutron-induced background, as well as the influence of possible errors in alignment of the instrument to the ICF target. We demonstrate how the improved methodology is applied in the analysis of ConSpec data with examples of a relatively low-neutron-yield implosion using a tritium-hydrogen-deuterium mix as a fuel and a high-yield deuterium-tritium (DT) implosion producing high level of the background. In both cases, the shape of the measured spectrum agrees with the exponentially decaying spectral shape of bremsstrahlung emission to within ±10%. In the case of the high-yield DT experiment, non-monotonic deviations slightly exceeding the measurement uncertainties are observed and discussed.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7046, 2023 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37949859


Large laser facilities have recently enabled material characterization at the pressures of Earth and Super-Earth cores. However, the temperature of the compressed materials has been largely unknown, or solely relied on models and simulations, due to lack of diagnostics under these challenging conditions. Here, we report on temperature, density, pressure, and local structure of copper determined from extended x-ray absorption fine structure and velocimetry up to 1 Terapascal. These results nearly double the highest pressure at which extended x-ray absorption fine structure has been reported in any material. In this work, the copper temperature is unexpectedly found to be much higher than predicted when adjacent to diamond layer(s), demonstrating the important influence of the sample environment on the thermal state of materials; this effect may introduce additional temperature uncertainties in some previous experiments using diamond and provides new guidance for future experimental design.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(10)2023 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37787629


X-ray diagnostics are key instruments for understanding the physics behind inertial confinement fusion experiments. We report on the multilayer design optimization for the Toroidal X-ray Imager (TXI), a hard x-rays microscope instrument designed by Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA) and Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF) to be installed on the National Ignition Facility. TXI includes six channels designed for three different energy bands centered on 8.7, 13, and 17.5 keV. Each channel is made up of two toroidal mirrors arranged in a Wolter-like configuration. The required field of view is 800 × 400 µm2, and the resolution should be better than 5 µm. In addition, we seek to estimate the spatial distribution of the temperature, which requires no spectral overlap of the different energy bands and a good spectral homogeneity of the image produced. The development of the multilayer coatings was performed in a two-step method. First, the coatings were optimized to obtain proper energy bands. Then, an x-ray tracing code was used to calculate the integrated optical response of each channel and adjust the response of the mirror to fulfill the requirements. To fulfill all the specifications, we propose an original design using a combination of two aperiodic coatings, one with a narrow bandwidth and the other one with a larger bandwidth.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(6): 065101, 2023 Aug 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37625041


The change in the power balance, temporal dynamics, emission weighted size, temperature, mass, and areal density of inertially confined fusion plasmas have been quantified for experiments that reach target gains up to 0.72. It is observed that as the target gain rises, increased rates of self-heating initially overcome expansion power losses. This leads to reacting plasmas that reach peak fusion production at later times with increased size, temperature, mass and with lower emission weighted areal densities. Analytic models are consistent with the observations and inferences for how these quantities evolve as the rate of fusion self-heating, fusion yield, and target gain increase. At peak fusion production, it is found that as temperatures and target gains rise, the expansion power loss increases to a near constant ratio of the fusion self-heating power. This is consistent with models that indicate that the expansion losses dominate the dynamics in this regime.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103548, 2022 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319320


A new class of crystal shapes has been developed for x-ray spectroscopy of point-like or small (a few mm) emission sources. These optics allow for dramatic improvement in both achievable energy resolution and total throughput of the spectrometer as compared with traditional designs. This class of crystal shapes, collectively referred to as the Variable-Radii Spiral (VR-Spiral), utilize crystal shapes in which both the major and minor radii are variable. A crystal using this novel VR-Spiral shape has now been fabricated for high-resolution Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) experiments targeting the Pb-L3 (13.0 keV) absorption edge at the National Ignition Facility. The performance of this crystal has been characterized in the laboratory using a microfocus x-ray source, showing that high-resolution high-throughput EXAFS spectra can be acquired using this geometry. Importantly, these successful tests show that the complex three-dimensional crystal shape is manufacturable with the required precision needed to realize the expected performance of better than 5 eV energy resolution while using a 30 mm high crystal. An improved generalized mathematical form for VR-Spiral shapes is also presented allowing improved optimization as compared to the first sinusoidal-spiral based design. This new formulation allows VR-Spiral spectrometers to be designed at any magnification with optimized energy resolution at all energies within the spectrometer bandwidth.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103507, 2022 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319332


High spatial and temporal resolution x-ray radiography images are required at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) for high-energy density experiments. One technique that is in development to achieve the required resolution uses Fresnel zone plate (FZP) optics to image an object that is backlit by an x-ray source. The multiple FZP diffraction orders do not focus on the same plane, which increases the background and reduces the contrast. Understanding the point spread function of the different diffraction orders will allow the prediction of the expected background using simulations. We find that the two-dimensional point spread function of the FZP can be approximated by the addition of a sharp Gaussian with a disk. This allowed for the estimation of the background in NIF experimental images of Rayleigh-Taylor spikes and their interpretation. An alternative design of FZP is discussed to allow the inclusion of a zeroth order blocker to reduce the background.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(19): 195002, 2022 Nov 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36399755


The application of an external 26 Tesla axial magnetic field to a D_{2} gas-filled capsule indirectly driven on the National Ignition Facility is observed to increase the ion temperature by 40% and the neutron yield by a factor of 3.2 in a hot spot with areal density and temperature approaching what is required for fusion ignition [1]. The improvements are determined from energy spectral measurements of the 2.45 MeV neutrons from the D(d,n)^{3}He reaction, and the compressed central core B field is estimated to be ∼4.9 kT using the 14.1 MeV secondary neutrons from the D(T,n)^{4}He reactions. The experiments use a 30 kV pulsed-power system to deliver a ∼3 µs current pulse to a solenoidal coil wrapped around a novel high-electrical-resistivity AuTa_{4} hohlraum. Radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations are consistent with the experiment.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(8): 083509, 2022 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36050081


In this study, we present the absolute calibration of the conical crystal for the zinc spectrometer (ZSPEC), an x-ray spectrometer at the OMEGA laser facility at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics. The ZSPEC was originally designed to measure x-ray Thomson scattering using flat or cylindrically curved highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystals centered around Zn He-alpha emission at 9 keV. To improve the useful spectral range and collection efficiency of the ZSPEC, a conical highly annealed pyrolytic graphite crystal was fabricated for the ZSPEC. The conically bent crystal in the Hall geometry produces a line focus perpendicular to the spectrometer axis, corresponding to the detector plane of electronic detectors at large scale laser facilities such as OMEGA, extending the useful range of the spectrometer to 7-11 keV. Using data collected using a microfocus Mo x-ray source, we determine important characteristics of ZSPEC such as the dispersion, spatial resolution, and absolute sensitivity of the instrument. A ray-trace model of ZSPEC provides another point of agreement in calculations of the ZSPEC dispersion and crystal response.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(27): 275001, 2022 Dec 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36638294


We present measurements of ice-ablator mix at stagnation of inertially confined, cryogenically layered capsule implosions. An ice layer thickness scan with layers significantly thinner than used in ignition experiments enables us to investigate mix near the inner ablator interface. Our experiments reveal for the first time that the majority of atomically mixed ablator material is "dark" mix. It is seeded by the ice-ablator interface instability and located in the relatively cooler, denser region of the fuel assembly surrounding the fusion hot spot. The amount of dark mix is an important quantity as it is thought to affect both fusion fuel compression and burn propagation when it turns into hot mix as the burn wave propagates through the initially colder fuel region surrounding an igniting hot spot. We demonstrate a significant reduction in ice-ablator mix in the hot-spot boundary region when we increase the initial ice layer thickness.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(5): 053102, 2021 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243250


We report the development of a high-resolution spectrometer for extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies of materials under extreme conditions. A curved crystal and detector in the spectrometer are replaceable such that a single body is employed to perform EXAFS measurements at different x-ray energy intervals of interest. Two configurations have been implemented using toroidal crystals with Ge 311 reflection set to provide EXAFS at the Cu K-edge (energy range 8.9-9.8 keV) and Ge 400 reflection set to provide EXAFS at the Ta L3-edge (9.8-10.7 keV). Key performance characteristics of the spectrometer were found to be consistent with design parameters. The data generated at the National Ignition Facility have shown an ≃3 eV spectral resolution for the Cu K-edge configuration and ≃6 eV for the Ta L3-edge configuration.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(5): 053511, 2021 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243355


Being able to provide high-resolution x-ray radiography is crucial in order to study hydrodynamic instabilities in the high-energy density regime at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Current capabilities limit us to about 20 µm resolution using pinholes, but recent studies have demonstrated the high-resolution capability of the Fresnel zone plate optics at the NIF, measuring 2.3 µm resolution. Using a zinc Heα line at 9 keV as a backlighter, we obtained a radiograph of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities with a measured resolution of under 3 µm. Two images were taken with a time integrated detector and were time gated by a laser pulse duration of 600 ps, and a third image was taken with a framing camera with a 100 ps time gate on the same shot and on the same line of sight. The limiting factors on image quality for these two cases are the motion blur and the signal to noise ratio, respectively. We also suggest solutions to increase the image quality.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(3): 035105, 2021 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33820082


We investigate several possible multilayer-based optic designs for future hard x-ray and gamma ray diagnostics, including the detection and measurement of the positron annihilation radiation at 511 keV. The focus is set on increasing the photon efficiency and signal-to-noise ratio, compared to a previous multilayer-based system that was successfully employed to measure spectra in the 55 keV-100 keV range. Several possible designs using multilayer coatings are discussed, including mirror-based optics and multilayer Laue lenses.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10G114, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399807


The need for a time-resolved monochromatic x-ray imaging diagnostic at photon energies >15 keV has motivated the development of a Wolter optic to study x-ray sources on the Z-machine at Sandia National Laboratories. The work is performed in both the LLNL's x-ray calibration facility and SNL's micro-focus x-ray lab. Characterizations and calibrations include alignment, measurement of throughput within the field of view (FOV), the point-spread function within the FOV both in and out of focus, and bandpass in the FOV. These results are compared with ray tracing models, showing reasonable agreement.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10G113, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399826


Recent breakthroughs in the fabrication of small-radii Wolter optics for astrophysics allow high energy density facilities to consider such optics as novel x-ray diagnostics at photon energies of 15-50 keV. Recently, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center jointly developed and fabricated the first custom Wolter microscope for implementation in SNL's Z machine with optimized sensitivity at 17.5 keV. To achieve spatial resolution of order 100-200 microns over a field of view of 5 × 5 × 5 mm3 with high throughput and narrow energy bandpass, the geometry of the optic and its multilayer required careful design and optimization. While the geometry mainly influences resolution and the field of view of the diagnostic, the mirror coating determines the spectral response and throughput. Here we outline the details of the design and fabrication process for the first multilayer-coated Wolter I optic for SNL's Z machine (Z Wolter), including its W/Si multilayer, and present results of raytrace simulations completed to predict and verify the performance of the optic.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10G112, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399878


A facility to calibrate x-ray imaging optics was built at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to support high energy density (HED) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF) diagnostics such as those at the National Ignition Facility and the Sandia Z-Machine. Calibration of the spectral reflectivity and resolution of these x-ray diagnostics enable absolute determination of the x-ray flux and wavelengths generated in the HED and ICF experiments. Measurement of the optic point spread function is used to determine spatial resolution of the optic. This facility was constructed to measure (1) the x-ray reflectivity to ±5% over a spectral range from 5 to 60 keV; (2) point spread functions with a resolution of 50 µm (currently) and 13 µm (future) in the image plane; and (3) optic distance relative to the x-ray source and detector to within ±100 µm in each dimension. This article describes the capabilities of the calibration facility, concept of operations, and initial data from selected x-ray optics.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10G115, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399891


A new Wolter x-ray imager has been developed for the Z machine to study the emission of warm (>15 keV) x-ray sources. A Wolter optic has been adapted from observational astronomy and medical imaging, which uses curved x-ray mirrors to form a 2D image of a source with 5 × 5 × 5 mm3 field-of-view and measured 60-300-µm resolution on-axis. The mirrors consist of a multilayer that create a narrow bandpass around the Mo Kα lines at 17.5 keV. We provide an overview of the instrument design and measured imaging performance. In addition, we present the first data from the instrument of a Mo wire array z-pinch on the Z machine, demonstrating improvements in spatial resolution and a 350-4100× increase in the signal over previous pinhole imaging techniques.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(26): 265701, 2018 Jun 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30004754


In this work, we monitor the onset of nonthermal melting in single-crystal silicon by implementing an x-ray pump-x-ray probe scheme. Using the ultrashort pulses provided by the Linac Coherent Light Source (SLAC) and a custom-built split-and-delay line for hard x rays, we achieve the temporal resolution needed to detect the onset of the transition. Our data show no loss of long-range order up to 150±40 fs from photoabsorption, which we interpret as the time needed for the electronic system to equilibrate at or above the critical nonthermal melting temperature. Once such equilibration is reached, the loss of long-range atomic order proceeds inertially and is completed within 315±40 fs from photoabsorption.