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Environ Res ; : 120045, 2024 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39313169


Citric acid esters (CAEs), as one class of important alternative plasticizers, have been proven to be ubiquitous in the environments, leading to an increasing concern regarding their potential health risk to humans. However, information regarding the biomarkers for human CAE biomonitoring is currently unknown. In the present study, we investigated the metabolism characteristics of CAEs by use of in vitro rat liver microsomes (RLMs) and in vivo mice. We observed that CAEs would undergo a rapid metabolism in both in vitro and in vivo conditions, implying that parent CAEs could be not suitable for biomonitoring of human CAE exposure. By use of high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS), ten molecules were tentatively identified as CAE potential metabolites on the basis of their MS and MS/MS characteristics, and CAEs could be metabolized via multiple pathways, i.e. hydrolyzation, hydroxylation, O-dealkylation. Further MS screening in human serum samples demonstrated that most of parent CAEs were not detectable, whereas numerous CAE metabolites were detected in the same batch of analyzed samples. Especially, one of metabolites of tributyl citrate (named with TBC-M1), exhibited a high detection frequency of 73.3%. By use of TBC-M1 as the biomarker of human CAE exposure, alteration of lipid metabolism was further examined in human serum. Interestingly, we observed statistically significant correlations between TBC-M1 levels and population characteristics (i.e., age, BMI, and drinking). Beyond that, we also observed statistically significant correlation between levels of TBC-M1 and lipid molecules (phosphatidylinositol (18:0/20:4) and sphingomyelin (d34:1)). Collectively, this study underscored the property of rapid metabolism of CAEs in exposed organism, and proposed a potential biomarker that could be greatly helpful for further investigating the human CAE exposure and understanding their potential health risk.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 58(1): 71-74, mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556659


Resumen Las infecciones por mordeduras de perros y gatos presentan una etiología bacteriana mixta con microorganismos aerobios y anaerobios que provienen de la cavidad oral del agresor y, en menor medida, de la piel del agredido y el medio ambiente. Con mayor frecuencia se aíslan Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Capnocytophaga canimorsus y anaerobios. Si bien las infecciones por mordeduras de animales no son infrecuentes, algunos de los microorganismos implicados son excepcionales. Neisseria weaveri forma parte de la microbiota orofaríngea de perros y gatos; sin embargo, los casos comunicados debidos a mordeduras son escasos.

Abstract Infections caused by dog and cat bites have a mixed bacterial etiology with aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms that come from the mouth of the offender and, to a lesser extent, from the skin of the victim and the environment. Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Capnocytophaga canimorsus and anaerobes can be frequently isolated. Although animal bite infections are not uncommon, some of the microorganisms involved are rare. Neisseria weaveri is part of the oropharyngeal microbiota of dogs and cats; however, reported cases due to bites are rare.

Resumo As infecções causadas por mordeduras de cães e gatos têm etiologia bacteriana mista com microrganismos aeróbicos e anaeróbicos que provêm da cavidade bucal do agressor e, em menor grau, da pele da vítima e do meio ambiente. Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Capnocytophaga canimorsus e aneróbios podem ser isoladas mais frequentemente. Embora as infecções por mordeduras de animais não sejam incomuns, alguns dos microorganismos envolvidos são raros. A Neisseria weaveri faz parte da microbiota orofaríngea de cães e gatos, porém são escassos os casos relatados como consequência de mordeduras.

Comput Struct Biotechnol J ; 23: 358-368, 2024 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38223344


Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) has recently gained increasing attention due to its significant role in cancer and other pathophysiologic states. The majority of circular DNAs detected by Circle-seq are small-size eccDNAs with enigmatic functions. One major technical hurdle is to synthesize eccDNA for functional identification. Here, we describe CAES (Circle-seq based Artificial EccDNA Synthesis), a promising and reliable method for artificial eccDNA synthesis. Eight eccDNAs carrying different microRNA genes (eccMIR) found in gastric cancer tissues, ranging from 329 bp to 2189 bp in size, were created utilizing the CAES method. Exonuclease V and single restriction-endonuclease digestion identified the circular structure of synthetic eccDNAs. The DNA circularization efficiency afforded by CAES ranged from 15.6% to 31.1%, which was negatively correlated with the eccDNA length. In addition, we demonstrated that CAES-synthesized eccMIRs can express both miRNA-3p and - 5p molecules efficiently independent of a canonical promoter in human cell lines. Further assays proved that these eccMIRs were functional as they were able to repress the luciferase gene containing a miRNA-target sequence in the 3'UTR as well as the endogenous mRNA targets. Finally, kinetics study revealed that eccDNA exhibited a decay rate similar to the standard plasmids and linear DNA in cultured cells. Together, this study offers a rapid and convenient method for Circle-seq users to synthesize artificial eccDNAs. It also demonstrates the promising potential of eccMIR as a bacterial DNA-free vector for safe and robust miRNA overexpression in both basic research and therapeutic applications.

Vet. zootec ; 31: 1-16, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1552113


Probióticos são capazes de melhorar o equilíbrio da microbiota intestinal, trazendo benefícios ao hospedeiro. Atualmente no mercado há poucas opções de alimentos, com probióticos em sua composição, destinados a cães e gatos. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma matriz alimentar canina (ração úmida) com o probiótico Enterococcus faecium M7AN10. Para tal, avaliou-se a inocuidade, atividade enzimática, atividade antimicrobiana, potencial probiótico e a viabilidade do microrganismo em matriz alimentar canina. O isolado foi considerado inócuo, pois apresentou ausência de atividade hemolítica e de gelatinase, além de ser suscetível a diversos antimicrobianos. E. faecium M7AN10 apresentou atividade proteolítica e capacidade de produção de exoplissacarídeo. Em relação a atividade antimicrobiana pelo método da estria radial, o isolado inibiu Acinetobacter sp. 1, Corynebacterium sp. 4, Micrococcus luteus 33, Micrococcus luteus 43, Micrococcus sp. 3, Micrococcus sp. 20, Micrococcus sp. 36. Além disso, E. faecium M7AN10 apresentou capacidade de autoagregação de 33,50% e resistiu de forma constante quando submetido ao trato gastrointestinal in vitro em conjunto com Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LB 1.5 e Lacticaseibacillus paracasei LB 6.4. O cultivo misto manteve-se viável em matriz alimentar canina durante o período de oito dias. Com base nesses resultados, o isolado E. faecium M7AN10 foi considerada uma bactéria candidata a probiótico que pode vir a ser usada como aditivo em alimento para cães.

Probiotics are capable of improving the balance of the intestinal microbiota, bringing benefits to the host. Currently, on the market, there are few food options with probiotics in their composition intended for dogs and cats. Therefore, this research aimed to develop a canine food matrix (wet food) with the probiotic Enterococcus faecium M7AN10. To this end, the harmlessness, enzymatic activity, antimicrobial activity, probiotic potential, and viability of the microorganism in the canine food matrix were evaluated. The isolate was considered harmless, as it showed no hemolytic and gelatinase activity and was susceptible to several antimicrobials. E. faecium M7AN10 showed proteolytic activity and exopolysaccharide production capacity. Regarding antimicrobial activity using the radial stria method, the isolate inhibited Acinetobacter sp. 1, Corynebacterium sp. 4, Micrococcus luteus 33, Micrococcus luteus 43, Micrococcus sp. 3, Micrococcus sp. 20, Micrococcus sp. 36. Furthermore, E. faecium M7AN10 showed a self-aggregation capacity of 33.50% and resisted consistently when subjected to the gastrointestinal tract in vitro together with Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LB 1.5 and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei LB 6.4. The mixed culture remained viable in a canine food matrix over eight days. Based on these results, the isolate E. faecium M7AN10 was considered a candidate bacterium for a probiotic that could be used as an additive in dog food.

Los probióticos son capaces de mejorar el equilibrio de la microbiota intestinal, aportando beneficios al huésped. Actualmente en el mercado existen pocas opciones de alimentos con probióticos en su composición, destinados a perros y gatos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una matriz alimentaria canina (comida húmeda) con el probiótico Enterococcus faecium M7AN10. Para ello se evaluó la inocuidad, actividad enzimática, actividad antimicrobiana, potencial probiótico y viabilidad del microorganismo en matriz alimentaria canina. El aislado fue considerado inofensivo, ya que no mostró actividad hemolítica ni gelatinasa, además de ser susceptible a varios antimicrobianos. E. faecium M7AN10 mostró actividad proteolítica y capacidad de producción de exoplisacáridos. En cuanto a la actividad antimicrobiana mediante el método de las estrías radiales, el aislado inhibió a Acinetobacter sp. 1, Corynebacterium sp. 4, Micrococcus luteus 33, Micrococcus luteus 43, Micrococcus sp. 3, Micrococcus sp. 20, Micrococcus sp. 36. Además, E. faecium M7AN10 mostró una capacidad de autoagregación del 33,50% y resistió consistentemente cuando se sometió al tracto gastrointestinal in vitro junto con Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LB 1.5 y Lacticaseibacillus paracasei LB 6.4. El cultivo mixto permaneció viable en una matriz de alimento canino durante un período de ocho días. Con base en estos resultados, el aislado E. faecium M7AN10 se consideró una bacteria candidata para un probiótico que podría usarse como aditivo en la comida para perros.

Animals , Dogs , Enterococcus faecium , Probiotics/administration & dosage , Dietary Supplements/analysis
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 36: e266993, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1558780


Resumo: Este artigo reflete sobre a singularidade das relações entre mulheres rurais e os cães que com elas constituem um relacionamento interespecífico. Objetiva contar sobre práticas que foram emergindo ao longo de uma pesquisa quando passamos a encarar seriamente a agência de animais a partir do cotidiano de uma agricultora pesquisadora alinhada à agroecologia familiar. Focalizamos os cães de passagem sem raça definida e que vão e vêm livremente entre as cercas que delimitam as propriedades rurais. Em diálogo com Donna Haraway, Anna Tsing e Vinciane Despret, apresentamos pistas para uma pesquisa multiespécie que opera por meio de causos. A pesquisa multiespécie nos convida a reflexões sobre práticas anticapitalistas que germinam na agroecologia, a nos determos no trabalho das mulheres agricultoras e dos cães na sua potência de autogoverno e de criarmos formas de cooperação multiespecíficas com alteridades significativas no projeto moderno-colonizador.

Resumen: Este artículo reflexiona sobre la singularidad de las relaciones entre las mujeres rurales y los perros que constituyen una relación interespecífica con ellas. El objetivo es relatar las prácticas que surgieron a lo largo de una investigación cuando empezamos a considerar seriamente la agencia animal basada en la vida diária de una agricultora investigadora alineada con la agroecología familiar. Centramonos en perros mestizos que van y vienen libremente entre las vallas que delimitan las propiedades rurales. En diálogo con Donna Haraway, Anna Tsing y Vinciane Despret, presentamos pistas para una investigación multiespecie que opera a través de historias. La investigación multiespecie nos invita a reflexionar sobre las prácticas anticapitalistas que germinan en la agroecología, a centrarnos en el trabajo de las campesinas y los perros en su poder de autogobierno y a crear formas de cooperación multiespecífica con alteridades significativas en el proyecto moderno-colonizador.

Abstract: This article reflects on the uniqueness of the relationships between rural women and the dogs that constitute an interspecific relationship with them. It aims to tell about practices that emerged throughout research when we began to seriously consider the animal agency based on the daily life of a farmer researcher aligned with family agroecology. We focus on mixed breed dogs that come and go freely between the fences that delimit rural properties. In dialogue with Donna Haraway, Anna Tsing and Vinciane Despret, we present clues for multispecies research that operates through stories. Multispecies research invites us to reflect on anti-capitalist practices that germinate in agroecology, to focus on the work of women farmers and dogs in their power of self-government and to create forms of multispecific cooperation with significant alterities in the modern-colonizing project.

Heliyon ; 9(9): e20045, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809878


In the energy transition, the promotion of renewable sources entails the development of storage technologies to manage the mismatch between energy production and demand. In this scenario, the use of CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) technology enables the efficient and cost-effective storage of large amounts of energy. However, this technology is developed in salt domes who have an inherent risk associated of underground exploration phase. To address this, we propose to develop an infrastructure (iCAES) in abandoned underground mines, where the exploration phase is completed and well known. For its implementation, this paper defines a structure hierarchization method gathers the technical and socio-economic criteria. It involves a multi-criteria problem, and the correct selection of the location must be based on specific mathematical algorithms. For this case the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) from multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods allows quantified by means of a scientific and mathematical scale and the assignment of weights, so that it is possible to evaluate different alternatives. This is possible thanks to the application of the AHP model in absolute terms. The information gathering has been based on the specific case study of coal basins in the north of Spain, in the region of León. Considering the proposed methodology, the most suitable alternative locations to implement iCAES in the region of León were identified.

Micromachines (Basel) ; 14(7)2023 Jul 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37512753


Geologic subsurface energy storage, such as porous-media compressed-air energy storage (PM-CAES) and underground hydrogen storage (UHS), involves the multi-phase fluid transport in structurally disordered or heterogeneous porous media (e.g., soils and rocks). Furthermore, such multi-phase fluid transport is likely to repeatedly occur due to successive fluid injections and extractions, thus, resulting in cyclic drainage-imbibition processes. To complement our preceding study, we conducted a follow-up study with microfluidic pore-network devices with a square solid shape (Type II) to further advance our understanding on the effect of the pore shape (aspect ratio, Type I: 5-6 > Type II: ~1), pore-space heterogeneity (coefficient of variation, COV = 0, 0.25, and 0.5), and flow rates (Q = 0.01 and 0.1 mL/min) on the repetitive two-phase fluid flow in general porous media. The influence of pore shape and pore-space heterogeneity were observed to be more prominent when the flow rate was low (e.g., Q = 0.01 mL/min in this study) on the examined outcomes, including the drainage and imbibition patterns, the similarity of those patterns between repeated steps, the sweep efficiency and residual saturation of the nonwetting fluid, and fluid pressure. On the other hand, a higher flow rate (e.g., Q = 0.1 mL/min in this study) appeared to outweigh those factors for the Type II structure, owing to the low aspect ratio (~1). It was also suggested that the flow morphology, sweep efficiency, residual saturation, and required pressure gradient may not severely fluctuate during the repeated drainage--imbibition processes; instead, becoming stabilized after 4-5 cycles, regardless of the aspect ratio, COV, and Q. Implications of the study results for PM-CAES and UHS are discussed as a complementary analysis at the end of this manuscript.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(4): 314-321, July-Sep. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447380


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare strip meniscometry and Schirmer tear test 1 results and tear film breakup time between dogs with normal eyes and dogs diagnosed with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Methods: One-hundred fifty-six eyes of 78 dogs, 88 normal eyes, and 68 eyes diagnosed with keratoconjunctivitis sicca were included in the study. The tests were performed in the following sequence: Schirmer tear test 1 was used to allocate the dogs to the normal or keratoconjunctivitis sicca group, followed by the strip meniscometry test and tear film breakup time measurement. Results: The results (mean ± standard deviation) of the tests in the normal group were as follows: Schirmer tear test 1, 22.75 ± 3.88 mm/min; strip meniscometry test, 10.01 ± 2.35 mm/5 sec; and tear film breakup time, 25.82 ± 5.47 sec. In the keratoconjunctivitis sicca group, the results were as follows: Schirmer tear test 1, 6.10 ± 4.44 mm/min; strip meniscometry test, 3.03 ± 2.62 mm/5 sec; and tear film breakup time, 10.78 ± 4.23 sec. The Spearman correlation coefficient in the keratoconjunctivitis sicca group was very high, with a significant difference between the strip meniscometry test and Schirmer tear test 1 (r=0.848, p<0.001), and moderate and significant between the strip meniscometry test and tear film breakup time (r=0.773, p<0.001). The cutoff for the strip meniscometry test for keratoconjunctivitis sicca was 7.0 mm/5 sec. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca was suspected when the values were <10 mm/5 sec. Conclusions: This study provided strip meniscometry test values from dogs with normal eyes and eyes with keratoconjunctivitis sicca, with high sensitivity and specificity compared with those of the Schirmer tear test 1. In the future, the strip meniscometry test may be another important quantitative test and could complement the gold standard Schirmer tear test for the diagnosis of keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs, an excellent animal model for the study of the disease.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar o teste de meniscometria em tira com o teste lacrimal de Schirmer 1 e o tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal, em cães com olhos normais e cães com diagnóstico de ceratoconjuntivite seca. Métodos: Cento e cinquenta e seis olhos de 78 cães, 88 olhos normais e 68 olhos com diagnóstico de ceratoconjuntivite seca. Os testes foram realizados na seguinte sequência: o teste lacrimal de Schirmer 1 foi utilizado para alocar os cães no grupo normal ou no grupo ceratoconjuntivite seca, seguido pelo teste de meniscometria em tira e tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal. Resultados: As médias e desvios-padrão para os olhos normais foram: teste lacrimal de Schirmer 1 = 22,75 ± 3,88 mm / min; teste de meniscometria em tira = 10,01 ± 2,35 mm / 5 seg; tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal = 25,82 ± 5,47 seg; e para os olhos do grupo ceratoconjuntivite seca foram: teste lacrimal de Schirmer 1 = 6,10 ± 4,44 mm / min; teste de meniscometria em tira = 3,03 ± 2,62 mm / 5 seg; tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal = 10,78 ± 4,23 seg. O teste de correlação de Spearman no grupo ceratoconjuntivite seca foi muito alto, com diferença significativa entre teste de meniscometria em tira e teste lacrimal de Schirmer 1 (r=0,848, p<0,001), moderada e significativa entre teste de meniscometria em tira e tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal (r=0,773, p<0,001). O cut-off para teste de meniscometria em tira para ceratoconjuntivite seca foi identificado em 7,0 mm / 5 seg, valores abaixo de 10 mm / 5 seg podem ser considerados suspeitos para KCS. Conclusões: Este estudo forneceu valores de teste de meniscometria em tira em olhos normais e com ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães, revelando alta sensibilidade e especificidade em comparação com o teste lacrimal de Schirmer 1. No futuro, o teste de meniscometria em tira pode ser outro teste quantitativo importante e pode complementar o teste lacrimal de Schirmer padrão ouro para o diagnóstico de ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães, um excelente modelo animal para o estudo de ceratoconjuntivite seca.

Sci Total Environ ; 869: 161657, 2023 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36669665


The first objective of this study is to present unique field data on a three-year pilot test during which air containing 8 mol% O2(g) was injected as a cushion gas into a natural gas reservoir, a carbonate-cemented sandstone aquifer located in the Paris Basin (France). 10-year system survey showed that: the oxygen was fully depleted several months after injection completion, meanwhile CO2(g) was detected around 2-6 mol%; the pH decreased from 8 to 6, while reducing conditions shifted to mildly oxidizing ones with increasing concentration of sulfates in equilibrium with gypsum. 3 years after injection completion, the pH gradually returned to its near initial state and sulfates were reduced by 2 to 3 times. The second objective is to develop a multiphase reactive transport model based on the field data. Simulations were constructed using the HYTEC reactive transport code, progressing from 0D-batch to 2D-reservoir configurations. The model reproduced the gas-water-rock reactive sequence: 1/ full depletion of the injected O2(g) due to pyrite oxidation, 2/ leading to acidity production and dissolved sulfates, 3/ acidity buffering by calcite dissolution, 4/ followed by gypsum precipitation and CO2(g) exsolution. The model demonstrated that pyrite kinetics was the most significant factor governing not only the amount of O2(g), CO2(g) and dissolved minerals, but also the spatial extent of these chemical reactions and, hence, the gas spread inside the reservoir. The formulated advective Damköhler number for oxygen consumption indicated advection- and reaction-dominant regimes explaining the gas composition and extension. The developed field-based model could be used as a workflow for other gas storage facilities, e.g. biomethane, compressed air, and CO2. For underground biomethane storage, the O2(g) contents recommended in Europe, i.e. the EASEE-gas specification 2005-001-02, should have a low impact on gas composition and reservoir geochemistry when the reservoir contains efficient pH-buffers such as calcite.

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 239-250, jan.-jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443230


A expectativa de vida dos animais de companhia vem aumentando devido as mudanças comportamentais e de cuidados dos tutores. Em analogia, com as idades cada vez mais avançadas, é comum o desenvolvimento de doenças associadas, sendo o tumor o mais comum entre elas. Todavia, as neoplasias mais comuns na clínica de pequenos animais estão associadas ao sistema tegumentar. O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE), ou carcinoma espinocelular, é uma neoplasia de epitélio, maligno, de crescimento lento e de baixo potencial metastático. Sua etiologia ainda não é precisamente conhecida e a causa exógena mais comum e descrita pela literatura é a exposição à luz ultravioleta, gerando consequentes lesões nas estruturas genéticas e imunogênicas na pele. Além disso, essas lesões apresentam-se de forma mais comum em animais de pelagem clara, com grande exposição solar e em área anatômicas hipopigmentadas. O prognóstico varia de acordo com a localização e o estágio clínico, sendo favorável o diagnóstico realizado precocemente, e o tratamento consiste na avaliação clínica seguida do protocolo adequado O presente relato de caso tem como objetivo principal reunir e discutir informações associadas sobre o carcinoma de células escamosas em caninos e felinos, abordando aspectos clínicos e patológicos, a fim de facilitar o raciocínio sobre o CCE, desde sua abordagem inicial, até seu diagnóstico final e estadiamento.(AU)

The life expectancy of companion animals has been increasing due to behavioral and care changes of the guardians. In analogy, with the increasingly advanced ages, the development of associated diseases is common, the tumor being the most common among them. However, the most common neoplasms in the small animal clinic are associated with the integumentary system. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or squamous cell carcinoma, is a malignant, slow-growing, low-potential metastatic epithelial neoplasm. Its etiology is not yet precisely known and the most common exogenous cause described by the literature is exposure to ultraviolet light, generating consequent lesions on the genetic and immunogenic structures in the skin. In addition, these lesions are more common in light-haired animals, with high exposure to the sun, and in hypopigmented anatomical areas. The prognosis varies according to the location and clinical stage, being favorable to the early diagnosis, and the treatment consists in the clinical evaluation followed by the appropriate protocol. The present case report has as its main objective to gather and discuss associated information about squamous cell carcinoma in canines and cats, addressing clinical and pathological aspects, in order to facilitate the reasoning about the CCE, from its initial approach, to its final diagnosis and staging.(AU)

La esperanza de vida de los animales de compañía ha ido en aumento debido a los cambios de comportamiento y cuidado de los guardianes. Por analogía, con las edades cada vez más avanzadas, el desarrollo de enfermedades asociadas es común, siendo el tumor el más común entre ellos. Sin embargo, las neoplasias más comunes en la clínica de animales pequeños se asocian con el sistema tegumentario. El carcinoma epidermoide (CCE), o carcinoma epidermoide, es una neoplasia epitelial metastásica maligna de crecimiento lento y bajo potencial. Su etiología aún no se conoce con precisión y la causa exógena más común descrita por la literatura es la exposición a la luz ultravioleta, generando lesiones consecuentes en las estructuras genéticas e inmunogénicas de la piel. Además, estas lesiones son más comunes en animales de pelo claro, con alta exposición al sol, y en áreas anatómicas hipopigmentadas. El pronóstico varía según la localización y el estadio clínico, siendo favorable al diagnóstico precoz, y el tratamiento consiste en la evaluación clínica seguida del protocolo adecuado. El presente reporte de caso tiene como objetivo principal reunir y discutir información asociada sobre el carcinoma epidermoide en caninos y gatos, abordando aspectos clínicos y patológicos, con el fin de facilitar el razonamiento sobre el CCE, desde su abordaje inicial, hasta su diagnóstico final y estadificación.(AU)

Animals , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/etiology , Cats , Dogs , Foreskin/physiopathology , Neoplasms/veterinary
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 45-58, jan.-jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433847


A Cannabis sativa é uma planta que apresenta vários benefícios terapêuticos para animais, como tratamento da dor neuropática, inflamatória e osteoartrose. A dor é bastante recorrente na rotina clínica, sendo importante seu manejo para que seja ofertada uma melhor qualidade e conforto de vida para o paciente. O estudo objetivou identificar, a partir de evidências científicas, as características da utilização medicinal do uso de Cannabis Sativa no tratamento da dor crônica no cão, utilizando um dos seus princípios ativos, canabidiol (CBD). Foi feito uma revisão bibliográfica onde foi realizada a busca de estudos experimentais e relatos de caso em bases de dados eletrônicos, sendo incluídas fontes contendo a utilização do CBD em animais, que abordaram controle da dor, assim como escore avaliativo da dor antes, durante e após o tratamento proposto. Após eleger e analisar 54 estudos percebe-se que na medicina veterinária o uso do canabidio é insuficiente, uma vez que o foco da maior parte dos estudos clínicos é voltado para medicina humana. Ainda assim, a utilização de CBD mostrou-se eficaz, confirmando uma nova alternativa para o controle da dor em animais.(AU)

Cannabis sativa is a plant that has several therapeutic benefits for animals, such as the treatment of neuropathic and inflammatory pain and osteoarthritis. Pain is quite recurrent in the clinical routine, and its management is important to offer a better quality and comfort of life for the patient. The study aimed to identify, based on scientific evidence, the characteristics of the medicinal use of Cannabis Sativa in the treatment of chronic pain in dogs, using one of its active principles, cannabidiol (CBD). A bibliographical review was carried out in which experimental studies and case reports were searched in electronic databases, including sources containing the use of CBD in animals, which addressed pain control, as well as pain assessment score before, during and after the proposed treatment. After choosing and analyzing 54 studies, it is clear that in veterinary medicine the use of CBD is few, and the focus of clinical studies is on human medicine. The use of CBD proved to be effective, thus confirming a new alternative for pain control in animals.(AU)

El cannabis sativa es una planta que tiene varios beneficios terapéuticos para los animales, como el tratamiento del dolor neuropático e inflamatorio y la osteoartritis. El dolor es bastante recurrente en la rutina clínica, y su manejo es importante para ofrecer una mejor calidad y comodidad de vida al paciente. El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar, con base en la evidencia científica, las características del uso medicinal de Cannabis Sativa en el tratamiento del dolor crónico en perros, utilizando uno de sus principios activos, el cannabidiol (CBD). Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la que se buscaron estudios experimentales y reportes de casos en bases de datos electrónicas, incluyendo fuentes que contengan el uso de CBD en animales, que abordaran el control del dolor, así como la puntuación de evaluación del dolor antes, durante y después del tratamiento propuesto. Después de elegir y analizar 54 estudios, queda claro que en medicina veterinaria el uso de cannabidio es insuficiente, ya que el foco de la mayoría de los estudios clínicos está en la medicina humana. Aun así, el uso de CBD demostró ser efectivo, confirmando una nueva alternativa para el control del dolor en animales.(AU)

Animals , Osteoarthritis/drug therapy , Dogs , Chronic Pain/therapy , Marijuana Use/adverse effects
Curr Probl Cancer ; 47(1): 100934, 2023 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36580870


AIM: This is a prospective study of cutaneous adverse events (CAEs) in lung cancer patients treated by programmed cell death-1(PD-1) inhibitors and programmed cell death-ligand 1(PD-L1) inhibitors-based single or combination therapy. PATIENTS & METHODS: It were included that lung cancer patients who developed CAEs from January 2019 to July 2021 after applying PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors in our institution. RESULTS: A total of 107 patients with 112 CAEs were enrolled, of which 71 patients received PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors plus chemotherapy, 31 patients received PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors plus anti-angiogenic/targeted therapy, and 5 patients received PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors monotherapy. The median time to CAEs onset was 8.7w (0.3w-70.7w) for PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors plus chemotherapy, 10.1w (0.4w-103.0w) for PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors plus anti-angiogenic/targeted therapy, and 13.6w (0.7w-50.6w) for PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors monotherapy. The most common CAEs were reactive cutaneous capillary endothelial proliferation (RCCEP) (30.8%, 33/107), followed by eczematous (21.5%, 23/107) and pruritus only (15.9%, 17/107). 7 patients (6.5%, 7/107) had grade 3-4 CAE. CONCLUSION: Most CAEs are mild to moderate and easily controlled. Early diagnosis and intervention for CAEs are important.

Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung , Lung Neoplasms , Humans , Prospective Studies , Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/drug therapy , Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors/adverse effects , Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor , Lung Neoplasms/drug therapy
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(7): 3547-3564, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442963


This study presents the objectives, activities and strategies of a canine- assisted therapy for a child on autism spectrum. Canadian Occupational Performance Measurement and a Checklist were used to measure components of the child's performance, engagement and behavior in relation to the dog and were used to define the therapeutic goals. The qualitative and quantitative approach was articulated to analyze the data of this case study. There was an increase in the child's intrinsic motivation, in the frequency of showing attention, interest, persistence, communication, proximity and time close to the dog. Activities structured in stages and the incorporation of the dog in the last stage of the activity favored the child to perform them successfully.

Este estudo apresenta os objetivos, atividades e estratégias de uma terapia assistida por cães para uma criança com autismo. A Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional e um Checklist foram usados para medir os componentes do desempenho, engajamento e comportamento da criança em relação ao cão e foram usadas para definir os objetivos terapêuticos. A abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa foi articulada para analisar os dados deste estudo de caso. Houve aumento na motivação intrínseca da criança, na frequência de demonstração de atenção, interesse, persistência, comunicação, proximidade e tempo próximo ao cão. As atividades estruturadas em etapas e a incorporação do cão na última etapa das atividades favoreceram a criança a realizá-las com sucesso.

Este estudio presenta los objetivos, actividades y estrategias de una terapia asistida por caninos para un niño sobre el espectro autista. Se utilizaron la Medición del Desempeño Ocupacional Canadiense y una Lista de Verificación para medir componentes del desempeño, compromiso y comportamiento del niño en relación con el perro y se definieron los objetivos terapéuticos. Se articuló el enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo para analizar los datos de este caso de estudio. Se observó un aumento en la motivación intrínseca del niño, en la frecuencia de mostrar atención, interés, persistencia, comunicación, proximidad y tiempo cercano al perro. Las actividades estructuradas en etapas y la incorporación del perro en la última etapa de la actividad favorecieron que el niño las realizara con éxito.

CoDAS ; 35(4): e20210298, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448000


RESUMO Objetivo investigar as habilidades comunicativas em crianças pertencentes a famílias multiespécie, nas quais o cão é o animal de estimação. Método estudo do tipo exploratório, descritivo, transversal, de natureza qualitativa. Casuística: 34 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária entre três meses e quatro anos e cinco meses, pertencentes a famílias multiespécie. A pesquisa foi realizada na residência dos próprios sujeitos. Procedimento: os dados foram coletados por meio de observação e filmagem de uma situação de interação, na rotina familiar, durante 30 minutos, envolvendo a presença do cão. Análise dos resultados: os dados foram analisados por meio de categorias de análises de conteúdo quanto a elementos verbais e não verbais, privilegiando as condutas comunicativas na interação criança-cão-adulto interlocutor. Resultados evidenciou-se que o cão desempenhou papel de interlocutor durante as cenas de interação com efeitos nas funções comunicativas da criança. Conclusão os resultados dessa pesquisa apontam para possíveis benefícios no que se refere às habilidades comunicativas nas interações multiespécie e sugere pesquisas posteriores.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the communicative skills of children belonging to multispecies families whose pet is a dog. Methods this is an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative, cross-sectional study. Sample: 34 subjects of both sexes aged three aged 3 to 4 years and 5 months belonging to multispecies families. The study was conducted at the subjects' own homes. Procedure: The data were collected through observation and filming of a 30-min interaction situation in the family routine involving the presence of the dog. Analysis of the results: The data were analyzed and content analysis categories were then established regarding the most relevant verbal and nonverbal elements, with emphasis on the child-dog-adult interlocutor communicative interactions. Results the results showed that the dog played the role of interlocutor during the interaction scenes, with effects on the child's communicative functions. Conclusion the results of this study point to possible benefits to communicative skills in multispecies interactions. Further studies on this theme are suggested.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(4): e008723, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1521815


Abstract Dogs can be infected by Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, for which they function, respectively, as intermediate, and definitive hosts. In the present study seroprevalence against T. gondii and N. caninum antibodies, were determined by indirect fluorescent antibody test (cut off of 16 and 50, respectively), in dogs that were treated at public veterinary hospitals in the metropolitan region of São Paulo and risk factors were identified. Out of the 1,194 samples 125 (10.5%; 95% CI: 8.8-12.3%) were positive for T. gondii and 9 (0.75%, 95% CI: 0.34-1.4%) for N. caninum. For T. gondii, statistical differences were observed between the proportions of positive dogs and different zones of the municipality (p = 0.025), and age (p = 0.02), higher among older dogs. The keepers were invited to answer an epidemiological questionnaire to analyze risk factors, and 471 (39.4%) agreed to be interviewed, and among their dogs 65 (13.8%) were T. gondii seropositive. Age group above 8 years (OR = 3.63; 95% CI: 1.08-12.23) was a risk factor and having a defined breed (OR = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.25-0.96) was a protective factor for T. gondii infection. Because of the low number of dogs positive for N. caninum, risk factors for this coccidium were not determined.

Resumo Cães podem ser infectados por Toxoplasma gondii e Neospora caninum, os quais funcionam, respectivamente, como hospedeiros intermediários e definitivos. Neste estudo, a soroprevalência contra anticorpos anti-T. gondii e N. caninum foi determinada pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta (ponto de corte de 16 e 50, respectivamente), em cães atendidos em hospitais públicos veterinários da região metropolitana de São Paulo e fatores de risco foram identificados. Das 1.194 amostras, 125 (10,5%; IC 95%: 8,8-12,3%) foram positivas para T. gondii e 9 (0,75%, IC 95%: 0,34-1,4%) para N. caninum. Para T. gondii foram observadas diferenças entre as proporções de cães positivos e diferentes zonas do município (p = 0,025) e idade (p = 0,02), prevalência maior entre os mais velhos. Os tutores foram convidados a responder um questionário epidemiológico para análise de fatores de risco, e 471 (39,4%) concordaram em ser entrevistados, destes 65 cães (13,8%) eram soropositivos para T. gondii. Faixa etária acima de 8 anos (OR = 3,63; IC 95%: 1,08-12,23) foi fator de risco e raça definida (OR = 0,49; IC 95%: 0,25-0,96) foi fator de proteção para a infecção por T. gondii. Devido ao baixo número de positivos para anticorpos anti-N. caninum, fatores de risco para este coccídio não foram determinados.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(3): 125-129, jul./set. 2022. il.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1411217


La medición de glucosa en caninos es un procedimiento habitual en la clínica diaria, actualmente este valor se puede obtener mediante dispositivos portátiles y pruebas laboratoriales. Se realizó esta investigación con el fin de aportar mayor conocimiento sobre la importancia de la medición de glucosa, ya que en los últimos años ha perdido valor entre las pruebas hematológicas a considerar debido a que solo se relaciona con determinadas patologías como la diabetes u otras enfermedades metabólicas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo comparar los valores de glucosa en caninos obtenidos mediante un glucómetro portátil de uso humano (Accu-chek® Active, Roche Diagnostic, Mannheim, Alemania); veterinario (aLcose® Vet Glu, jjPlus Corporation, New Taipei, Taiwán) y la prueba estándar de laboratorio, esto nos indicará la fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos mediante estos métodos. Se realizó la toma de muestras de sangre de 50 caninos clínicamente sanos, de los cuales se obtuvo el resultado de glucemia mediante estos tres métodos. Los resultados de nuestra investigación evidenciaron que las tres formas de evaluación de la glucosa sanguínea en perros brindaban resultados estadísticamente diferentes (p < 0.05). Se obtuvo valores de glucosa diferentes entre los tres métodos de medición, teniendo como promedios finales 84.14 mg/dL, 101.12 mg/dL y 91.12 mg/dL correspondientes al glucómetro portátil de uso humano, veterinario y a la prueba estándar de laboratorio respectivamente. En conclusión, los glucómetros portátiles de uso humano subestiman los valores reales de glucosa, mientras que los de uso veterinario lo sobreestiman, comparados con la prueba estándar de laboratorio.

A medição de glicose nos cães é um procedimento habitual realizado no atendimento clínico. Atualmente este valor pode ser obtido por meio de dispositivos portáteis e testes laboratoriais. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com a finalidade de destacar a importância da medição de glicose, visto que nos últimos anos esta avaliação não tem sido muito valorada entre os testes hematológicos, sendo considerada relevante apenas em relação a patologias como a diabetes e outras doenças metabólicas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os valores de glicose em cães obtidos com glicômetro portátil de uso humano; veterinário e o teste padrão de laboratório. Esta comparação poderá indicar a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos mediante os métodos avaliados. Foi realizada a amostragem do sangue de 50 caninos clinicamente sadios os quais foram submetidos a avaliação de glicose mediante os três métodos. Os resultados de nossa investigação evidenciaram que as três formas de avaliação da glicose sanguínea têm resultados estatisticamente diferentes (p < 0,05). Os valores de glicose tiveram medias finais de 84,14 mg/dL, 101,12 mg/dL e 91,12 mg/dL para o glicômetro portátil de uso humano (Accu-chek® Active, Roche Diagnostic, Mannheim, Alemanha), veterinário (aLcose® Vet Glu, jjPlus Corporation, Nova Taipei, Taiwan) e o teste padrão de laboratório, respectivamente. Ao concluir, os glicômetros portáteis de uso humano subestimam os valores reais de glicose e os de uso veterinário os superestimam quando comparados com o teste padrão de laboratório.

The measurement of glucose in canines is a common procedure in daily clinical practice. Currently this value can be obtained by use of portable devices and laboratory tests. This research was carried out in order to provide more knowledge about the importance of glucose measurement, since in recent years it has lost value among the hematological tests to be considered because it is only related to certain pathologies such as diabetes or other metabolic diseases. The present study aimed to compare the glucose values in dogs obtained with a portable glucometer for human use, veterinarian use, and the standard laboratory test. This comparison may indicate the reliability of the results obtained through the evaluated methods. A blood sampling of 50 clinically healthy canines was taken and submitted to glucose evaluation using the three methods. Our investigation showed that the three ways of assessing blood glucose have statistically different results (p < 0.05). Glucose values had final averages of 84.14 mg/dL, 101.12 mg/dL, and 91.12 mg/dL for the portable glucometer for human use (Accu-chek® Active, Roche Diagnostic, Mannheim, Germany), veterinary (aLcose® Vet Glu, jjPlus Corporation, New Taipei, Taiwan) and the standard laboratory test, respectively. In conclusion, portable glucometers for human use underestimate the glucose values, and those for veterinary use overestimate them compared to the standard laboratory test.

Animals , Dogs , Blood Chemical Analysis/veterinary , Blood Glucose/analysis , Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring/veterinary , Dogs/blood , Glucose/analysis , Glucose Tolerance Test/veterinary
Arch Plast Surg ; 49(1): 76-79, 2022 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35086314


Kienböck disease, a rare disease that can cause chronic pain and motor dysfunction, occurs due to avascular necrosis of the lunate bone, which leads to dislocation of the carpal bone. Among various other etiologies, Kienböck disease can cause closed tendon rupture of the finger. In this report, we introduce a case of total rupture of the second extensor digitorum communis and the extensor indicis proprius tendons caused by undiagnosed Kienböck disease in an elderly female patient.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 59-63, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395508


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prevalência de Clostridioides difficile e suas toxinas (A/B) nas fezes de animais domésticos de um Hospital Veterinário Universitário de Teresina - PI. A detecção de C. difficile e suas toxinas foi realizada por meio de um ensaio imunoenzimático, denominado C. Diff Quik Chek Complete® (TECHLAB), capaz de detectar antígeno Glutamato Desidrogenase (GDH) e as toxinas A/B produzidas pelo bacilo, realizado em amostras fecais de cães (C. lupus) e e gatos (Felis catus) coletadas entre agosto de 2019 a setembro de 2020. Um total de 54 amostras fecais foram analisadas, das quais 16 foram positivas para C. difficile (29,63%). 68,75% (11/16) pertenciam a caninos, enquanto 31,25% (5/16) a felinos. Amostras diarreicas e não diarreicas foram utilizadas para o estudo e uma maior prevalência do bacilo pôde ser identificada em amostras diarreicas (33%). Nenhuma das amostras apresentou toxinas do patógeno. Os achados deste estudo evidenciam que C.difficile está presente no estado do Piauí. Foi possível identificá-lo em todas as espécies e em amostras diarreicas ou não, demonstrando que essa infecção pode se manifestar de formasintomática e assintomática, levantando a possibilidade de infecção cruzada entre o animal e seu tutor.

The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of Clostridioides difficile and its toxins (A/B) in the feces of domestic animals at a University Veterinary Hospital in Teresina - PI. The detection of C. difficile and its toxins was performed by an immunogenic enzyme, called C. Diff Quik Chek Complete® (TECHLAB), capable of detecting antigen glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and A/B toxins produced by this bacillus, performed in fecal samples of dogs (C. lupus) and cats (Felis catus) collected between August 2019 and September 2020.:54 stools were analyzed, of which 16 were positive for C. difficile (29.63%). 68.75% (11/16) belonged to canines, while 3.25% (5/16) to felines. Diarrheal and non-diarrheal diseases are used for the study and a higher prevalence of bacillus can be identified in diarrheal diseases (33%). None of the samples present pathogen toxins. The results of this study show that C. difficile is present in the state of Piauí. It can be identified in all species and in diarrheal or non-diarrheic samples, demonstrating that this infection can be symptomatic and asymptomatic, giving the possibility of cross-infection between the animal and its owner.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Cats/abnormalities , Clostridioides difficile/pathogenicity , Immunoenzyme Techniques/veterinary , Clostridium Infections/diagnosis , Dogs/abnormalities , Feces/microbiology , Bacterial Zoonoses/diagnosis
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 19-26, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393195


Injuries involving the spine are frequent in dogs and knowledge of them is important to define the patient's treatment and prognosis. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the epidemiological profile of animals and lesions in the cervical (C1-5) and cervicothoracic (C6-T2) spine diagnosed through tomographic examination. Compilation of computed tomography (CT) reports for the referred regions was carried out in a diagnostic center between 01/04/2017 and 30/04/2020, with or without contrast, from the clinical routine, in order to relate the most common lesions and their locations, as well as the species, breeds and ages most affected. A total of 1164 CT scans were performed in the period, 57.56% (n=670/1164) for the spine, with 89.7% (n=601/670) reports accessed, where both regions referred to here totaled 26.95% of the studies (n=162/601). Male mixed-breed dogs (MBD) showed the most lesions. For the cervical spine, the most identified lesion was disk extrusion and the site was C3-C4, while the mean age for lesions was 8.09±3.55 years. As for cervicothoracic, disk mineralization was more frequent and the mean age for lesions was 6.96±2.93 years. It was concluded that the spine is the main target of CT scans, that lesions related to the intervertebral disk were the main ones identified, and older MBD animals are the main ones affected.

As lesões envolvendo coluna vertebral são frequentes em animais de companhia, podendo ocorrer à nível vertebral, medula espinal, disco intervertebral, meninges ou raízes nervosas, e o conhecimento das mesmas é importante para definir o tratamento e prognóstico do animal. O objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos animais e das lesões em coluna vertebral cervical (C1-5) e cervicotorácica (C6-T2) diagnosticadas por meio de exame tomográfico. Realizou-se a compilação de laudos de tomografias computadorizadas para as referidas regiões realizadas em centro diagnóstico comercial, entre 01/04/2017 a 30/04/2020, contrastadas e não-contrastadas, provenientes da rotina clínica, a fim de relacionar as lesões, raças e locais mais comuns. Foram realizados 1164 exames tomográficos no período avaliado, sendo 57,56% (n=670/1164) para a coluna, com 89,7% dos laudos acessados (n=601/670), sendo que as regiões cervical e cervicotorácica somaram 26,95% dos estudos (n=162/601). Em ambas regiões, os cães sem raça definida (SRD) machos foram os que mais demonstraram lesões. Para a coluna cervical, a lesão mais identificada foi extrusão de disco e o local mais afetado foi C3-C4, enquanto a média de idade para lesões foi 8,09±3,55 anos. Já para cervicotorácica, a mineralização de disco foi mais frequente e média de idade para ocorrência de lesões foi de 6,96±2,93 anos. Concluiu-se que a coluna vertebral foi o principal alvo de tomografias, as lesões relacionadas ao disco intervertebral foram as mais identificadas, sendo animais SRD com idade avançada os mais acometidos.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Spinal Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Spine/diagnostic imaging , Thorax/abnormalities , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/veterinary , Cats/injuries , Dogs/injuries , Intervertebral Disc/injuries
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 27-35, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393204


For vertebromedullary injuries, epidemiological knowledge is essential to guide the choice of the most effective diagnostic method. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the epidemiological profile of animals and thoracolumbar and lumbosacral spine lesions diagnosed by computed tomography scan. A compilation of CT scan reports for the aforementioned regions performed in a comercial diagnostic center from 04/01/2017 to 04/30/2020, contrasted and non-contrasted, from routine, was performed in order to list the most common lesions and their locations, as well as the species, breeds and ages most affected. There were 1164 CT scans performed in the period evaluated, all of them in dogs, 57,56% (n=670) for the spine, with 89,7% reports accessed (n=601), where the regions mentioned here added up to 73,05% studies (n=439). In both regions, male French Bulldog dogs had the most injuries. For the thoracolumbar region, disk mineralization, followed by extrusion, were the most frequent injuries, while the site was T12-13 and the mean age 6,5±3,63 years old. In the lumbosacral, disk protrusion was most frequent, the most affected site was L7-S1 and age 6,65±3,79 years. It was concluded that the spine is the main target of CT scans, and that lesions related to the intervertebral disk were the main ones identified, with chondrodystrophic animals being more predisposed to injury.

Para lesões vertebromedulares é indispensável o conhecimento epidemiológico para direcionar a escolha do método diagnóstico mais eficaz. O objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos animais e das lesões em coluna vertebral toracolombar e lombossacral diagnosticadas através de exame tomográfico. Realizou-se a compilação de laudos de tomografias computadorizadas para as referidas regiões realizadas em centro diagnóstico comercial, entre 01/04/2017 a 30/04/2020, contrastadas e não-contrastadas, provenientes da rotina, a fim de relacionar as lesões e seus locais de ocorrência, bem como a espécie, raças e idades mais comuns. Foram realizados 1164 exames tomográficos no período avaliado, sendo 57,56% (n=670) para a coluna, com 89,7% laudos acessados (n=601), nos quais as regiões toracolombar e lombossacral somaram 73,05% dos estudos (n=439). Em ambas as regiões, os cães Bulldog Francês machos foram os que mais apresentaram lesões. Para a região toracolombar, a mineralização de disco, seguida pela extrusão, foram as lesões mais frequentes, enquanto o local foi T12-13 e a média de idade 6,5±3,63 anos. Na lombossacral, a protusão de disco foi mais frequente, o local mais afetado foi L7-S1 e idade de 6,65±3,79 anos. Concluiu-se que a coluna vertebral é o principal alvo de tomografias, e que as lesões relacionadas ao disco intervertebral foram as principais identificadas, sendo os animais condrodistróficos mais predispostos a lesões.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Spinal Injuries/veterinary , Spine/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/veterinary , Cats/injuries , Dogs/injuries , Intervertebral Disc/injuries , Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries , Lumbosacral Region/abnormalities