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Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 16(1): 114-125, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37547864


This manuscript shows the results of the evidence of content and internal structure obtained from an instrument to measure work engagement. This instrument is aimed at workers of Colombian labor organizations that belong to different economic sectors (commerce, services, education, and health). The instrument was designed based on the postulates of cognitive theory and is structured into three factors that operationalize the construct: (a) behavioral dimension (15 items), (b) affective dimension (16 items), and (c) cognitive dimension (14 items), for a total of 45 items. The results of the content evidence through expert judgment suggested the elimination of three items, due to ambiguity and lack of clarity, leaving the 42item test. After this evidence, the instrument was piloted in a sample of 460 participants. The item-test correlation analysis recommended the elimination of one item due to its low correlation with the factor. The evidence of internal structure through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) proposed a three-factor structure, with an explained variance of 63%; 9 items were eliminated due to high residual. The fit indicators showed a GFI = .99; and those of residual showed a RMSR =.03 and Kelley = .04; each factor obtained an ordinal Cronbach's Alpha of .95 (behavioral), .97 (affective), and .87 (cognitive). These results indicate precision in the measurement and consistency of the items to measure each of the factors.

El presente manuscrito muestra los resultados de la evidencia de contenido y estructura interna obtenidas de un instrumento para medir work engagement. Este instrumento está dirigido a trabajadores de organizaciones laborales colombianas que pertenecen a diferentes sectores económicos (comercio, servicios, educación y salud). El instrumento se diseñó basado en los postulados de la teoría cognitiva y se estructura en tres factores que operacionalizan el constructo: (a) dimensión conductual (15 ítems), (b) dimensión afectiva (16 ítems), y (c) dimensión cognitiva (14 ítems), para un total de 45 ítems.Los resultados de la evidencia de contenido a través del juicio de expertos sugirieron la eliminación de tres ítems, por presentar ambigüedad y poca claridad, quedando la prueba de 42 ítems. Posterior a esta evidencia, se piloteó el instrumento en una muestra de 460 participantes. El análisis de correlación ítem-test recomendó la eliminación de un ítem por presentar baja correlación con el factor. La evidencia de estructura interna a través del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) propuso una estructura trifactorial, con una varianza explicada del 63%; se eliminaron 9 ítems por presentar alto residual. Los indicadores de ajuste mostraron un GFI = .99; y los de residual un RMSR = .03 y Kelley = .04; cada factor obtuvo un Alfa de Cronbach ordinal de .95 (conductual), .97 (emocional) y .87 (cognitivo). Estos resultados indican precisión en la medida y consistencia de los ítems para medir cada uno de los factores.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 10(2)2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35206898


Emotional intelligence (EI), empathy, and prosocial behavior (PB) are widely studied in the early stages of life, up to adolescence. However, there have been few studies in older adults. Using a multivariate methodology, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were applied with structural equation models (SEM) in 271 older adults in Colombia, along with a Spanish sample made up of 139 adults over 60 years of age, for a total sample of 411 older adults. The results confirmed that EI, as measured with the WLEIS, scale is the best predictor of PB, with excellent adjustment criteria (GFI = 0.99; CFI = 0.98; RMSEA = 0.064; PCLOSE = 0.28; SRMR = 0.023; AIC = 57.30). It is concluded that the path model yielded a reliable predictive explanation of PB, including EI as a key variable that explains prosocial tendencies.

Arch. med ; 16(2): 445-454, 20161200.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-875464


Objetivo: establecer la utilidad del Test de Simulación de la Memoria (TOMM) y las características psicométricas para determinar la Simulación de Disfunción Neurocognitiva (SND) en trabajadores que han sufrido Traumatismo Cráneo-Encefálico (TEC).Materiales y métodos: los participantes de esta investigación fueron por conveniencia.Se conformaron tres grupos no pareados, mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos. El primer grupo se conformó con un total de 32 participantes que estuvieron activamente laborales antes de sufrir el TEC, mínimamente 6 meses antes de la evaluación.El segundo grupo estuvo conformado por 30 personas que ya se encontraban pensionados laboralmente y no poseían necesidades de SDN. El último grupo eran 31 participantes cognitivamente sanos, que voluntariamente desearon participar en el estudio. Resultados: el TOMM es capaz de diferenciar entre aquellas personas probables de tener SDN y de las que no lo tienen. Aplicando el punto de corte de 45 para el ensayo 2, el 92.04% de los participantes controles (81/88 participantes) y 5 de los 5 simuladores (100%) fueron correctamente identificados, lo que corresponde a una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 92%, es decir la probabilidad de clasificar correctamente a un individuo como simulador, siendo éste un real simulador es del 100%, sin embargo la probabilidad de clasificar a un individuo como simulador, sin realmente serlo, es del 8%. Conclusiones: el TOMM es una herramienta clínica de exploración que permite distinguir entre los sujetos que posiblemente presenten necesidad de obtención de ganancias secundarias a un accidente laboral...(AU)

Objetive: after a head trauma some people find themselves in a position in which they try to get some external benefits and often exaggerate some existing or made up cognitive or psychological symptoms. Purpose: To establish the usefulness of the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) as well as the psychometrics to determine the Simulation of Neurocognitive Dysfunction in workers that have suffered head trauma. Method:the participants in this research were convenient.There were three non-paired groups, adults over 18 and from both sexes. The first group was made up of 32 people who were active workers before the head trauma, at least 6 months before the evaluation.The second group was made up of 30 people who were retired and had no SND needs.And the last one, were 31 people cognitively healthy who wished to participate in the study. Results: the TOMM is able to differentiate those probable people that simulate neurocognitive dysfunctions and those that do not. 45 was the point for trial 2, 92.04% of controlled participants (81/88) and 5 out of the 5 simulators (100%) were correctly identified, which corresponds to a sensibility of 100% and a specificity of 92%, thatis the probability to correctly classify an individual as a simulator, when he or she is indeed a real simulator is 100%; however, the probability of classifying an individual as a simulator without really being one is 8%. Conclusions: the TOMM is a clinicalexploration tool that allows to distinguish between the subjects that possibly present a need to obtain profits secondary to an occupational accident...(AU)

Humanos , Cognição
Poiésis (En línea) ; 30: 52-62, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-999737


El propósito de este artículo está centrado en dar a conocer los avatares, es decir, las situaciones o vicisitudes contrarias o, que se presentan en la intervención psicológica de los trastornos disruptivos en niños y niñas, tarea que se lleva a cabo a través de una revisión desde la literatura científica que da cuenta de los tratamientos utilizados, de la adquisición de conductas adecuadas y eliminación de conductas inadecuadas como resultados obtenidos en el tratamiento que recibe el infante cuando padece un trastorno disruptivo.

The purpose of this article is focused on making known the avatars, that is, the situations or vicissitudes opposite or, that occur in the psychological intervention of disruptive disorders in boys and girls, a task that is carried out through a review from the scientific literature that accounts for the treatments used, the acquisition of appropriate behaviors and elimination of inappropriate behaviors as results obtained in the treatment received by the infant when he suffers from a disruptive disorder.

Humanos , Transtornos de Deficit da Atenção e do Comportamento Disruptivo , Psicopatologia , Transtorno da Conduta/complicações , Comportamento Problema/psicologia
Psicol. Caribe ; (23): 1-20, ene.-jun. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635769


Se presenta una revisión teórica de aspectos cruciales en el peritaje neuropsicológico que permita evaluar y detectar la posible Simulación de Disfunción Neurocognitiva (SDN) en ambientes jurídicos-legales. En los últimos años la neuropsicología ha aportado un gran número de estudios relacionados con la exageración o desproporción de síntomas cognitivos motivados por incentivos externos y este conocimiento brindará la oportunidad de una actuación relevante de los neuropsicólogos en el Sistema Penal Acusatorio colombiano, de tal manera que se pueda contribuir con la administración de la justicia con aportes científicos y claramente delimitados en el campo de la neuropsicología forense (Doerr & Carlin, 1991), de acuerdo con los criterios diagnósticos establecidos para la detección de la simulación contemplados en el Manual de Diagnóstico y Estadística de los Trastornos Mentales-IV (APA, 1994) y por Slick, Sherman e Iverson (1999).

In this article, a revision of the fundamental theoretical issues in neuropsychological expert witness participation are explored with particular emphasis on the evaluation and detection of possible Malingering Neurocognitive Dysfunction (MND) in forensic settings. Within the past few years, the field of neuropsychology has produced an ample number of studies related to the exaggeration and disproportionate reporting of neurocogntive symptoms motivated by external incentives and it is this knowledge that will allow neuropsychologists to participate in a meaningful way in the Colombian Accusatory Penal System. This is made in such a way as to allow a contribution to the administration of justice with scientific information that is clearly within the field of forensic neuropsychology (Doerr & Carlin, 1991), according to the criteria for the identification of malingering set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (APA, 1994) as well as Slick, Sherman e Iverson (1999).