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Heliyon ; 9(9): e19894, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37810046


The Covid 19 pandemic led to major changes at the individual, organisational and institutional levels of policy, productive functions, and organising. During Covid 19 morbidity, public institutions enforced social isolation, mandatory self-isolation, quarantines, and administrative regulatory lockdowns, which led to a movement away from the physical, material world and into an all-consuming digital universe. With growing interest in work-from-home (WFH) opportunities, this article provides an integrative review of 107 papers. It comprises the bibliometric analysis and manual review of the articles, on the basis of which we present an elaborative discussion and agenda for future research. According to the analysis, WFH looks a tad of a double-edged sword in that it may have major but unintended repercussions for institutions, and organizations as well as hidden, positive as well as negative consequences for individuals/employees. One of the significant insight from our analysis was the absence of HR function's strategic or operational input or oversight during corporate WFH strategies. We suggest several theoretical frameworks for further developing, theorizing, and empirically testing various aspects of WFH. Further, we recognise that WFH is becoming increasingly visible as a result of the pandemic scenario and significant technical advancements, which must be reflected in the research. Finally, because WFH represents a significant disruption in how organizations produce work and manage it, we propose employee and managerial consequences as future research agendas.

Ann Oper Res ; : 1-36, 2022 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35095153


The impact of blockchain technology (BCT) implementation on the accuracy, reliability, visibility, incorruptibility, and timeliness of supply-chain processes and transactions, makes it attractive to improve the robustness, transparency, accountability and decision-making in risk management. Therefore, the emerging BCT can present an invaluable opportunity for the organisations in need of preparing for and responding to uncertain and complex instances. The adoption of BCT in the operations and supply chain management (OSCM) literature remains scarcely investigated, especially in the context of managing risks in emergency situations such as crises, disasters, and pandemics, which are characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) in the business environment. This article will contribute to the OSCM literature by developing a conceptual model that will examine the causal relationships between VUCA business environment, constructs derived from technology acceptance model (TAM), resilience and behavioural intention of the operations managers to adopt BCT for risk management. The model was tested by gathering responses from 116 operations managers in the UK (during COVID-19 pandemic) through structural equation modelling. Findings from the analysis suggest that understanding the benefits of BCT, involvement in resilient organisational practices and user-friendly implementation of the technology will have a significant and positive influence on the intention to adopt BCT for risk management in the OSCM context. Building upon these findings, we have proposed a BCT decision framework to assess the feasibility and suitability of adopting BCT in each context (such as risk management), which will have strategic implications for operations managers and the OSCM community.

J Bus Res ; 139: 161-172, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34667337


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused organizational crises leading to shutdowns, mergers, downsizing or restructuring to minimize survival costs. In such organizational crises, employees tend to experience a loss or lack of resources, and they are more likely to engage in knowledge hiding to maintain their resources and competitive advantage. Knowledge hiding has often caused significant adverse consequences, and the research on knowledge hiding is limited. Drawing upon the Conservation of Resources and Transformational Leadership theories, a conceptual framework was developed to examine knowledge hiding behavior and its antecedents and consequences. We collected data from 281 Vietnamese employees working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results show that role conflict, job insecurity, and cynicism positively impact knowledge hiding behavior. Knowledge hiding behavior negatively affects job performance and mediates the antecedents of knowledge hiding on job performance. Transformational leadership moderated the impact of role conflict on knowledge hiding.

Front Psychol ; 12: 635106, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34113282


The importance of value-based leadership such as authentic, ethical, and servant leadership is inconspicuous. However, the benefits of these leadership approaches are often only explained through the behaviors of their followers. As such, limited research has communicated the leader's motivation for pursuing such leadership behavior, resulting in such discourse to escape theorizing. We draw upon role theory and paid attention to the role of higher-level management (leadership) through the trickle-down model to underline their importance in the organization. We then expand this role theory framework by synthesizing research to explain the emergence of value-based leadership behavior at the frontline of management. In doing so, we aim to provide a stronger explanation of the emergence of value-based leadership in organizations. We conclude this analysis by guiding future research in the form of propositions to investigate the psychological process and organizational factors to empirically examine the proposed role framework.

J Int Bus Stud ; 52(5): 951-970, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33716348


International business and management (IB/IM) scholars are increasingly calling for more research attention to subject matter that incorporates global-scale issues (Buckley, Doh, & Benischke, 2017). These calls have frequently focused on societal "grand challenges" that transcend discrete geographical locations and well-defined (typically short) time periods. The present long-term energy transition (LTE), characterized by a shift away from hydrocarbons and towards renewables, represents an important example of a multi-level, multi-actor global challenge that unfolds at the interface of business and society, and requires employing multiple conceptual lenses to process and understand. Researchers addressing such multi-faceted complex problems face a range of challenges related to theorizing, framing, modeling, and ultimately conducting empirical studies. Based on our collective work as IB scholars and journal editors, in this Perspective article we identify some of the challenges long-term energy transitions pose, reflect on how those challenges can be conceptualized, offer potential responses, and propose a future research agenda.

Les chercheurs en affaires et management internationaux (AI/MI) lancent des appels de plus en plus pressants en faveur des objets de recherche qui englobent des enjeux à l'échelle mondiale (Buckley, Doh & Benischke, 2017). Ces appels se focalisent souvent sur les « grands défis ¼ sociétaux qui transcendent des emplacements géographiques distincts et des périodes bien définies (généralement courtes). L'actuelle transition énergétique à long terme, caractérisée par un passage des hydrocarbures vers les énergies renouvelables, représente un exemple important de défi mondial multi-niveaux et multi-acteurs, déployé à l'interface entre les affaires et la société. Pour le traiter et comprendre, il est nécessaire de mobiliser de multiples perspectives conceptuelles. Les chercheurs qui s'attaquent à de tels problèmes complexes aux multiples facettes sont confrontés à une série d'obstacles liés à la théorisation, au cadrage, à la modélisation et, in fine, à la conduite des études empiriques. Sur la base de notre travail collectif en tant que rédacteurs en chef de revues et chercheurs en AI, nous identifions, dans cet article Perspective, certains des défis posés par les transitions énergétiques à long terme, réfléchissons à la manière dont ces défis peuvent être conceptualisés, offrons des réponses potentielles et proposons un programme de recherche futur.

Los académicos de negocios internacionales y de gerencia internacional (IB/IM por sus siglas en inglés) están pidiendo cada vez más atención de la investigación a asuntos que incorporaran cuestiones a escala mundial (Buckley, Doh, & Benischke, 2017). Estos llamados se han centrado frecuentemente en los "grandes desafíos" sociales que transcienden ubicaciones geográficas específicas y periodos de tiempo bien definidos (habitualmente cortos). La actual transición energética está caracterizada por dar un giro de los hidrocarbonos y hacia los renovables, representa un ejemplo importante de un desafío global multinivel y multi-actor que se despliega en la interfaz entre los negocios y la sociedad, y requiere el uso de múltiples lentes conceptuales para procesar y entender. Los investigadores que abordan estos problemas complejos multifáceticos se enfrentan a una serie de retos relacionados con la teorización, la formulación, el modelado y, en última instancia con llevar a cabo los estudios empíricos. Con base en nuestro trabajo colectivo como académicos y editores de revistas de negocios internacionales, en este artículo de Perspectiva identificamos algunos de los desafíos que representan las transiciones energéticas a largo plazo, reflexionamos sobre cómo estos desafíos pueden ser conceptualizados, ofrecemos respuestas potenciales, y proponemos una agenda de investigación futura.

Acadêmicos de negócios e gestão internacional (IB/IM) estão cada vez mais pedindo mais atenção para pesquisa para assuntos que incorporam questões de escala global (Buckley, Doh, & Benischke, 2017). Esses pedidos frequentemente se concentravam em "grandes desafios" sociais que transcendem distintas localizações geográficas e períodos de tempo bem definidos (normalmente curtos). A atual transição energética de longo prazo, caracterizada por um afastamento de hidrocarbonetos em aproximação de energias renováveis, representa um exemplo importante de um desafio global multinível e multiator que se desdobra na interface entre negócios e sociedade, e requer o emprego de múltiplas lentes conceituais para processar e entender. Pesquisadores que abordam esses problemas complexos multifacetados enfrentam uma série de desafios relacionados à teorização, enquadramento, modelagem e, por fim, a realização de estudos empíricos. Com base em nosso trabalho coletivo como acadêmicos de IB e editores de periódicos, neste artigo de perspectiva identificamos alguns dos desafios que transições de energia de longo prazo impõem, refletimos sobre como esses desafios podem ser conceituados, oferecemos potenciais respostas e propomos uma agenda de pesquisa futura.