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J Anal Psychol ; 2024 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39403971


The realization of the Self, although the absolute basis of Jungian psychology, has internal inconsistencies, is difficult to understand, and offers a promise of realization that cannot be fulfilled. This has weakened it, and its existence is now one of speculation. If this is the case, what is to be done with it in the consulting room? How should it be introduced and accounted for, if at all? This paper suggests some alternatives but concludes that the myth of the Self has gravitas in other established traditions, and it is those that offer a more coherent framework for the emergence of the Self.

La réalisation du Soi, bien qu'elle soit la base absolue de la psychologie jungienne, présente des incohérences internes, est difficile à comprendre et offre une promesse de réalisation qui ne peut être atteinte. Tout cela a conduit à un affaiblissement, et l'existence du Soi est aujourd'hui une spéculation. S'il en est ainsi, qu'en fait­on dans la salle de consultation? Est­ce pertinent d'en faire cas? Comment devrait­il être introduit et pris en compte? Cet article suggère quelques alternatives, mais conclut que le mythe du Soi a de la valeur dans d'autres traditions établies, et que ce sont ces autres traditions qui, elles, offrent un cadre plus cohérent pour l'émergence du Soi.

La realización del Self, aunque es la base absoluta de la psicología Junguiana, tiene inconsistencias internas, es difícil de entender y ofrece una promesa de realización que no puede cumplirse. Esto la ha debilitado, y su existencia es ahora una especulación. Si esto es así, ¿qué hay que hacer con ella en la consulta? ¿Cómo debe introducirse y ser tenida en cuenta? En este artículo se sugieren algunas alternativas, pero se concluye que el mito del Self tiene un lugar de importancia en otras tradiciones establecidas, y son éstas las que ofrecen un marco más coherente para la emergencia del Self.

Health Promot Pract ; 25(5): 755-757, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223983


As a living being that was passed down the role of storytelling, I describe the conditions under which individuals find themselves. Science, and specifically public health research, affords me the opportunity to deploy my storytelling skills toward advocacy and intervention for communities that disproportionately bear the burden of poor health. Although neither role makes space for the emotional toll of this work. Neither allows me to rest long enough to move through the emotional mist of what it means to be perceived as a queer, Black, cisgender woman, and storytelling scientist in a stratified and hateful world where I am so much more. This poem pools from various worlds within me for each stanza. The poem seeks to reconcile for my whole self, and others who experience marginality, why our colleagues, countrypersons, and community members see it fit to perpetuate notions of human difference along racialized, socioeconomic, sexualized, gendered, able-bodied, and other stratified lines-to the detriment of our lives. How can my colleagues, countrypersons, and community members be willing to receive the privileges of a democratic society but discard the lives from which that society was built? How can my colleagues, countrypersons, and community members be willing to receive our science but discard our health? This poem brings together multidisciplinary discourse from the humanities and the social and biological sciences to state plainly what many others have academically. May this poem be paired with existing literature on the falsity of biologized race, reparations, and methodologies of reflexivity in science.To view the original version of this poem, see the Supplemental Material section of this article online.

Narration , Humans , Female , Poetry as Topic
Brain Sci ; 14(9)2024 Aug 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39335349


Ideomotor apraxia is a cognitive disorder most often resulting from acquired brain lesions (i.e., strokes or tumors). Neuroimaging and lesion studies have implicated several brain regions in praxis and apraxia, but most studies have described (sub)acute patients. This study aimed to extend previous research by analyzing data from 115 left hemisphere chronic stroke patients using the praxis subtest of the Western Aphasia Battery, which is divided into four action types: facial, upper limb, complex, and instrumental. Lesion-symptom mapping was used to identify brain regions most critically associated with difficulties in each of the four subtests. Complex and instrumental action deficits were associated with left precentral, postcentral, and superior parietal gyri (Brodmann areas 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6), while the facial and upper limb action deficits maps were restricted to left inferior, middle, and medial temporal gyri (Brodmann areas 20, 21, 22, and 48). We discuss ideas about neuroplasticity and cortical reorganization in chronic stroke and how different methodologies can reveal different aspects of lesion and recovery networks in apraxia.

Anthropol South Afr ; 47(2): 254-267, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39262498


Multispecies studies are known for tackling human exceptionalism. Whilst the field has seen a remarkable increase in popularity amongst scholars in the humanities and social sciences, critiques argue that it neglects inequalities and consequential differences amongst humans and between humans and other-than-humans. These critiques are especially relevant in the context of Southern Africa, where extreme inequalities amongst humans persist whilst wildlife is often perceived to enjoy a favoured position in the region's prominent conservation industries. As four researchers working in a multispecies study project focusing on the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area in Southern Africa, we pose the question of what a politicised multispecies studies might look like. In this article, we share our thoughts and reflections on working in this complex political landscape. Using insights from our own fields, we share some of the persistent concerns encountered during fieldwork and discuss and contextualise these by drawing on multispecies literature that deals with similar concerns. We identify three salient themes that should inform and politicise multispecies work in postcolonial conservation landscapes: historical legacies, reflexive positionalities and marginalised subjects.

Os estudos multiespécies são conhecidos por enfrentar a questão do excepcionalismo humano. Embora o campo tenha registrado um aumento notável em popularidade entre os estudiosos das ciências humanas e sociais, os críticos argumentam que ele negligencia as desigualdades e as consequentes diferenças entre os humanos e entre humanos e não humanos. Estas críticas são especialmente relevantes no contexto da África Austral, onde desigualdades extremas entre os seres humanos persistem, enquanto a vida selvagem é frequentemente entendida como tendo uma posição privilegiada nas proeminentes indústrias de conservação da região. Como quatro investigadores que trabalham em um projeto de estudo multiespécies com foco na Área deConservação Transfronteiriça Cubango-Zambeze, na África Austral, colocamos a questão de como seria um estudo multiespécies politizado. Neste artigo, compartilhamos nossas ideias e reflexões sobre o trabalho neste cenário político complexo. Utilizando observações oriundas de nossas próprias pesquisas, partilhamos algumas das persistentes inquietações encontradas durante o trabalho de campo, bem como discutimos e contextualizamos estas questões recorrendo à literatura multiespécies que trata de preocupações semelhantes. Identificamos três temas de relevo que devem informar e politizar o trabalho multiespécies em cenários pós-coloniais de conservação: os legados históricos, as posicionalidades reflexivas e os sujeitos marginalizados.

Neurodiagn J ; : 1-7, 2024 Sep 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236095


Graphogenic, or writing epilepsy, is a rare type of reflex epilepsy (RE) in which seizures are provoked by the act of writing. RE is a condition that affects between 4% and 7% of all patients diagnosed with epilepsy. In this case study, we provide a case report on a patient whose seizures were generated by the act of writing. We also present evidence that the cortical mechanisms by which writing-induced seizures occur are focal with possible secondary generalization.

J Autism Dev Disord ; 2024 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39196514


To examine the long-term effects of Visual Praxis Based Occupational Therapy Program on the motor skills of children with Specific Learning Disabilities. Ninety-six boys and girls were divided into two groups: Experimental (n = 48) and Control (n = 48). The Experimental group received Visual Praxis Based Occupational Therapy Program in two weekly sessions for 8 weeks. All participants were assessed with the Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor Proficiency Test-2 Brief Form at three-time points; pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. The experimental group showed superior results, Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor Proficiency Test-2 Brief Form's Fine Motor Precision, Fine Motor Integration, Bilateral Coordination, Balance, Speed and Dexterity, Upper Extremity Coordination and Total Score significantly increased after the intervention (p ≤ 0 0.05) and the scores were maintained at the follow-up (p > 0.05). The Visual Praxis Based Occupational Therapy Program intervention provided a retained positive effect in the development of motor skills in children with Specific Learning Disabilities.

Cult Health Sex ; : 1-16, 2024 Aug 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39092503


The notion of 'sexual justice' has gained traction in academic and policy arenas in recent years. This paper presents a scoping literature review of the regimes of truth, following Foucault, of 'sexual justice' appearing in the scientific literature from 2012 to 2022. Thirty-eight papers were coded using (1) content analysis of the studies' central problematics, the programmes referred to, and institutional location(s); and (2) thematic analysis of how the notion was deployed. Central problematics centred on (1) critiques of, or alternatives to, dominant approaches to sexual and reproductive health; and (2) highlighting injustices. As such, 'sexual justice' is fighting for legitimacy in the truth stakes. There is a distinct paucity of papers tackling the translation of 'sexual justice' into practice. South Africa dominates as the site in which papers on 'sexual justice' have been produced, but there is a lack of South-South collaboration. Two themes were apparent around which conceptions of sexual justice cohere. Firstly, sexual justice is seen as a vital, yet politically ambivalent goal, with neoliberal co-optation of progressive rights agendas being warned against. Secondly, sexual justice is viewed as a means, in which sexual justice is described as having potential to repair established frameworks' shortcomings and oppressive legacies.

J Gen Intern Med ; 2024 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39112779


BACKGROUND: Health equity curricula emphasizing critical pedagogy and centering perspectives of those with marginalized identities, both in curriculum design and execution, have yet to be described in interdisciplinary graduate medical education settings. AIM: The application of public health critical race praxis (PHCRP) in the redesign and evaluation of a social medicine immersion month (SMIM) curriculum. SETTING: A mandatory, 4-week course within the Residency Program for Social Medicine in the Bronx, NY. PARTICIPANTS: First-year residents in internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, and clinical psychology fellows between 2019 and 2020. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Residents and faculty underrepresented in medicine employed PHCRP to ground SMIM in critical pedagogy and structural competency with the goals of increasing critical consciousness, sensitizing trainees to structural barriers faced by patients, and promoting meaningful engagement in advocacy. PROGRAM EVALUATION: SMIM was evaluated pre- and post-curriculum using a validated critical consciousness and intersectionality survey, with additional questions to assess competency and behaviors. Participants also provided course feedback. Participants demonstrated significant increases across all domains of the measure (Racism + 1.62 (p < .01), Classism + 1.62 (p < .05), Heterosexism + 1.06 (p < .05)). Participant feedback was positive. DISCUSSION: PHCRP is a valuable model for designing health equity curriculum. SMIM provides insights for incorporating this framework into GME curricula.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Jul 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39005391


Individuals who have experienced a left hemisphere cerebrovascular accident (LCVA) have been shown to make errors in naturalistic action tasks designed to assess the ability to perform everyday activities such as preparing a cup of coffee. Naturalistic action errors in this population are often attributed to limb apraxia, a common deficit in the representation and performance of object-related actions. However, naturalistic action impairments are also observed in right hemisphere stroke and traumatic brain injury, populations infrequently associated with apraxia, and errors across all these populations are influenced by overall severity. Based on these and other data, an alternative (though not mutually exclusive) account is that naturalistic action errors in LCVA are also a consequence of deficits in general attentional resource availability or allocation. In this study, we conducted a retrospective analysis of data from a large group of 51 individuals with LCVA who had completed a test of naturalistic action, along with a battery of tests assessing praxis, attention allocation and control, reasoning, and language abilities to determine which of these capacities contribute uniquely to naturalistic action impairments. Using a regularized regression method, we found that naturalistic action impairments are predicted by both praxis deficits (hand posture sequencing and gesture recognition), as well as attention allocation and control deficits (orienting and dividing attention), along with language comprehension ability and age. Using support vector regression-lesion symptom mapping (SVR-LSM), we also demonstrated that naturalistic action impairments are associated with lesions to posterior middle temporal gyrus and anterior inferior parietal lobule - regions known to be implicated in praxis; as well the middle frontal gyrus that has been implicated in both praxis and attention allocation and control. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that naturalistic action impairments in LCVA are a consequence of apraxia as well as deficits in attention allocation and control.

BMC Res Notes ; 17(1): 186, 2024 Jul 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38970124


BACKGROUND: We report on our methodological experiences during an investigation of how institutional racism functions in healthcare. We found tension between balancing methodological rigor with the unanticipated consequence of interviewer burden. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and qualitatively analyzed using thematic content analysis. Interviewers also participated in weekly debriefing sessions and reported experiences with patients. RESULTS: Interviewers repeatedly experienced negative encounters with white patients during interviews. Themes included privilege to avoid racism, denial of racism, non-verbal discomfort, falsely claiming Native identities, and intimidation. These experiences were most pronounced with Black interviewers. DISCUSSION: Interviewer burden may need to be a consideration taken up in a variety of research contexts.

Racism , Humans , Racism/psychology , Female , Interviews as Topic , Male , Adult
Ethn Health ; 29(7): 846-860, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38959185


In this paper, as Black scholars, we address ways that interventions designed to promote equity in health can create pathways for coupling decolonization with antiracism by drawing on the intersection of the health of Africans and African Americans. To frame this intersection, we offer the Public Health Critical Race Praxis (PHCRP) and the PEN-3 Cultural Model as antiracism and decolonization tools that can jointly advance research on colonization and racism globally. We argue that racism is a global reality; PHCRP, an antiracism framework, and PEN-3, a decolonizing framework, can guide interventions to promote equity for Africans and African Americans.

Black or African American , Global Health , Health Equity , Racism , Humans , Colonialism , Public Health , Antiracism
Open Res Eur ; 4: 25, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38854672


This paper aims to show that translation is not only a fully-fledged philosophical problem, but also a specific philosophical praxis and a test bed for extracting the core of different philosophical frameworks. For this purpose, I will take into consideration the respective philosophies of Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida. Even if Heidegger often practices translation from the Greek in his own works and adds a few remarks towards an original investigation of this activity, he ultimately understands translation as a 'makeshift' or as a 'shipwreck'. Throughout his contestation of Heidegger's position, Derrida shows the trap of the endless appropriation of the experience of the origin structure. He also frees up the discourse by putting the hierarchical polarization between the original and the translation into question. Thus, translation becomes a chance for philosophy, even for Derrida's deconstruction, a chance to generate new paths for investigation and to keep its question open.

J Child Adolesc Trauma ; 17(2): 447-456, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38938947


Background: Traumatic experiences during childhood have been suggested to alter the course of sensory and motor development due to the impact on neural connections within the brain at integral periods. This connection has been alluded to in literature and is discussed anecdotally by practitioners suggesting the impact is commonly seen in practice. Previous scoping reviews in this area have focused solely on the process of sensory modulation without exploring the connection to motor planning. Objective: This scoping review considers what is known from the existing literature about the impact of childhood trauma on sensory processing and motor skills. Method: This scoping review followed the JBI methodology for scoping reviews (Peters et al., 2020), searching CINAHL plus, Proquest, Scopus, PsycINFO, EThOS, as well as a search of the reference lists of the articles and citation chaining, to locate both published and unpublished sources. Articles were reviewed by two reviewers independently, with a third reviewer verifying those that met inclusion criteria where there was disagreement. Results: Six articles were identified that met the inclusion criteria for the study. While all included studies suggested the concurrence of sensory processing and motor difficulties in individuals who have experienced childhood trauma they did not conclusively make the link between the two suggesting an overall low level of evidence. Commonalities were identified in relation to the areas of the brain impacted and the nature of difficulties experienced with some suggestion of this varying according to stage of development and the specific nature of the trauma. Conclusions: This study suggests emerging evidence in relation to the connection between trauma, sensory processing and motor development but that further empirical research is needed to verify this and inform practice.

Am J Epidemiol ; 2024 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38806449


In 2023, Martinez et al. examined trends in the inclusion, conceptualization, operationalization and analysis of race and ethnicity among studies published in US epidemiology journals. Based on a random sample of papers (N=1,050) published from 1995-2018, the authors describe the treatment of race, ethnicity, and ethnorace in the analytic sample (N=414, 39% of baseline sample) over time. Between 32% and 19% of studies in each time stratum lacked race data; 61% to 34% lacked ethnicity data. The review supplies stark evidence of the routine omission and variability of measures of race and ethnicity in epidemiologic research. Informed by public health critical race praxis (PHCRP), this commentary discusses the implications of four problems the findings suggest pervade epidemiology: 1) a general lack of clarity about what race and ethnicity are; 2) the limited use of critical race or other theory; 3) an ironic lack of rigor in measuring race and ethnicity; and, 4) the ordinariness of racism and white supremacy in epidemiology. The identified practices reflect neither current publication guidelines nor the state of the knowledge on race, ethnicity and racism; therefore, we conclude by offering recommendations to move epidemiology toward more rigorous research in an increasingly diverse society.

Psychoanal Q ; 93(2): 219-248, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38819393


The concept of praxis in psychoanalysis includes the way clinical practice embodies the values on which psychoanalysis is founded. As psychoanalysis evolved from a medical treatment to a process of open-ended psychic development, its underlying values evolved as well. Free-floating attention has many facets, shown in the variety of names given to it. From being a means to an end clinically, it became an implicit statement about the human value of the person being attended to. Clinical vignettes, contributions from philosophers, and examples from literature converge around the idea that the unreserved openness of free-floating attention amounts to an act of love. It is underpinned by the values, which are also virtues, of hope, and faith in the possibility of good; it can also be seen, in non-religious terms, as a form of prayer.

Love , Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Psychoanalytic Theory , Religion and Psychology
J Clin Nurs ; 33(8): 2936-2948, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38716866


AIM: To synthesise international literature to identify mechanisms that maintain racism in nursing and understand the factors that contribute to designing and implementing anti-racist praxis to inform nursing in Aotearoa New Zealand. DESIGN: An integrative literature review was undertaken, integrating Indigenous Kaupapa Maori methodologies to ensure a cultural and philosophical lens. METHODS: Peer-reviewed literature published, between January 2011 and July 2023 were sourced. Of 1296 articles, 16 met the inclusion criteria and 4 were identified via citation chaining. In total, 20 articles were included. The Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Tool was applied, findings extracted, and thematic analysis completed utilising Indigenous Kaupapa Maori principles. DATA SOURCES: Databases, including CINAHL, Scopus, PubMed and Aus/NZ Reference Centre, were searched in July 2023. RESULTS: Two key themes were identified: (1) colonial active resistance to change; and (2) transformational, visionary, and proactive nursing. CONCLUSION: Nurses are well-positioned to confront the structures that maintain racism in health and education systems but are often actors in maintaining status quo. Anti-racist praxis can be a mechanism for nurses to reimagine, redefine and transform nursing care, leadership, and nursing education to begin to eradicate racism. REPORTING METHOD: This integrative review adhered to the 2020 Preferred Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: No patient or public contribution. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PROFESSION: Racism remains prevalent in nursing and the healthcare system. It is necessary to implement anti-racist praxis and policies that resist, deconstruct, and dismantle power and racism while validating Indigenous values, beliefs and practices. This is vital to deliver equitable health care. IMPACT: This integrative review presents lived realities and knowledge of Indigenous and racially minoritised nurses and scholars, alongside nursing allies to inform anti-racist praxis. This evidence signifies that it is time to walk the walk to challenge the colonising systems and processes that hold racism in place.

Nursing , Racism , Humans , New Zealand , Maori People
Plants (Basel) ; 13(6)2024 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38592859


Wild fruits and vegetables (WFVs) have been vital to local communities for centuries and make an important contribution to daily life and income. However, traditional knowledge of the use of wild fruits is at risk of being lost due to inadequate documentation. This study aimed to secure this knowledge through intermittent field visits and a semi-structured questionnaire. Using various ethnobotanical data analysis tools and SPSS (IBM 25), this study identified 65 WFV species (52 genera and 29 families). These species, mostly consumed as vegetables (49%) or fruits (43%), were predominantly herbaceous (48%) in wild and semi-wild habitats (67%). 20 WFVs were known to local communities (highest RFC), Phoenix sylvestris stood out as the most utilized species (highest UV). Surprisingly, only 23% of the WFVs were sold at markets. The survey identified 21 unique WFVs that are rarely documented for human consumption in Pakistan (e.g., Ehretia obtusifolia, Euploca strigosa, Brassica juncea, Cleome brachycarpa, Gymnosporia royleana, Cucumis maderaspatanus, Croton bonplandianus, Euphorbia prostrata, Vachellia nilotica, Pongamia pinnata, Grewia asiatica, Malvastrum coromandelianum, Morus serrata, Argemone mexicana, Bambusa vulgaris, Echinochloa colonum, Solanum virginianum, Physalis angulata, Withania somnifera, Zygophyllum creticum, and Peganum harmala), as well as 14 novel uses and five novel edible parts. Despite their ecological importance, the use of WFVs has declined because local people are unaware of their cultural and economic value. Preservation of traditional knowledge through education on conservation and utilization could boost economies and livelihoods in this and similar areas worldwide.

Scand J Occup Ther ; 31(1): 2341782, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630858


BACKGROUND: Phronesis is a way of knowing, implying wisdom, experiences, and reflections that guide our judgements. Phronesis, important for learning, is a neglected form of knowledge when applied to research. AIM: To examine how phronesis is conceptualised and practiced in three research projects. METHOD: Data from eight interviews with researchers involved in three research projects was generated. The interview material was analysed. A theoretical matrix of contemporary understanding of phronesis was applied to the material. RESULT: Examples of phronesis from three research projects in occupational therapy are presented according to categories of contemporary phronesis; acknowledging embodiment, embracing humility, using perceptiveness, and practicing reflexivity. SIGNIFICANCE: This unique approach of analysing research projects contributes to the understanding of phronesis and its implications for research, providing valuable insights into the researchers' praxis in their respective projects. CONCLUSION: There is a need for a greater recognition of phronesis as a dimension of knowledge within all types of research, and within the discipline. By not recognising phronesis as a legitimate form of knowledge, the discipline perpetuates a superiority of knowledge from episteme that dominates our ways of learning about the world around us and where the type of knowledge gleaned from phronesis is consequently marginalised.

Occupational Therapy , Humans , Learning , Knowledge
Neuropsychologia ; 196: 108837, 2024 04 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38428518


Regions in the brain that are selective for images of hands and tools have been suggested to be lateralised to the left hemisphere of right-handed individuals. In left-handers, many functions related to tool use or tool pantomime may also depend more on the left hemisphere. This result seems surprising, given that the dominant hand of these individuals is controlled by the right hemisphere. One explanation is that the left hemisphere is dominant for speech and language in the majority of left-handers, suggesting a supraordinate control system for complex motor sequencing that is required for skilled tool use, as well as for speech. In the present study, we examine if this left-hemispheric specialisation extends to perception of hands and tools in left- and right-handed individuals. We, crucially, also include a group of left-handers with right-hemispheric language dominance to examine their asymmetry biases. The results suggest that tools lateralise to the left hemisphere in most right-handed individuals with left-hemispheric language dominance. Tools also lateralise to the language dominant hemisphere in right-hemispheric language dominant left-handers, but the result for left-hemispheric language dominant left-handers are more varied, and no clear bias towards one hemisphere is found. Hands did not show a group-level asymmetry pattern in any of the groups. These results suggest a more complex picture regarding hemispheric overlap of hand and tool representations, and that visual appearance of tools may be driven in part by both language dominance and the hemisphere which controls the motor-dominant hand.

Dominance, Cerebral , Functional Laterality , Humans , Language , Brain , Speech , Perception
Health Promot Pract ; 25(1): 27-28, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38173354


For many, many years, the public health community has grappled with health disparities. Reducing and/or eliminating health disparities are well-established goals, and have become a fixture in the public health space. The focus on health disparity elimination has permeated policy, resources, institutions of higher learning, and research agendas, to name a few. As a Black female public health professional, I believe that we play a central role in moving the country from a place of disparity to equity. Not only are our professional experiences critical for advancing public health, but our lived experiences can also contribute to the transformation that we all seek. This piece, titled "The Day Disparities Died," reflects this belief. To view the original version of this poem, see the supplemental material section of this article online.

Health Status Disparities , Healthcare Disparities , Public Health , Humans , Policy