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Tech Coloproctol ; 28(1): 34, 2024 Feb 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38369674


BACKGROUND: In the decision to perform elective surgery, it is of great interest to have data about the outcomes of surgery to individualize patients who could safely undergo sigmoid resection. The aim of this study was to provide information on the outcomes of elective sigmoid resection for sigmoid diverticular disease (SDD) at a national level. METHODS: All consecutive patients who had elective surgery for SDD (2010-2021) were included in this retrospective, multicenter, cohort study. Patients were identified from institutional review board-approved databases in French member centers of the French Surgical Association. The endpoints of the study were the early and the long-term postoperative outcomes and an evaluation of the risk factors for 90-day severe postoperative morbidity and a definitive stoma after an elective sigmoidectomy for SDD. RESULTS: In total, 4617 patients were included. The median [IQR] age was 61 [18.0;100] years, the mean ± SD body mass index (BMI) was 26.8 ± 4 kg/m2, and 2310 (50%) were men. The indications for surgery were complicated diverticulitis in 50% and smoldering diverticulitis in 47.4%. The procedures were performed laparoscopically for 88% and with an anastomosis for 83.8%. The severe complication rate on postoperative day 90 was 11.7%, with a risk of anastomotic leakage of 4.7%. The independent risk factors in multivariate analysis were an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score ≥ 3, an open approach, and perioperative blood transfusion. Age, perioperative blood transfusion, and Hartmann's procedure were the three independent risk factors for a permanent stoma. CONCLUSIONS: This series provides a real-life picture of elective sigmoidectomy for SDD at a national level. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Comité National Information et Liberté (CNIL) (n°920361).

Diverticulitis, Colonic , Diverticulitis , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Cohort Studies , Colon, Sigmoid/surgery , Diverticulitis/surgery , Diverticulitis/complications , Diverticulitis, Colonic/surgery , Diverticulitis, Colonic/complications , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6): 1840-1844, nov.-dez. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-970537


O objetivo com este estudo foi estabelecer os intervalos de referência de diferentes analitos séricos em Ozotoceros bezoarticus bezoarticus de vida livre. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 54 fêmeas e 14 machos adultos, capturados no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul. A determinação das concentrações de cálcio total, albumina, colesterol total, creatinina, glicose, fósforo, proteína total, triglicerídeos e ureia séricas e a atividade das enzimas alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase, creatina quinase fração MB e fosfatase alcalina foi realizada em equipamento automático. Valores de globulinas, cálcio total e proporções (razões) entre analitos foram realizados por meio de cálculo matemático. Esta é a primeira descrição do intervalo de referência de parâmetros bioquímicos séricos em veado-campeiro de vida livre do Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul. O tamanho da amostra e a distribuição dos dados indicam que os valores médios obtidos são representativos e podem ser usados para a monitorização da saúde, do estado nutricional e do diagnóstico de enfermidades nesse estrato populacional.(AU)

The objective of the present study is to establish the reference intervals of different serum analytes in free - living Ozotoceros bezoarticus bezoarticus. Blood samples were drawn from the 54 females and 14 males, adults, captured in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. A determination of total calcium, albumin, total cholesterol, creatinine, glucose, phosphorus, total protein, triglycerides, and serum urea concentrations and an activity of the enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase MB fraction and alkaline phosphatase were performed in automated equipment. Values of globulins, total calcium and proportions among analytes were performed by means of mathematical calculations. This is a first description of the reference parameters for serum biochemistry of free - living pampas deer in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. Sample size and distribution of data indicate that the mean values obtained are representative and can be used for a health monitoring, nutritional status, and diagnosis of diseases in this population stratum.(AU)

Animals , Deer , Biomarkers/analysis , Environmental Biomarkers
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6): 1935-1942, nov.-dez. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-970707


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características de carcaça e dos componentes não carcaça de cordeiros terminados em confinamento, com diferentes proporções de caroço de algodão na dieta. Foram utilizados 45 cordeiros, machos, não castrados, da raça Ile de France. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por níveis de inclusão de caroço de algodão na matéria seca (MS) da dieta total (0%; 10%; 20%; 30% ou 40%), sendo a dieta composta por silagem de milho (Zea mays L.), grão de milho triturado (Zea mays L.), farelo de soja (Glycine max L.), caroço de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L.), calcário calcítico e sal mineral, em proporção de volumoso:concentrado de 40:60. Os animais foram abatidos com peso de abate preestabelecido. O peso de carcaça quente e o peso de carcaça fria, bem como o índice de quebra ao resfriamento, o índice de compacidade, a conformação e o estado de engorduramento da carcaça, não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pelo nível de inclusão de caroço de algodão na dieta. As características de rendimento de carcaça quente e rendimento de carcaça fria diminuíram linearmente (P≤0,05) à medida que se incluiu caroço de algodão na dieta. Com relação à medida de espessura de gordura de cobertura, pode-se observar que houve comportamento quadrático crescente e, em relação à variável área de olho de lombo, o comportamento observado foi o linear decrescente. Quanto às proporções dos cortes comerciais da carcaça, o peso de perna diminuiu linearmente (P≤0,05) enquanto a porcentagem de perna foi influenciada de forma quadrática (P≤0,05) pela inclusão de caroço de algodão nas dietas. O trato gastrointestinal cheio e o conteúdo do trato gastrointestinal aumentam linearmente (P≤0,05) com o incremento do nível de inclusão de caroço de algodão na dieta. Algumas das características de carcaça e dos componentes não carcaça tiveram influência negativa da elevação do teor de fibra e de lipídios da dieta à medida que se incluiu caroço de algodão na dieta total.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the carcass and non carcass components characteristics of lambs finished in feedlot with different proportions of cottonseed on the diet. Forty five lambs, non castrated males, from Ile de France race. The treatments were constituted by levels of inclusion of cottonseed on dry matter (DM) of the total diet (0%; 10%; 20%; 30% or 40%), being the diet composed by corn silage (Zea mays L.), ground corn grain (Zea mays L.), soybean meal (Glycine max L.), cottonseed (Gossypiumhirsutum L.), limestone and mineral salt in a roughage: concentrate proportion of 40:60. The animals were slaughtered with a pre- established slaughter weight. The hot and cold carcass weight, as well as the carcass chilling index, the compactness index, the conformation and the fattening state of the carcass were not influenced (P> 0.05) by the level of inclusion of cottonseed on the diet. The hot and cold carcass yield decreased linearly (P≤ 0.05) as the cottonseed was included on the diet. Regarding the subcutaneous fat thickness it is possible to observe that there was a crescent quadratic behavior and in relation to the rib eye area variable, the behavior observed was linear decrescent. Regarding the proportions of the commercial cuts of the carcass, the leg weight decreased linearly (P≤ 0.05) while the percentage of leg was quadratic influenced (P≤ 0.05) by the inclusion of cottonseed on the diets. The full gastrointestinal tract and the gastrointestinal tract content increased linearly (P≤ 0.05) with the increase on the level of inclusion of cottonseed on the diet. Some of the carcass and non carcass components characteristics had negative influence of level fiber content and dietary lipids as it included cottonseed in the total diet.(AU)

Animals , Meat/classification , Sheep/classification , Animal Feed/analysis , Cottonseed Oil/analysis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(3): 975-982, maio-jun. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-912007


O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação privativa, com concentrado ou leguminosa, sobre as características da carcaça e dos componentes corporais de cordeiros lactentes mantidos em pastejo de azevém. Foram utilizados 27 cordeiros lactentes, distribuídos nos tratamentos que corresponderam aos sistemas de alimentação: cordeiros lactentes mantidos em pasto de azevém, cordeiros lactentes mantidos em pasto de azevém e suplementados com concentrado em comedouro privativo (creep feeding) e cordeiros lactentes mantidos em pasto de azevém e suplementados com leguminosa no pasto privativo (creep grazing). O concentrado era composto por milho, farelo de soja e calcário calcítico, e a leguminosa utilizada foi o trevo-branco. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente ao acaso. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. O conteúdo do trato gastrintestinal juntamente com bile e urina e a proporção de esôfago foram maiores (P<0,05) nos cordeiros mantidos em pasto de azevém. As proporções de fígado e intestino grosso foram maiores (P<0,05) nos cordeiros suplementados com concentrado. Os sistemas alimentares testados produzem carcaças com características semelhantes. A suplementação, com leguminosa ou concentrado, altera os componentes corporais de cordeiros lactentes mantidos em azevém.(AU)

This research objective was to evaluate the effect of private supplementation with concentrated or legumes, on the carcass characteristics and body components from suckling lambs kept on ryegrass pasture. Twenty seven suckling lambs were used, with about 17 days of age and weighing 9,91±0,594kg, which were distributed in the treatments that corresponded to feeding systems: suckling lambs kept on ryegrass pasture, suckling lambs kept on ryegrass pasture and supplemented with concentrated in private feeder (creep feeding) and suckling lambs kept on ryegrass pasture and supplemented with legume in the private pasture (creep grazing). The concentrate supplement was composed by corn, soybean meal and limestone, and was supplied ad libitum. The supplementary pasture was white clover legume. The experimental design was completely randomized, where the results were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey test at 5% of significance level. The gastrointestinal+bile+urine content and the proportion of esophagus were higher (P<0,05) in lambs kept on ryegrass. The liver and large intestine proportions were higher (P<0,05) in lambs supplemented with concentrate. The tested alimentary systems produce carcasses with similar characteristics. The supplementation with legume or concentrate cause changes in body components of suckling lambs grazing ryegrass.(AU)

Animals , Meat/analysis , Pasture/methods , Lolium , Sheep/classification
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(3): 742-750, jun. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-846957


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de níveis crescentes de substituição da silagem de sorgo por resíduo úmido de cervejaria sobre as características da carcaça e dos componentes não carcaça de cordeiros terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros machos, não castrados, oriundos de parto simples e mantidos em baias individuais. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro níveis de substituição de silagem de sorgo por resíduo úmido de cervejaria, sendo: 0%; 33,5%; 66,5% e 100% de substituição. Utilizou-se uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50, com base na matéria seca. O concentrado era constituído por milho desintegrado, farelo de soja e mistura mineral. As dietas eram isoproteicas, contendo 18,81% de proteína bruta. Os cordeiros foram abatidos quando atingiram o escore de condição corporal estabelecido em 3 (escala de 1 a 5). As características de carcaça analisadas não foram influenciadas significativamente (P>0,05) pela substituição de silagem de sorgo por resíduo úmido de cervejaria, sendo obtidos valores médios de 18,92kg para peso de carcaça quente, 18,22 kg para peso de carcaça fria, 47,03% para rendimento de carcaça quente, 45,29% para rendimento de carcaça fria e 3,41% para índice de quebra ao resfriamento. Quanto às proporções dos diferentes cortes comerciais avaliados, em relação ao peso de carcaça fria, foram verificados valores médios de 31,86% para perna, 18,12% para paleta, 39,46% para costilhar e 9,08% para pescoço. As proporções de diafragma, omaso cheio e omaso vazio, em relação ao peso vivo ao abate dos cordeiros, diminuíram linearmente (P≤0,05). As demais variáveis dos componentes não carcaça avaliadas não foram influenciadas (P>0,05) pelos níveis de resíduo úmido de cervejaria das dietas. Pode-se recomendar o uso de resíduo úmido de cervejaria como fonte exclusiva de alimento volumoso quando se utiliza uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50, em base de matéria seca, para terminação de cordeiros em sistema de confinamento.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of substitution of sorghum silage by wet brewery residue as forage food on carcass characteristics and non-carcass components of lambs finished in feedlot. Twenty four non castrated male lambs, Suffolk breed, single birth were maintained in individual stalls. The treatments consisted of four substitution levels of sorghum silage by wet brewery residue (0%; 33.5%; 66.5% or 100% of substitution). Roughage and concentrate were used at a 50:50 ratio, based on dry matter. The concentrate was composed of ground corn, soybean meal and mineral mixture. The diets were isoproteic containing 18.81% crude protein. The lambs were slaughtered when they reached the body condition score of 3 (ranging from 1 to 5). The carcass traits were not affected significantly (P>0,05) by substitution of sorghum silage by wet brewery residue. The average values of hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, hot carcass yield, cold carcass yield and cooling weight losses were 18.92 kg, 18.22 kg, 47.03%, 45.29%, 3.41%, respectively. The proportion of commercial cuts in relation to the cold carcass weight, was 31.86% for leg, 18.12% for shoulder, 39.46% for ribs and 9.08% for neck. The proportion of diaphragm, omasum full and empty omasum in relation to body weight at slaughter decreased linearly (P≤0.05). The remaining variables of non-carcass components were not affected (P>0.05) by wet brewery residue inclusion. We recommend the use of wet brewery residue as exclusive source of roughage food when using roughage:concentrate at 50:50 ratio on a dry matter basis, for finishing feedlot lambs.(AU)

Animals , Diet/veterinary , Industrial Waste/analysis , Meat/analysis , Brewery , Sheep
Clin Radiol ; 72(7): 534-542, 2017 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28433201


Humoral primary immunodeficiency diseases (hPIDs) are a heterogeneous group of hereditary disorders resulting in abnormal susceptibility to infections of the sinopulmonary tract. Some of these conditions (e.g., common variable immunodeficiency disorders [CVID]) imply a number of non-infectious thoracic complications such as non-infectious airway disorders, diffuse lung parenchymal diseases, and neoplasms. Chest high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is a key imaging tool to characterise and quantify the extent of underlying thoracic involvement, as well as to direct and monitor treatment. The aims of this review are to provide a brief clinical overview of hPIDs and describe the related chest HRCT imaging features in the adult population, with a special focus on CVID and its complications.

Immunity, Humoral , Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Adult , Humans , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(6): 1638-1646, nov.-dez. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-827950


Objetivou-se avaliar os consumos de matéria seca, nutrientes e desempenho na terminação de cordeiros e borregos submetidos a dietas de alto concentrado de grão de milho ou sorgo. Foram utilizados 32 animais, sendo 16 cordeiros (dente de leite) e 16 borregos (dois dentes) da raça Corriedale. As dietas eram constituídas de feno de aveia- branca (Avena sativa), grão de milho (Zea mays) ou de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), farelo de soja (Glycine Max), calcário calcítico, bicarbonato de sódio e monensina. Os cordeiros apresentaram superioridade (P≤0,05) quanto ao CMS (% do PV e g/kg PV0,75), ao CPB (kg/dia, % do PV e g/kg PV0,75), ao CEE (% do PV), ao CFDN e ao CFDA (% do PV e g/kg PV0,75), ao CNDT (% do PV), ao ganho de peso médio diário, à conformação in vivo e à conversão alimentar. Por outro lado, o CEE, o CCHT e o CCNE (kg/dia), o peso vivo inicial, o peso vivo final e o peso vivo ao abate foram superiores (P≤0,05) na categoria dos borregos. Em relação aos grãos avaliados, verificou-se maior (P≤0,05) CEE (kg/dia, % do PV e g/kg PV0,75) e menor (P≤0,05) CFDN (% do PV) e CFDA (kg/dia, % do PV e g/kg PV0,75) para os animais alimentados com dieta de alto concentrado à base de grão de milho em relação àqueles alimentados com grão de sorgo. Os cordeiros apresentam consumos relativos superiores aos borregos, porém sua resposta zootécnica é maior. O uso de dietas de alto concentrado de sorgo ou de milho proporcionou resultados semelhantes.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate the dry matter, nutrient intake, and performance on feedlot of lambs and hoggets submitted to corn or sorghum high concentrate diets. Thirty-two Corriedale animals, being 16 lambs (milk teeth) and 16 hoggets (two teeth) were used. The diets were composed of white oat hay (Avena sativa), corn (Zea mays) or sorghum grain (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), soybean meal (Glycine Max), limestone, sodium bicarbonate, and monensin. The lambs presented a superiority (P≤0.05) regarding the DMI (% of LW and g/kg LW0.75), CPI (kg/day, % of LW and g/kg LW0.75), EEI (% of LW), NDFI and ADFI (% of LW and g/kg LW0.75), TDNI (% of LW), daily average weight gain, conformation in vivo and feed conversion. On the other hand, the EEI, TCI, and NSCI (kg/day), the initial live weight, final live weight and the live weight at slaughter were superior (P≤0.05) in the hoggets category. In relation to the evaluated grains, a higher (P≤0.05) EEI (kg/day, % of LW and g/kg LW0.75) and a lower (P≤0.05) NDFI (% of LW) and ADFI (kg/day, % of LW and g/kg LW0.75) were verified for the animals fed with high concentrate diets based on corn grain in relation to those fed with sorghum grain. The lambs presented an intake relatively superior to the hoggets, however their zootechnical response is higher. The use of high concentrate diets of sorghum or corn provides similar results.

Animals , Animal Feed/statistics & numerical data , Diet/veterinary , Food/analysis , Sheep , Weight Gain , Sorghum , Zea mays
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol ; 79(12): 1969-74, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26453271


BACKGROUND: Bacterial meningitis is a life threatening disease that can be triggered by a CSF leak through an inner ear malformation. Early identification of the specific type of cochleovestibular dysplasia and the associated risk of meningitis is of vital importance. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review is to collect and discuss available data on the association between inner ear malformations and meningitis in children. METHODS: Electronic databases were crosschecked for obtaining relevant papers published in the last 20 years, and further cases were identified by hand searching through the references. Demographic data were extracted from full texts, together with information on the severity of hearing impairment, the type of inner ear anomaly, the site of cerebrospinal fluid leak, the number of recurrent meningitis episodes. RESULTS: Sixty-seven cases of meningitis related to inner ear malformation have been identified among 45 papers. Mean age at presentation is 3.60±3.00 (range 0.1-14) years. Average diagnostic delay from the first episode of meningitis is 3.44±3.41 (range 0.00-10.00) years. The number of meningitis episodes that occurred before the correct diagnosis and definitive surgical treatment is 3.27±1.81 (range 1.00-10.00). Unilateral hearing impairment affects 70% of patients. Six patients had normal hearing at presentation. Two children are dead from inner-ear-malformation-related meningitis among reviewed reports. CONCLUSION: A high number of paediatric patients carrying inner ear malformations, especially when associated with unilateral hearing impairment, could be at risk to develop recurrent bacterial meningitis. Universal newborn hearing screening programs should prompt a diagnostic work-up even in the case of unilateral hearing impairment, in order to prevent inner ear malformation-related meningitis.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak/complications , Ear, Inner/abnormalities , Hearing Loss, Unilateral/etiology , Meningitis, Bacterial/complications , Adolescent , Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak/etiology , Child , Child, Preschool , Delayed Diagnosis , Female , Humans , Infant , Male
Diagn Interv Imaging ; 95(9): 771-7, 2014 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24559802


Organizing pneumonia (formerly named bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia or BOOP) is a clinical, radiological and histological entity that is classified as an Interstitial Lung Disease. The understanding of this family of diseases has seen great progress over the past twenty years. CT presentation of organizing pneumonia is polymorphous but a few patterns have been recently recognized as being more specific to this diagnosis. The aim of this work is to summarize new understandings of the clinical and histological presentation of the disease and to review the most relevant CT features.

Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia/pathology , Humans , Lung/diagnostic imaging , Lung/pathology , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/diagnostic imaging , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/etiology , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/pathology , Risk Factors
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(5): 1509-1518, out. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-689771


Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da porcentagem de glicerina bruta em suplementos sobre as características da carcaça e os componentes do peso vivo de cordeiros lactentes mantidos em pasto de azevém. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros lactentes, distribuídos nos tratamentos: 0, 10, 20 e 30% de glicerina bruta na matéria seca, em substituição ao milho, no suplemento isoproteico (18% de PB na matéria seca) fornecido diariamente em quantidade equivalente a 2% do peso corporal. As porcentagens de glicerina bruta tiveram efeito linear decrescente sobre peso de carcaça quente, peso de carcaça fria, rendimento de carcaça quente e rendimento de carcaça fria, enquanto as perdas pelo jejum aumentaram. O peso da paleta e o peso do costilhar diminuíram, enquanto a proporção de perna aumentou com o incremento de glicerina bruta no suplemento. Na composição tecidual da paleta, observou-se que a gordura subcutânea, a gordura intermuscular e a gordura total da paleta decresceram linearmente segundo as porcentagens de glicerina bruta. Sobre os componentes do peso vivo, observaram-se diferenças nas proporções de pele, rúmen, omaso, intestino grosso, que aumentaram, enquanto a de gordura renal diminuiu linearmente. Conclui-se que o uso de glicerina bruta em até 30% em suplemento fornecido em comedouro privativo para cordeiros lactentes mantidos em pasto de azevém interfere nas características da carcaça e nos componentes corporais.

The objective was to evaluate the effect of crude glycerin levels in supplement on carcass characteristics and live weight components of suckling lambs maintained on ryegrass pasture. Thirty two suckling lambs were used and were distributed among the treatments: 0, 10, 20 and 30% crude glycerin, in replacement of corn, in the isoproteic supplement (18% CP) provided daily in amounts equivalent to 2% of body weight. The levels of crude glycerin had negative linear effects on hot and cold carcass weight, hot and cold carcass yield but an increasing effect was observed on gastrointestinal content and fasting losses. The shoulder and rib weights decreased, while the leg proportion increased with the elevation of crude glycerin use. In the tissue composition of the shoulder, it was observed that the subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat and total fat decreased linearly according to the levels of crude glycerin. Regarding body weight components, differences were observed in the proportions of skin, rumen, omasum, large intestine, which increased, while the kidney fat decreases linearly. The use of crude glycerin in up to 30% in the supplement provided in creep feeding for suckling lambs kept in ryegrass pasture influences carcass characteristics and corporal components.

Animals , Female , Infant , Glycerol/analysis , Glycerol/adverse effects , Glycerol/chemistry , Sheep/anatomy & histology , Rumen
Radiol Med ; 118(4): 633-47, 2013 Jun.
Article in Italian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23184243


PURPOSE: The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the performance of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography ([(18)F]-FDG PET-CT) for diagnosing large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) for a subset of patients at increased risk of rheumatic/immune diseases, taking into account concurrent immunosuppressive therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study comprised 64 rheumatological referrals with suspected LVV; half of the patients were on immunosuppressive therapy at the time of examination. The final diagnosis of LVV was established in 31 patients. To evaluate vascular uptake, the nuclear medicine physician employed both a semiquantitative method based on standardised uptake value (SUV) determination and a qualitative method based on a visual score from 0 to 3 on the maximum intensity projection (MIP) reformats. Finally, a joint assessment was carried out between the nuclear medicine physician and the reporting radiologist, in which PET metabolic data were re-evaluated taking into account clinical data and baseline CT scans. McNemar's test was used to compare four types of analysis: semiquantitative (cutoff ≥ 2.4), qualitative with standard cutoff (grade ≥ 2), qualitative with reduced cutoff (grade ≥ 1) and joint. RESULTS: Semiquantitative analysis (sensitivity 74.19%, specificity 78.78%, accuracy 76.56%) and qualitative analysis with standard cutoff (sensitivity 64.51%, specificity 84.84%, accuracy 75.00%) showed no statistical difference for the diagnosis of LVV, whereas qualitative analysis with lower cutoff (sensitivity 93.54%, specificity 75.75%, accuracy 84.37%) proved to be better than the other two. Joint analysis (sensitivity 93.54%, specificity 93.93%, accuracy 93.75%) introduced some corrective elements not present in the qualitative analysis with cutoff ≥ 1 and therefore increased specificity significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Interpretation of PET-CT should be individualised for each patient by taking into account clinical-radiological and metabolic data. To this end, cooperation between the nuclear medicine specialist and the radiologist is essential.

Multimodal Imaging , Positron-Emission Tomography , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Vasculitis/diagnostic imaging , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 , Humans , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Male , Middle Aged , Radiopharmaceuticals , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity
Radiol Med ; 118(5): 732-43, 2013 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23090248


PURPOSE: Our aim was to evaluate the usefulness of computed tomography angiography (CTA) in vascular mapping for planning breast reconstruction after mastectomy using a free flap made with the deep inferior epigastric perforators (DIEP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 41 patients, mean age 57 years, scheduled for mastectomy. CTA was performed with a 64-row scanner (Aquilion 64, Toshiba Medical Systems, Japan), with injection of 100 ml of contrast medium (iomeprol 350 mgI/ml, Bracco, Italy) at 4.5 ml/s. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) and three-dimensional volume-rendering (VR) reconstructions were made to mark perforator positions. Presentation frequency, anatomy and artery opacification quality were evaluated. RESULTS: DIEP were always depicted (n=81) and subdivided according to Taylor's classification into type I (65%), type II (28%), and type III (7%). We observed a mean of three (range, 1-5) DIEP arteries on the right and two (range, 1-5) on the left side. The superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) was depicted in 6/41 patients, bilaterally in three cases. Opacification was optimal in 30/41 cases, venous contamination due to late arterial phase in eight and low opacification due to early scan in three. CONCLUSIONS: Studying DIEP with CTA is useful in the surgical planning of breast reconstruction, even though it requires careful optimisation owing to the critical timing of opacification typical of that vascular district.

Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Epigastric Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Free Tissue Flaps/blood supply , Mammaplasty/methods , Mastectomy , Perforator Flap/blood supply , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Contrast Media , Epigastric Arteries/transplantation , Female , Humans , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Iopamidol/analogs & derivatives , Middle Aged , Preoperative Care , Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Retrospective Studies
Phys Med Biol ; 55(17): 4993-5005, 2010 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20702925


The measurement of the linear attenuation coefficients of breast tissues is of fundamental importance in the field of breast x-ray diagnostic imaging. Different groups have evaluated the linear attenuation coefficients of breast tissues by carrying out direct attenuation measurements in which the specimens were thin and selected as homogeneous as possible. Here, we use monochromatic and high-intensity synchrotron radiation computed tomography (SR CT) to evaluate the linear attenuation coefficients of surgical breast tissues in the energy range from 15 to 26.5 keV. X-ray detection is performed by a custom digital silicon micro-strip device, developed in the framework of the PICASSO INFN experiment. Twenty-three human surgical breast samples were selected for SR CT and histological study. Six of them underwent CT, both as fresh tissue and after formalin fixation, while the remaining 17 were imaged only as formalin-fixed tissues. Our results for fat and fibrous tissues are in good agreement with the published values. However, in contrast to the published data, our measurements show no significant differences between fibrous and tumor tissues. Moreover, our results for fresh and formalin-fixed tissues demonstrate a reduction of the linear attenuation coefficient for fibrous and tumor tissues after fixation.

Breast/pathology , Connective Tissue/pathology , Synchrotrons , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Connective Tissue/diagnostic imaging , Energy Transfer , Female , Humans , Linear Models , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/instrumentation
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 61(5): 1222-1226, out. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-532037


This investigation was carried out in beef cattle (n=219), sheep (n=55), and pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) (n=49) from Nhecolândia, sub region of Brazilian Pantanal in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. It was aimed to assess the seropositivity of these species to bluetongue virus (BTV) by agar gel immunodiffusion test. Seropositivity rates were 42.0% for cattle and 10.9% for sheep. The pampas deer showed to be all seronegative. In cattle, seropositivity to BTV significantly increased with age (P<0.001). These data, the favorable environmental conditions to development of BTV vectors, and the bovine reproductive disorders reported by farmers may indicate that BTV infection occurrs in herds of Brazilian Pantanal, and probably induces to economical losses.

Animals , Cattle , Abortion, Veterinary , Ceratopogonidae/virology , Disease Outbreaks , Bluetongue virus/isolation & purification , Brazil/epidemiology , Deer , Endemic Diseases/prevention & control , Sheep , Serology/methods
Radiol Med ; 114(7): 1115-29, 2009 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19774439


PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to evaluate the potential of 64-row multislice computed tomography (CT) versus digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in detecting significant lesions of lower-extremity inflow and runoff arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-three patients underwent 64-row multislice CT and DSA over a mean of 36 days. The vascular tree was divided into 33 segments. Three readers independently reviewed the axial CT scans and multiplanar oblique and two- and three-dimensional reconstructions (maximum intensity projection and volume rendering) images to assess degree of stenosis according to four categories: 1 (0%-49% stenosis); 2 (50%-99% stenosis); 3 (occluded); 4 (not evaluable). In all cases, DSA was performed by arterial catheterisation. RESULTS: In 53 patients, 1,440 segments were evaluated (infrarenal aorta and 16 arterial segments for each leg; 42 bilateral studies, 11 unilateral studies). Compared with DSA, CT angiography yielded 97.2% sensitivity, 97% specificity, 92.5% positive predictive value, 98.9% negative predictive value, 97.1% diagnostic accuracy and 95.4% concordance on the degree of stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: Sixty-four-row multislice CT proved to be helpful in detecting haemodynamically significant lesions in peripheral arterial occlusive disease and improved the results obtained with 4- and 16-slice multidetector CT. In addition, owing to the high spatial resolution and rigorous technique, no variations in the data obtained below the knee were detected, overcoming a limitation of earlier generations of CT scanners.

Angiography, Digital Subtraction/methods , Angiography/methods , Lower Extremity/diagnostic imaging , Peripheral Vascular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Knee/diagnostic imaging , Leg/diagnostic imaging , Lower Extremity/blood supply , Male , Middle Aged , Predictive Value of Tests , Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Thigh/diagnostic imaging
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 55(6): 766-769, dez. 2003. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-359834


The frequency of bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BGC) in 157 cows from nine herds from the microregion of Varginha - Minas Gerais - Brazil was evaluated. Farmers use either artificial insemination and natural breeding after two insemination procedures or natural breeding. The diagnosis of BGC was performed by the direct fluorescent antibody test (DFAT) using vaginal mucus. All studied herds showed C. fetus infected animals and, of 157 animals, 40 (25.5 percent) were positive in DFAT: 7 (26.9 percent) from herds with natural breeding and 33 (25.1 percent) from herds with both artificial insemination and natural breeding after the second-to-third insemination. The high frequency of BGC found in this study shows that this disease is present among herds which have reproductive problems and the use of natural breeding after the second-to-third unsuccessful insemination could be a risk factor for the disease

Animals , Female , Campylobacter fetus , Epidemiology , Insemination, Artificial
Surgery ; 123(4): 427-31, 1998 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9551069


BACKGROUND: The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the risk of tumor recurrence after laparoscopic cecal resection (LCR) of colonic carcinoma in the rat. METHODS: The experimental cancer consisted of one million cells (DHK/K12), incorporated in an extracellular matrix, placed and secured to the cecal serosa in 110 BD9 rats. Four weeks later, all animals were reoperated through a laparotomy to control tumor growth, and animals with diffuse carcinomatosis were excluded. Eligible animals were randomized either to laparoscopic cecal resection (group LCR, n = 10), to open resection (group OCR, n = 13), or to a control group without resection (group C, n = 13). Resection was always considered as macrocopically complete. All animals were killed 4 weeks after the resection to determine the tumor recurrence and quantify carcinomatosis. RESULTS: We noted diffuse carcinomatosis in 70% of rats in groups C and LCR versus 23% in group OCR (p = 0.038). For tumors noted as S- (not extending outside the serosa), diffuse carcinomatosis was observed in all animals of group C (3 of 3), in 6 of 8 in group LCR, and 0 of 6 in group OCR (p = 0.004). The rate of port site or incisional metastases was not significantly different between groups. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results demonstrated the deleterious impact of the laparoscopy for resection of large bowel malignancy. LCR increased significantly the incidence of a diffuse carcinomatosis even when performed for locally noninvasive tumors (S-).

Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Laparoscopy/methods , Animals , Colonic Neoplasms/pathology , Male , Neoplasm Staging , Random Allocation , Rats , Rats, Inbred Strains , Recurrence , Risk Assessment , Risk Factors , Time Factors
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 49(3): 375-7, jun. 1997.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-264497


Este trabalho registra a ocorrência de bovinos de corte soropositivos para o vírus da diarréia bovina a vírus e para o herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 em uma propriedade localizada no Pantanal. Amostras de soro de matrizes Nelore coletadas de forma aleatória foram testadas para a presença de anticorpos soroneutralizantes para o vírus da diarréia bovina a vírus e para o herpesvírus bovino tipo 1, mostrando respectivamente 43,6 por cento e 15,8 por cento de reaçöes positivas. A taxa de prenhez de matrizes positivas e negativas näo diferiu (P>0,05)

Animals , Diarrhea Viruses, Bovine Viral , Herpesvirus 1, Bovine , Serology