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Kidney Med ; 5(2): 100571, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36686595


Rationale & Objective: For patients requiring in-center hemodialysis, suboptimal transportation arrangements are commonly cited as a source of ongoing stress and anxiety and have been associated with a reduced quality of life and increased mortality risk. Transportation-related problems are especially pronounced in Canada given its size, low population density, and long, often snowy winters. We aimed to identify and better understand transportation options for hemodialysis patients in Canada and to describe stakeholder experiences. Study Design: We used a qualitative descriptive research design to explore stakeholder experiences and perspectives of transportation to and from dialysis facilities. Setting & Participants: We recruited participants from a large urban hemodialysis program in Western Canada and included 11 participants from a project group, 45 participants from an open forum, and a survey of 8 social workers. Data collection occurred at a series of project group meetings and an open forum (n=45). In addition, we asked 8 renal social workers based in major cities across Canada to comment on the provision of transport for patients in their area via email or telephone consult. Analytical Approach: We used conventional content analysis to explore stakeholder experiences. Results: Traveling to and from dialysis facilities remains a source of stress and anxiety for many patients and their families. Patients described several factors contributing to these feelings including: the challenges of physically getting to the treatment center, particularly in adverse weather conditions; being a burden on family and friends; difficulties accessing the treatment facility; issues with public transport; and financial worries related to high costs. Limitations: Findings may not be relevant in low- and middle-income countries and those with a warmer climate. Conclusions: Without a concerted and collaborative approach to address the barriers identified here, it is likely that travel to and from in-center hemodialysis will continue to adversely affect patients' quality of life.

Can J Kidney Health Dis ; 9: 20543581221140633, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36467968


Background: People living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have identified diet as an important aspect of their life and care. Understanding current consumption patterns in this population, and how they relate to patient perspectives of dietary recommendations, may help identify and design potential dietary intervention strategies in CKD. Objective: To investigate the dietary intake patterns of people with advanced-stage CKD, as well as subjective perspectives regarding dietary recommendations from participants and their caregivers. Design: Mixed-methods study with a sequential explanatory design. Setting: Manitoba, Canada. Participants: Individuals with late-stage CKD (CKD stages G4-G5, including dialysis) participating in the Canadian Frailty Observation and Interventions Trial (CanFIT). Methods: First, quantitative data were collected via a cross-sectional dietary assessment, using three 24-hour dietary recalls, a 36-question short diet questionnaire (SDQ), and a Nutrition Quality of Life (NQoL) tool (n = 59). Second, qualitative data were collected during 2 focus groups (n 1 = 12 and n 2 = 7) held with a subsample of individuals who had completed the dietary surveys, along with their caregivers. Focus groups explored topics related to diet and CKD; transcribed data were analyzed thematically. In the interpretation stage, the qualitative findings were combined with the quantitative results to help explain the latter and reach a deeper understanding of the subjective experiences of adults with CKD. Results: Quantitatively, nearly all (48/51; 94%) participants (mean age 70.8 ± 10.8 years) reported energy intakes below recommendations and most (86%) did not achieve recommended fiber intake. In addition, 15/21 (71%) of patients on dialysis had low protein intake. Qualitatively, 2 themes were identified: (1) Lacking/Needing dietary guidance-incomplete "information overload," and (2) Experiencing difficulty in adapting to restrictions. Within the former theme, participants spoke of getting too much information at once, often at the wrong time. Within the latter theme, participants spoke of a loss of appetite, and cheating on their dietary recommendations. Limitations: Potential recall bias recalling dietary patterns, small sample size limiting generalizability, self-selection bias. Conclusion: Despite the reported lifestyle changes made by individuals with CKD, which negatively impacted their lives, many had suboptimal nutrition, especially in terms of energy and fiber. In addition, those on dialysis were not eating enough protein, which could be due to changing dietary recommendations as CKD progresses. Qualitative findings provided additional insight into how requisite CKD-dietary changes were perceived and how participants coped with these changes. The timing and delivery of the dietary education within CKD care in Manitoba may not be working for people with CKD as they progress through the disease.

Contexte: Les personnes atteintes d'IRC mentionnent le régime alimentaire comme un aspect important de leur vie et de leurs soins. Mieux comprendre les habitudes alimentaires actuelles de cette population et leur lien avec la façon dont les patients perçoivent les recommandations diététiques pourrait contribuer à orienter et concevoir de potentielles stratégies d'intervention diététique en contexte d'IRC. Objectif: Examiner les habitudes alimentaires des personnes atteintes d'IRC à un stade avancé, ainsi que les perspectives subjectives des participants et de leurs soignants sur les recommandations alimentaires. Conception: Étude par méthode mixte avec une conception séquentielle explicative. Cadre: Manitoba, Canada. Sujets: Les personnes atteintes d'IRC de stade avancé (stades G4-G5, y compris les patients sous dialyse) qui participent à l'essai CanFIT (Canadian Frailty Observation and Interventions Trial). Méthodologie: Des données quantitatives ont d'abord été colligées au moyen d'une évaluation transversale du régime alimentaire pour trois périodes de 24 heures, d'un questionnaire abrégé de 36 questions sur le régime alimentaire et d'un outil évaluant la qualité de vie liée à l'alimentation (n=59). Des données qualitatives ont ensuite été recueillies lors de deux groupes de discussion (n1 = 12 et n2 = 7) avec un sous-échantillon constitué de personnes ayant terminé les enquêtes sur l'alimentation et leurs soignants. Les groupes de discussion ont examiné des sujets liés à l'alimentation et à l'IRC; les données transcrites ont été analysées par thème. Au stade de l'interprétation, les résultats qualitatifs ont été combinés aux résultats quantitatifs pour aider à expliquer ces derniers et mieux comprendre les expériences subjectives des adultes atteints d'IRC. Résultats: Quantitativement, presque tous les participants (48/51; 94 %) (âge moyen: 70,8 ans ±10,8 ans) ont signalé des apports énergétiques inférieurs aux recommandations et la plupart (86 %) n'atteignaient pas l'apport recommandé en fibres. Sur les 21 patients sous dialyse, 15 (71 %) consommaient peu de protéines. Qualitativement, deux thèmes ont été dégagés: 1) le manque/besoin de directives alimentaires ­ « surcharge d'information ¼ ou information incomplète; 2) la difficulté de s'adapter aux restrictions. Pour le premier thème, les participants ont mentionné recevoir trop d'informations en même temps, souvent au mauvais moment. Pour le deuxième thème, les participants ont parlé de perte d'appétit et de tricherie par rapport aux recommandations alimentaires. Limites: Un possible biais de rappel pour les habitudes alimentaires; petite taille de l'échantillon qui limite la généralisabilité; biais d'auto-sélection. Conclusion: Malgré les changements signalés par les personnes atteintes d'IRC, lesquels ont eu des répercussions négatives sur leur vie, nombre d'entre elles avaient un régime alimentaire sous-optimal, surtout en ce qui concerne l'énergie et les fibres. En outre, les patients sous dialyse ne consommaient pas suffisamment de protéines, ce qui peut être attribuable aux changements dans les recommandations alimentaires au fur et à mesure que l'IRC progresse. Les résultats qualitatifs ont permis de mieux comprendre la façon dont les restrictions alimentaires nécessaires à l'IRC ont été perçues par les participants, et la façon dont ceux-ci ont fait face à ces changements. Le moment et le mode de prestation de l'information diététique dans le cadre des soins de l'IRC au Manitoba ne conviennent peut-être pas aux personnes atteintes d'IRC à mesure qu'elles progressent dans leur maladie. Enregistrement de l'essai: L'enregistrement n'est pas nécessaire pour cet essai.

JMIR Pediatr Parent ; 5(4): e40431, 2022 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36054663


BACKGROUND: Generation Health (GH) is a 10-week family-based lifestyle program designed to promote a healthy lifestyle for families with children who are off the healthy weight trajectory in British Columbia, Canada. GH uses a blended delivery format that involves 10 weekly in-person sessions, and self-guided lessons and activities on a web portal. The blended program was adapted to be delivered virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, the effectiveness of the virtual GH program compared with that of the blended GH program remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to (1) compare the effectiveness of the virtual GH program delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic with that of the blended GH program delivered prior to the pandemic for changing child physical activity, sedentary and dietary behaviors, screen time, and parental support-related behaviors for child physical activity and healthy eating, and (2) explore virtual GH program engagement and satisfaction. METHODS: This study used a single-arm pre-post design. The blended GH program (n=102) was delivered from January 2019 to February 2020, and the virtual GH program (n=90) was delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic from April 2020 to March 2021. Families with children aged 8-12 years and considered overweight or obese (BMI ≥85th percentile according to age and sex) were recruited. Participants completed preintervention and postintervention questionnaires to assess the children's physical activity, dietary and sedentary behaviors, and screen time, and the parent's support behaviors. Intervention feedback was obtained by interviews. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to evaluate the difference between the virtual and blended GH programs over time. Qualitative interviews were analyzed using thematic analyses. RESULTS: Both the virtual and blended GH programs improved children's moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (F1,380=18.37; P<.001; ηp2=0.07) and reduced screen time (F1,380=9.17; P=.003; ηp2=0.06). However, vegetable intake was significantly greater in the virtual GH group than in the blended GH group at the 10-week follow-up (F1,380=15.19; P<.001; ηp2=0.004). Parents in both groups showed significant improvements in support behaviors for children's physical activity (F1,380=5.55; P=.02; ηp2=0.002) and healthy eating (F1,380=3.91; P<.001; ηp2=0.01), as well as self-regulation of parental support for children's physical activity (F1,380=49.20; P<.001; ηp2=0.16) and healthy eating (F1,380=91.13; P<.001; ηp2=0.28). Families in both groups were satisfied with program delivery. There were no significant differences in attendance for the weekly in-person or group video chat sessions; however, portal usage was significantly greater in the virtual GH group (mean 50, SD 55.82 minutes) than in the blended GH group (mean 17, SD 15.3 minutes; P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggested that the virtual GH program was as effective as the blended program for improving child lifestyle behaviors and parental support-related behaviors. The virtual program has the potential to improve the flexibility and scalability of family-based childhood obesity management interventions.