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Astrophys J ; 533(2): L163-L166, 2000 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10770715


Helioseismic observations have detected small temporal variations of the rotation rate below the solar surface that correspond to the so-called "torsional oscillations" known from Doppler measurements of the surface. These appear as bands of slower- and faster-than-average rotation moving equatorward. Here we establish, using complementary helioseismic observations over 4 yr from the GONG network and from the MDI instrument on board SOHO, that the banded flows are not merely a near-surface phenomenon: rather, they extend downward at least 60 Mm (some 8% of the total solar radius) and thus are evident over a significant fraction of the nearly 200 Mm depth of the solar convection zone.

Science ; 287(5462): 2456-60, 2000 Mar 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10741959


We have detected changes in the rotation of the sun near the base of its convective envelope, including a prominent variation with a period of 1.3 years at low latitudes. Such helioseismic probing of the deep solar interior has been enabled by nearly continuous observation of its oscillation modes with two complementary experiments. Inversion of the global-mode frequency splittings reveals that the largest temporal changes in the angular velocity Omega are of the order of 6 nanohertz and occur above and below the tachocline that separates the sun's differentially rotating convection zone (outer 30% by radius) from the nearly uniformly rotating deeper radiative interior beneath. Such changes are most pronounced near the equator and at high latitudes and are a substantial fraction of the average 30-nanohertz difference in Omega with radius across the tachocline at the equator. The results indicate variations of rotation close to the presumed site of the solar dynamo, which may generate the 22-year cycles of magnetic activity.

Science ; 272(5266): 1281-4, 1996 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8662454


Helioseismology is probing the interior structure and dynamics of the sun with ever-increasing precision, providing a well-calibrated laboratory in which physical processes can be studied under conditions that are unattainable on Earth. Nearly 10 million resonant modes of oscillation are observable in the solar atmosphere, and their frequencies need to be known with great accuracy in order to gauge the sun's interior. The advent of nearly continuous imaged observations from the complementary ground-based Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) observatories and the space-based Solar and Heliospheric Observatory instruments augurs a new era of discovery. The flow of early results from GONG resolves some issues and raises a number of theoretical questions whose answers are required for understanding how a seemingly ordinary star actually operates.

Science ; 272(5266): 1284-6, 1996 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8662455


Helioseismology requires nearly continuous observations of the oscillations of the solar surface for long periods of time in order to obtain precise measurements of the sun's normal modes of oscillation. The GONG project acquires velocity images from a network of six identical instruments distributed around the world. The GONG network began full operation in October 1995. It has achieved a duty cycle of 89 percent and reduced the magnitude of spectral artifacts by a factor of 280 in power, compared with single-site observations. The instrumental noise is less than the observed solar background.

Science ; 272(5266): 1296-300, 1996 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8662458


Global Oscillation Network Group data reveal that the internal structure of the sun can be well represented by a calibrated standard model. However, immediately beneath the convection zone and at the edge of the energy-generating core, the sound-speed variation is somewhat smoother in the sun than it is in the model. This could be a consequence of chemical inhomogeneity that is too severe in the model, perhaps owing to inaccurate modeling of gravitational settling or to neglected macroscopic motion that may be present in the sun. Accurate knowledge of the sun's structure enables inferences to be made about the physics that controls the sun; for example, through the opacity, the equation of state, or wave motion. Those inferences can then be used elsewhere in astrophysics.

Science ; 272(5266): 1300-5, 1996 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8662459


Splitting of the sun's global oscillation frequencies by large-scale flows can be used to investigate how rotation varies with radius and latitude within the solar interior. The nearly uninterrupted observations by the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) yield oscillation power spectra with high duty cycles and high signal-to-noise ratios. Frequency splittings derived from GONG observations confirm that the variation of rotation rate with latitude seen at the surface carries through much of the convection zone, at the base of which is an adjustment layer leading to latitudinally independent rotation at greater depths. A distinctive shear layer just below the surface is discernible at low to mid-latitudes.

Science ; 269(5229): 1370-9, 1995 Sep 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17731146


Observations of the sun reveal highly complex flows and magnetic structures that must result from turbulent convection in the solar envelope. A remarkable degree of large-scale coherence emerges from the small-scale turbulent dynamics, as seen in the cycles of magnetic activity and in the differential rotation profile of this star. High-performance computing now permits numerical simulations of compressible turbulence and magnetohydrodynamics with sufficient resolution to show that compact structures of vorticity and magnetic fields can coexist with larger scales. Such structured turbulence is yielding transport properties for heat and angular momentum at considerable variance with earlier models. These simulations are elucidating the coupling of turbulent fluid motions with rotation and magnetic fields, which must control the interlinked differential rotation and magnetic dynamo action.

Phys Rev A Gen Phys ; 38(3): 1661, 1988 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9900561
Phys Rev A Gen Phys ; 37(5): 1817-1820, 1988 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9899870
Phys Rev A Gen Phys ; 36(6): 2862-2869, 1987 Sep 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9899191
Science ; 234(4772): 61-4, 1986 Oct 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17742634


Experiments on thermal convection in a rotating, differentially heated hemispherical shell with a radial buoyancy force were conducted in an orbiting microgravity laboratory. A variety of convective structures, or planforms, were observed, depending on the magnitude of the rotation and the nature of the imposed heating distribution. The results are compared with numerical simulations that can be conducted at the more modest heating rates, and suggest possible regimes of motion in rotating planets and stars.

Science ; 229(4717): 923-31, 1985 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17782505


Oscillations of the sun make it possible to probe the inside of a star. The frequencies of the oscillations have already provided measures of the sound speed and the rate of rotation throughout much of the solar interior. These quantities are important for understanding the dynamics of the magnetic cycle and have a bearing on testing general relativity by planetary precession. The oscillation frequencies yield a helium abundance that is consistent with cosmology, but they reinforce the severity of the neutrino problem. They should soon provide an important standard by which to calibrate the theory of stellar evolution.