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Rev. sanid. mil ; 75(2): e02, may.-ago. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515518


Resumen Presentamos el caso de una paciente embarazada con esferocitosis hereditaria de 27 años de edad con un embarazo de 36 semanas de gestación que acude a la consulta para control de embarazo, es ingresada a hospitalización por taquicardia fetal y datos de agudización de esferocitosis hereditaria, durante su estancia es intervenida quirúrgicamente realizando una cesárea de urgencia por estado fetal no tranquilizante con resultados favorables durante el mismo y en el puerperio quirúrgico inmediato, se decide su egreso y control en la consulta externa. La esferocitosis hereditaria es la anemia hemolítica más frecuente en el mundo, con una incidencia de 1/2 000 caucásicos y encontrándose en el 1% de los donadores de sangre. La cual responde a un patrón autosómico dominante en el 75% de los casos, teniendo una expresión clínica variable. El presente caso se acompaña de una revisión de la literatura. El embarazo en las pacientes con esferocitosis hereditaria es posible llevarlo a término, optimizándolo con un control obstétrico estrecho y en tercer nivel de atención médica, en la literatura se han reportado pocos casos.

Abstract We present the case of a 27 years old pregnant patient with hereditary spherocytosis with a 36 weeks gestation pregnancy who comes to the clinic for prenatal care, admitted for fetal tachycardia, and acute hereditary spherocytosis exacerbation. During hospitalization, she underwent an emergency cesarean section for a non-reassuring fetal state. With favorable results during hospitalization in addition to an immediate surgical postpartum the patients discharge, and control were decided in the outpatient clinic. Hereditary spherocytosis is the most frequent hemolytic anemia in the world, with an incidence of 1/2000 caucasians and found in 1% of blood donors. Which response to an autosomal dominant pattern in 75% of cases, including a variable clinical expression. The present case is accompanied by a review of the literature. Pregnancy in patients with hereditary spherocytosis can be carried to term, optimizing with close obstetric control and at the third level of medical care. There is not much literature covering both conditions and there are few reported cases.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 37(6)dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388187


Resumen La infección aguda por parvovirus B19 es una enfermedad autolimitada en pacientes sin trastornos inmunitarios. Sin embargo, en pacientes con discrasias sanguíneas pueden manifestarse con una crisis aplásica. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 48 años, con una esferocitosis hereditaria no diagnosticada previamente, la cual debutó con una crisis aplásica inducida por una infección aguda de parvovirus B19. La sospecha clínica se planteó luego del análisis histopatológico de la médula ósea, en el que se observó una hiperplasia eritroblástica, con precursores eritroides gigantes e inclusiones nucleares virales, y cuyo análisis inmunohistoquímico fue positivo para la proteína de la cápside viral VP1 y VP2 de parvovirus B19 en células infectadas. Se confirmó la sospecha diagnóstica con la detección de anticuerpos IgM de parvovirus B19. De acuerdo a nuestra revisión, este es el primer reporte de un adulto en Latinoamérica que debutó con una crisis aplásica inducida por una infección aguda por parvovirus B19, como primera manifestación de una esferocitosis hereditaria.

Abstract Acute parvovirus B19 infection is a self-limiting disease in patients with normal immune response. However, in patients with blood dyscrasias, it is possible to present with an aplastic crisis. We present the case of a 48-year-old man who had developed an aplastic crisis as a result of an acute parvovirus B19 infection with an undiagnosed hereditary spherocytosis. Suspicions of the parvovirus infection began to arise after a routine bone marrow histopathological analysis which showed erythroblastic hyperplasia with giant erythroid precursor and viral inclusions. A subsequent immunohistochemical analysis tested positive for VP1 and VP2 capsid proteins of parvovirus B19 in infected cells. The diagnostic suspicion was later confirmed with the presence of anti-parvovirus B19 IgM. According to our review, this is the first published case in Latin America that documents an adult patient with normal immune response whose first symptom of hereditary spherocytosis was an aplastic crisis induced by an acute parvovirus B19 infection.

Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Spherocytosis, Hereditary , Parvovirus B19, Human , Erythema Infectiosum , Parvoviridae Infections , Parvoviridae Infections/complications , Parvoviridae Infections/diagnosis , Hyperplasia
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 36(2): e1098, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1149894


Introducción: La membrana de los eritrocitos, al igual que las membranas de otros tipos celulares, está compuesta por una bicapa lipídica que es estabilizada por proteínas específicas, glucolípidos y otras moléculas especializadas. Las mutaciones producidas en los genes que codifican y regulan estas proteínas y sus interacciones producen cambios en la forma de los eritrocitos y son causa de anemias hemolíticas hereditarias. Objetivo: Describir las peculiaridades moleculares, clínicas y el diagnóstico de laboratorio de las principales anemias hemolíticas hereditarias por defectos en la membrana de los eritrocitos. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura, en inglés y español, a través del sitio web PubMed y el motor de búsqueda Google académico de artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Se hizo un análisis y resumen de la bibliografía revisada. Análisis y síntesis de la información: Las mutaciones que afectan la membrana de los eritrocitos son variadas y heterogéneas. El efecto sobre el fenotipo puede ser clasificado en cinco categorías principales: esferocitosis hereditaria; eliptocitosis hereditaria y piropoiquilocitosis hereditaria; ovalocitosis del sureste asiático; acantocitosis hereditaria y estomatocitosis hereditaria. Conclusiones: La cuidadosa observación de la morfología de los eritrocitos en extendidos de sangre periférica y los estudios moleculares permiten realizar un diagnóstico certero, además de confirmar la correlación genotipo/fenotipo en estas enfermedades(AU)

Introduction: The erythrocyte membrane, like the membranes of other cell types, is composed of a lipid bilayer that is stabilized by specific proteins, glycolipids and other specialized molecules. Mutations in the genes that encode and regulate these proteins and their interactions cause changes in the shape of erythrocytes and are the cause of hereditary hemolytic anemias. Objective: To describe the molecular and clinical peculiarities and the laboratory diagnosis of the main hereditary hemolytic anemias due to defects in the erythrocyte membrane. Methods: A literature review was carried out, in English and in Spanish, through the PubMed website and the Google Scholar search engine, of articles published in the last ten years. An analysis and summary of the revised bibliography was made. Information analysis and synthesis: Mutations affecting the erythrocyte membrane are varied and heterogeneous. The effect on the phenotype can be classified into five main categories: hereditary spherocytosis, hereditary elliptocytosis and hereditary pyropoikilocytosis, Southeast Asian ovalocytosis, hereditary acantocytosis, and hereditary stomatocytosis. Conclusions: Careful observation of erythrocyte morphology in peripheral blood smears and molecular studies allow an accurate diagnosis, in addition to confirming the genotype-phenotype correlation in these diseases(AU)

Humans , Phenotype , Genotype , Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune/diagnosis
Rev. cuba. anestesiol. reanim ; 19(1): e539, ene.-abr. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093131


Introducción: La esferocitosis hereditaria (ESH) es una anemia hemolítica de observación frecuente, en la cual existen defectos cualitativos o cuantitativos de algunas proteínas de la membrana eritrocitaria que llevan a la formación de hematíes de forma esférica, osmóticamente frágiles, que son atrapados de formas selectiva y destruidos en el bazo, con incidencia variable y más frecuente en pacientes con descendencia europea. Objetivo: Describir la conducta clínica y anestesiológica de un paciente pediátrico con diagnóstico de micro esferocitosis hereditaria programado de forma electiva para procedimiento quirúrgico. Desarrollo: Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente escolar con diagnóstico de micro esferocitosis hereditaria al cual se le realizó esplenectomía total electiva convencional. Con principal signo dolor a la palpación en hipocondrio izquierdo. Se condujo con anestesia total intravenosa con buenos resultados clínicos quirúrgicos, utilizando propofol a razón de 3 mcg/mL y ketamina a 0,2 mg/mL. La estrategia estuvo basada en cinco aspectos claves: evitar la hipoxia, la hipotermia, la acidosis, reducir la pérdida de sangre, así como un correcto control del dolor postoperatorio. Asociado a lo anterior es indispensable una estrecha vigilancia ya que estos pacientes pueden manifestar crisis hemolítica y aplásica. Conclusiones: El manejo perioperatorio del paciente con esferocitosis hereditaria depende de la severidad del cuadro clínico, de la anemia y su repercusión y del grado de hemólisis. La anestesia total intravenosa es una técnica segura para el tratamiento de pacientes con esferocitosis hereditaria(AU)

Introduction: Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a hemolytic anemia of frequent occurrence, in which there are qualitative or quantitative defects of some erythrocyte membrane proteins that lead to the formation of sphere-shaped red blood cells, which are osmotically fragile, and that are selectively trapped and destroyed in the spleen, with variable and more frequent incidence in patients with European descent. Objective: To describe the clinical and anesthesiological behavior of a pediatric patient with a diagnosis of hereditary microspherocytosis electively programmed for a surgical procedure. Development: A clinical case of a school-age patient with a diagnosis of hereditary microspherocytosis was presented. The patient underwent conventional elective total splenectomy. Pain was as the main sign on palpation to the left hypochondrium. The case was conducted with total intravenous anesthesia, with good surgical clinical results, using propofol at a rate of 3 mcg/mL and ketamine at 0.2 mg/mL. The strategy was based on five key aspects: avoid hypoxia, hypothermia, acidosis, reduce blood loss, as well as proper control of postoperative pain. Associated with the above-mentioned, close monitoring is essential, as these patients may manifest hemolytic and aplastic crisis. Conclusions: The perioperative management of the patient with hereditary spherocytosis depends on the severity of the clinical status, the anemia and its repercussion, and the degree of hemolysis. Total intravenous anesthesia is a safe technique for the treatment of patients with hereditary spherocytosis(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/surgery , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/diagnosis , Splenectomy/methods , Anesthesia, Intravenous/methods
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) ; 40(4): 421-428, 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32113667


BACKGROUND: Hereditary spherocytosis is clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder and its clinical characteristics are spherocytosis, anaemia, jaundice and splenomegaly. The aetiology is associated to the genes encoding proteins involved in the interaction between the erythrocyte membrane and the lipid bilayer. Causative variants in ßI-spectrin (SPTB) gene presenting as mild to moderately severe disease are responsible for approximately 25% cases in the USA and Europe. Among kidney disease, isolated cases of nephrotic syndrome due to membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and macroscopic haematuria with proteinuria due to IgA nephropathy were previously reported in patients with SPTB deficiency. OBJECTIVE: Seven patients from the same family with spherocytosis were evaluated to assess the kidney failure presented in all affected adult patients. METHODS: Clinical, radiological and laboratory investigations were issued to evaluate the spherocytosis and kidney disease. In selected patients, we also performed genetics testing with next generation sequencing of genes related to hereditary spherocytosis, inherited glomerular disorders and tubulo-interstitial kidney disease. RESULTS: Among the family members with spherocytosis, two adults had end-stage kidney disease and one chronic kidney disease stage 4 with unspecific histopathological findings of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy and glomerulosclerosis. At the time, there were no signs of kidney disease present in four paediatric patients. Novel nonsense variant in SPTB gene (NM_001024858; c.4796G>A; p.Trp1599Ter) was detected in all family members with spherocytosis and was predicted to be disease causing. Furthermore, all adult patients with kidney failure and two paediatric cousins of the index patients were heterozygous for the UMOD gene variant (NM_003361.3:c.552G>C, NP_003352.2:p.Trp184Cys) previously reported in patients with tubulo-interstitial kidney disease. UMOD variant was not present in the index patients. CONCLUSIONS: The co-occurrence of any two rare inherited disorders is extremely rare, while to our knowledge the co-occurrence of genetically confirmed HS and autosomal dominant tubulo-interstitial kidney disease (ADTKD) has previously not been reported. It is not possibly to evaluate whether the haemolytic crises due to HS are influencing the progression of the UMOD related renal disease, since the UMOD related ADTKD characteristics in general and in here presented family are extremely variable. Nevertheless, the observed kidney disease in the family is warranting the regular nephrological examinations in UMOD positive paediatric patients in the family in order to recognise hyperuricemia and treat it as early as possible. This is emphasising the importance of serum uric acid detection in routine laboratory screening of paediatric patients in order to identify early signs of tubular injury indicating possible ADTKD.

Kidney Failure, Chronic/genetics , Spectrin/genetics , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/genetics , Uromodulin/genetics , Female , Humans , Kidney Failure, Chronic/complications , Male , Pedigree , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/complications
Rev. medica electron ; 39(6): 1269-1281, nov.-dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902244


Introducción: las anemias hemolíticas se caracterizan por una destrucción precoz de los hematíes, con un acortamiento de su vida media. Estos pacientes pueden requerir para el control de la enfermedad o por el desarrollo de complicaciones esplénicas, la necesidad de ser sometidos a una esplenectomía. Por la morbilidad y posibles complicaciones letales como la sepsis post-esplenectomía de la esplenectomía total en niños, se ha empleado la esplenectomía parcial como opción de tratamiento quirúrgico. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados de la esplenectomía parcial en los pacientes con anemias hemolíticas congénitas. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo longitudinal, del universo de los 15 pacientes con anemias hemolíticas congénitas a los que se les realizó esplenectomía parcial. Resultados: se encontró que la drepanocitosis y la esferocitosis hereditaria fueron los diagnósticos más frecuentes dentro de los casos operados. Las principales indicaciones de la esplenectomía parcial fueron la crisis de secuestro esplénico y la necesidad de transfusiones de sangre respectivamente. Las variables hematológicas analizadas en el período postoperatorio mostraron una respuesta favorable al tratamiento quirúrgico. Conclusiones: la esplenectomía parcial llevó a un mejoramiento clínico y hematológico en los pacientes con anemias hemolíticas congénitas, tributarios de tratamiento quirúrgico, sin complicaciones significativas en un período de seguimiento de 5 años (AU).

Introduction: congenital hemolytic anemia are characterized by an early destruction of red blood cells, with a shortening of their average life. For the control of the disease or due to the development of splenic complications, these patients may require to undergo splenectomy. Due to the morbidity and possible lethal complications such as post-splenectomy sepsis of total splenectomy in children, partial splenectomy has been used as a surgical treatment option. Objective: to evaluate the results of partial splenectomy in patients with congenital hemolytic anemia. Materials and Methods: a longitudinal prospective, descriptive study was performed in 15 patients with congenital hemolytic anemia who underwent partial splenectomy. Results: sickle cell disease and hereditary spherocytosis were the most frequent diagnoses in the group of operated cases. The main indications of partial splenectomy were splenic sequester crises and the necessity of blood transfusions respectively. The hematologic variables analyzed in the post-surgery period showed a favorable answer to surgical treatment. Conclusions: partial splenectomy led to a hematologic and clinical improvement in patients with congenital hemolytic anemia, tributary of surgical treatment, without significant complications in a 5-year follow-up period (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Splenectomy/methods , Child , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/epidemiology , Splenectomy/mortality , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Surgical Procedures, Operative/rehabilitation , Observational Studies as Topic , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/surgery , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/complications
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 51(3): 307-318, set. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-886125


Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) Analizar las características demográficas y clínicas de nuestra población al diagnóstico; b) Evaluar si las pruebas más recientes presentan ventajas sobre las tradicionales; c) Confirmar la frecuencia de las distintas deficiencias de proteínas de membrana; d) Establecer la relación entre severidad y resultado de las pruebas o tipo de deficiencia. Se analizaron 359 individuos estudiados desde 2007, cuando se incorporaron criohemólisis hipertónica (CH), citometría de flujo con eosina-5'- maleimida (5'EMA-CF), FOE por citometría de flujo (FOE-CF) y electroforesis de proteínas de membrana (SDS-PAGE) al estudio de laboratorio clásico, fragilidad osmótica eritrocitaria (FOE) y autohemólisis (AH). Criterios diagnósticos para Esferocitosis Hereditaria (ESH): esferocitos en frotis y dos pruebas positivas. Se identificaron 174 pacientes con ESH y 22 portadores sanos. El 74,9% eran menores de 12 años. La transmisión fue dominante en el 83,1% de los casos. Tuvieron manifestaciones neonatales 89,1%. Las pruebas con mayor sensibilidad fueron CH (92,0%), FOE diferida (91,1%) y 5'EMA-CF (88,5%). En los 125 pacientes en quienes se realizaron CH, 5'EMA-CF y FOE-CF se observó que todos tenían al menos una prueba positiva; 122 (97,6%) tuvieron dos o tres positivas. Las deficiencias más frecuentes fueron ankirina y espectrina. No hubo diferencia en el resultado de las pruebas entre los subgrupos de severidad. Se concluye que las deficiencias más frecuentes en Argentina son ankirina y espectrina, coincidiendo con otras poblaciones latinoamericanas. El uso simultáneo de CH, 5'EMA-CF y FOE-CF permite diagnosticar más del 97% de los casos. La incidencia de manifestaciones neonatales es elevada.

The aims of this study were (a) to assess demographic and clinical aspects of our population at diagnosis; (b) to evaluate diagnostic accuracy of hypertonic cryohemolysis (HC), eosin-5'-maleimide flow cytometry (EMA-FC) and flow cytometric osmotic fragility (OF-FC) in relation to standard screening tests osmotic fragility (OF) and autohemolysis (AH); (c) to confirm the previously reported prevalence of membrane proteins defects; and (d) to assess the relationship between severity of anemia and results of confirmatory tests. Since 2007, the following tests were available in our laboratory: OF, AH, HC, EMA-FC, OF-FC and SDS-PAGE of membrane proteins. Diagnostic criteria for hereditary spherocytosis were spherocytes in blood smear plus ≥2 positive tests. Data from 359 individuals were analyzed: 174 HS patients and 22 silent carriers were detected; 74.9% of patients were less than 12 years old; 83.1% of them showed a dominant inheritance pattern; antecedent of neonatal jaundice/anemia was registered in 89.1%. Tests with higher sensitivity were: HC (92.0%), incubated OF (91.1%), and EMA-FC (88.5%). HC, EMA-FC and OF-FC were simultaneously performed on 125 patients: each of them had at least 1 positive test; 122 (97.6%) had 2 or 3 positive tests. Ankyrin and spectrin were the most frequently found protein deficiencies. Comparison of test results in relation to severity of anemia showed no difference between groups. It can be concluded that compared toother Latin American countries, ankyrin and spectrin were the most frequent protein deficiencies. Simultaneous performing of HC, EMA-FC and OF-FC enabled diagnosing HS in more than 97% of patients. A high incidence of neonatal jaundice/anemia was observed.

Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: a) analisar as características demográficas e clínicas de nossa população ao diagnóstico; b) Avaliar se as provas mais recentes apresentam vantagens sobre as tradicionais; c) Confirmar a frequência das diversas deficiências de proteínas de membrana; d) Establecer a relação entre severidade e resultado das provas ou tipo de deficiência. Foram analisados 359 indivíduos estudados desde 2007, quando se incorporaram crio-hemólise hipertônica (CH), citometria de fluxo com eosina-5'-maleimida (5'EMA-CF), FOE por citometria de fluxo (FOE-CF) e eletroforese de proteínas de membrana (SDS-PAGE) ao estudo de laboratório clássico - fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária (FOE) e auto-hemólise (AH). Critérios diagnósticos para ESH: esferócitos em esfregaço e duas provas positivas. Foram identificados 174 pacientes com ESH e 22 portadores sadios. 74,9% eram menores de 12 anos. A transmissão foi dominante em 83,1%. Tiveram manifestações neonatais 89,1%. As provas com maior sensibilidade foram CH (92,0%), FOE diferida (91,1%) e 5'EMA-CF (88,5%). Nos 125 pacientes aos quais lhes realizaram CH, 5'EMA-CF e FOE-CF se observou que todos tinham no mínimo uma prova positiva; 122 (97,6%) tiveram duas ou três positivas. As deficiências mais frequentes foram anquirina e espectrina. Não houve diferença no resultado das provas entre os subgrupos de severidade. Conclui-se que as deficiências mais frequentes na Argentina são anquirina e espectrina, as quais coincidem com outras populações latinoamericanas. O uso simultâneo de CH, 5'EMA-CF e FOE-CF permite diagnosticar mais de 97% dos casos. A incidência de manifestações neonatais é elevada.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Spherocytosis, Hereditary , Erythrocytes , Anemia, Hemolytic , Argentina , Anion Exchange Protein 1, Erythrocyte
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 113(1): 69-80, ene. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1159661


La esferocitosis hereditaria es la anemia hereditaria más frecuente en nuestro país luego de la talasemia menor. En este artículo, se revisan aspectos históricos, demográficos, genéticos y etiopatogénicos de la enfermedad, y se describen las pruebas de laboratorio para su diagnóstico. Se remarca el comportamiento de la enfermedad en nuestra población y se detallan las deficiencias proteicas predominantes en nuestro país. Se enfatiza sobre las nuevas técnicas de laboratorio actualmente disponibles, con alta sensibilidad y especificidad, que permiten realizar un diagnóstico más temprano con volúmenes de muestra mucho menores que los necesarios para las pruebas convencionales.

Hereditary spherocytosis is the most frequent hereditary anemia excluding beta thalassemia in Argentina. Historical, demographic, genetic and pathogenic aspects of the disease are reviewed, and confirmatory laboratory tests are described. Special characteristics on the outcome of the disease in our population and prevalent protein deficiencies in our country are described. Emphasis is given on new available laboratory tests, which allow an earlier diagnosis using volume of blood samples significantly smaller than required for conventional tests.

Humans , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/diagnosis , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/etiology , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/history , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/epidemiology , Demography , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century
An Pediatr (Barc) ; 82(1): e102-7, 2015 Jan.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24629905


Anemic syndrome in childhood requires a diagnosis and urgent treatment guided by systematic protocols that can avoid unnecessary additional testing. The case of a 4 year-old girl with fatigue and intermittent fever of 7 days duration, accompanied by abdominal pain is presented. She had regular general health status, with mucocutaneous jaundice, a grade III/VI/iv murmur, and painful abdomen with hepatosplenomegaly. The blood analysis showed a hypo-regenerative anemia with increased LDH and indirect bilirubin. The Coombs Test was negative, with spherocytes being observed in the peripheral blood smear. The IgM and IgG were positive for parvovirus B19 IgM and Epstein Barr virus, leading to the diagnosis of aplastic crisis in a patient with hereditary spherocytosis. No specific treatment was required. Under the suspicion of anemic syndrome in emergencies, the ABCDE sequence must be followed. Through the history, physical examination and basic laboratory tests, an initial diagnostic approach can be made. Specific etiological tests should be based on this first study.

Anemia, Hemolytic/virology , Epstein-Barr Virus Infections/complications , Erythema Infectiosum/complications , Parvovirus B19, Human , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/complications , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 46(4): 645-653, dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-671972


Las anemias hereditarias más frecuentes en Tucumán (Argentina) son el rasgo beta talasémico (RBT), las hemoglobinopatías estructurales (HBP) y la esferocitosis hereditaria (EH). La resistencia osmótica eritrocitaria inmediata y 24 horas post-incubación constituye el método diagnóstico de la EH, y como tubo único (ROETU) es usada para cribado de RBT. El propósito del trabajo fue determinar el comportamiento de ROETU (4,0 y 5,5 g/L de NaCl) en el diagnóstico de anemias hereditarias. Se estudiaron 125 pacientes: 34 normales (GN), 59 con RBT (GRBT), 21 con HBP (GHBP) y 11 con EH (GEH), que fueron agrupados en niños (≤12 años), mujeres y hombres (>12 años). Se realizaron hemograma (Coulter AcT10 y Sysmex KX-21N), índices de Mentzer y de Shine&Lal, ROETU, hierro, transferrina y saturación de transferrina (Wiener Lab), reticulocitos (azul brillante de cresilo), prueba de falciformación y electroforesis de hemoglobina a pH alcalino y ácido. GRBT presentó anemia microcítica hipocrómica, y GEH y GHBP, anemia normocítica normocrómica. El hierro fue normal. GRBT y GHBP fueron resistentes en ROETU 4,0 g/L, aunque GRBT mostró mayor resistencia (p<0,05). GEH fue menos resistente que GN en ROETU 5,5 g/L (p<0,05). ROETU 4,0 y 5,5 g/L serían recomendables en el diagnóstico presuntivo de RBT y EH, respectivamente.

Beta thalassaemia trait (BTT), structural hemoglobinopathies (SHB) and hereditary spherocytosis (HS) are the most frequent hereditary anaemias in Tucumán (Argentina). Immediately and 24 hours post-incubation red cell osmotic resistance is the diagnosis method of HS, and as a single tube (RORST), it is used for clínicamenBTT screening. The purpose of this study was to determine the RORST (NaCl 4.0 and 5.5 g/L) behaviour in the diagnosis of hereditary anemia. The study encompassed 125 patients : 34 normal patients (NG), 59 with BTT (BTTG), 21 with SHB (SHBG) and 11 with HS (HSG), who were divided into children (≤12 years), women and men (> 12 years). Blood count (Coulter AcT10 and Sysmex KX-21N), Mentzer and Shine&Lal indexes, RORST, iron, transferrin and transferrin saturation (Wiener Lab), reticulocytes (brilliant cresyl blue), sickling and hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline and acid pH were performed. BTTG showed hypochromic microcytic anemia, and SHBG and HSG, normochromic normocytic anemia. Iron was normal. BTTG and SHBG were resistant in RORST 4.0 g/L, but BTTG showed more resistance (p<0.05). SHG was less resistant than NG at RORST 5.5 g/L (p<0.05). RORST at values of 4.0 and 5.5 g/L would be recommended for the presumptive diagnosis of BTT and SH, respectively.

As anemias hereditárias mais comuns em Tucumán (Argentina) são o traço beta talassemia minor (BTM), as hemoglobinopatias estruturais (HBP) e esferocitose hereditária (EH). A resistência osmótica dos eritrócitos imediata e 24 horas pós-incubação é o método de diagnóstico da EH, e como um único tubo (ROETU) é usado para a detecção de BTM. O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar o comportamento de ROETU (4,0 e 5,5 g/L de NaCl) para o diagnóstico de anemias hereditárias. Foram estudados 125 pacientes: 34 normais (GN), 59 com BTM (GBTM), 21 com HBP (GHBP) e 11 com EH (GEH), que foram reunidos em crianças (≤12 anos), mulheres e homens (>12 anos). Foi realizado hemograma (Coulter AcT10 e Sysmex KX-21N), índices de Mentzer e Shine&Lal, ROETU, ferro, transferrina e saturação de transferrina (Wiener Lab), reticulócitos (azul de cresil brilhante), teste de falcização e eletroforese de hemoglobina em pH alcalino e ácido. GBTM mostrou anemia microcítica hipocrômica, e GEH e GHBP, anemia normocítica normocrômica. O ferro foi normal. GRBT e GHBP foram resistentes em ROETU 4,0 g/L, mas GBTM mostrou maior resistência (p<0,05). GEH foi menos resistente que GN em ROETU 5,5 g/L (p<0,05). ROETU 4,0 e 5,5 g/L seria recomendado para o diagnóstico presuntivo da BTM e EH, respectivamente.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/diagnosis , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/blood , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/diagnosis , Argentina , beta-Thalassemia , Hemoglobinopathies , Osmotic Fragility
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 28(4): 310-326, oct.-dic. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-663857


La esferocitosis hereditaria es la anemia hemolítica congénita más frecuente en la población caucásica. Tiene una amplia variabilidad clínica y desde el punto de vista hematológico se caracteriza por anemia y presencia de esferocitos en la lámina periférica. Su base fisiopatológica está determinada por el defecto de algunas de las proteínas que conforman la membrana eritrocitaria, por el efecto del bazo sobre los hematíes anómalos y otros factores. A la luz de los conocimientos actuales, la interpretación dinámica del proceso requiere adentrarse en los estadios iniciales de la hematopoyesis, pues desde etapas tan tempranas como la enucleación del eritroblasto en la formación del reticulocito, hasta posibles procesos inflamatorios tardíos, pudieran modular la expresión de la enfermedad. Se hace una revisión de las características estructurales y funcionales de la membrana eritrocitaria, así como algunos aspectos generales de las propiedades del hematíe para facilitar la comprensión de los eventos que tienen lugar a partir del compromiso molecular de las proteínas que conforman la membrana

Hereditary spherocytosis is the most common congenital hemolytic anemia among Caucasian population. It has wide clinical variety and from the haematological point of view, it is characterized by the presence of spherocytes anemia in peripheral lamina. Its pathophysiological defect is determined by some of the proteins that make up the red cell membrane due to the effect on erythrocytes of abnormal spleen, and other factors. In view of current knowledge, the dynamic interpretation of this process requires delving into the early stages of hematopoiesis, since the expression of this disease could modulate from early stages of erythroblast enucleation in reticulocyte formation until late potential inflammatory processes. A review was made on the structural and functional characteristics of the erythrocyte membrane, as well as some general aspects of the properties of the red cell to facilitate understanding of events which take place through proteins molecular involvement forming the membrane

Humans , Male , Female , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/epidemiology , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/physiopathology , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/genetics , Membrane Proteins/therapeutic use
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 5(1): 41-44, oct. 2011. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-613295


Introducción: La esferocitosis hereditaria es la causa más común de anemia hemolítica crónica en Estados Unidos y Europa, con una incidencia de 1 cada 5.000 nacimientos. Se debe a una alteración de la membrana eritrocitaria. Los pacientes afectados pueden permanecer asintomáticos, con una hemólisis mínima, o desarrollar una anemia hemolítica severa. Presentación del caso: Lactante menor de 3 meses, con antecedentes de ictericia neonatal prolongada hasta la fecha de la consulta en policlínico de San Ignacio por regurgitación postprandial. Se realiza hemograma por presentar intensa palidez e ictericia, detectándose anemia severa, signos de hemólisis de eritrocitos e hiperbilirrubinemia de tipo indirecta. Se decide su hospitalización en Hospital Clínico Herminda Martin (HCHM), encontrándose hipoactivo, sin otros síntomas. Se transfunden 50cc de glóbulos rojos, evolucionando favorablemente. Durante la hospitalización se averigua el antecedente de prima que hace 6 años fue esplenectomizada por cuadros de anemia hemolítica recurrente durante 5 años. Se decide alta, tratamiento con ácido fólico e interconsulta con hematólogo. Discusión: Aunque la esferocitosis hereditaria se trata de la anemia hemolítica congénita más frecuente en Chile, su diagnóstico se dificulta de no conocerse antecedentes familiares o si no existe reticulocitosis ni esplenomegalia (como en este caso), lo que lleva a pensar en otras causas de anemia. Por esto, fue de importancia el antecedente familiar conocido tras su ingreso, pues orientó a un diagnóstico que en este caso no tenía una presentación típica.

Introduction: Hereditary spherocytosis is a common cause of hemolytic anemia due to an alteration of the erythrocyte membrane. Affected patients can remain asymptomatic, with a minimum hemolysis, or develop a severe hemolytic anemia. It is transferred as an autosomal dominant disease, less frequent as an autosomal recessive one, or with no medical history in the family. Case report: 3 month-old infant, with a medical history of neonatal ictericy lengthy so far, consultation at San Ignacio polyclinic because of a postprandial regurgitation, a hemogramis carried out by presenting intense paleness and ictericy, detecting severe anemia and indirect hyperbilirubinemia. It is decided to hospitalize him into Herminda Martin Clinic Hospital, being hypoactive, with no other symptoms. 50 cc red corpuscles are transfused, progressing favorably. During hospitalization it is found out the medical history of a cousin who was splenectomized due to hemolytic anemia symptoms recurring for 5 years. It is decided the discharge with a folic acid treatment and an interconsult with a hematologist. Discussion: Although the hereditary spherocytosis is the congenital hemolytic anemia more frequent in Chile, its diagnosis turns more complicated for an unknown medical history in the family, or if it does not present reticulocytosis nor splenomegaly (as in this case), which leads to think of other causes of anemia. Because of that it was very important the medical history of the family known after his admission into the hospital, because it directed towards a diagnosis that in this case did not have a typical presentation.

Humans , Male , Infant , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/diagnosis , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Erythrocyte Transfusion , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/therapy
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 26(1): 33-45, ene.-mar. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-617297


Se evaluó la efectividad de la esplenectomía parcial (EP) en 17 pacientes con esferocitosis hereditaria atendidos en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología. La edad al diagnóstico fue de 6,71 ± 5,38 meses. Todos presentaron esplenomegalia. Un paciente presentó litiasis vesicular antes de la intervención. Los criterios para indicar la esplenectomía fueron: requerimientos transfusionales (82,4 por ciento), anemia crónica y esplenomegalia (11,7 por ciento) y esplenomegalia (5,9 por ciento). La edad al momento de la EP fue de 7,0 ± 2,6 años. La hemoglobina (Hb) estaba disminuida en el 94,1 por ciento de los enfermos; los reticulocitos aumentados en el 100 por ciento y la bilirrubina total e indirecta elevada en el 76,5 por ciento y 88,2 por ciento, respectivamente. El promedio de edad actual de los pacientes es de 16,24 ± 4,26 años, con un tiempo de evolución de 9,24 ± 4,47 años. Las variables de laboratorio posoperatorio mostraron incremento significativo de la Hb (p= 4 × 10-9) y disminución de los reticulocitos (p= 0,003). La tendencia en el tiempo de la Hb mantuvo estabilidad de los niveles alcanzados luego de la intervención, en todos los pacientes con más de 10 años de operados, no así para los reticulocitos. Dos pacientes presentaron crecimiento del fragmento esplénico; uno se asoció con mala respuesta clínico-hematológica. No se comprobó sepsis ni complicaciones tromboembólicas con posterioridad al proceder.

The effectiveness of partial splenomegalia (PS) was assessed in 17 patients with hereditary spherocytosis seen in the Hematology and Immunology Institute. Age at diagnosis was of 6.71 ± 5.38 months. All of them had splenomegalia. A patient had vesicular lithiasis before intervention. Criteria to presence of splenomegalia were: transfusion requirements (822.4 percent), chronic anemia and splenomegalia (11.7 percent) and splenomegalia (5.9 percent). Age at moment of PS was of( 7.0 ± 2.6 years). Hemoglobin (Hb) was low in the 94,1 percent of patients; reticulocytes increased in the 100 percent and the total and indirect bilirubin was high in the 76,5 percent and the 88,2 percent, respectively. Current mean age of patients is 16,24 ± 4,26 years with a course time of 9,24 ± 4,47 years. Postoperative laboratory variables showed a significant increase of Hb (p= 4 × 10-9) and a decrease of reticulocytes (p= 0.003). Trend in time of Hb remained stable in levels achieved after intervention in all patients with more than 10 years of operated on, but not for reticulocytes. Two patients showed a growing of splenic fragment; one was associated with a poor clinical-hematological response. There not sepsis or thromboembolism complications after procedure.

Humans , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/therapy , Splenectomy/methods , Treatment Outcome
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-628561


Se realizó un estudio hematológico, bioquímico y clínico a 6 pacientes diagnosticados con esferocitosis hereditaria (HS) y a sus familiares (40). Se encontraron 13 familiares portadores de la enfermedad. En 4 familias, el patrón de herencia fue autosómico dominante y en 2 de ellas no se pudo precisar. Los 19 casos se clasificaron en: 6 (31,6 %) portadores asintomáticos, 2 (10,5 %) con esferocitosis hereditaria ligera, 9 (47,4 %) con la forma típica y 2 (10,5 %) con la forma severa. Diez (52,6 %) tenían defecto de espectrina, de ellos, 6 (31,5 %) con otra alteración asociada. En 8 (42,1 %) no se pudo precisar el defecto bioquímico. No observamos relación entre la alteración bioquímica y el cuadro clínico de la enfermedad. La expresión hematológica, bioquímica y clínica fue muy heterogénea entre las diferentes familias y entre los miembros afectados de cada una de ellas. La alteración bioquímica más frecuente fue la deficiencia de espectrina. Nuestros resultados son similares a los señalados por otros investigadores.

A hematologic, biochemical and clinical study was conducted in 6 patients diagnosed with inheritable spherocytosis (IS) and its relatives (40). There were 40 family carriers of this disease. In 4 family, the inheritance pattern was autosomal dominant, and in two of them it was impossible its determination. The 19 cases were classified in: 6 (31,6%) asymptomatic carriers,2 (10,5%) with light-inheritable spherocytosis, 9 (47,4%) con the typical presentation, and 2 (10,5%) with the severe presentation. Ten (52,6%) had spectrine defect , from them, 6 (31,5%) with another associated alteration. In 8 (42,1%) it was impossible to determine the biochemical defect. There was not relation between biochemical alteration and the clinical picture of this disease. Hematologic, biochemical and clinical expression was very heterogeneous among the different families and among the members affected of each. The more frequent biochemical alteration was the spectrine deficiency. Our results are similar to reported by other researchers.

Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 14(2): 156-161, mar. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-617742


La esferocitosis hereditaria conocida también como enfermedad de Minkowski-Chauffard, es una patología genética que forma parte de las anemias hemolíticas, caracterizada por la producción de hematíes de forma esferoidal, por un defecto en la membrana del mismo, lo cual hace que se destruyan en el bazo. A menudo se diagnostica durante la niñez, pero es posible que los casos más leves se descubran de manera incidental en la vida adulta. Realizamos una revisión de la esferocitosis hereditaria, a propósito de la presentación de un paciente del hospital “Luis Vernaza” a quien se diagnosticó esta enfermedad a los 48 años de edad y se aplicó tratamiento médico y quirúrgico con resultados favorables.

Hereditary spherocytosis also known as Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome, is a genetic disease that belong in the group of the hemolytic anemias. It is (characterized) by the production of spheroid blood cells because of a membrane defect, which makes them destroy themselves inside the spleen. It is frequently diagnosed during childhood, but it is possible that minor cases are discovered in an incidental way during adulthood. We carried out a revision of hereditary spherocytosis, because of patient in Hospital Luis Vernaza who was diagnosed this disease at the age of 48 and had medical and surgical treatment with favorable outcome.

Male , Adult , Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital , Congenital Abnormalities , Spherocytosis, Hereditary , Gallstones , Hemolysis , Jaundice , Splenomegaly
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 76(1): 67-69, ene.-feb. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633976


El miocardio no compactado es una entidad de origen congénito que pertenece al grupo de las miocardiopatías no clasificables. Su asociación con la esferocitosis hereditaria se ha publicado en un único caso en el mundo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de esferocitosis hereditaria admitida en nuestra unidad coronaria con diagnóstico clínico de insuficiencia cardíaca por miocardiopatía dilatada. El hallazgo de una imagen hiperecogénica y móvil en el ecocardiograma motivó la realización de una resonancia magnética cardiovascular que determinó el diagnóstico de miocardio no compactado. Se derivó a la paciente a un centro de referencia para trasplante cardíaco, que no llegó a concretarse.

Noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium is a congenital disorder that has been categorized as an unclassified cardiomyopathy. The association of this congenital cardiomyopathy with hereditary spherocytosis has been published only once. In this case report, a woman with a history of hereditary spherocytosis was admitted to our Coronary Care Unit with heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy. The echocardiogram showed a mobile and hyperechogenic image and, subsequently, a cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging was performed, resulting in a diagnosis of noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium. The patient was transferred to a Tertiary Medical Center for cardiac transplantation, but she died before it could be carried out.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 67(6): 698-700, nov.-dic. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633491


La esferocitosis hereditaria es un grupo heterogéneo de desórdenes caracterizados por la variabilidad en la clínica, en los defectos proteicos del citoesqueleto eritrocitario y en el tipo de herencia. Se estudió la sensibilidad y especificidad de la concentración de hemoglobina corpuscular media (CHCM) y el índice de amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria (ADE) en el screening diagnóstico de la esferocitosis hereditaria. Noventa y cuatro pacientes fueron comparados con niños sanos de igual sexo y edad. Todos los índices se obtuvieron por impedancia eléctrica (autoanalizador hematológico Coulter JT). En los pacientes con esferocitosis hereditaria, la CHCM (35.67±1.33 g/dl) y el ADE (20.60±4.5%), fueron significativamente más elevados que en el grupo control (CHCM 33.48±0.68 g/dl, p 0.000; ADE 13.22±0.9%, p 0.000). Con los valores de corte utilizados en nuestro laboratorio (CHCM ≥ 34.5 g/dl; ADE ≥ 14.5%) ambos índices elevados mostraron una sensibilidad de 81% y una especificidad de 98.9% en el screening de esferocitosis hereditaria. La combinación de ambos índices es un excelente predictor para el diagnóstico de esferocitosis hereditaria.

Hereditary spherocytosis is a group of heterogenous disorders characterized by variability in its clinical manifestations, membrane protein defects and inheritance. We analysed the sensitivity and specificity of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and red cell distribution width (RDW) in the diagnostic screening of hereditary spherocytosis. Ninetyfour patients were compared to equal number of healthy, age-matched children. All indexes were derived from measurements obtained by aperture impedance (Coulter Counter Model JT). In patients with hereditary spherocytosis, MCHC (35.67±1.33 g/dl) and RDW (20.60±4.5%) were significantly higher than in normal control subjects (MCHC 33.48±0.68 g/dl, p: 0.000; RDW 13.22±0.9%, p: 0.000). By using a cutoff for the MCHC of 34.5 g/dl and for the RDW of 14.5%, both indexes showed a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 98.9%. The combination of the two test is an excellent predictor for the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Erythrocyte Indices , Hemoglobins/analysis , Mass Screening/methods , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/blood , Confidence Intervals , Mass Screening/standards , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/diagnosis
Gac. méd. Méx ; 142(5): 435-437, sept.-oct. 2006. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-569503


Antecedentes. En México la esferocitosis hereditaria (EH) es la causa principal de anemia hemolítica hereditaria y se debe a mutaciones en uno o más genes implicados en la membrana eritrocitaria, lo que dificulta la identificación del gen primario. Objetivo. Con el fin de valorar la utilización de los polimorfismos G199A y NcoI del gen ANK1, y Memphis I del gen SLC4A1 como marcadores genéticos para identificar esta enfermedad, estimamos sus frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas en 45 muestras de ADN de pacientes con EH y 28 de individuos sanos, las cuales fueron similares en uno y otro grupos para los polimorfismos G199A y Memphis I, con baja frecuencia de heterocigotos, lo que limita su utilidad como marcador genético. Resultados. El polimorfismo NcoI no mostró diferencias alélicas y genotípicas en los grupos de estudio, pero sí mayor frecuencia de heterocigotos (0.49 y 0.43 en enfermos y sanos respectivamente), característica que le confiere ventajas para ser utilizado como marcador genético en familias con EH. Conclusiones. Finalmente, debido a que existen otros genes implicados en la patología molecular de la EH, consideramos que es necesario analizar otros polimorfismos de genes que codifican para las proteínas involucradas en las deficiencias que conducen a esferocitosis hereditaria en la población mexicana.

BACKGROUND: In Mexico, Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS) is the main cause of hereditary hemolytic anemia, due to mutations of one or more genes involved in the erythrocyte membrane, making it difficult to identify the primary gene. OBJECTIVE: With the purpose of estimating the use of the polymorphisms G199A and NcoI of ANK1 gene, and Memphis I of SLC4A1 gene, as genetic markers to screen this disease, we searched the allelic and genotypic frequencies in 45 DNA samples of HS patients and 28 from healthy individuals. RESULTS: Allelic and genotypic frequencies were similar in both studied groups for the G199A and Memphis I polymorphisms, with low frequency of heterozygosis showing its limited use as a genetic marker. The allelic and genotypic frequencies of the NcoI polymorphism were also similar in both groups, however a higher heterozygote frequency was observed (0.49 and 0.43 in patients and healthy individuals), a feature that may turn it into a useful genetic marker. CONCLUSIONS: Since there are other genes implicated in the molecular pathology of the HS, we consider it necessary to continue analyzing other polymorphisms of the genes involved in Hereditary Spherocytosis among the Mexican population.

Humans , Ankyrins/genetics , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/genetics , Anion Exchange Protein 1, Erythrocyte/genetics , Ankyrins/metabolism , DNA , Erythrocytes/metabolism , Spherocytosis, Hereditary/metabolism , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Mexico , Mutation , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Genetic , Anion Exchange Protein 1, Erythrocyte/metabolism
Salud pública Méx ; 25(3): 279-284, 1983.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-14914


Se exponen los resultados de un estudio realizado en una zona rural de Baja California Sur, acerca de la esferocitosis familiar hereditaria. A partir de un paciente diagnosticado y tratado, se localizan un numero elevado de casos, 56 sobre 1142 habitantes, lo que da una tasa de prevalencia de 490 x 10.000 habitantes. Se analizan algunas caracteristicas de la poblacion afectada y se propone que ciertos factores socioeconomicos repercuten en el desarrollo de la enfermedad en detrimento del paciente. Todos los sujetos afectados pertenecen a la misma familia

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Spherocytosis, Hereditary , Socioeconomic Factors , Mexico , Rural Population