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Fungal Syst Evol ; 12: 247-254, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38455952


The genus Ducellieria (Ducellieriaceae) contains three species (D. chodatii, D. tricuspidata, D. corcontica), and a single variety (D. chodatii var. armata) of obligate endobiotic pollen parasites. These organisms have been first assigned to the green alga genus Coelastrum, as they form very similar spherical structures, but the observation of heterokont zoospores has led to their reclassification to the phylum Oomycota. However, despite their widespread nature, these organisms are only known from their descriptive morphology, and life cycle traits of some species still remain incompletely known. Only the type species, D. chodatii, has been rediscovered several times, but the phylogeny of the genus remains unresolved, since none of its species has been studied for their molecular phylogeny. At present the genus is still included in some algal databases. To clarify the evolutionary affiliation of Ducellieria, efforts were undertaken to isolate D. chodatii from pollen grains, to infer its phylogenetic placement based on nrSSU sequences. By targeted isolation, the pollen endoparasitoid was rediscovered from three lakes in Germany (Mummelsee, Okertalsperre, Knappensee). Apart from the typical coelastrum-like spheroids, oomycetes sporulating directly from pollen grains in a lagenidium-like fashion were observed, and molecular sequences of both types of oomycetes were obtained. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed that coelastrum-like and lagenidium-like forms are unrelated, with the former embedded within the deep branching early-diverging lineages, and the later stage forming a distinct clade in Peronosporales. Consequently, the life cycle of D. chodatii needs careful revision using single-spore isolates of the species, to infer if previous lifecycle reconstructions that involve various different thallus types are stages of a single species or potentially of several ones. Citation: Buaya AT, Thines M (2023). Ducellieriales ord. nov. and evidence for a novel clade of endobiotic pollen-infecting "lagenidiaceous" Peronosporomycetes. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 12: 247-254. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2023.12.12.

Fungal Syst Evol ; 7: 223-231, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34124625


The genus Sirolpidium (Sirolpidiaceae) of the Oomycota includes several species of holocarpic obligate aquatic parasites. These organisms are widely occurring in marine and freshwater habitats, mostly infecting filamentous green algae. Presently, all species are only known from their morphology and descriptive life cycle traits. None of the seven species classified in Sirolpidium, including the type species, S. bryopsidis, has been rediscovered and studied for their molecular phylogeny, so far. Originally, the genus was established to accommodate all parasites of filamentous marine green algae. In the past few decades, however, Sirolpidium has undergone multiple taxonomic revisions and several species parasitic in other host groups were added to the genus. While the phylogeny of the marine rhodophyte- and phaeophyte-infecting genera Pontisma and Eurychasma, respectively, has only been resolved recently, the taxonomic placement of the chlorophyte-infecting genus Sirolpidium remained unresolved. In the present study, we report the phylogenetic placement of Sirolpidium bryopsidis infecting the filamentous marine green algae Capsosiphon fulvescens sampled from Skagaströnd in Northwest Iceland. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed that S. bryopsidis is either conspecific or at least very closely related to the type species of Pontisma, Po. lagenidioides. Consequently, the type species of genus Sirolpidium, S. bryopsidis, is reclassified to Pontisma. Further infection trials are needed to determine if Po. bryopsidis and Po. lagenidioides are conspecific or closely related. In either case, the apparently recent host jump from red to green algae is remarkable, as it opens the possibility for radiation in a largely divergent eukaryotic lineage. Citation: Buaya AT, Scholz B, Thines M (2021). Sirolpidium bryopsidis, a parasite of green algae, is probably conspecific with Pontisma lagenidioides, a parasite of red algae. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 7: 223-231. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2021.07.11.

Fungal Syst Evol ; 6: 129-137, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32904153


Holocarpic oomycetes convert their entire cytoplasm into zoospores and thus do not form dedicated sporangia or hyphal compartments for asexual reproduction. The majority of holocarpic oomycetes are obligate parasites and parasitoids of a diverse suite of organisms, among them green and red algae, brown seaweeds, diatoms, fungi, oomycetes and invertebrates. Most of them are found among the early diverging oomycetes or the Peronosporomycetes, and some in the early-diverging Saprolegniomycetes (Leptomitales). The obligate parasitism renders it difficult to study some of these organisms. Only a few members of the genus Haliphthoros s. l. have been cultured without their hosts, and of the parasitoid Leptomitales, some transient cultures have been established, which are difficult to maintain. Here, the cultivation of a new holocarpic oomycete genus of the Leptomitales, Bolbea, is presented. Bolbea is parasitic to ostracods, is readily cultivable on malt extract agar, and upon contact with water converts its cytoplasm into zoospores. Its morphology and phylogenetic relationships are reported. Due to the ease of cultivation and the ready triggering of zoospore development, similar to some lagenidiaceous oomycetes, the species could be a promising model to study sporulation processes in detail.

Fungal Syst Evol ; 5: 113-118, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32467917


The oomycete genus Ectrogella currently comprises a rather heterogeneous group of obligate endoparasitoids, mostly of diatoms and algae. Despite their widespread occurrence, little is known regarding the phylogenetic affinities of these bizarre organisms. Traditionally, the genus was included within the Saprolegniales, based on zoospore diplanetism and a saprolegnia/achlya-like zoospore discharge. The genus has undergone multiple re-definitions in the past, and has often been used largely indiscriminately for oomycetes forming sausage-like thalli in diatoms. While the phylogenetic affinity of the polyphyletic genus Olpidiopsis has recently been partially resolved, taxonomic placement of the genus Ectrogella remained unresolved, as no sequence data were available for species of this genus. In this study, we report the phylogenetic placement of Ectrogella bacillariacearum infecting the freshwater diatom Nitzschia sigmoidea. The phylogenetic reconstruction shows that Ectrogella bacillariacearum is grouped among the early diverging lineages of the Saprolegniomycetes with high support, and is unrelated to the monophyletic diatom-infecting olpidiopsis-like species. As these species are neither related to Ectrogella, nor to the early diverging lineages of Olpidiopsis s. str. and Miracula, they are placed in a new genus, Diatomophthora, in the present study.

Fungal Syst Evol ; 4: 21-31, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32467904


Olpidiopsis is a genus of obligate holocarpic endobiotic oomycetes. Most of the species classified in the genus are known only from their morphology and life cycle, and a few have been examined for their ultrastructure or molecular phylogeny. However, the taxonomic placement of all sequenced species is provisional, as no sequence data are available for the type species, O. saprolegniae, to consolidate the taxonomy of species currently placed in the genus. Thus, efforts were undertaken to isolate O. saprolegniae from its type host, Saprolegnia parasitica and to infer its phylogenetic placement based on 18S rDNA sequences. As most species of Olpidiopsis for which sequence data are available are from rhodophyte hosts, we have also isolated the type species of the rhodophyte-parasitic genus Pontisma, P. lagenidioides and obtained partial 18S rDNA sequences. Phylogenetic reconstructions in the current study revealed that O. saprolegniae from Saprolegnia parasitica forms a monophyletic group with a morphologically similar isolate from S. ferax, and a morphologically and phylogenetically more divergent species from S. terrestris. However, they were widely separated from a monophyletic, yet unsupported clade containing P. lagenidioides and red algal parasites previously classified in Olpidiopsis. Consequently, all holocarpic parasites in red algae should be considered to be members of the genus Pontisma as previously suggested by some researchers. In addition, a new species of Olpidiopsis, O. parthenogenetica is introduced to accommodate the pathogen of S. terrestris.

Fungal Syst Evol ; 3: 35-40, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32478313


Holocarpic oomycetes are poorly known but widespread parasites in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Most of the holocarpic species seem to belong to clades that diverge before the two crown lineages of the oomycetes, the Saprolegniomycetes and the Peronosporomycetes. Recently, the genus Miracula was described to accommodate Miracula helgolandica, a holocarpic parasitoid of Pseudo-nitzschia diatoms, which received varying support for its placement as the earliest-diverging oomycete lineage. In the same phylogenetic reconstruction, Miracula helgolandica was grouped with some somewhat divergent sequences derived from environmental sequencing, indicating that Miracula would not remain monotypic. Here, a second species of Miracula is reported, which was found as a parasitoid in the limnic centric diatom Pleurosira leavis. Its life-cycle stages are described and depicted in this study and its phylogenetic placement in the genus Miracula revealed. As a consequence, the newly discovered species is introduced as Miracula moenusica.