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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 10067, 2024 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38698148


In this paper, the floating body effect (FBE) in indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO) thin-film transistor (TFT) and the mechanism of device failure caused by that are reported for the first time. If the toggle AC pulses are applied to the gate and drain simultaneously for the switching operation, the drain current of IGZO TFT increases dramatically and cannot show the on/off switching characteristics. This phenomenon was not reported before, and our study reveals that the main cause is the formation of a conductive path between the source and drain: short failure. It is attributed in part to the donor creation at the drain region during the high voltage (Vhigh) condition and in part to the donor creation at the source region during the falling edge and low voltage (Vlow) conditions. Donor creation is attributed to the peroxide formation in the IGZO layer induced by the electrons under the high lateral field. Because the donor creation features positive charges, it lowers the threshold voltage of IGZO TFT. In detail, during the Vhigh condition, the donor creation is generated by accumulated electrons with a high lateral field at the drain region. On the other hand, the floating electrons remaining at the short falling edge (i.e., FBE of the IGZO TFT) are affected by the high lateral field at the source region during the Vlow condition. As a result, the donor creation is generated at the source region. Therefore, the short failure occurs because the donor creations are generated and expanded to channel from the drain and source region as the AC stress accumulates. In summary, the FBE in IGZO TFT is reported, and its effect on the electrical characteristics of IGZO TFT (i.e., the short failure) is rigorously analyzed for the first time.

Small Methods ; 8(8): e2301185, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38189565


Amorphous IGZO (a-IGZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) are standard backplane electronics to power active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) televisions due to their high carrier mobility and negligible low leakage characteristics. Despite their advantages, limitations in color depth arise from a steep subthreshold swing (SS) (≤ 0.1 V/decade), necessitating costly external compensation for IGZO transistors. For mid-size mobile applications such as OLED tablets and notebooks, it is important to ensure controllable SS value (≥ 0.3 V/decade). In this study, a conversion mechanism during plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) is proposed as a feasible route to control the SS. When a pulse of a diethylzinc (DEZn) precursor is exposed to the M2O3 (M = In or Ga) surface layer, partial conversion of the underlying M2O3 to ZnO is predicted on the basis of density function theory calculations. Notably, significant distinctions between In-Ga-Zn (Case I) and In-Zn-Ga (Case II) films are observed: Case II exhibits a lower growth rate and larger Ga/In ratio. Case II TFTs with a-IGZO (subcycle ratio of In:Ga:Zn = 3:1:1) show reasonable SS values (313 mV decade-1) and high mobility (µFE) of 29.3 cm2 Vs-1 (Case I: 84 mV decade-1 and 33.4 cm2 Vs-1). The rationale for Case II's reasonable SS values is discussed, attributing it to the plausible formation of In-Zn defects, supported by technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 17590, 2023 Oct 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37845374


Oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors (TFTs) are used in the pixel array and gate driver circuits of organic light emitting diode (OLED) display panels. Long-term reliability characteristics of the TFTs are a barometer of the lifetime of OLED display panels. The long-term reliability of the driver TFTs is evaluated in a short time under high voltages and high temperature for an accelerated degradation test. If reliability parameters from the power law or stretched-exponential functions are the same for individual devices and devices in an operating panel, the lifetime of the panel can be accurately estimated. However, since compensation circuits are designed into operating panels, an environmental discrepancy exists between the accelerated test of single devices and the operation of devices in the panel. Herein, we propose a novel compensation stretched-exponential function (CSEF) model which captures the effect of the threshold voltage compensation circuit in the panel. The CSEF model not only bridges the discrepancy between individual devices and panel devices, but also provides a method to accurately and efficiently estimate the long-term lifetime of all display panels that utilize compensation circuits.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(1): 1389-1396, 2022 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34978416


Amorphous oxide semiconductor transistors control the illuminance of pixels in an ecosystem of displays from large-screen TVs to wearable devices. To satisfy application-specific requirements, oxide semiconductor transistors of various cation compositions have been explored. However, a comprehensive study has not been carried out where the influence of cation composition, oxygen, and hydrogen on device characteristics and stability is systematically quantified, using commercial-grade process technology. In this study, we fabricate self-aligned top-gate structure thin-film transistors with three oxide semiconductor materials, InGaZnO (In/Ga/Zn = 1:1:1), In-rich InGaZnO, and InZnO, having mobility values of 10, 27, and 40 cm2/V·s, respectively. Combinations of varied amounts of oxygen and hydrogen are incorporated into each transistor by controlling the fabrication process to study the effect of these gaseous elements on the physical nature of the channel material. Electrons can be captured by peroxy linkage (O22-) or undercoordinated In (In* to become In+), which are manifested in the extracted subgap density-of-states profile and first-principles calculations. Energy difference between electron-trapped In+ and O22- σ* is the smallest for IGZO, and In+-O22- annihilation occurs by electron excitation from the subgap In+ state to the O22- σ*. Furthermore, characteristic time constants during positive bias stress and recovery reveal the various microscopic physical phenomena within the transistor structure between different cation compositions.

Sci Rep ; 4: 3765, 2014 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24441830


This study examined the performance and photo-bias stability of double-channel ZnSnO/InZnO (ZTO/IZO) thin-film transistors. The field-effect mobility (µFE) and photo-bias stability of the double-channel device were improved by increasing the thickness of the front IZO film (t(int)) compared to the single-ZTO-channel device. A high-mobility (approximately 32.3 cm(2)/Vs) ZTO/IZO transistor with excellent photo-bias stability was obtained from Sn doping of the front IZO layer. First-principles calculations revealed an increase in the formation energy of O vacancy defects in the Sn-doped IZO layer compared to the IZO layer. This observation suggests that the superior photo-bias stability of the double-channel device is due to the effect of Sn doping during thermal annealing. However, these improvements were observed only when t(int) was less than the critical thickness. The rationale for this observation is also discussed based on the oxygen vacancy defect model.