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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e209, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36532894


Objective: This study sought to quantify the prevalence of food insecurity among Salvadorian households, to identify the determinants of food insecurity and to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food insecurity. Methods: A nationwide, representative random sample of 2358 households was used for this cross-sectional study. The Household Hunger Scale (HHS) was used to assess the prevalence of food insecurity during a 30-day period. For comparison, three items were used from the Household Food Insecurity Experience Scale (HFIES), which measures hunger occurring during a 12-month time frame. For determinant analysis, binary logistic regression was used for the HHS and ordered logistic regression for the HFIES. Results: The prevalence of food insecurity was 6.45% (152/2356) among Salvadorian households when the HHS was used, affecting 5.48% (129/2356) to a moderate degree and 0.98% (23/2356) to a severe degree. The prevalence significantly increased when the HFIES scale items were used, with 35.41% (835/2358) of households being affected, a figure closer to the national poverty level. Determinants of food insecurity according to the HHS included agricultural problems (P = 0.00, odds ratio [OR] =1.69), the household's prepandemic income (P = 0.00, OR = 0.48) and higher educational levels (i.e. having a secondary education [P = 0.00, OR = 0.31], technical [P = 0.03, OR = 0.24] or university education [P = 0.00, OR = 0.05]). When using the HFIES, the determinants were similar (i.e. income, agricultural problems, educational level). In more than 94% (744/785) of households, participants reported that food insecurity was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: When compared with other relevant international studies, the prevalence of food insecurity identified using the HHS - only 6.45% - was low for El Salvador. However, when using the HFIES scale, the prevalence rose to 35.41% of households. Some determinants align with previous studies, namely income, educational level and agricultural problems. The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to have direct effects on food insecurity.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e209, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450202


ABSTRACT Objective. This study sought to quantify the prevalence of food insecurity among Salvadorian households, to identify the determinants of food insecurity and to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food insecurity. Methods. A nationwide, representative random sample of 2358 households was used for this cross-sectional study. The Household Hunger Scale (HHS) was used to assess the prevalence of food insecurity during a 30-day period. For comparison, three items were used from the Household Food Insecurity Experience Scale (HFIES), which measures hunger occurring during a 12-month time frame. For determinant analysis, binary logistic regression was used for the HHS and ordered logistic regression for the HFIES. Results. The prevalence of food insecurity was 6.45% (152/2356) among Salvadorian households when the HHS was used, affecting 5.48% (129/2356) to a moderate degree and 0.98% (23/2356) to a severe degree. The prevalence significantly increased when the HFIES scale items were used, with 35.41% (835/2358) of households being affected, a figure closer to the national poverty level. Determinants of food insecurity according to the HHS included agricultural problems (P = 0.00, odds ratio [OR] =1.69), the household's prepandemic income (P = 0.00, OR = 0.48) and higher educational levels (i.e. having a secondary education [P = 0.00, OR = 0.31], technical [P = 0.03, OR = 0.24] or university education [P = 0.00, OR = 0.05]). When using the HFIES, the determinants were similar (i.e. income, agricultural problems, educational level). In more than 94% (744/785) of households, participants reported that food insecurity was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions. When compared with other relevant international studies, the prevalence of food insecurity identified using the HHS - only 6.45% - was low for El Salvador. However, when using the HFIES scale, the prevalence rose to 35.41% of households. Some determinants align with previous studies, namely income, educational level and agricultural problems. The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to have direct effects on food insecurity

RESUMEN Objetivo. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo cuantificar la prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria en los hogares salvadoreños, determinar cuáles son los determinantes de la inseguridad alimentaria y explorar los efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la inseguridad alimentaria. Métodos. En este estudio transversal se utilizó una muestra aleatoria representativa a nivel nacional de 2 358 hogares. Se empleó la escala del hambre en el hogar (HHS, por su sigla en inglés) para evaluar la prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria en un período de 30 días. Para la comparación, se utilizaron tres indicadores de la escala de experiencia de inseguridad alimentaria en el hogar (HFIES, por su sigla en inglés), que mide el hambre durante un período de 12 meses. Para el análisis de los determinantes, se empleó la regresión logística binaria para HHS y la regresión logística ordenada para HFIES. Resultados. La prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria fue de 6,45% (152/2356) en los hogares salvadoreños al emplearse HHS, y afectó moderadamente a 5,48% (129/2356) y gravemente a 0,98% (23/2356). La prevalencia aumentó de forma considerable al utilizarse los indicadores de HFIES, con 35,41% (835/2358) de los hogares afectados, una cifra más cercana al nivel nacional de pobreza. Los determinantes de la inseguridad alimentaria según HHS incluyeron problemas agrícolas (P = 0,00, razón de posibilidades [OR] = 1,69), los ingresos familiares previos a la pandemia (P = 0,00, OR = 0,48) y niveles educativos superiores (educación secundaria [P = 0,00, OR = 0,31], formación técnica [P = 0,03, OR = 0,24] o universitaria [P = 0,00, OR = 0,05]). Con HFIES, los determinantes fueron similares (ingresos, problemas agrícolas, nivel educativo). En más de 94% (744/785) de los hogares, los participantes notificaron que la inseguridad alimentaria se agravó por la pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusiones. En comparación con otros estudios internacionales pertinentes, la prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria mediante HHS -de solo 6,45%- fue baja en El Salvador. Sin embargo, al utilizar HFIES, la prevalencia aumentó a 35,41% de los hogares. Algunos determinantes coinciden con estudios anteriores, como los ingresos, el nivel educativo y los problemas agrícolas. La pandemia de COVID-19 parece tener un impacto directo en la inseguridad alimentaria.

RESUMO Objetivo. Este estudo procurou quantificar a prevalência de insegurança alimentar entre as famílias salvadorenhas, identificar os determinantes de insegurança alimentar e explorar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 sobre a insegurança alimentar. Métodos. Este estudo transversal foi realizado com uma amostra representativa nacional randomizada de 2358 domicílios. Usou-se a Household Hunger Scale (HHS) [escala de fome domiciliar] para avaliar a prevalência de insegurança alimentar durante um período de 30 dias. Para fins de comparação, usaram-se três itens da Household Food Insecurity Experience Scale (HFIES) [escala de experiência de insegurança alimentar domiciliar], que mede a fome durante um período de 12 meses. Para a análise de determinantes, usou-se a regressão logística binária com a HHS e a regressão logística ordenada com a HFIES. Resultados. A prevalência de insegurança alimentar nos domicílios salvadorenhos medida com a HHS foi de 6,45% (152/2356), sendo moderada em 5,48% (129/2356) e grave em 0,98% (23/2356). Quando se usaram os itens da HFIES, a prevalência aumentou consideravelmente, com 35,41% (835/2358) dos domicílios afetados - um número mais próximo do nível nacional de pobreza. Entre os determinantes da insegurança alimentar, de acordo com a HHS, estavam os problemas agrícolas (P = 0,00, razão de chances [RC] = 1,69), a renda familiar pré-pandemia (P = 0,00, RC = 0,48) e a maior escolaridade (ou seja, educação secundária [P = 0,00, RC = 0,31], técnica [P = 0,03, RC = 0,24] ou universitária [P = 0,00, RC = 0,05]). Com a HFIES, os determinantes foram semelhantes (ou seja, renda, problemas agrícolas e escolaridade). Em mais de 94% (744/785) dos domicílios, os participantes relataram exacerbação da insegurança alimentar pela pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusões. Em comparação com outros estudos internacionais pertinentes, a prevalência de insegurança alimentar identificada com uso da HHS - somente 6,45% - foi baixa em El Salvador. Entretanto, quando se usou a HFIES, a prevalência aumentou para 35,41% dos domicílios. Alguns determinantes coincidem com os de estudos anteriores, a saber, renda, escolaridade e problemas agrícolas. Aparentemente, a pandemia de COVID-19 teve efeitos diretos sobre a insegurança alimentar.