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Ann Burns Fire Disasters ; 37(1): 10-16, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38680836


Fire accidents and burns are one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. This study was conducted with the aim of studying the etiology of fire accidents as well as investigating the fire safety standards of both homes and equipment in Iran. Samples included patients with flame burns who consented to answer the questions. Questions covered five areas: patient demographics, epidemiological characteristics of burns, the fire safety status of the home, the fire safety status of the equipment, and the mechanism of the accident. In this study, the mean extent of the burns was 18.07 ± 14.29% of body surface area and was significantly related to the age grouping of the patients. The highest total body surface area (TBSA) was observed in patients between 19 to 39 years. The most common cause of flame injuries was gas explosions (36.81%). The interviews revealed that most of the houses were not equipped with smoke detectors or fire extinguishers. The extent of burns was significantly higher in patients living in unequipped homes (P = 0.047). Cooking equipment was often involved in the accidents (38.1%). Considering the low home fire safety and the role of equipment misuse and damaged equipment use in the occurrence of accidents, it seems that installing fire alarms and firefighting equipment, proper training on how to work with and maintain the equipment, using cooking and heating equipment correctly along with discontinuing use if damaged would all be effective and are highly suggestive to reduce fire injuries.

Les incendies et les brûlures sont une cause majeure de décès et de handicap dans le monde. Les buts de cette étude était d'identifier les causes d'incendie en Iran et d'évaluer la sécurité des maison et des équipements en Iran. Nous avons interrogé des victimes d'incendie acceptant de répondre à nos questions, qui relevaient de 5 sujets: démographie des patients, caractéristiques des brûlures, sécurité- incendie de leur domicile ainsi que des équipements et mécanisme de l'incendie. La surface brûlée était de 18,07 +/- 14,29%, significativement corrélée à l'âge de la victime, la surface maximale étant observée dans le groupe 19-39 ans. Une explosion de gaz était la cause la plus fréquente de déclenchement de l'incendie (36,81%) et les équipements de cuisson étaient impliqués dans 38% des cas. La plupart des habitations ne se pas équipées de détecteurs de fumées (DAAF) ni d'extincteurs, les brûlures étant plus étendues en l'absence de tels matériels (p= 0,047). Il est donc nécessaire de promouvoir l'installation de DAAF et d'extincteurs, de développer l'éducation à l'utilisation et à l'entretien des appareils de chauffage comme de cuisson, de décourager l'utilisation de ces appareils quand ils sont endommagés afin de réduire le risque d'incendie de domicile.

Ann Burns Fire Disasters ; 36(2): 91-99, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38681943


Burn accidents continue to cause severe physical, psychological and economic damage to individuals and communities, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The present study was designed and conducted to investigate the epidemiology and identify the causes/mechanisms of burns in Iran, focusing on the economic, social and educational status of patients. This is a survey study that was performed from August 2016 to October 2017 on patients referred to Shahid Motahari University Hospital in Tehran. Samples included all patients whose parents or children were able to answer the questions. The data was extracted and analysed with SPSS Statistics v. 21. A total 1708 patients participated. Most of the patients were 19 to 39 years old. 70.6% had achieved a high school diploma or lower, and 11.5% patients were illiterate. Most of the patients lived in urban areas (91.7%) and in most cases, 4 people or less lived in a common space. Heat burns, chemical (acid) burns, and electrical burns account for the majority of cases. Most patients were unfamiliar with safety standards for burn prevention, safely stopping a fire, and fire safety equipment (alarms and extinguishers). The most common burn mechanisms were hot liquids inside the kitchen (12.6%) and gas explosion (11.9%). Based on these findings, the implementation of codified training programs, continuous control and monitoring of the safety standards in home and work environments, and the establishment of laws to standardize cooking and heating equipment will play an important role in reducing burn injuries in our country.

Les brûlures ont des conséquences physiques, psychologiques et économiques sévères (ces dernières aussi bien vis à vis de l'individu que de la communauté), en particulier dans les pays à IDH moyen et bas. Cet étude avait pour but d'explorer l'épidémiologie (causes et mécanismes) des brûlures en Iran et de rechercher des corrélations avec les statuts socio-économique et éducatif. Elle a été réalisée entre août 2016 et octobre 2017 auprès des 1 078 patients hospitalisés au CHU Shahid Motahari de Téhéran capables (eux même ou leur entourage) de répondre à notre questionnaire. Les données ont été extraites et analysées avec SSPS 21. La majorité des patients était âgés de 19 à 39 ans, 70,6% avaient reçu un enseignement de niveau lycée au plus haut et 11,5% étaient illettrés. Ils étaient urbains pour 91,7% d'entre eux, dans une habitation renfermant 4 personnes ou moins. La majorité des brûlures étaient thermiques, électriques ou chimiques. Peu de patients connaissaient les mesures de prévention globales, d'extinction d'un feu et de matériel d'extinction ou de détection de fumées. Les 2 mécanismes les plus fréquents étaient l 'ébouillantement dans la cuisine (12,6%) et l'explosion de gaz (11,9%). Ces données rendent nécessaire le déploiement de mesures d'éducation et surveillance des moyens de sécurité, au domicile comme au travail. Légiférer sur les équipements de cuisson et de chauffage permettrait aussi de réduire l'incidence des brûlures dans notre pays.

Ann Burns Fire Disasters ; 35(3): 179-185, 2022 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37016594


Workplace burn injuries are associated with significant physical, psychological, and social challenges. This study was designed and conducted to investigate the common burn mechanisms, and training and safety conditions in the workplace. The study is a cross-sectional study that was performed on patients admitted to Shahid Motahari University Hospital in Tehran from August 2016 to October 2017. Samples consisted of patients who suffered burns at work and were able to answer research questions. Data were recorded in tablets by electronic patient registration forms.Of the total burn patients under study, 14.28% were injured in the workplace. The burns were mainly thermal, followed by electrical, chemical, and inhalation burns. 38.2% of patients were not trained for safety measures at work and 27.8% of patients were not given personal protective equipment. 39.0% of workspaces were not safe against the risk of burns. Failure of devices and equipment was the cause of 28.8% of the accidents. Electrical damage, the ignition of flammable materials, gas explosions and contact with molten materials were the most common mechanisms in the occurrence of workplace burns. The lack of awareness by workers, lack of attention to the use of safety equipment at work, and the presence of damaged equipment are the main causes of burn accidents in the workplace. Therefore, the implementation of codified safety training and monitoring the observance of safety measures by workers and employers are recommended.

Les brûlures sur le lieu de travail ont des conséquences physiques, psychiques et sociales. Nous avons étudiés les circonstances de survenue de ces accidents, les conditions de sécurité et l'entraînement (au mesures de sécurité, NDRLF). Elle a été réalisée auprès de tous les patients admis au CHU Shahid Motahari de Téhéran entre août 2016 et octobre 2017. Sur l'ensemble des patients, 14,28% avaient subi un accident de travail (AT). Les brûlures étaient, par ordre décroissant, thermiques (matériel inflammable, explosion de gaz, contact avec liquide en fusion), électriques, chimique et pour finir lésions isolées d'inhalation. Un entraînement n'avait pas été dispensé à 38,2% des blessés ; 27,8% d'entre eux ne disposaient pas d'Équipement Personnel de Protection (EPP), 39% des sites n'étaient pas sécurisés contre l'incendie. L'absence de formation spécifique, l'absence d'utilisation des EPP et du matériel défectueux sont les facteurs de risque le plus souvent retrouvés en cas d'AT. Nous recommandons donc le développement de protocoles de préventions adossés à des audits de leur respect, tant par l'encadrement que par les ouvriers.

Ann Burns Fire Disasters ; 32(3): 184-189, 2019 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32313531


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of teaching stress-coping strategies and group cognitive-behavioral therapy on stress and burnout among nurses. Stress and burnout have always been a significant problem in nursing, which can have a direct or indirect negative impact on the individual and his/her social life. A semi-experimental study was conducted on 60 nurses by means of a pre-test and post-test design. Nurses meeting the inclusion criteria were assigned to two groups, a control group and an intervention group, by the block randomization method. The nurses in the intervention group received group cognitive-behavioral therapy. They completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) before, immediately after and one month post intervention. There was a significant negative correlation only between burnout and work experience (r = -0.35 and p = 0.01). After intervention, burnout (p = 0.002) significantly decreased. The effectiveness of the intervention was also maintained after a month. The results showed that stress-coping strategies and group cognitive-behavioral therapy can be effective in reducing burnout. This method can be used to provide counseling services for nurses in health centres.

Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer les effets d'un apprentissage de gestion du stress (AGS) et de thérapie cognitivocomportementales de groupe (TCCG) sur le stress et le burn- out des infirmièr(e)s, reconnus comme des problèmes récurrents chez eux (elles), avec des impacts sur leur vie. Une étude semi- expérimentale pré et post- test a été conduite chez 60 infirmièr(e) s, réparti(e)s en 2 groupes (intervention I qui bénéficiait TCCG et témoin T, randomisation en blocs), après vérification des critères d'inclusion. Ils (elles) complétaient l'inventaire de burn- out de Maslach avant, juste après et 1 mois après la TCCG. On notait une corrélation inverse entre expérience et burn- out (r=-0,35 ; p= 0,01). Le burn- out décroissait significativement (p = 0,002) après intervention, effet persistant à 1 mois. Cette étude montre que AGS et TCCG semblent efficaces sur le burn- out. Elle pourrait faire partie d'une proposition de services dans les CTB.

Ann Burns Fire Disasters ; 31(2): 144-148, 2018 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30374268


Several dermal products have been introduced to substitute dermal tissues. In this study we review the effects of these products on repairing third-degree burn wounds and managing complications in animal specimens. Using an interventional approach, rats were randomly assigned to four groups (G1 to G4). Two wounds were created on the back of each rat. An open wound was left on the back of rats in G1; in G2, wounds were covered with a thick rat derived-ADM product and overlying thin skin graft; on G3 rats, similar third degree ulcers were made with one ulcer covered with harvested thin skin graft. In G4, ulcers were covered with a thin rat derived-ADM product and thin graft. Factors such as take rate, histopathological score, wound contracture and graft contracture were compared on the 7th, 15th, 21st and 30th day. Mean graft take rate on the 30th day in the thick ADM, thin ADM and graft group showed a significant difference (p=0.015). Histopathological score on the 30th day in the thin ADM, thick ADM and graft group showed no considerable difference. Mean graft take rate was significantly better in the thin ADM and graft group than in the thick ADM group. Wound contracture was significantly more severe in the thick ADM and control group than in the thin ADM and graft group.

Plusieurs produits ont été introduits dans le but de substituer le derme. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié l'effet de ces produits sur la cicatrisation et la gestion des complications après brûlure expérimentale. Nous avons étudié 4 groupes (G1 à G4) de rats ayant subi deux brûlures du dos. Celles de G1 étaient laissées à l'air, G2 recevaient un Derme Artificiel Acellulaire (DAA) dérivé de rats épais recouvert d'une greffe fine, G3 recevaient une greffe conservée, G4 recevaient DAA fin et greffe fine. Le taux de prise de greffe, le score histologique, la rétraction de la brûlure et de la greffe ont été comparés à J7, J15, J21 et J30. A J30, les taux de prise de greffe étaient significativement différents entre G2, G3 et G4 (p=0,015), étant moins bons en cas d'utilisation de DAA en couche épaisse. De même, la rétraction était plus intense après utilisation de DAA en couche épaisse qu'en couche fine ou après greffe seule. Les résultats histologiques étaient comparables.

Eur J Orthod ; 35(4): 407-13, 2013 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21771804


The aim of this study was to compare the electrochemical corrosion behaviour of stainless steel (SS) and nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) orthodontic archwires in Ringer's solution at temperatures ranging from 15 to 55°C by using linear sweep voltametry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Polarization curves show that the corrosion current density of SS is greater than that of Ni-Ti alloy. Since the corrosion current density is directly proportional to the corrosion rate, a great corrosion current density shows a lower resistance against corrosion. Therefore, in comparison with SS, Ni-Ti alloys have a lower corrosion rate. Results show that the temperature of the solution affects the corrosion rates of the alloys. As the temperature increases, the corrosion resistance of both of the alloys decreases, although these variations were not so large. Impedance measurements show that the electrochemical behaviour of Ni-Ti exhibits higher polarization resistance and lower capacitance, which means that passive film formed on this alloy is more homogeneous and thicker in comparison with SS. Results also show that polarization resistance of both alloys decreases slowly with increases in the temperature of the solution.

Ligas Dentárias/química , Soluções Isotônicas/química , Níquel/química , Fios Ortodônticos , Aço Inoxidável/química , Titânio/química , Corrosão , Arco Dental , Impedância Elétrica , Teste de Materiais , Solução de Ringer , Temperatura