Orthopaedic surgery has not experienced the same increase in diversity as other surgical subspecialties over time. Professional orthopaedic societies across the nation, including the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, are now making sincere efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the field. Several national groups provide funding to support DEI -related research as well as scholarships to national meetings. Others are more focused on mentorship and mitigation of residency attrition amongst underrepresented minorities (URMs). Individual residency programs, including the Department of Orthopaedics at Brown University, are engaging in community outreach to attract more diverse candidates to orthopaedics and providing away rotation scholarship support for medical students that identify as female or URMs. These local and national efforts will hopefully lead to a more inclusive environment for all trainees and practitioners within orthopaedics and ultimately improved orthopaedic care for all patients.