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Sci Adv ; 8(31): eabm2689, 2022 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35930636


We combine monazite petrochronology with thermal modeling to evaluate the relative roles of crustal melting, surface denudation, and tectonics in facilitating ultrafast exhumation of the Nanga Parbat Massif in the western Himalayan syntaxis. Our results reveal diachronous melting histories between samples and a pulse of ultrafast exhumation (9 to 13 mm/year) that began ~1 Ma and was preceded by several million years of slower, but still rapid, exhumation (2 to 5 mm/year). Recent studies show that an exhumation pulse of similar timing and magnitude occurred in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. A synchronous exhumation pulse in both Himalayan syntaxes suggests that neither erosion by rivers and/or glaciers nor a pulse of crustal melting was a primary trigger for accelerated exhumation. Rather, our results, combined with those of recent studies in the eastern syntaxis, imply that larger-scale tectonic processes impose the dominant control on the current tempo of rapid exhumation in the Himalayan syntaxes.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 6869, 2021 Mar 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33767234


Electron back scattered diffraction data of garnet crystals from the Nelson Aureole, British Columbia and the Mosher's Island formation, Nova Scotia, reveals that 22 garnet crystals are all oriented with one of three crystal directions parallel to the trace of the foliation plane in thin section. Structural models suggest that these relationships are due to preferential garnet nucleation onto muscovite, with the alignment of repeating rows of Al octahedra and Si tetrahedra in each leading to inheritance of garnet orientation from the muscovite. These results highlight that epitaxial nucleation may be a prevalent process by which porphyroblast minerals nucleate during metamorphism and carry implications for the role that non-classic nucleation pathways play in the crystallization of metamorphic minerals, the distribution of porphyroblasts in metamorphic rocks, and, in cases in which nucleation is the rate limiting step for crystallization, the energetics of metamorphic reactions.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 15517, 2018 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30341323


Subduction zones impose an important control on the geochemical cycling between the surficial and internal reservoirs of the Earth. Sulphur and carbon are transferred into Earth's mantle by subduction of pelagic sediments and altered oceanic lithosphere. Release of oxidizing sulphate- and carbonate-bearing fluids modifies the redox state of the mantle and the chemical budget of subduction zones. Yet, the mechanisms of sulphur and carbon cycling within subduction zones are still unclear, in part because data are typically derived from arc volcanoes where fluid compositions are modified during transport through the mantle wedge. We determined the bulk rock elemental, and sulphur and carbon isotope compositions of exhumed ultramafic and metabasic rocks from Syros, Greece. Comparison of isotopic data with major and trace element compositions indicates seawater alteration and chemical exchange with sediment-derived fluids within the subduction zone channel. We show that small bodies of detached slab material are subject to metasomatic processes during exhumation, in contrast to large sequences of obducted ophiolitic sections that retain their seafloor alteration signatures. In particular, fluids circulating along the plate interface can cause sulphur mobilization during several stages of exhumation within high-pressure rocks. This takes place more pervasively in serpentinites compared to mafic rocks.

Nat Commun ; 2: 299, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21540841


The structure of columnar-jointed lava flows and intrusions has fascinated people for centuries and numerous hypotheses on the mechanisms of formation of columnar jointing have been proposed. In cross-section, weakly developed semicircular internal structures are a near ubiquitous feature of basalt columns. Here we propose a melt-migration model, driven by crystallization and a coeval specific volume decrease inside cooling and solidifying columns, which can explain the observed macroscopic features in columnar-jointed basalts. We study basalts from Hrepphólar (Iceland), combining macroscopic observations, detailed petrography, thermodynamic and rheological modelling of crystallization sequences, and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) of late crystallizing phases (that is, titanomagnetite). These are all consistent with our proposed model, which also suggests that melt-migration features are more likely to develop in certain evolved basaltic lava flows (with early saturation of titanomagnetite), and that the redistribution of melt within individual columns can modify cooling processes.

Science ; 321(5893): 1178, 2008 Aug 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18755968


The time lag between intrusion of fresh, hot magma and an ensuing eruption is of critical importance in both understanding the triggering and mitigating the consequences of volcanic eruptions. This work looks at material erupted during 1925-28 at the Nea Kameni volcanic center in Santorini, Greece, to determine this time scale. By exploiting Fe-Mg diffusion in olivine crystals, we constrained the intrusion-to-eruption time lag to between 3 and 10 weeks. These techniques have potential application at many volcanic centers; previously erupted material can be used to calibrate records of the short-time scale processes common to many volcanic centers.