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Anim Behav ; 214: 219-240, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39035706


The Vandenbergh effect, or male-mediated maturation, occurs when females reach sexual maturation upon exposure to a novel male. Male-mediated maturation is found across mammals, including in geladas, Theropithecus gelada, where it may be an adaptive counterstrategy to infanticide that follows the immigration of a new male; maturing after male immigration maximizes a female's chances of weaning her first offspring before the next infanticidal male immigrates (the 'optimal timing hypothesis'). Alternatively, the nonadaptive 'Bruce effect by-product hypothesis' posits that male-mediated maturation in geladas (and possibly other mammals) is triggered by the same physiological changes that, in pregnant females, produce spontaneous abortion (the Bruce effect). We test both hypotheses using theory and observational data. We show that neither male-mediated maturation nor its associated hormonal changes occur in baboons (Papio cynocephalus × P. anubis), a primate without the Bruce effect. An individual-based model suggests that male-mediated maturation should not evolve via adaptive evolution in either geladas or baboons. Finally, we derive the selection coefficient for male-mediated maturation and show it is likely to be very small because male-mediated maturation yields only marginal potential benefits unless the system is extremely fine-tuned. We conclude that male-mediated maturation in geladas is a by-product of the Bruce effect and more broadly that the Vandenbergh effect may be nonadaptive.

Ecol Evol ; 12(3): e8759, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35356580


Nonhuman primates are an essential part of tropical biodiversity and play key roles in many ecosystem functions, processes, and services. However, the impact of climate variability on nonhuman primates, whether anthropogenic or otherwise, remains poorly understood. In this study, we utilized age-structured matrix population models to assess the population viability and demographic variability of a population of geladas (Theropithecus gelada) in the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia with the aim of revealing any underlying climatic influences. Using data from 2008 to 2019 we calculated annual, time-averaged, and stochastic population growth rates (λ) and investigated relationships between vital rate variability and monthly cumulative rainfall and mean temperature. Our results showed that under the prevailing environmental conditions, the population will increase (λ s = 1.021). Significant effects from rainfall and/or temperature variability were widely detected across vital rates; only the first year of infant survival and the individual years of juvenile survival were definitively unaffected. Generally, the higher temperature in the hot-dry season led to lower survival and higher fecundity, while higher rainfall in the hot-dry season led to increased survival and fecundity. Overall, these results provide evidence of greater effects of climate variability across a wider range of vital rates than those found in previous primate demography studies. This highlights that although primates have often shown substantial resilience to the direct effects of climate change, their vulnerability may vary with habitat type and across populations.