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Referência ; serVI(3): e32771, dez. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1569440


Resumo Enquadramento: A literacia em saúde (LS) é a capacidade da pessoa obter e traduzir informações a fim de manter e melhorar a saúde. Objetivo: Caracterizar o nível de LS da pessoa internada num hospital oncológico; avaliar a fiabilidade do instrumento European Health Literacy Survey in Portuguese (HLS-EU-PT). Metodologia: Estudo transversal, quantitativo, descritivo e metodológico. Amostra de 188 pessoas internados num serviço de cirurgia oncológica entre maio e setembro de 2020, os dados foram colhidos através de formulário de caracterização sociodemográfica, de saúde e instrumento de avaliação da LS. Resultados: O HLS-EU-PT apresentou elevado nível de consistência interna. Todos os domínios e níveis de processamento do instrumento se correlacionam positivamente entre si. Os participantes apresentam em média um nível problemático de LS. Conclusão: Os resultados indiciam a necessidade de um maior investimento na capacitação da LS. São necessários mais estudos nesta e noutras populações e contextos de prestação de cuidados de saúde, de forma a direcionar a prática de cuidados na resposta eficaz aos problemas de saúde.

Abstract Background: Health literacy (HL) is the ability of an individual to obtain and translate information in order to maintain and improve their health. Objective: To characterize the level of HL of patients admitted to an oncology hospital and assess the reliability of the Portuguese version of the European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU-PT). Methodology: Cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive, and methodological study. Sample of 188 patients admitted to a surgical oncology unit between May and September 2020. Data were collected through a sociodemographic and health characterization form and a HL assessment tool. Results: The HLS-EU-PT had a high level of internal consistency. All domains and information-processing levels correlated positively with each other. Participants had on average a problematic level of HL. Conclusion: The results indicate the need for greater investment in HL training. Further studies are needed in this population and in other populations and healthcare settings to provide an effective response to health problems.

Resumen Marco contextual: La alfabetización en salud (AS) es la capacidad de una persona para obtener y traducir información con el fin de mantener y mejorar su salud. Objetivo: Caracterizar el nivel de AS de las personas ingresadas en un hospital oncológico; evaluar la fiabilidad del instrumento European Health Literacy Survey in Portuguese (HLS-EU-PT). Metodología: Estudio transversal, cuantitativo, descriptivo y metodológico. Muestra de 188 personas ingresadas en un servicio de cirugía oncológica entre mayo y septiembre de 2020, se recogieron datos mediante un formulario de caracterización sociodemográfica y de salud, y una herramienta de evaluación de AS. Resultados: El HLS-EU-PT mostró un alto nivel de consistencia interna. Todos los dominios y niveles de procesamiento del instrumento correlacionaron positivamente entre sí. Por término medio, los participantes tienen un nivel problemático de AS. Conclusión: Los resultados indican la necesidad de una mayor inversión en formación en AS. Son necesarios más estudios en esta y otras poblaciones, y en entornos sanitarios para orientar la práctica asistencial hacia una respuesta eficaz a los problemas de salud.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e72201, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554065


Objetivo: estimar a prevalência de Aleitamento Materno Exclusivo (AME) entre gemelares pré-termos e investigar o efeito de nascer gemelar e pré-termo no AME na alta hospitalar. Método: coorte prospectiva de recém-nascidos em uma instituição localizada no Rio de Janeiro, no período de 13 de março de 2017 a 12 de outubro de 2018. Dados coletados em questionário e prontuário médico. Foi utilizado DAG para construção do modelo conceitual, análise exploratória dos dados e regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: a prevalência de AME na alta hospitalar de gemelares pré-termos foi de 47,8%. Pré-termos apresentaram maior chance de não estarem em AME na alta hospitalar. Não gemelares apresentaram maior chance de não estarem em AME na alta hospitalar. Conclusão: pouco mais da metade dos gemelares pré-termo não estavam em AME na alta hospitalar. Prematuros tiveram maior chance de não estarem em AME. Não gemelares pré-termo apresentaram maior chance de não estarem em AME.

Objective: to estimate the prevalence of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) in preterm twins and to investigate the effect of twin and preterm birth on EBF at hospital discharge. Method: prospective cohort of newborns in an institution located in Rio de Janeiro, from March 13, 2017, to October 12, 2018. Data collected through a questionnaire and medical records. A DAG was used to build the conceptual model, exploratory data analysis and multiple logistic regression. Results: prevalence of EBF at hospital discharge of preterm twins of 47.8%. Preterm infants were more likely to not be on EBF at hospital discharge. Non-twins were more likely to not be on EBF at hospital discharge. Conclusion: just over half of preterm twins were not on EBF at hospital discharge. Preterm infants had a greater chance of not being on EBF. Preterm non-twins were more likely to not be on EBF.

Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia de Lactancia Materna Exclusiva (LME) entre gemelos prematuros y investigar el efecto de nacer gemelo y prematuro en la LME al momento del alta hospitalaria. Método: cohorte prospectiva de recién nacidos en una institución ubicada en Rio de Janeiro, entre 13//marzo/2017 y 12/octubre/2018. Los datos se recolectaron mediante cuestionario y expediente médico. Se utilizó DAG para la construcción del modelo conceptual, análisis exploratorio de los datos y regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: la prevalencia de LME en el alta hospitalaria de gemelos prematuros fue del 47,8%. Los prematuros tuvieron mayor probabilidad de no estar en LME en el alta hospitalaria. Los no gemelares tuvieron mayor probabilidad de no estar en LME en el alta hospitalaria. Conclusión: poco más de la mitad de los gemelos prematuros no estaban en LME en el alta hospitalaria. Los prematuros tuvieron mayor probabilidad de no estar en LME. Los no gemelos prematuros presentaron mayor probabilidad de no estar en LME.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e74624, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554378


Objetivo: analisar o desenvolvimento da enfermagem traumato-ortopédica a partir da primeira turma de residentes de um hospital especializado. Método: o estudo seguiu a metodologia histórica com abordagem qualitativa. As fontes foram documentos escritos e orais. Resultados: trabalhar em uma instituição especializada foi o ponto de partida para a busca por especialização de enfermeiras atuantes no cuidado traumato-ortopédico, que perceberam o saber/poder adquirido no trabalho assistencial, além da intenção de qualificar a assistência e elevar o hospital a instituto. Estratégias empregadas reúnem a busca por parcerias com instituições universitárias e associativas, além da criação de uma associação própria. Considerações finais: a enfermagem traumato-ortopédica ampliou seu espaço científico ao criar um curso de especialização com uma unidade acadêmica. Foi possível delimitar o poder acadêmico e institucional da enfermagem na instituição de saúde pela formação de enfermeiras especialistas constituindo um grupo de reconhecido pelo saber científico.

Objective: to analyze the development of trauma and orthopedic nursing care from the very first class of residents of a specialized hospital. Method: historical methodology study with a qualitative approach. The sources consisted of written and oral documents. Results: working in a specialized institution was the starting point for nurses who were seeking specialization in the field of trauma and orthopedic care as they noticed the power-knowledge acquired through care work, plus they were willing to improve assistance and take the hospital up to an institute level. Strategies used include the search for partnerships with universities and associative-type institutions, in addition to creating their own association. Final considerations: trauma and orthopedic nursing care expanded its scientific space by creating a specialization course together with an academic unit. It was possible to define the academic and institutional power of the nursing staff in the health institution by considering the training process of its nurse specialists, who consisted of a group recognized for their scientific knowledge.

Objetivo: analizar el desarrollo de la enfermería traumatológica ortopédica a partir del primer grupo de residentes de un hospital especializado. Método: estudio con metodología histórica con un enfoque cualitativo. Las fuentes fueron documentos escritos y orales. Resultados: el trabajo en una institución especializada fue el punto de partida para la búsqueda de la especialización de las enfermeras que trabajaban en la atención traumatológica ortopédica, quienes notaron el saber/poder adquirido en el trabajo asistencial, además de la intención de cualificar la atención y elevar el hospital al nivel de instituto. Las estrategias empleadas incluyen la búsqueda de alianzas con instituciones universitarias y asociaciones, y la creación de una asociación propia. Consideraciones finales: la enfermería traumatológica ortopédica amplió su espacio científico mediante la creación de un curso de especialización con una unidad académica. Se logró delimitar el poder académico e institucional de la enfermería en la institución de salud a través de la formación de enfermeros especialistas, que es un grupo reconocido por el conocimiento científico.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e79207, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563243


Objetivo: avaliar pontuação da National Early Warning Score (NEWS) em relação ao tipo de desfecho e perfil dos pacientes da enfermaria clínica médica de um hospital em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudo quantitativo realizado num hospital público, em Teresina, com 150 prontuários de pacientes internados no setor clínica médica de fevereiro de 2022 a dezembro de 2022, a partir de registros demográficos, clínicos e valores da escala na admissão e desfecho. Resultados: houve associação dos valores da escala com a faixa etária (p=0,029), tempo de internação (p=0,023) e tipo de desfecho (p < 0,001). Alto risco clínico prevaleceu entre pacientes do sexo masculino (13%), na faixa etária de 60 a 94 anos (13%), com permanência de 21 a 57 dias (19,2%) e óbito como desfecho (100%). Conclusão: implementação da referida escala evidenciou ser fundamental para prever agravos clínicos e melhorar qualidade da assistência.

Objective: to evaluate the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in relation to the type of outcome and profile of patients in the medical clinical ward of a hospital in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Method: a quantitative study conducted in a public hospital in Teresina, with 150 medical records of patients admitted to the medical clinic sector from February 2022 to December 2022, based on demographic and clinical records and scale values at admission and outcome. Results: there was an association between the scale values and the age group (p=0.029), length of stay (p=0.023) and type of outcome (p < 0.001). High clinical risk prevailed among male patients (13%), aged between 60 and 94 years (13%), with a stay of 21 to 57 days (19.2%), and death as an outcome (100%). Conclusion: implementation of the aforementioned scale proved to be fundamental for predicting clinical problems and improving care quality.

Objetivo: evaluar el puntaje de la National Early Warning Score (NEWS) con respecto al tipo de desenlace y el perfil de los pacientes de la enfermería clínica médica de un hospital en Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudio cuantitativo realizado en un hospital público en Teresina, con 150 historiales médicos de pacientes internados en el sector de clínica médica desde febrero de 2022 hasta diciembre de 2022, a partir de registros demográficos, clínicos y valores de la escala en la admisión y desenlace. Resultados: hubo asociación de los valores de la escala con la edad (p=0,029), tiempo de internación (p=0,023) y tipo de desenlace (p < 0,001). El alto riesgo clínico prevaleció entre los pacientes del sexo masculino (13%), en la franja de edad entre 60 y 94 años (13%), con una estancia de 21 a 57 días (19,2%) y fallecimiento como desenlace (100%). Conclusión: la implementación de dicha escala demostró ser fundamental para prever agravios clínicos y mejorar la calidad de la asistencia.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e80171, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566275


Objetivo: analisar o empoderamento estrutural de enfermeiros em um hospital de alta complexidade. Métodos: estudo quantitativo, analítico e transversal, realizado com 93 enfermeiros, utilizando um questionário sociodemográfico e ocupacional e o Questionário de Condições de Eficácia no Trabalho II. Os dados foram coletados entre fevereiro e março de 2023. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio de estatística descritiva, teste de Kolgomorov-Smirnov, teste do qui-quadrado e regressão de Poisson. Resultados: os enfermeiros apresentaram nível moderado de empoderamento estrutural, com média de 20,67 (p<0,000). O componente mais pontuado foi a oportunidade (4,22 dp±0,80). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos níveis de empoderamento estrutural relacionadas às unidades de trabalho (p-Valor 0,381), vínculo empregatício (p-Valor 0,352) e grau de instrução (p-Valor 0,839). O modelo de regressão de Poisson indica que tanto pode haver altos ou baixos níveis de empoderamento a depender do setor. Conclusão: os enfermeiros demonstraram possuir níveis moderados de empoderamento estrutural.

Objective: to analyze the structural empowerment of nurses in a high-complexity hospital. Methods: a quantitative, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out with 93 nurses, using a sociodemographic and occupational questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Conditions of Effectiveness at Work II. The data was collected between February and March 2023. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test, the chi-square test, and Poisson regression. Results: the nurses had a moderate structural empowerment level, with a mean of 20.67 (p<0.000). The highest scoring component was opportunity (4.22 sd±0.80). No significant differences were found in the structural empowerment levels related to work units (p-Value 0.381), employment relationship (p-Value 0.352) and education level (p-Value 0.839). The Poisson regression model indicates that there can be either high or low empowerment levels depending on the sector. Conclusion: nurses showed moderate structural empowerment levels.

Objetivo: analizar el empoderamiento estructural del enfermero en un hospital de alta complejidad. Métodos: estudio cuantitativo, analítico y transversal, realizado con 93 enfermeros, utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico y ocupacional y el Cuestionario de Condiciones de Efectividad en el Trabajo II. Los datos se recolectaron entre febrero y marzo de 2023. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva, prueba de Kolgomorov-Smirnov, prueba de chi-cuadrado y regresión de Poisson. Resultados: los enfermeros presentaron un nivel moderado de empoderamiento estructural, la media fue de 20,67 (p<0,000). El componente con mayor puntaje fue oportunidad (4,22 DE±0,80). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de empoderamiento estructural relacionados con las unidades de trabajo (valor p 0,381), la relación laboral (valor p 0,352) y el nivel de formación (valor p 0,839). El modelo de regresión de Poisson indica que pueden existir niveles altos o bajos de empoderamiento dependiendo del sector. Conclusión: los enfermeros demostraron niveles moderados de empoderamiento estructural.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1388569, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228798


Background: The Taiwanese government adopted the National Health Insurance (NHI) system in March 1995. This study aimed to understand the difference in medication costs before (year 2019) and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021) among different hospitals for treating their patients. Methods: The NHI claims database consisting of claims of prescription drugs for inpatients (IPD) and outpatients (OPD) in Taiwan was used to determine drug expenditure in different hospitals, particularly the top 10 prescription Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) categories. Results: In medical centers, L01X (other antineoplastic agents) showed the highest drug expenditure, followed by L04A (immunosuppressants) and J05A (direct-acting antivirals). The drug expenditure pattern in regional hospitals was similar to that in medical centers, with L01X (other antineoplastic agents) showing the highest drug expenditure. L01X (other antineoplastic agents) also showed the highest drug expenditure in district hospitals, followed by N05A (antipsychotics) and A10B (blood glucose-lowering drugs, excluding insulin). In clinics, A10B (blood glucose-lowering drugs, excluding insulin) showed the highest drug expenditure. The total medication costs in 2021 were lower or similar to those in 2019. The use of systemic use anti-infectives decreased over time in OPDs among all hospita1 levels but increased in IPDs in medical centers and district hospitals. Furthermore, our analysis revealed that the trend in drug expenditure closely mirrored the trend in drug prescription volume for the highest annual sum cost item among the top 10 drug subgroups across different hospital levels. Conclusion: Our analysis found that annual drug expenditures in 2021 were lower or similar to those in 2019, suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to this reduction in drug expenditure.

Global Spine J ; : 21925682241283724, 2024 Sep 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39235925


STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective Cohort Study. OBJECTIVES: Length of Stay (LOS) and resource utilization are of primary importance for hospital administration. This study aimed to understand the incremental effect of having a specific complication on LOS among ASD patients. METHODS: A retrospective examination of prospective multicenter data utilized patients without a complication prior to discharge to develop a patient-adjusted and surgery-adjusted predictive model of LOS among ASD patients. The model was later applied to patients with at least 1 complication prior to discharge to investigate incremental effect of each identified complication on LOS vs the expected LOS. RESULTS: 571/1494 (38.2%) patients experienced at least 1 complication before discharge with a median LOS of 7 [IQR 5 to 9]. Univariate analysis demonstrated that LOS was significantly affected by patients' demographics (age, CCI, sex, disability, deformity) and surgical strategy (invasiveness, fusion length, posterior MIS fusion, direct decompression, osteotomy severity, IBF use, EBL, ASA, ICU stay, day between stages, Date of Sx). Using patients with at least 1 complication prior discharge and compared to the patient-and-surgery adjusted prediction, having a minor complication increased the expected LOS by 0.9 day(s), a major complication by 3.9 days, and a major complication with reoperation by 6.3 days. CONCLUSION: Complications following surgery for ASD correction have different, but predictable impact on LOS. Some complications requiring minimal intervention are associated with significant and substantial increases in LOS, while complications with significant impact on patient quality of life may have no influence on LOS.

Eur J Neurol ; : e16449, 2024 Sep 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236309


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to conduct a meta-analysis on the prevalence of aspiration pneumonia (AP) and hospital mortality in Parkinson disease (PD) as well as the risk of AP in PD patients compared to controls. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE and Embase from inception to 19 March 2024 to identify cross-sectional, cohort, and case-control studies comparing the frequency of AP and hospital mortality in PD patients. We computed risk ratios (RRs) with accompanying 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each study and pooled the results using a random-effects meta-analysis. RESULTS: A total of 781 studies were initially screened, and 13 studies involving 541,785,587 patients were included. Patients with PD had >3 times higher risk of AP compared to controls (RR = 3.30, 95% CI = 1.82-6.00, p < 0.0001). This increased risk was similar in both cohort studies (RR = 3.01, 95% CI = 1.10-8.24, p = 0.03) and case-control studies (RR = 3.86, 95% CI = 3.84-3.87, p < 0.00001). The prevalence of AP in 12 studies was 2.74% (95% CI = 1.69-4.41), and hospital mortality was 10% in six studies (10.0%, 95% CI = 5.32-18.0). Prevalence of AP was higher in studies with smaller sample size (5.26%, 95% CI = 3.08-8.83 vs. 2.06%, 95% CI = 1.19-3.55, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Our meta-analysis showed that patients with PD had >3 times higher risk of AP, with an average 2.74% prevalence and 10.0% hospital mortality. Early recognition and treatment of AP in PD patients will help reduce morbidity and mortality. A multidisciplinary holistic approach is needed to address the multifactorial causes of AP.

Bipolar Disord ; 2024 Sep 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39237479


INTRODUCTION: Bipolar disorder (BD) hospitalization rates in children and adolescents vary greatly across place and over time. There are no population-based studies on youth BD hospitalizations in Spain. METHODS: We identified all patients aged 10-19 hospitalized due to BD in Spain between 2000 and 2021, examined their demographic and clinical characteristics, and assessed temporal trends in hospitalizations - overall and stratified by age and presence of additional psychiatric comorbidity. We used Joinpoint regressions to identify inflection points and quantify whole-period and annual percentage changes (APCs) in trends. RESULTS: Of 4770 BD hospitalizations in 10-19-year-olds between 2000 and 2021 (average annual rate: 4.8 per 100,000), over half indicated an additional psychiatric comorbidity, most frequently substance abuse (62.2%), mostly due to cannabis (72.4%). During the study period, admissions increased twofold with an inflection point: Rates increased annually only between 2000 and 2008, for APCs 34.0% (95% confidence interval: 20.0%, 71.1%) among 10-14-year-olds, 10.3% (6.4%, 14.3%) among 15-19-year-olds, and 15.5% (11.5%, 22.7%) among patients with additional psychiatric comorbidity. Between 2009 and 2021, rates decreased moderately among 10-14-year-olds - APC: -8.3% (-14.1%, -4.4%) and slightly among 15-19-year-olds without additional psychiatric comorbidity - APC: -2.6(-5.7, -1.0), remaining largely stable among 15-19-year-olds overall. CONCLUSIONS: Recent trends in hospitalization due to BD in 10-19-year-olds in Spain indicate salient increases in the early 2000s - especially among (i) patients aged 10-14 (decreasing moderately after 2009 among 10-14-year-olds and plateauing among 15-19-year-olds) and (ii) patients with additional psychiatric comorbidity (i.e., cannabis use disorder). These findings suggest links with recent changes in clinical practices for children and recent trends in substance use among Spanish youth.

J Endovasc Ther ; : 15266028241270862, 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39239963


BACKGROUND: Complex endovascular repair with fenestrated or branched stent grafts is a common approach for treating various types of aortic aneurysms. Bridging stent grafts (BSs) are crucial in connecting aortic endoprosthesis to target vessels, yet current options have demonstrated significant complications. OBJECTIVE: This retrospective single-center study evaluates the initial outcomes and durability of the iCover stent graft (iCover-SG) when used as a BS in fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (FEVAR). METHODS: Retrospective analysis screened procedures for complex aortic aneurysms between August 2021 and January 2024. Patients who underwent FEVAR with iCover-SG as BS were included. Primary and secondary endpoints focused on freedom from iCover-SG-related target vessel instability, technical success, and postoperative outcomes. RESULTS: Within the cohort of 28 patients, 94 iCover-SGs were used as BS, supplying 87 target vessels. The freedom from iCover-SG-related target vessel instability throughout the study reached 94% (82/87). Technical success rates were notably high, with primary success achieved in 94% of cases and secondary success in 99%. Over the follow-up duration, there were instances necessitating reintervention related to iCover-SG, including 4 cases of endoleak, 2 cases of T1cEL, and 2 cases of T3cEL. In-hospital mortality was 7% (n=4), with 2 cases attributed to intraoperative complications. Importantly, no deaths were directly attributed to iCover-SG-related issues. CONCLUSION: The iCover-SG demonstrates promising initial outcomes as a BS in FEVAR, with high technical success rates and satisfactory rates of target vessel instability. Continued monitoring and further studies are warranted to assess long-term durability and outcomes. CLINICAL IMPACT: This study shows that the iCover stent graft achieves satisfactory technical success and target vessel stability in the short- and mid-term when used as a bridging stent graft in FEVAR procedures. Its successful integration into clinical practice broadens the range of available options, providing clinicians with more versatile tools for managing complex endovascular aortic aneurysms. This expanded selection of bridging stent grafts allows for more personalised treatment strategies, improving procedural precision and patient outcomes. The iCover stent graft's reliable performance highlights its potential as a valuable addition to current endovascular techniques, ultimately enhancing patient care in challenging cases.

Acta Diabetol ; 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240308


AIM: To evaluate the impact of a proactive action of a specialized diabetes team (SDT) on different health outcomes in patients hospitalized in high complexity surgery units, including solid organ transplant surgical units, of a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Nested case control study matched (1:1) by age and gender. The control group consisted of patients (n = 120) who were under the standard of care diabetes management admitted three months' prior the cases. The cases were admitted in the same surgical units (n = 120) and were treated in the setting of the so called "Smart Diabetes Hospital" (SDH) consisting in a SDT that prioritized their actions through a digital map showing blood glucose levels obtained during the previous 24 h. RESULTS: SDH implementation resulted in a significant reduction in both blood glucose levels (mean 162.1 ± SD 44.4 vs. mean 145.5 ± SD 48.0; p = 0.008) and hypoglycaemic episodes (19.7% vs. 8.4%: p = 0.002). Furthermore, a reduction of 3 days in the length of stay (LOS) was observed (15.6 ± 10.3 vs. 12.4 ± 6.0), which represents a significant cost-saving. Moreover, more new cases of diabetes were detected during the SDT period (2.5% vs. 6.7%, p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: SDH is effective in diabetes management and reduce LOS in complex surgical units.

Work ; 2024 Sep 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240612


BACKROUND: Motorcycle ambulances are particularly useful in navigating narrow and congested areas during premium hours due to their ability to provide rapid access to patients in pre-hospital emergency healthcare services (PHEHS), possessing suitable and necessary advanced life support accessories, and their speed, flexibility, and ease of maneuverability. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the experiences and challenges encountered by motorcycle ambulance workers in PHEHS. METHODS: This study adopts a qualitative research methodology, specifically employing a phenomenological approach within the framework of a case study. The research sample consists of 19 paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) working on motorcycle ambulances. Purposeful sampling method, specifically the snowball sampling technique, was employed in selecting the sample. Research data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted using a semi-structured interview form, from August 2022 to February 2023. The interviews were transcribed, coded, and thematically analyzed using the MAXQDA program. RESULTS: Participants shared their experiences and the problems they encountered while performing their duties across four themes: purpose of motorcycle ambulances, most frequently assigned cases, challenges encountered, and the importance of teamwork. CONCLUSIONS: It is crucial to ensure personnel safety by forming the motorcycle ambulance team from selected individuals, subjecting the selected personnel to the same standard and comprehensive advanced driving and technical training, regulating working hours, increasing the number of personnel, and fostering teamwork. Further efforts are needed to improve the working conditions of motorcycle ambulance services.

Indian J Crit Care Med ; 28(8): 792-795, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39239172


Introduction: In hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) due to extensively drug resistant gram-negative pathogens, can treatment with high-dose colistin aerosolization using specific aerosol delivery protocol, improve clinical outcome in addition to systemic polymyxin-B? Materials and methods: In a randomized control trial, invasively ventilated adult ICU patients with HAP in whom clinicians decided to start systemic polypeptide antibiotics, were randomized to receive either intravenous polymyxin-B plus high-dose colistin nebulization (5-MIU 8-hourly) using specific protocol or intravenous polymyxin-B alone. Results: The study was closed early after recruiting 60% of planned patients because of slow rate of recruitment (24 patients in over 30 months). Treatment success (Primary outcome) was nonsignificantly higher in intervention group (63.66 vs 30.77%; p = 0.217). There was higher rate of microbiological cure in intervention group (60 vs 9.09%: p = 0.018). Numerically better secondary outcomes including fever-free days, ventilator- or vasopressor free days at day-7, ICU and hospital mortality also did not reach statistical significance. Two episodes of transient hypoxia were seen during aerosol delivery. However, overall incidences of adverse effects were not different between groups. Conclusion: This study could not confirm superiority of high-dose colistin aerosolization plus systemic polymyxin-B strategy over polymyxin-B alone in treating HAP due to extensive drug resistance (XDR) gram-negative pathogens. How to cite this article: Ghosh S. Polymyxin B Plus Aerosolized Colistin vs Polymyxin B Alone in Hospital-acquired Pneumonia ("AEROCOL" Study): A Feasibility Study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2024;28(8):792-795.

BMC Prim Care ; 25(1): 331, 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39243023


BACKGROUND: General hospitals in China have been establishing General Practice Departments (GPD). Although General Practice Nurses (GPNs) are an important part of this medical system, their training has not been synchronised. This study explored the working status of nurses in GPDs in general hospitals in Beijing to provide a theoretical basis for the training and development of GPNs in China. METHODS: We conducted in-depth, individual interviews with outpatient nurses at 19 hospitals in Beijing between March and April 2021. We employed a qualitative analysis to interpret participant narratives and used a codebook thematic analysis to analyse the interview data and extract themes. RESULTS: The analysis revealed four themes: (i) a lack of full-time GPNs in GPDs of most tertiary hospitals, (ii) the inability of GPNs to fully express their potential and skills owing to their limited roles, (iii) insufficient standardised patient education provided by nurses in GPDs, and (iv) a lack of systematic and relevant training for nurses working in general practice settings. CONCLUSIONS: To promote the development of GPNs, GPDs in general hospitals in China should hire full-time GPNs, define their job duties in alignment with their values, and provide standardised training to strengthen their core competencies.

General Practice , Nurse's Role , Qualitative Research , Humans , Nurse's Role/psychology , China , General Practice/education , Female , Male , Adult , Hospitals, General , Interviews as Topic , Middle Aged , Clinical Competence
BMC Cardiovasc Disord ; 24(1): 475, 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39243041


BACKGROUND: Cardiac etiologies arrest accounts for almost half of all in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA), and previous studies have shown that the location of IHCA is an important factor affecting patient outcomes. The aim was to compare the characteristics, causes and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in patients suffering IHCA from different departments of Fuwai hospital in Beijing, China. METHODS: We included patients who were resuscitated after IHCA at Fuwai hospital between March 2017 and August 2022. We categorized the departments where cardiac arrest occurred as cardiac surgical or non-surgical units. Independent predictors of in-hospital survival were assessed by logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 119 patients with IHCA were analysed, 58 (48.7%) patients with cardiac arrest were in non-surgical units, and 61 (51.3%) were in cardiac surgical units. In non-surgical units, acute myocardial infarction/cardiogenic shock (48.3%) was the main cause of IHCA. Cardiac arrest in cardiac surgical units occurred mainly in patients who were planning or had undergone complex aortic replacement (32.8%). Shockable rhythms (ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia) were observed in approximately one-third of all initial rhythms in both units. Patients who suffered cardiac arrest in cardiac surgical units were more likely to return to spontaneous circulation (59.0% vs. 24.1%) and survive to hospital discharge (40.0% vs. 10.2%). On multivariable regression analysis, IHCA in cardiac surgical units (OR 5.39, 95% CI 1.90-15.26) and a shorter duration of resuscitation efforts (≤ 30 min) (OR 6.76, 95% CI 2.27-20.09) were associated with greater survival rate at discharge. CONCLUSION: IHCA occurring in cardiac surgical units and a duration of resuscitation efforts less than 30 min were associated with potentially increased rates of survival to discharge.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Heart Arrest , Hospital Mortality , Humans , Male , Female , Retrospective Studies , Aged , Heart Arrest/mortality , Heart Arrest/therapy , Heart Arrest/diagnosis , Heart Arrest/epidemiology , Heart Arrest/etiology , Middle Aged , Time Factors , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/mortality , Risk Assessment , Aged, 80 and over , Beijing/epidemiology , Cardiology Service, Hospital , China/epidemiology
Resusc Plus ; 19: 100732, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246407


Introduction: Survival rates after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remain low, and early prognostication is challenging. While numerous intensive care unit scoring systems exist, their utility in the early hours following hospital admission, specifically in the targeted temperature management (TTM) population, is questionable. Our aim was to create a score system that may accurately estimate outcome within the first 12 h after admission in patients receiving TTM. Methods: We analyzed data from 103 OHCA patients who subsequently underwent TTM between 2016 and 2022. Patient demographic data, prehospital characteristics, clinical and laboratory parameters were already available in the first 12 h after admission were collected. Following a bootstrap-based predictor selection, we constructed a nonlinear logistic regression model. Internal validation was performed using bootstrap resampling. Discrimination was described using the c-statistic, whereas calibration was characterized by the intercept and slope. Results: According to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) heart rate (AIC = 9.24, p = 0.0013), age (AIC = 4.39, p = 0.0115), pH (AIC = 3.68, p = 0.0171), initial rhythm (AIC = 4.76, p = 0.0093) and right ventricular end-diastolic diameter (AIC = 2.49, p = 0.0342) were associated with 30-day mortality and were used to build our predictive model and nomogram. The area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve for the model was 0.84. The model achieved a C-statistic of 0.7974, with internally validated acceptable calibration (intercept: -0.0190, slope: 0.7772) and low error rates (mean absolute error: 0.040). Conclusion: The model we have developed may be suitable for early risk assessment of patients receiving TTM as part of primary post-resuscitation care. The calculator needed for scoring can be accessed at the following link:

Br Paramed J ; 9(2): 38-43, 2024 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246832


The term 'zero responder' was initially devised in 2010 to describe those passing by or unharmed in a mass casualty incident, who provide life-saving care for injured persons before qualified professionals arrive. This review aims to determine how the literature defines the role of the zero responder and to explore how they can be better integrated into the emergency response. Current definitions of the zero responder in a medical setting were found through a literature search of several databases and online libraries using defined search terms. Additionally, a manual search of citations in included articles was performed to yield more results. In total, 16 papers defining the zero responder were included. These definitions were evaluated, and a revised definition was suggested to clarify the role in a medical setting relating to mass casualty incidents. The role of the zero responder can be facilitated through authority recognition and adequate equipment provision. Familiarisation with the term and role of zero responders among ambulance services is essential for effective collaboration. Further research and clarity on the integration of these two groups is necessary to facilitate effective and safe working between them.

Digit Health ; 10: 20552076241277036, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247093


Background: Health services are undergoing digitalization and applying new digital tools. These changes may provide healthcare managers with opportunities to exercise digital leadership. However, managers' attitudes may influence the extent to which they demonstrate digital leadership. This study explores the attitudes of Norwegian healthcare managers towards: (1) digital tools and change and (2) to what extent digital tools are applicable to various tasks of managers. Methods: Cross-sectional study including 154 managers in hospitals and municipal health services in a Norwegian county. The questionnaire was about management and digital tools, and the data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlations, and content analysis. Results: The healthcare managers perceived that digital tools facilitated a positive change in organizational work processes aligned with values and goals. Digital tools supported administrative tasks such as gaining control over responsibilities. However, 76 managers stated that certain tasks, including interactions with employees (e.g. performance appraisals and sick leave follow-up) and the building of an organizational culture, should not be performed using digital tools or using them only to a limited extent; for these tasks, they preferred in-person meetings. Discussion: Norwegian healthcare managers' attitudes toward digital tools are generally positive, but there are areas where they find the tools less suitable. Conclusions: The results provide new insights into healthcare by indicating that many managers may have positive attitudes toward digital tools. However, digital leadership may not be applicable equally in all areas of healthcare managers' work. This raises the question of whether digital leadership can or should be exercised uniformly in every area of health services.

Heliyon ; 10(16): e35937, 2024 Aug 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247305


The growing demand for easily available healthcare in recent years has fuelled the digitization of healthcare services. The Hospital Management System (HMS) software stands out as a comprehensive solution among the software systems and tools that hospitals and clinics are developing in tandem with this trend. In order to effectively manage many facets of hospital operations, in this paper, we propose an approach for investigating software of this kind. Thus, we characterise the HMS software as a unique sort of batch arrival retrial queueing system (QS) that can handle both ordinary and priority patient demands. Furthermore, it permits patient resistance (balk) and departure (renege) in specific circumstances. The proposed model is additionally deployed within the framework of Bernoulli working vacation. The supplementary variable technique (SVT) has been utilised to obtain the necessary results. ANFIS, a soft computing tool, is used to validate the analytical results as well. Finally, this study seeks to enhance the cost-effectiveness of software creation by employing four unique optimization methods, aiming to achieve optimal efficiency in resource utilization.

Infect Drug Resist ; 17: 3813-3823, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247758


Background: Antimicrobial resistance to ESKAPE pathogens (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp). remains a major challenge in hospital settings. Objective: This study aimed to determine the ESKAPE antimicrobial resistance patterns and associated factors with multi-drug resistance strains among hospitalized patients in a single tertiary care medical hospital in Palestine. Methods: A single-center retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted by reviewing patients' electronic medical records and laboratory results from November 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022, at the Palestine Medical Complex in Palestine. The study included patients aged > 18 years who had been infected with ESKAPE pathogens 48 hours after hospital admission. Results: This study included 231 patients, of whom 90.5% had MDR infections. In total, 331 clinical samples of ESKAPE pathogens were identified. A. baumannii was the most prevalent MDR pathogen (95.6%) with Carbapenem-resistant exceeding 95%, followed by K. pneumoniae (83.8%) with extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistance exceeding 90%, S. aureus (68.2) with 85% oxacillin-resistance, E. faecium (40%) with 20% vancomycin resistance, P. aeruginosa (22.6%) with 30% carbapenem resistance. Furthermore, emergent colistin resistance has been observed in A. baumannii, K. pneumoniae, and P. aerogenesis. Risk factors for MDR infection included age (p< 0.035), department (p< 0.001), and invasive procedures such as IUC (p< 0.001), CVC (p< 0.000), and MV (p< 0.008). Patients diagnosed with MDR bacteria had increased 30-day mortality (p< 0.001). Conclusion: The findings of this study show alarming MDR among hospitalized patients infected with ESKAPE pathogens, with resistance to first-line antimicrobial agents and emerging resistance to colistin, minimizing treatment options. Healthcare providers and the Ministry of Health must take steps, adopt policies to prevent antimicrobial resistance, adhere to infection control guidelines, implement antimicrobial stewardship programs to prevent and limit the growing health crisis, and support research to discover new treatment options.