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J Autom Reason ; 66(1): 1-41, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35068630


We investigate the proof complexity of modal resolution systems developed by Nalon and Dixon (J Algorithms 62(3-4):117-134, 2007) and Nalon et al. (in: Automated reasoning with analytic Tableaux and related methods-24th international conference, (TABLEAUX'15), pp 185-200, 2015), which form the basis of modal theorem proving (Nalon et al., in: Proceedings of the twenty-sixth international joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI'17), pp 4919-4923, 2017). We complement these calculi by a new tighter variant and show that proofs can be efficiently translated between all these variants, meaning that the calculi are equivalent from a proof complexity perspective. We then develop the first lower bound technique for modal resolution using Prover-Delayer games, which can be used to establish "genuine" modal lower bounds for size of dag-like modal resolution proofs. We illustrate the technique by devising a new modal pigeonhole principle, which we demonstrate to require exponential-size proofs in modal resolution. Finally, we compare modal resolution to the modal Frege systems of Hrubes (Ann Pure Appl Log 157(2-3):194-205, 2009) and obtain a "genuinely" modal separation.

J Autom Reason ; 65(1): 125-154, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33487785


Strategy extraction is of great importance for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), both in solving and proof complexity. So far in the QBF literature, strategy extraction has been algorithmically performed from proofs. Here we devise the first QBF system where (partial) strategies are built into the proof and are piecewise constructed by simple operations along with the derivation. This has several advantages: (1) lines of our calculus have a clear semantic meaning as they are accompanied by semantic objects; (2) partial strategies are represented succinctly (in contrast to some previous approaches); (3) our calculus has strategy extraction by design; and (4) the partial strategies allow new sound inference steps which are disallowed in previous central QBF calculi such as Q-Resolution and long-distance Q-Resolution. The last item (4) allows us to show an exponential separation between our new system and the previously studied reductionless long-distance resolution calculus. Our approach also naturally lifts to dependency QBFs (DQBF), where it yields the first sound and complete CDCL-style calculus for DQBF, thus opening future avenues into CDCL-based DQBF solving.

J Autom Reason ; 63(3): 597-623, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31496547


Dependency quantified Boolean formulas (DQBF) and QBF dependency schemes have been treated separately in the literature, even though both treatments extend QBF by replacing the linear order of the quantifier prefix with a partial order. We propose to merge the two, by reinterpreting a dependency scheme as a mapping from QBF into DQBF. Our approach offers a fresh insight on the nature of soundness in proof systems for QBF with dependency schemes, in which a natural property called 'full exhibition' is central. We apply our approach to QBF proof systems from two distinct paradigms, termed 'universal reduction' and 'universal expansion'. We show that full exhibition is sufficient (but not necessary) for soundness in universal reduction systems for QBF with dependency schemes, whereas for expansion systems the same property characterises soundness exactly. We prove our results by investigating DQBF proof systems, and then employing our reinterpretation of dependency schemes. Finally, we show that the reflexive resolution path dependency scheme is fully exhibited, thereby proving a conjecture of Slivovsky.