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Nature ; 630(8015): 109-115, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778116


Chiral molecules, used in applications such as enantioselective photocatalysis1, circularly polarized light detection2 and emission3 and molecular switches4,5, exist in two geometrical configurations that are non-superimposable mirror images of each other. These so-called (R) and (S) enantiomers exhibit different physical and chemical properties when interacting with other chiral entities. Attosecond technology might enable influence over such interactions, given that it can probe and even direct electron motion within molecules on the intrinsic electronic timescale6 and thereby control reactivity7-9. Electron currents in photoexcited chiral molecules have indeed been predicted to enable enantiosensitive molecular orientation10, but electron-driven chiral dynamics in neutral molecules have not yet been demonstrated owing to the lack of ultrashort, non-ionizing and perturbative light pulses. Here we use time-resolved photoelectron circular dichroism (TR-PECD)11-15 with an unprecedented temporal resolution of 2.9 fs to map the coherent electronic motion initiated by ultraviolet (UV) excitation of neutral chiral molecules. We find that electronic beatings between Rydberg states lead to periodic modulations of the chiroptical response on the few-femtosecond timescale, showing a sign inversion in less than 10 fs. Calculations validate this and also confirm that the combination of the photoinduced chiral current with a circularly polarized probe pulse realizes an enantioselective filter of molecular orientations following photoionization. We anticipate that our approach will enable further investigations of ultrafast electron dynamics in chiral systems and reveal a route towards enantiosensitive charge-directed reactivity.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(11): 6415-6427, 2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35113091


The resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of chiral molecules by elliptically polarized laser pulses produces photoelectron angular distributions that are forward/backward asymmetric with respect to the light propagation axis. We investigate this photoelectron elliptical dichroism in the (2 + 1)-photon ionization of fenchone molecules, using wavelength tunable femtosecond UV pulses. We show that the photoelectron elliptical asymmetry is extremely sensitive to the intermediate resonant states involved in the ionization process, and enables electronic couplings to be revealed that do not show up so clearly when using circularly polarized light.

Chirality ; 32(10): 1225-1233, 2020 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32700433


In this work, the photoionization of chiral molecules by an elliptically polarized, high repetition rate, femtosecond laser is probed. The resulting 3D photoelectron angular distribution shows a strong forward-backward asymmetry, which is highly dependent not only on the molecular structure but also on the ellipticity of the laser pulse. By continuously varying the laser ellipticity, we can observe molecular and enantiomer changes in real time at a previously unseen speed and precision. The technique allows enantiomeric excess of a pure compound to be measured with a 5% precision within 3 s, and a 10-min acquisition yields a precision of 0.4%. The isomers camphor and fenchone can be easily distinguished, unlike with conventional mass spectrometry. Preliminary results for the pharmaceutically interesting ibuprofen are also given, showing the capability of photoionization as a means of distinguishing larger molecular systems.

J Chem Phys ; 151(11): 114305, 2019 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31542007


The autoionization dynamics of the (2P1/2)ns/d Rydberg states in krypton are investigated using spatially isolated wave-mixing signals generated with a short train of subfemtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses and noncollinear, few-cycle near infrared pulses. Despite ubiquitous quantum beat oscillations from XUV-induced coherences within the excited-state manifold, these wave-mixing spectra allow for the simultaneous evaluation of autoionization lifetimes from a series of Rydberg states above the first ionization potential. Experimentally measured lifetimes of 22 ± 8 fs, 33 ± 6 fs, and 49 ± 6 fs for the wave-mixing signals emitting from the (2P1/2)6d/8s, (2P1/2)7d/9s, and (2P1/2)8d/10s resonances compare favorably with lifetimes for the (2P1/2)6d, 7d, and 8d Rydberg states determined from spectral linewidths. Analysis of the quantum beats reveals that the enhancement of wave-mixing pathways that couple the (2P1/2)nd states to themselves leads to individual reporter state-dependent decays in the wave-mixing signals. The results demonstrate the promise of wave-mixing spectroscopies with subfemtosecond XUV pulses to provide valuable insights into processes governed by electronic dynamics.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 1384, 2019 03 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30918260


Nonlinear spectroscopies are utilized extensively for selective measurements of chemical dynamics in the optical, infrared, and radio-frequency regimes. The development of these techniques for extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light sources facilitates measurements of electronic dynamics on attosecond timescales. Here, we elucidate the temporal dynamics of nonlinear signal generation by utilizing a transient grating scheme with a subfemtosecond XUV pulse train and two few-cycle near-infrared pulses in atomic helium. Simultaneous detection of multiple diffraction orders reveals delays of ≥1.5 fs in higher-order XUV signal generation, which are reproduced theoretically by solving the coupled Maxwell-Schrödinger equations and with a phase grating model. The delays result in measurable order-dependent differences in the energies of transient light induced states. As nonlinear methods are extended into the attosecond regime, the observed higher-order signal generation delays will significantly impact and aid temporal and spectral measurements of dynamic processes.

Faraday Discuss ; 212(0): 157-174, 2018 12 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30230488


Nonlinear multidimensional spectroscopy is ubiquitous in the optical and radio frequency regions as a powerful tool to access structure and dynamics. The extension of this technique into the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region with attosecond pulses holds promise for probing electronic dynamics and correlations with unprecedented time and spatial resolution. In this work, we use noncollinear four-wave mixing of a weak XUV attosecond pulse train (11-17 eV) and few-femtosecond NIR pulses (800 nm) to spectroscopically and dynamically probe the dipole-forbidden double-well potential of the a'' 1∑+g electronic state of nitrogen. The results demonstrate optical coupling of the inner and outer limits of the initial XUV-prepared vibrational wave packet in the valence character b' 1∑+u state to the inner and outer wells, respectively, of the a'' 1∑+g double well state by 800 nm light. Two four-wave mixing schemes with different pulse timing sequences and noncollinear beam geometries are used (one NIR pulse collinear and one NIR pulse noncollinear versus both NIR pulses noncollinear to the XUV beam) to measure the a'' dark state energetic structure and to control the dynamical preparation and motion of a dark state wave packet by selective population of either the inner Rydberg or outer valence-character potential well. Experimental measurements of the a'' 1∑+g outer well vibrational spacing and anharmonicity closely match the values theoretically predicted for this previously unobserved state.