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Pharmaceuticals (Basel) ; 16(8)2023 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37630984


Natural products can be used as complements or as alternatives to synthetic drugs. Eugenia uniflora and Tropaeolum majus are natives of Brazil and have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. This study aimed to develop a film-forming system (FFS) loaded with plant extracts with the potential for treating microbial infections. E. uniflora and T. majus leaf extracts were prepared and characterized, and the individual and combined antioxidant and antimicrobial activities were evaluated. The FFS was developed with different concentrations of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and analyzed for physicochemical characteristics. The combination of extracts showed a superior antioxidant effect compared to the individual extracts, justifying the use of the blend. FFS prepared with 4.5% PVA, 4.5% PVP, 7.81% E. uniflora extract, and 3.90% T. majus extract was adhesive, lacked scale formation, presented good malleability, and had a suitable pH for topical application. In addition, the viscosity at rest was satisfactory for maintaining stability; water solubility was adequate; skin permeation was low; and the antimicrobial effect was superior to that of the individual extracts. Therefore, the developed FFS is promising for the differentiated treatment of skin lesions through topical application.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 19(1): 61-66, Jan-Mar/2014. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-703064


Este estudo avaliou a degradação oxidativa do herbicida pós-emergente Basagran(r) 600 por fotólise e fotocatálise, usando TiO2 como catalisador, comparando-se a eficiência de ambos os processos. Os experimentos foram realizados irradiando-se soluções aquosas do herbicida em um reator do tipo slurry. Os tratamentos foram acompanhados por espectrofotometria de absorção na região do UV-visível observando-se a banda centrada em 335 nm. O primeiro processo mostrou-se pouco efetivo, sendo observada mínima redução dos valores de absorvância. Já o segundo foi muito mais eficiente, sendo observado, após 270 min de irradiação, 100% de redução da absorvância da banda no comprimento de onda estudado. Este processo seguiu uma cinética de pseudo-primeira ordem e teve constante de velocidade (k) estimada de 0,0116 min-1.

This study evaluated the oxidative degradation of the post-emerging herbicide Basagran(r) 600 by photolysis and photocatalysis using TiO2 as catalyst, and both processes were compared in their efficiency. The experiments were done irradiating aqueous solutions of the herbicide in a slurry type reactor. The treatments were accompanied by spectrophotometry in the UV-visible range observing the band centered in 335 nm. The first process showed rather ineffective, being observed minimal reduction of the absorbance values. On the other hand, the second process was much more efficient, being observed, after 270 min of irradiation, 100% absorbance reduction of the band in the choose wavelength. This process followed pseudo-first-order kinetic and the estimated rate constant (k) was 0.0116 min-1.

Acta sci., Health sci ; 27(2): 171-175, jul.-dez. 2005. graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-485534


Neste trabalho foi estudado o efeito da irradiação por luz UV na substância ácido 1-fenil-2,3-dimetil-5-pirazolona-4-metilaminometanossulfônico (dipirona) em solução aquosa e complexada em ß e γ ciclodextrinas. Inicialmente, estudaram-se as características fotofísicas do ácido em meio aquoso, em seguida verificou-se a fotoestabilidade da substância comparando com as mesmas em cavidades de ciclodextrinas. Foi utilizado um modelo cinético de decomposição de primeira ordem para obter as constantes de decomposição aparente da dipirona em meio aquoso e em cavidades de ciclo dextrina. O encapsulamento da dipirona em ciclodextrina de uma forma geral causa uma estabilização frente a fotólise por luz UV.

In this work it was studied the effect of the irradiation UV in the substance 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-5-pyrazolone-3-4-methylaminomethanosulphonic acid in aqueous solution and complexed in ß and γ cyclodextrin. Initially, it was studied the photophysics caracteristics of the acid in aqueous solution, soon afterwards verified the photostability of the substance in cyclodextrin cavities using a first order kinetic model. The encapsulament in cyclodextrin of the dipyrone in a way general cause a stabilization front the photolysis for UV light.

Ciclodextrinas , Dipirona , Fotoquímica