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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(7): 073604, 2021 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34459656


We demonstrate collectively enhanced vacuum-induced quantum beat dynamics from a three-level V-type atomic system. Exciting a dilute atomic gas of magneto-optically trapped ^{85}Rb atoms with a weak drive resonant on one of the transitions, we observe the forward-scattered field after a sudden shut-off of the laser. The subsequent radiative dynamics, measured for various optical depths of the atomic cloud, exhibits superradiant decay rates, as well as collectively enhanced quantum beats. Our work is also the first experimental illustration of quantum beats arising from atoms initially prepared in a single excited level as a result of the vacuum-induced coupling between excited levels.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(17): 173401, 2021 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33988429


Long-range Rydberg interactions, in combination with electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), give rise to strongly interacting photons where the strength, sign, and form of the interactions are widely tunable and controllable. Such control can be applied to both coherent and dissipative interactions, which provides the potential for generating novel few-photon states. Recently it has been shown that Rydberg-EIT is a rare system in which three-body interactions can be as strong or stronger than two-body interactions. In this work, we study three-body scattering loss for Rydberg-EIT in a wide regime of single and two-photon detunings. Our numerical simulations of the full three-body wave function and analytical estimates based on Fermi's golden rule strongly suggest that the observed features in the outgoing photonic correlations are caused by the resonant enhancement of the three-body losses.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33344798


There has been a recent surge of interest and progress in creating subwavelength free-space optical potentials for ultracold atoms. A key open question is whether geometric potentials, which are repulsive and ubiquitous in the creation of subwavelength free-space potentials, forbid the creation of narrow traps with long lifetimes. Here, we show that it is possible to create such traps. We propose two schemes for realizing subwavelength traps and demonstrate their superiority over existing proposals. We analyze the lifetime of atoms in such traps and show that long-lived bound states are possible. This work allows for subwavelength control and manipulation of ultracold matter, with applications in quantum chemistry and quantum simulation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(9): 093601, 2020 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32915601


Ultracold systems offer an unprecedented level of control of interactions between atoms. An important challenge is to achieve a similar level of control of the interactions between photons. Towards this goal, we propose a realization of a novel Lennard-Jones-like potential between photons coupled to the Rydberg states via electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). This potential is achieved by tuning Rydberg states to a Förster resonance with other Rydberg states. We consider few-body problems in 1D and 2D geometries and show the existence of self-bound clusters ("molecules") of photons. We demonstrate that for a few-body problem, the multibody interactions have a significant impact on the geometry of the molecular ground state. This leads to phenomena without counterparts in conventional systems: For example, three photons in two dimensions preferentially arrange themselves in a line configuration rather than in an equilateral-triangle configuration. Our result opens a new avenue for studies of many-body phenomena with strongly interacting photons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(4): 043603, 2020 Jan 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32058765


We study the collective radiative decay of a system of two two-level emitters coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide in a regime where their separation is comparable to the coherence length of a spontaneously emitted photon. The electromagnetic field propagating in the cavity-like geometry formed by the emitters exerts a retarded backaction on the system leading to strongly non-Markovian dynamics. The collective spontaneous emission rate of the emitters exhibits an enhancement or inhibition beyond the usual Dicke superradiance and subradiance due to self-consistent coherent time-delayed feedback.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35528197


Optical lattices are typically created via the ac Stark shift and are limited by diffraction to periodicities ⩾ λ/2, where λ is the wavelength of light used to create them. Lattices with smaller periodicities may be useful for many-body physics with cold atoms and can be generated by stroboscopic application of a phase-shifted lattice with subwavelength features. Here we demonstrate a λ/4-spaced lattice by stroboscopically applying optical Kronig-Penney-like potentials which are generated using spatially dependent dark states. We directly probe the periodicity of the λ/4-spaced lattice by measuring the average probability density of the atoms loaded into the ground band of the lattice. We measure lifetimes of atoms in this lattice and discuss the mechanisms that limit the applicability of this stroboscopic approach.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(21): 213601, 2019 Nov 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809132


Many remote-entanglement protocols rely on the generation and interference of photons produced by nodes within a quantum network. Quantum networks based on heterogeneous nodes provide a versatile platform by utilizing the complementary strengths of the differing systems. Implementation of such networks is challenging, due to the disparate spectral and temporal characteristics of the photons generated by the different quantum systems. Here, we report on the observation of quantum interference between photons generated from a single ion and an atomic ensemble. The photons are produced on demand by each source located in separate buildings, in a manner suitable for quantum networking. Given these results, we analyze the feasibility of hybrid ion-ensemble remote entanglement generation.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 90(4): 043115, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31043043


We present a compact all-digital implementation of a scanning transfer cavity lock (STCL) for long-term laser frequency stabilization. An interrupt-driven state machine is employed to realize the STCL with the capability to correct for frequency drifts in the slave laser frequency due to measured changes in the lab environmental conditions. We demonstrate an accuracy of 0.9 MHz for master laser and slave laser wavelengths of 556 nm and 798 nm as an example. The slave laser is also demonstrated to dynamically scan over a wide frequency range while retaining its lock, allowing us to accurately interrogate atomic transitions.

Phys Rev X ; 9(2)2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32269866


Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms typically create atomic wavefunctions with structures at optical length scales, where direct imaging suffers from the diffraction limit. In analogy to advances in optical microscopy for biological applications, we use a non-linear atomic response to surpass the diffraction limit. Exploiting quantum interference, we demonstrate imaging with super-resolution of λ/50 and excellent temporal resolution of 500 ns. We characterize our microscope's performance by measuring the ensemble averaged probability density of atoms within the unit cells of an optical lattice, and observe the dynamics of atoms excited into motion. This approach can be readily applied to image any atomic or molecular system, as long as it hosts a three-level system.

New J Phys ; 21(11)2019 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38903249


Floquet engineering or coherent time periodic driving of quantum systems has been successfully used to synthesize Hamiltonians with novel properties. In ultracold atomic systems, this has led to experimental realizations of artificial gauge fields, topological band structures, and observation of dynamical localization, to name just a few. Here we present a Floquet-based framework to stroboscopically engineer Hamiltonians with spatial features and periodicity below the diffraction limit of light used to create them, by time-averaging over various configurations of a 1D optical Kronig-Penney (KP) lattice. The KP potential is a lattice of narrow subwavelength barriers spaced by half the optical wavelength ( λ / 2 ) and arises from the nonlinear optical response of the atomic dark state. Stroboscopic control over the strength and position of this lattice requires time-dependent adiabatic manipulation of the dark-state spin composition. We investigate adiabaticity requirements, and shape our time-dependent light fields to respect these requirements. We apply this framework to show that a λ / 4 -spaced lattice can be synthesized using realistic experimental parameters. As an example, we discuss mechanisms that limit lifetimes in these lattices, explore candidate systems with their limitations, and study adiabatic loading into the ground band of these lattices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(8): 083601, 2018 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29543021


We report on the experimental realization of a conservative optical lattice for cold atoms with a subwavelength spatial structure. The potential is based on the nonlinear optical response of three-level atoms in laser-dressed dark states, which is not constrained by the diffraction limit of the light generating the potential. The lattice consists of a one-dimensional array of ultranarrow barriers with widths less than 10 nm, well below the wavelength of the lattice light, physically realizing a Kronig-Penney potential. We study the band structure and dissipation of this lattice and find good agreement with theoretical predictions. Even on resonance, the observed lifetimes of atoms trapped in the lattice are as long as 44 ms, nearly 10^{5} times the excited state lifetime, and could be further improved with more laser intensity. The potential is readily generalizable to higher dimensions and different geometries, allowing, for example, nearly perfect box traps, narrow tunnel junctions for atomtronics applications, and dynamically generated lattices with subwavelength spacings.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31093589


Studies of quantum metrology have shown that the use of many-body entangled states can lead to an enhancement in sensitivity when compared with unentangled states. In this paper, we quantify the metrological advantage of entanglement in a setting where the measured quantity is a linear function of parameters individually coupled to each qubit. We first generalize the Heisenberg limit to the measurement of nonlocal observables in a quantum network, deriving a bound based on the multiparameter quantum Fisher information. We then propose measurement protocols that can make use of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states or spin-squeezed states and show that in the case of GHZ states the protocol is optimal, i.e., it saturates our bound. We also identify nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging as a promising setting for this technology.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 1857, 2017 11 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29187739


Atoms interact with each other through the electromagnetic field, creating collective states that can radiate faster or slower than a single atom, i.e., super- and sub-radiance. When the field is confined to one dimension it enables infinite-range atom-atom interactions. Here we present the first report of infinite-range interactions between macroscopically separated atomic dipoles mediated by an optical waveguide. We use cold 87Rb atoms in the vicinity of a single-mode optical nanofiber (ONF) that coherently exchange evanescently coupled photons through the ONF mode. In particular, we observe super-radiance of a few atoms separated by hundreds of resonant wavelengths. The same platform allows us to measure sub-radiance, a rarely observed effect, presenting a unique tool for quantum optics. This result constitutes a proof of principle for collective behavior of macroscopically delocalized atomic states, a crucial element for new proposals in quantum information and many-body physics.

Opt Lett ; 42(12): 2283-2286, 2017 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28614332


The evanescent field outside an optical nanofiber (ONF) can create optical traps for neutral atoms. We present a non-destructive method to characterize such trapping potentials. An off-resonance linearly polarized probe beam that propagates through the ONF experiences a slow axis of polarization produced by trapped atoms on opposite sides along the ONF. The transverse atomic motion is imprinted onto the probe polarization through the changing atomic index of refraction. By applying a transient impulse, we measure a time-dependent polarization rotation of the probe beam that provides both a rapid and non-destructive measurement of the optical trapping frequencies.

Rep Prog Phys ; 80(1): 017001, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27852983


By photoionizing samples of laser-cooled atoms with laser light tuned just above the ionization limit, plasmas can be created with electron and ion temperatures below 10 K. These ultracold neutral plasmas have extended the temperature bounds of plasma physics by two orders of magnitude. Table-top experiments, using many of the tools from atomic physics, allow for the study of plasma phenomena in this new regime with independent control over the density and temperature of the plasma through the excitation process. Characteristic of these systems is an inhomogeneous density profile, inherited from the density distribution of the laser-cooled neutral atom sample. Most work has dealt with unconfined plasmas in vacuum, which expand outward at velocities of order 100 m/s, governed by electron pressure, and with lifetimes of order 100 µs, limited by stray electric fields. Using detection of charged particles and optical detection techniques, a wide variety of properties and phenomena have been observed, including expansion dynamics, collective excitations in both the electrons and ions, and collisional properties. Through three-body recombination collisions, the plasmas rapidly form Rydberg atoms, and clouds of cold Rydberg atoms have been observed to spontaneously avalanche ionize to form plasmas. Of particular interest is the possibility of the formation of strongly coupled plasmas, where Coulomb forces dominate thermal motion and correlations become important. The strongest impediment to strong coupling is disorder-induced heating, a process in which Coulomb energy from an initially disordered sample is converted into thermal energy. This restricts electrons to a weakly coupled regime and leaves the ions barely within the strongly coupled regime. This review will give an overview of the field of ultracold neutral plasmas, from its inception in 1999 to current work, including efforts to increase strong coupling and effects on plasma properties due to strong coupling.

Phys Rev A (Coll Park) ; 96(5)2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193529


Strong dipole-exchange interactions due to spontaneously produced contaminant states can trigger rapid dephasing in many-body Rydberg ensembles [E. Goldschmidt et al., PRL 116, 113001 (2016)]. Such broadening has serious implications for many proposals to coherently use Rydberg interactions, particularly Rydberg dressing proposals. The dephasing arises as a runaway process where the production of the first contaminant atoms facilitates the creation of more contaminant atoms. Here we study the time dependence of this process with stroboscopic approaches. Using a pump-probe technique, we create an excess "pump" Rydberg population and probe its effect with a different "probe" Rydberg transition. We observe a reduced resonant pumping rate and an enhancement of the excitation on both sides of the transition as atoms are added to the pump state. We also observe a timescale for population growth significantly shorter than predicted by homogeneous mean-field models, as expected from a clustered growth mechanism where high-order correlations dominate the dynamics. These results support earlier works and confirm that the time scale for the onset of dephasing is reduced by a factor which scales as the inverse of the atom number. In addition, we discuss several approaches to minimize these effects of spontaneous broadening, including stroboscopic techniques and operating at cryogenic temperatures. It is challenging to avoid the unwanted broadening effects, but under some conditions they can be mitigated.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(11): 113001, 2016 Mar 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27035299


We observe interaction-induced broadening of the two-photon 5s-18s transition in ^{87}Rb atoms trapped in a 3D optical lattice. The measured linewidth increases by nearly 2 orders of magnitude with increasing atomic density and excitation strength, with corresponding suppression of resonant scattering and enhancement of off-resonant scattering. We attribute the increased linewidth to resonant dipole-dipole interactions of 18s atoms with blackbody induced population in nearby np states. Over a range of initial atomic densities and excitation strengths, the transition width is described by a single function of the steady-state density of Rydberg atoms, and the observed resonant excitation rate corresponds to that of a two-level system with the measured, rather than natural, linewidth. The broadening mechanism observed here is likely to have negative implications for many proposals with coherently interacting Rydberg atoms.

Phys Rev A ; 92(4)2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193039


We report the realization of a quantum degenerate mixture of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 171Yb atoms in a hybrid optical dipole trap with a tunable, species-dependent trapping potential. 87Rb is shown to be a viable refrigerant for the noninteracting 171Yb atoms, cooling up to 2.4 × 105 Yb atoms to a temperature of T/T F = 0.16(2) while simultaneously forming a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate of 3.5 × 105 atoms. Furthermore we demonstrate our ability to independently tailor the potentials for each species, which paves the way for studying impurities immersed in a Bose gas.

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 30(11): 2361-71, 2013 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24322937


We present an experimental and theoretical study of the energy transfer between modes during the tapering process of an optical nanofiber through spectrogram analysis. The results allow optimization of the tapering process, and we measure transmission in excess of 99.95% for the fundamental mode. We quantify the adiabaticity condition through calculations and place an upper bound on the amount of energy transferred to other modes at each step of the tapering, giving practical limits to the tapering angle.

Opt Express ; 21(15): 18325-35, 2013 Jul 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23938704


Optical nanofibers confine light to subwavelength scales, and are of interest for the design, integration, and interconnection of nanophotonic devices. Here we demonstrate high transmission (> 97%) of the first family of excited modes through a 350 nm radius fiber, by appropriate choice of the fiber and precise control of the taper geometry. We can design the nanofibers so that these modes propagate with most of their energy outside the waist region. We also present an optical setup for selectively launching these modes with less than 1% fundamental mode contamination. Our experimental results are in good agreement with simulations of the propagation. Multimode optical nanofibers expand the photonic toolbox, and may aid in the realization of a fully integrated nanoscale device for communication science, laser science or other sensing applications.

Fiber Optic Technology/instrumentation , Models, Theoretical , Nanofibers/chemistry , Nanofibers/radiation effects , Nanotechnology/instrumentation , Silicon Dioxide/chemistry , Silicon Dioxide/radiation effects , Computer Simulation , Computer-Aided Design , Energy Transfer , Equipment Design , Equipment Failure Analysis , Light , Nanofibers/ultrastructure , Scattering, Radiation