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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(2): e17193, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38380447


The Arctic is the fastest warming biome on the planet, and environmental changes are having striking effects on freshwater ecosystems that may impact the regional carbon cycle. The metabolic state of Arctic lakes is often considered net heterotrophic, due to an assumed supply of allochthonous organic matter that supports ecosystem respiration and carbon mineralization in excess of rates of primary production. However, lake metabolic patterns vary according to regional climatic characteristics, hydrological connectivity, organic matter sources and intrinsic lake properties, and the metabolism of most Arctic lakes is unknown. We sampled 35 waterbodies along a connectivity gradient from headwater to downstream lakes, on southern Victoria Island, Nunavut, in an area characterized by low precipitation, organic-poor soils, and high evaporation rates. We evaluated whether lakes were net autotrophic or heterotrophic during the open water period using an oxygen isotopic mass balance approach. Most of the waterbodies were autotrophic and sites of net organic matter production or close to metabolic equilibrium. Autotrophy was associated with higher benthic primary production, as compared to its pelagic counterpart, due to the high irradiance reaching the bottom and efficient internal carbon and nutrient cycling. Highly connected midstream and downstream lakes showed efficient organic matter cycling, as evidenced by the strong coupling between gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration, while decoupling was observed in some headwater lakes with significantly higher GPP. The shallow nature of lakes in the flat, arid region of southern Victoria Island supports net autotrophy in most lakes during the open water season. Ongoing climate changes that lengthen the ice-free irradiance period and increase rates of nutrient evapoconcentration may further promote net autotrophy, with uncertain long-term effects for lake functioning.

Ecosystem , Lakes , Nunavut , Canada , Autotrophic Processes , Carbon Cycle , Carbon/metabolism , Water
Sci Total Environ ; 917: 170532, 2024 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38296104


Semi-arid ecosystems have been shown to dominate over tropical forests in determining the trend and interannual variability of land carbon (C) sink. However, the magnitude and variability of ecosystem C balance remain largely uncertain for temperate semi-arid shrublands at the decadal scale. Using eddy-covariance and micro-meteorological measurements, we quantified the interannual variation in net ecosystem production (NEP) and its components, gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco, i.e., the sum of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration), in a semi-arid shrubland of the Mu Us Desert, northern China during 2012-2022. This shrubland was an overall weak C sink over the 11 years (NEP = 12 ± 46 g C m-2 yr-1, mean ± SD). Annual NEP ranged from -66 to 77 g C m-2 yr-1, with the ecosystem frequently switching between being an annual C sink and a C source. GPP was twice as sensitive as Reco to prolonged dry seasons, leading to a close negative relationship between annual NEP and dry-season length (R2 = 0.80, P < 0.01). Annual GPP (R2 = 0.51, P = 0.01) and NEP (R2 = 0.58, P < 0.01) were positively correlated with annual rainfall. Negative annual NEP (the ecosystem being a C source) tended to occur when the dry season exceeded 50 d yr-1 or rainfall dropped below 280 mm yr-1. Increases in dry-season length strengthened the effects of low soil moisture relative to high vapor pressure deficit in constraining NEP. Both GPP and NEP were more closely correlated with C uptake amplitude (annual maximum daily values) than with C uptake period. These findings indicate that dry-season extension under climate change may reduce the long-term C sequestration in semi-arid shrublands. Plant species adapted to prolonged dry seasons should be used in ecosystem restoration in the studied area to enhance ecosystem functions.

Heliyon ; 9(10): e20322, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37767477


Carbon capture and storage due to photosynthesis activities has been proposed as a carbon sink to mitigate climate change. To enhance such mitigation, previous studies have shown that freshwater lakes should be included in the carbon sink, since they may capture as much carbon as coastal areas. In eutrophic freshwater lakes, there is uncertainty about whether the equilibrium equation can estimate the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), owing to the presence of photosynthesis due to phytoplankton, and pH measurement error in freshwater fluid. Thus, this study investigated the applicability of the equilibrium equation and revealed the need to modify it. The modified equilibrium equation was successfully applied to reproduce pCO2 based on total alkalinity and pH through field observations. In addition, pCO2 at the water surface was lower than the atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide due to photosynthesis by phytoplankton during strong stratification. The stratification effect on low pCO2 was verified by using the Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) model, and a submerged freshwater plants such as Potamogeton malaianus were found to have high potential for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) sequestration in a freshwater lake. These results should provide a starting point toward more sophisticated methods to investigate the effect of freshwater carbon on DIC uptake in freshwater stratified eutrophic lakes.

Sci Total Environ ; 901: 165932, 2023 Nov 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37532046


Terrestrial carbon uptake is critical to the removal of greenhouse gases and mitigation of global warming, which are closely related to land use and cover change (LUCC). However, understanding terrestrial carbon uptake and the LUCC contribution remains unclear because of complex interactions with other drivers (particularly climate change). By proposing an innovative approach of "trajectory analysis", this study aimed to isolate the LUCC contribution to terrestrial carbon uptake over different scales. Methodologically, global land was first divided into sub-regions of land transformations and stable land trajectories. Then, the carbon uptake change in the stable land trajectory was taken as a synthetic influence of climate change, which was used as a reference to isolate the carbon uptake alternation generated from the LUCC contribution in the land transformation trajectories. Finally, future LUCC and the terrestrial carbon uptake response were predicted under different development pathways. The results showed the global mean net ecosystem production (NEP) was 27.44 ± 36.51 g C m-2 yr-1 in the past two decades (2001-2019), generating 3.15 ± 0.88 Pg C yr-1 of the total terrestrial carbon uptake. Both the NEP and total carbon uptake showed significant increasing trends. Specifically, the mean NEP increased from 17.96 g C m-2 yr-1 in 2001 to 37.37 g C m-2 yr-1 in 2019, with the trend written as y = 1.20× + 15.20 (R2 = 0.62, p < 0.01). Meanwhile, the total carbon uptake increased from 2.35 Pg C yr-1 in 2001 to 4.13 Pg C yr-1 in 2019, which could be written as y = 0.12× + 1.93 (R2 = 0.56, p < 0.01). Climate change acted as the dominant factor for the trends at the global scale, which contributed 21.26 g C m-2 yr-1 and 1.59 Pg C yr-1 of the mean NEP and total carbon uptake changes in the stable land trajectories (94.30 million km2 that covered 63.29 % of the global land area), and the historical LUCC contributed -6.30 g C m-2 yr-1 (-40.85 %) and - 0.046 Pg C yr-1 (-57.50 %) of the mean NEP and the total carbon uptake change in the land transformation trajectories (6.64 million km2 that covered 4.46 % of the global land area), respectively. The maximum LUCC contribution (-61.85 g C m-2 yr-1) to the mean NEP occurred in the land transformations from evergreen needleleaf forests to woody savannas, while the maximum contribution (-0.034 Pg C y-1) to total carbon uptake was in the deforested regions from evergreen broadleaf forests to woody savannas. Eight SSP-RCP scenarios predictions demonstrated that future terrestrial carbon uptake would increase by an average of 0.015 Pg C yr-1 in 2100 due to global afforestation. SSP4-3.4 and SSP5-3.4 had the greatest potential for increasing carbon uptake, which is expected to reach a maximum increase (0.045 Pg C yr-1) in 2100. In contrast, the minimum terrestrial carbon uptake would occur in SSP5-8.5, which had the highest CO2 emissions. In conclusion, although relatively limited at the global scale, LUCC (particularly forest change) exerted an unneglectable role on terrestrial carbon uptake in land transformation regions. The results of this study will help to clarify terrestrial carbon uptake dynamics and provide a basis for carbon neutral and climatic adaptation.

Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1136037, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37229137


Increasing frequencies of heatwaves combined with simultaneous drought stress in Europe threaten the ecosystem water and carbon budgets of alpine grasslands. Dew as an additional water source can promote ecosystem carbon assimilation. It is known that grassland ecosystems keep high evapotranspiration as long as soil water is available. However, it is rarely being investigated whether dew can mitigate the impact of such extreme climatic events on grassland ecosystem carbon and water exchange. Here we use stable isotopes in meteoric waters and leaf sugars, eddy covariance fluxes for H2O vapor and CO2, in combination with meteorological and plant physiological measurements, to investigate the combined effect of dew and heat-drought stress on plant water status and net ecosystem production (NEP) in an alpine grassland (2000 m elevation) during the June 2019 European heatwave. Before the heatwave, enhanced NEP in the early morning hours can be attributed to leaf wetting by dew. However, dew benefits on NEP were cancelled out by the heatwave, due to the minor contribution of dew in leaf water. Heat-induced reduction in NEP was intensified by the combined effect of drought stress. The recovery of NEP after the peak of the heatwave could be linked to the refilling of plant tissues during nighttime. Among-genera differences of plant water status affected by dew and heat-drought stress can be attributed to differences in their foliar dew water uptake, and their reliance on soil moisture or the impact of the atmospheric evaporative demand. Our results indicate that dew influence on alpine grassland ecosystems varies according to the environmental stress and plant physiology.

Ecol Lett ; 26(5): 797-804, 2023 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36924007


Wetlands are strategic areas for carbon uptake, but accurate assessments of their sequestration ability are limited by the uncertainty and variability in their carbon balances. Based on 2385 observations of annual net ecosystem production from global wetlands, we show that the mean net carbon sinks of inland wetlands, peatlands and coastal wetlands are 0.57, 0.29 and 1.88 tons of carbon per hectare per year, respectively, with a mean value of 0.57 tons of carbon per hectare per year weighted by the distribution area of different wetland types. Carbon sinks are mainly in Asia and North America. Within and across wetland types, we find that water table depth (WTD) exerts greater control than climate- and ecosystem-related variables, and an increase in WTD results in a stronger carbon sink. Our results highlight an urgent need to sustain wetland hydrology under global change; otherwise, wetlands are at high risk of becoming carbon sources to the atmosphere.

Ecosystem , Wetlands , Carbon Sequestration , Carbon Dioxide , Carbon , Soil
Sci Total Environ ; 854: 158541, 2023 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36075426


The lowland tropical triple-cropping rice system has unique characteristics that affect the hydrological, nutrient, and atmospheric environments. To better understand the ecosystem carbon and water dynamics of a triple-cropping rice paddy from the perspective of sustainability, ecosystem-level CO2 flux and ecosystem water use efficiency (eWUE) were observed using eddy covariance over 2 years (2016-2018) at an experimental field site in southern India, and gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (RE) were derived using the flux partitioning technique. Results showed that among the three crop seasons per year, GPP and RE were higher (887.2 and 570.2 g C m-2, respectively) in Thaladi (October-January: wet season) than in Kuruvai (June-September: dry season; 773.4 and 568.9 g C m-2, respectively) and summer rice (February-May; 694.0 and 499.7 g C m-2, respectively) owing to the longer growing season. Triple-cropping meant that the quasi-annual GPP of 2598 g C m-2 (i.e., the total value for the three consecutive seasons, including the corresponding fallow periods) was much greater than the quasi-annual RE of 1974 g C m-2. Consequently, the net ecosystem production value was positive (624 g C m-2). Evapotranspiration was also high on the annual scale (1681 mm); that is, 48 % greater than mean annual precipitation (1139 mm). Analysis revealed that Thaladi had higher eWUE (2.21 g C (kg H2O)-1) than that of Kuruvai (1.46 g C (kg H2O)-1) and summer rice (1.57 g C (kg H2O)-1) owing to decreased water loss in cloudy weather. Intense solar radiation is generally recognized as advantageous for crop growth in most regions, but not for Kuruvai and summer rice, when too strong solar radiation increases loss of water unused for photosynthesis. The findings indicate that water-saving techniques should be targeted on the Kuruvai and summer rice seasons.

Sci Total Environ ; 856(Pt 2): 159075, 2023 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36174685


Recently, drought events have occurred frequently and have profoundly altered the carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. How drought affects carbon sequestration is an important issue which may assist in understanding and confronting the challenges of extreme climate change. Nevertheless, drought-induced carbon-cycle effects remain scarce from the perspective of drought indices. In this study, we quantified the impacts of potential evapotranspiration (PET), standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), downward short-wave radiation flux (SWDown), and soil water (Soil_w) on net ecosystem productivity (NEP). We showed that the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of drought was extremely significant, and the hot spots of aridification were mainly distributed in the southwestern Yungui Plateau (YG) and Northwest China (NW). Moreover, the "pan evaporation paradox" appeared across the Chinese mainland before the 1990s and subsequently disappeared. Similarly, in contrast to the moderate NEP fluctuation between 1981 and 1999, since the beginning of the 21st century, NEP has increased significantly across Chinese mainland, YG, the plains region of Changjiang (CJ), and Southeast China (SE). Meanwhile, there are obvious directional, temporal, and spatial differences in the effects of the drought indices on NEP. Specifically, a higher SPEI value results in a more obvious promoting effect on NEP in SE, North China (NN), and northeastern YG. An increase in SWDown can promote an increase in NEP, especially in the northeastern YG and central SE. The increase in Soil_w in parts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Xinjiang Region (XJ), southeastern NW, NN, and Northeast China with poor water conditions can promote carbon sinks. The inhibition effect is particularly obvious in some areas of CJ, where water resources are abundant. The fluctuation in PET has a relatively low influence on NEP. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of drought change and its impact on carbon sequestration and may help in formulating appropriate policies for carbon management and ecological security.

Carbon Sequestration , Droughts , Ecosystem , Climate Change , Soil , Carbon/analysis , Water , China
Sci Total Environ ; 864: 160699, 2023 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36528097


In hardwater lakes, calcite precipitation is an important yet poorly understood process in the lacustrine carbon cycle, in which catchment-derived alkalinity (Alk) is both transformed and translocated. While the physico-chemical conditions supporting the supersaturation of water with respect to calcite are theoretically well described, the magnitude and conditions underlying calcite precipitation at fine temporal and spatial scales are poorly constrained. In this study, we used high frequency, depth-resolved (0-30 m) data collected over 18 months (June 2019 - November 2020) in the deeper basin of Lake Geneva to describe the dynamics of calcite precipitation fluxes at a fine temporal resolution (day to season) and to scale them to carbon fixation by primary production. Calcite precipitation occurred during the warm stratified periods when surface water CO2 concentrations were below atmospheric equilibrium. Seasonally, the extent of Alk loss due to calcite precipitation (i.e., [30-42] g C m-2) depended upon the level of Alk in surface waters. Moreover, interannual variability in seasonal calcite precipitation depended on the duration of stratification, which determined the volume of the water layer susceptible to calcite precipitation. At finer timescales, calcite precipitation was characterized by marked daily variability with dynamics strongly related to that of planktonic autotrophic metabolism. Increasing daily calcite precipitation rates (i.e., maximum values 9 mmol C m-3 d-1) coincided with increasing net ecosystem production (NEP) during periods of enhanced water column stability. In these conditions, calcite precipitation could remove as much inorganic carbon from the productive layers as NEP. This study provides mechanistic insights into the conditions driving pelagic calcite precipitation, and quantifies its essential contribution to the coupling of organic and inorganic carbon cycling in lakes.

Water Res ; 222: 118907, 2022 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35944408


The precipitation of carbonate minerals does not invariably result in CO2 emission to the atmosphere, because dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) can be partially utilized by terrestrial aquatic phototrophs, thus generating an autochthonous organic carbon (AOC) sink. However, little is known about the potential effects of this mechanism on carbon cycles in DIC-rich lakes, mainly due to the lack of detailed documentation of the related processes, which limits our ability to accurately evaluate and predict the magnitude of this carbon sink. We conducted field observations in Fuxian Lake, a large and representative karst lake in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, SW China. Continuous diel monitoring was conducted to quantitatively assess the coupled relationship between lake metabolism and DIC cycling and its influence on the carbonate weathering-related CO2 sink. We found that the diel physicochemical variations and isotopic characteristics were mainly controlled by the metabolism of aquatic phototrophs, evidenced by a significant relationship between net ecosystem production and diel DIC cycling, and demonstrating the significance of DIC fertilization in supporting high primary production in karst lakes. The data showed that a reduction in photosynthesis occurred in the afternoon of almost every day, which can be explained by the lower CO2/O2 ratio that increased the potential for the photorespiration of aquatic plants, thus reducing photosynthesis. We found that a net autotrophic ecosystem prevailed in Fuxian Lake, suggesting that the lake functions more as a sink than a source of atmospheric CO2. Considering carbonate weathering, the estimated AOC sink amounted to 650-704 t C km-2 yr-1, demonstrating both the potentially significant role of metabolism in lacustrine carbon cycling and the potential of the combination of photosynthesis and carbonate weathering for carbon sequestration. Our findings may help to quantitatively estimate the future impact of lake metabolism on carbon cycling, with implications for formulating management policies needed to regulate the magnitude of this carbon sink.

Carbon Dioxide , Lakes , Carbon/analysis , Carbonates/analysis , China , Ecosystem
Plant Cell Environ ; 45(8): 2271-2291, 2022 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35419849


Carbon allocation determines plant growth, fitness and reproductive success. However, climate warming and drought impacts on carbon allocation patterns in grasses are not well known, particularly following grazing or clipping. A widespread C3 pasture grass, Festuca arundinacea, was grown at 26 and 30°C in controlled environment chambers and subjected to drought (65% reduction relative to well-watered controls). Leaf, root and whole-plant carbon fluxes were measured and linked to growth before and after clipping. Both drought and warming reduced gross primary production and plant biomass. Drought reduced net leaf photosynthesis but increased the leaf respiratory fraction of assimilated carbon. Warming increased root respiration but did not affect either net leaf photosynthesis or leaf respiration. There was no evidence of thermal acclimation. Moreover, root respiratory carbon loss was amplified in the combined drought and warming treatment and, in addition to a negative carbon balance aboveground, explained an enhanced reduction in plant biomass. Plant regrowth following clipping was strongly suppressed by drought, reflecting increased tiller mortality and exacerbated respiratory carbon loss. These findings emphasize the importance of considering carbon allocation patterns in response to grazing or clipping and interactions with climatic factors for sustainable pasture production in a future climate.

Droughts , Poaceae , Biomass , Carbon , Carbon Cycle , Carbon Dioxide , Ecosystem , Plant Leaves/physiology , Plants
Natl Sci Rev ; 9(4): nwab150, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35386922


Interannual variability of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink is substantially regulated by various environmental variables and highly dominates the interannual variation of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Thus, it is necessary to determine dominating factors affecting the interannual variability of the carbon sink to improve our capability of predicting future terrestrial carbon sinks. Using global datasets derived from machine-learning methods and process-based ecosystem models, this study reveals that the interannual variability of the atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was significantly negatively correlated with net ecosystem production (NEP) and substantially impacted the interannual variability of the atmospheric CO2 growth rate (CGR). Further analyses found widespread constraints of VPD interannual variability on terrestrial gross primary production (GPP), causing VPD to impact NEP and CGR. Partial correlation analysis confirms the persistent and widespread impacts of VPD on terrestrial carbon sinks compared to other environmental variables. Current Earth system models underestimate the interannual variability in VPD and its impacts on GPP and NEP. Our results highlight the importance of VPD for terrestrial carbon sinks in assessing ecosystems' responses to future climate conditions.

Environ Manage ; 69(3): 612-625, 2022 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35079882


Coral reef metabolism measurements have been used by scientists for decades to track reef responses to the globe's changing carbon budget and project shifts in reef function. Here, we propose that metabolism measurement tools and methods could also be used to monitor reef ecosystem change in response to coral restoration. This review paper provides a general introduction to net ecosystem metabolism and carbon chemistry for coral reef ecosystems, followed by a review of five metabolism monitoring methods with potential for application to coral reef restoration monitoring. Selected methodologies included those with measurement scales appropriate to assess outplant arrays and whole reef ecosystem outcomes associated with restoration interventions. Subsequently we discuss how water column and CO2 chemistry could be used to address coral restoration monitoring research gaps and scale up from biological, colony-level metrics to ecosystem-scale function and performance assessments. Such function-based measurements could potentially be used to inform several goal-based monitoring objectives highlighted in the Coral Reef Restoration Monitoring Guide. Lastly, this review discusses important methodological factors, such as scale, reef type, and flow environment, that should be considered when determining which metabolism monitoring technique would be most appropriate for a reef restoration project.

Anthozoa , Animals , Carbon , Coral Reefs , Ecosystem
Sci Total Environ ; 803: 150044, 2022 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525696


A typhoon is extreme weather that flushes terrestrial carbon (C) loads and temporally mixes the entire water columns of lakes in subtropical regions. A C flux varies based on the trophic level associated with the ecological cycle related to hydraulic retention time (residence time). Herein, we sought to clarify how the hydraulic retention time and the disturbance from a typhoon affect the C flux regimes in two subtropical mountain lakes in a humid region of Taiwan with different trophic levels-oligotrophic and mesotrophic. We investigated the meteorological data and vertical profiles of the water temperature, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic C (DOC), and chlorophyll a (Chl. a) during the pre-typhoon period (April-July), during the typhoon period (August-November), and the post-typhoon period (December-March) for five years (2009-2010 and 2015-2017). We applied a three-dimensional environmental model (Fantom) to investigate the hydraulic retention effect on the net ecosystem production (NEP) using the residence time in stratified lakes. The results demonstrate that typhoon-induced mixing associated with the hydraulic retention effect plays one of the critical roles in controlling the NEP and C flux in shallow subtropical lakes.

Cyclonic Storms , Lakes , Carbon , Carbon Cycle , Chlorophyll A , Ecosystem
Environ Res ; 207: 112203, 2022 05 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34648763


Abandoned cropland areas have the potential to contribute to climate change mitigation through natural revegetation and afforestation programs. These programs increase above and belowground carbon sequestration by expanding forest cover. However, this potential to mitigate climate change often involves tradeoffs between carbon sequestration and water availability. Particularly in a water limited environments such as the Mediterranean region, any loss of recharge to groundwater or streamflow can have critical societal consequences. In this study, we used an ecohydrologic model, Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys), to quantify these tradeoffs for land management plans in abandoned cropland areas in Mediterranean mountains. Changes to Net Ecosystem Production (NEP), water yield and Water-Use Efficiency (WUE) under different land management and climate scenarios were estimated for Arnás, a catchment with similar geology, vegetation and climate to many of the locations targeted for land abandonment restoration in the Spanish Pyrenees. Results showed significant changes to both carbon and water fluxes related to land management, while changes related to a warming scenario were not significant. Afforestation scenarios showed the highest average annual carbon sequestration rates (112 g C·m-2·yr-1) but were also associated with the lowest water yield (runoff coefficient of 26%) and water use efficiency (1.4 g C·mm-1) compared to natural revegetation (-27 g C·m-2·yr-1, 50%, 1.7 g C·mm-1 respectively). Under both restoration scenarios, results showed that the catchment ecosystem is a carbon sink during mid-February to July, coinciding with peak monthly transpiration and WUE, while during the rest of the year the catchment ecosystem is a carbon source. These results contribute to understanding carbon and water tradeoffs in Mediterranean mountains and can help adapt restoration plans to address both carbon sequestration and water management objectives.

Carbon Sequestration , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Carbon/analysis , Mediterranean Region , Water
Sci Total Environ ; 745: 140917, 2020 Nov 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32726704


Many temperate grasslands are used for dairying, and ongoing research aims to better understand these systems in order to increase animal production and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. However, it is difficult to fully understand management effects on SOC because most changes are slow and difficult to distinguish from natural variability, even if changes are important over years to decades. Eddy covariance (EC) measurements can overcome this problem by continuously measuring net carbon exchange from pastures, but net balances are very sensitive to even small systematic measurement errors. Combining EC measurements with detailed process-based modelling can reduce the risks inherent in total reliance on EC measurements. Modelling can also reveal information about the underlying processes that drive observed fluxes. Here, we describe carbon exchange patterns of five paddocks situated at four different locations in New Zealand and France where EC data and detailed physiological modelling were available. The work showed that respiration by grazing animals was often only incompletely captured in EC measurements. This was most problematic when fluxes were based on gap-filling, which could have estimated incorrect fluxes during grazing periods based on observations from periods without grazing. We then aimed to extract plant physiological insights from these studies. We found appreciable carbon uptake rates even at temperatures below 0 °C. After grazing, carbon uptake was reduced for up to 2 weeks. This reduction was larger than expected from reduced leaf area after grazing, but the factors contributing to that difference have not yet been identified. Detailed physiological models can also extrapolate findings to new management regimes, environmental conditions or plant attributes. This overcomes the limitation of experimental studies, which are necessarily restricted to actual site and weather conditions allowing models to make further progress on predicting management effects on SOC.

Landsc Ecol ; 35(2): 483-499, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32165789


CONTEXT: The contribution of forest understory to the temperate forest carbon sink is not well known, increasing the uncertainty in C cycling feedbacks on global climate as estimated by Earth System Models. OBJECTIVES: We aimed at quantifying the effect of woody and non-woody understory vegetation on net ecosystem production (NEP) for a forested area of 158 km2 in the European Alps. METHODS: We simulated C dynamics for the period 2000-2014, characterized by above-average temperatures, windstorms and a subsequent bark beetle outbreak for the area, using the regional ecosystem model LandscapeDNDC. RESULTS: In the entire study area, woody and non-woody understory vegetation caused between 16 and 37% higher regional NEP as compared to a bare soil scenario over the 15-year period. The mean annual contribution of the understory to NEP was in the same order of magnitude as the average annual European (EU-25) forest C sink. After wind and bark beetle disturbances, the understory effect was more pronounced, leading to an increase in NEP between 35 and 67% compared to simulations not taking into account these components. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings strongly support the importance of processes related to the understory in the context of the climate change mitigation potential of temperate forest ecosystems. The expected increases in stand replacing disturbances due to climate change call for a better representation of understory vegetation dynamics and its effect on the ecosystem C balance in regional assessments and Earth System Models.

Water Res ; 171: 115457, 2020 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31931377


Although estimates of total CO2 emissions from global estuaries are gradually decreasing, current numbers are based on limited data and the impacts of anthropogenic and seasonal disturbances have not been studied extensively. Our study estimates annual and seasonal CO2 fluxes in China's Yellow River Estuary (YRE) which incorporated spatiotemporal variations and the effects of water and sediment regulation (WSR). Aquatic metabolism was estimated using Odum's open water dissolved oxygen methods and used to represent the production and assimilation of CO2. Net ecosystem production (NEP) was used to represent the CO2 flux from biological activities and estimate the major CO2 emitters in the YRE. According to our measurements, the annual CO2 release was 6.14 ± 33.63 mol C m-2 yr-1 from 2009 to 2013 and the annual CO2 efflux from the 1521.3 km2 of estuarine surface area was 0.11 ± 0.61 Tg C yr-1 in the YRE. High CO2 emissions in autumn were balanced by high CO2 sequestration in summer, leading to a lower than expected annual net CO2 efflux. The system is an atmospheric CO2 source in spring and winter, near neutral in early summer, a large sink in late summer after WSR, and finally a large atmospheric CO2 source in autumn. Discharge events and seasonality jointly affect estuarine CO2 flux. High CO2 sequestration in summer is due mainly to a combination of high water temperature, chlorophyll a levels, dissolved inorganic carbon, and solar radiation and low turbidity, discharge, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) after WSR. WSR supports the high gross primary productivity rate which exceeds the increase in ecosystem respiration. Although the YRE, as a whole, is a source of atmospheric CO2, the amount of CO2 released is lower than the average estuarine value of mid-latitude regions. Our findings therefore suggest that global CO2 release from estuarine systems is overestimated if spatiotemporal variations and the effects of anthropogenic disturbance are excluded. The NEP method is effective for estimating the CO2 flux, especially in estuaries where CO2 variation is mainly due to biological processes.

Estuaries , Rivers , Carbon Dioxide , China , Chlorophyll A , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring , Heterotrophic Processes , Seasons
Sci Total Environ ; 665: 419-431, 2019 May 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30772573


Mangrove forests are extremely productive, with rates of growth rivaling some terrestrial tropical rainforests. However, our understanding of the full suite of processes underpinning carbon exchange with the atmosphere and near shore-waters, the allocation of carbon in mangroves, and fluxes of non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs) are limited to a handful of studies. This constrains the scientific basis from which to advocate for greater support for and investment in mangrove restoration and conservation. Improving understanding is urgently needed given the on-going landuse pressures mangrove forests face, particularly throughout much of Southeast Asia. The current study reduces uncertainties by providing a holistic synthesis of the net potential GHG mitigation benefits resulting from rehabilitating mangroves and established forests. Rehabilitating sites from two contrasting locations representative of high (Tiwoho) and low (Tanakeke) productivity systems on the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia) were used as case studies to compare against established mangroves. A carbon budget, allocation and pathways model was developed to account for inputs (carbon sequestration) and outputs (GHG emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4) to estimate Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) and Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance (NECB). Our results indicate that while Tiwoho's rehabilitating sites and established mangroves represent a significant carbon sink (-10.6 ±â€¯0.9 Mg CO2e ha-1 y-1 and 16.1 Mg CO2e ha-1 y-1 respectively), the low productivity of Tanakeke has resulted in minimal reductions to date (0.7 ±â€¯0.3 Mg CO2e ha-1 y-1). Including NEP from mangrove-allied primary producer communities (e.g. benthic algae) and the portion of dissolved inorganic carbon exported from mangroves (EXDIC) that remains within the water column may drive overall removals considerably upwards in established forests to -37.2 Mg CO2e ha-1 y-1. These values are higher than terrestrial forests and strengthen the evidence base needed to underpin the use of forest carbon financing mechanisms for mangrove restoration.

Air Pollutants/analysis , Carbon Sequestration , Conservation of Natural Resources , Greenhouse Gases/analysis , Trees/metabolism , Wetlands , Forests , Indonesia