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PeerJ ; 12: e16797, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38529306


The topographical, geological, climatic and biodiversity complexity of Mesoamerica has made it a primary research focus. The Mesoamerican highlands is a region with particularly high species richness and within-species variation. The Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer, Diglossa baritula (Wagler, 1832), is a species endemic to the Mesoamerican highlands, with three allopatric subspecies currently recognized. To characterize divergence within this species, we integrated genomics, morphology, coloration and ecological niche modeling approaches, obtained from sampling individuals across the entire geographic distribution of the species. Our results revealed a clear genomic divergence between the populations to the east versus the west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In contrast to the genomic results, morphology and coloration analyses showed intermediate levels of differentiation, indicating that population groups within D. baritula have probably been under similar selective pressures. Our morphology results indicated that the only sexually dimorphic morphological variable is the wing chord, with males having a longer wing chord than females. Finally, ecological data indicated that there are differences in ecological niche within D. baritula. Our data suggest that D. baritula could contain two or more incipient species at the intermediate phase of the speciation continuum. These results highlight the importance of the geographical barrier of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and Pleistocene climatic events in driving isolation and population divergence in D. baritula. The present investigation illustrates the speciation potential of the D. baritula complex and the capacity of Mesoamerican highlands to create cryptic biodiversity and endemism.

Birds , Ecosystem , Animals , Female , Male , Biodiversity , Geography , Phylogeny
Zookeys ; 1188: 169-195, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38230381


Factors such as the Andean uplift, Isthmus of Panama, and climate changes have influenced bird diversity in the Neotropical region. Studying bird species that are widespread in Neotropical highlands and lowlands can help us understand the impact of these factors on taxa diversification. Our main objectives were to determine the biogeographic factors that contributed to the diversification of Euphoniinae and re-evaluate their phylogenetic relationships. The nextRAD and mitochondrial data were utilized to construct phylogenies. The ancestral distribution range was then estimated using a time-calibrated phylogeny, current species ranges, and neotropical regionalization. The phylogenies revealed two main Euphoniinae clades, Chlorophonia and Euphonia, similar to previous findings. Furthermore, each genus has distinctive subclades corresponding to morphology and geography. The biogeographic results suggest that the Andean uplift and the establishment of the western Amazon drove the vicariance of Chlorophonia and Euphonia during the Miocene. The Chlorophonia lineage originated in the Andes mountains and spread to Central America and the Mesoamerican highlands after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. Meanwhile, the ancestral area of Euphonia was the Amazonas, from which it spread to trans-Andean areas during the Pliocene and Pleistocene due to the separation of the west lowlands from Amazonas due to the Northern Andean uplift. Chlorophonia and Euphonia species migrated to the Atlantic Forest during the Pleistocene through corridors from the East Andean Humid Forest and Amazonas. These two genera had Caribbean invasions with distinct geographic origins and ages. Finally, we suggested taxonomic changes in the genus Euphonia based on the study's phylogenetic, morphological, and biogeographic findings.

PeerJ ; 10: e12901, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35198262


Animals derive their coloration from a variety of pigments as well as non-pigmentary structural features. One of the most widespread types of pigments are carotenoids, which are used by all invertebrate taxa and most vertebrate orders to generate red, pink, orange and yellow coloration. Despite their widespread use by diverse animal groups, animals obligately obtain carotenoid pigments from diet. Carotenoid-based coloration is therefore modulated by evolutionary and ecological processes that affect the acquisition and deposition of these pigments into tegumentary structures. The Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata) is a highland songbird in the cardinal family (Cardinalidae) that is distributed from Mexican sierras through Central America up to western Panama. While female plumage throughout its entire range is predominantly yellow, males exhibit a noticeable split in ventral plumage color, which is bright orange on the West slope and the Tres Marias Islands and blood red in Eastern Mexico and Central America. We used Multiple Regression on Matrices (MRM) to evaluate the relative contributions of geographic distance, climate and genetic distance on color divergence and body differences between geographically disjunct populations. We found that differentiation in carotenoid plumage coloration was mainly explained by rainfall differences between disjunct populations, whereas body size differences was best explained by variation in the annual mean temperature and temperature of coldest quarter. These results indicate that climate is a strong driver of phenotypic divergence in Piranga bidentata.

Passeriformes , Songbirds , Animals , Male , Female , Feathers/chemistry , Pigmentation/genetics , Songbirds/genetics , Passeriformes/genetics , Carotenoids/analysis
Zookeys ; 952: 129-157, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32774114


The integration of genetic, morphological, behavioral, and ecological information in the analysis of species boundaries has increased, allowing integrative systematics that better reflect the evolutionary history of biological groups. In this context, the goal of this study was to recognize independent evolutionary lineages within Euphonia affinis at the genetic, morphological, and ecological levels. Three subspecies have been described: E. affinis godmani, distributed in the Pacific slope from southern Sonora to Guerrero; E. affinis affinis, from Oaxaca, Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula to Costa Rica; and E. affinis olmecorum from Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi east to northern Chiapas (not recognized by some authors). A multilocus analysis was performed using mitochondrial and nuclear genes. These analyses suggest two genetic lineages: E. godmani and E. affinis, which diverged between 1.34 and 4.3 My, a period in which the ice ages and global cooling fragmented the tropical forests throughout the Neotropics. To analyze morphometric variations, six morphometric measurements were taken, and the Wilcoxon Test was applied to look for sexual dimorphism and differences between the lineages. Behavioral information was included, by performing vocalization analysis which showed significant differences in the temporal characteristics of calls. Finally, Ecological Niche Models were estimated with MaxEnt, and then compared using the method of Broennimann. These analyses showed that the lineage distributed in western Mexico (E. godmani) has a more restricted niche than the eastern lineage (E. affinis) and thus we rejected the hypotheses of niche equivalence and similarity. Based on the combined evidence from genetic, morphological, behavioral, and ecological data, it is concluded that E. affinis (with E. olmecorum as its synonym) and E. godmani represent two independent evolutionary lineages.

Ecol Evol ; 9(21): 12339-12352, 2019 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31832165


AIM: The effects of geographic and environmental variables on patterns of genetic and phenotypic differentiation have been thoroughly studied. Ecological speciation involves reproductive isolation due to divergent natural selection that can result in a positive correlation between genetic divergence and adaptive phenotypic divergence (isolation by adaptation, IBA). If the phenotypic target of selection is unknown or not easily measured, environmental variation can be used as a proxy, expecting positive correlation between genetic and environmental distances, independent of geographic distances (isolation by environment, IBE). The null model is that the amount of gene flow between populations decreases as the geographic distance between them increases, and genetic divergence is due simply to the neutral effects of genetic drift (isolation by distance, IBD). However, since phenotypic differentiation in natural populations may be autocorrelated with geographic distance, it is often difficult to distinguish IBA from the neutral expectation of IBD. In this work, we test hypotheses of IBA, IBE, and IBD in the Red-crowned Ant tanager (Habia rubica). LOCATION: Mesoamerica (Mexico-Central America) and South America. TAXON: Habia rubica (Aves: Cardinalidae). METHODS: We compiled genetic data, coloration, and morphometric data from specimens from collections in Mexico and the United States. We used the Multiple Matrix Regression with Randomization (MMRR) approach to evaluate the influence of geographic and environmental distances on genetic and phenotypic differentiation of H. rubica at both phylogroup and population levels. RESULTS: Our results provide strong evidence that geographic distance is the main driver of genetic variation in H. rubica. We did not find evidence that climate variation is driving population differentiation in this species across a widespread geographic region. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Our data point to geographic isolation as the main factor structuring genetic variation within populations of H. rubica and suggest that climate is not playing a major role in genetic differentiation within this species.

PeerJ ; 6: e5496, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30225165


Many neotropical species have a complex history of diversification as a result of the influence of geographical, ecological, climatic, and geological factors that determine the distribution of populations within a lineage. Phylogeography identifies such populations, determines their geographic distributions, and quantifies the degree of genetic divergence. In this work we explored the genetic structure of Habia rubica populations, a polytypic taxon with 17 subspecies described, in order to obtain hypotheses about their evolutionary history and processes of diversification. We undertook multilocus analyses using sequences of five molecular markers (ND2, ACOI-I9, MUSK, FGB-I5 and ODC), and sampling from across the species' distribution range, an area encompassing from Central Mexico throughout much of South America. With these data, we obtained a robust phylogenetic hypothesis, a species delimitation analysis, and estimates of divergence times for these lineages. The phylogenetic hypothesis of concatenated molecular markers shows that H. rubica can be divided in three main clades: the first includes Mexican Pacific coast populations, the second is formed by population from east of Mexico to Panama and the third comprises the South American populations. Within these clades we recognize seven principal phylogroups whose limits have a clear correspondence with important geographical discontinuities including the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico, the Talamanca Cordillera, and the Isthmus of Panama in North America. In South America, we observed a marked separation of two phylogroups that include the populations that inhabit mesic forests in western and central South America (Amazon Forest) and those inhabiting the seasonal forest from the eastern and northern regions of the South America (Atlantic Forest). These areas are separated by an intervening dry vegetation "diagonal" (Chaco, Cerrado and Caatinga). The geographic and genetic structure of these phylogroups describes a history of diversification more active and complex in the northern distribution of this species, producing at least seven well-supported lineages that could be considered species.