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J Microsc ; 257(1): 54-64, 2015 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25231792


Field-enhanced scanning optical microscopy relies on the design and fabrication of plasmonic probes which had to provide optical and chemical contrast at the nanoscale. In order to do so, the scattering containing the near-field information recorded in a field-enhanced scanning optical microscopy experiment, has to surpass the background light, always present due to multiple interferences between the macroscopic probe and sample. In this work, we show that when the probe-sample distance is modulated with very low amplitude, the higher the harmonic demodulation is, the better the ratio between the near-field signal and the interferometric background results. The choice of working at a given n harmonic is dictated by the experiment when the signal at the n + 1 harmonic goes below the experimental noise. We demonstrate that the optical contrast comes from the nth derivative of the near-field scattering, amplified by the interferometric background. By modelling the far and near field we calculate the probe-sample approach curves, which fit very well the experimental ones. After taking a great amount of experimental data for different probes and samples, we conclude with a table of the minimum enhancement factors needed to have optical contrast with field-enhanced scanning optical microscopy.

Opt Express ; 22(5): 5341-9, 2014 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663874


Tunable second harmonic (SH) polaritons have been efficiently generated in ZnO nanocombs, when the material is excited close to half of the band-gap. The nonlinear signal couples to the nanocavity modes, and, as a result, Fabry-Pérot resonances with high Q factors of about 500 are detected. Due to the low effective volume of the confined modes, matter-light interaction is very much enhanced. This effect lowers the velocity of the SH polariton in the material by 50 times, and increases the SH confinement inside the nanocavity due to this higher refractive index. We also show that the SH phase-matching condition is achieved through LO-phonon mediation. Finally, birrefringence of the crystal produces a strong SH intensity dependence on the input polarization, with a high polarization contrast, which could be used as a mechanism for light switching in the nanoscale.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(10): 107203, 2004 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15447444


We report the first experimental demonstration of quantum squeezing of a collective spin-wave excitation (magnon) using femtosecond optical pulses to generate correlations involving pairs of spins in an antiferromagnetic insulator MnF2. In the squeezed state, the fluctuations of the magnetization of a crystallographic unit cell vary periodically in time and are reduced below that of the ground-state quantum noise.

Opt Lett ; 25(9): 631-3, 2000 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18064133


We present experimental results of an imaging technique that uses as a local probe the optical field enhanced at the junction of a scanning tunneling microscope illuminated by a p-polarized laser beam. Images of highly oriented pyrolithic graphite, recorded at a constant height mode, show a lateral optical resolution of as much as 10 nm. Approach curves exhibit sensitivity on a subnanometer scale of the optical signal to the tip-sample distance, yielding the ultrahigh vertical resolution reached in the images.