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Front Vet Sci ; 10: 1041479, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37065222


Lysolecithin might increase ruminal and intestinal emulsification, leading to increased digestibility, but there is minimum information about which is the most appropriate phase to start supplementation and its impacts on feedlot performance and muscle fatty acid profile. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of phase-feeding of Lysoforte™ eXtend (LYSO). In the first experiment, 1,760 predominantly Bos indicus bullocks (initial body weight of 400 ± 0.561 kg) were allocated in a complete randomized block design. LYSO was supplemented at 1 g/1% of ether extract from the diet. Treatments were no LYSO supplementation (NON); LYSO starting during the growing period and continuing during the finishing period; LYSO starting during the finishing period (FIN); and LYSO during adaptation, growing, and finishing periods (ALL). In the second experiment, the same treatments were evaluated with 96 bullocks (64 Nellore and 32½ Nellore × ½ Angus) in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement (treatments × genotype). For both studies, intake and average daily gain were accessed; carcass characteristics were evaluated in the first experiment, while digestibility of nutrients and profile of muscle fatty acids were measured in the second experiment. In the first experiment, LYSO increased final body weight (P < 0.022) and average daily gain (GRO and FIN; P < 0.05). In the second study, a treatment × breed × feeding phase interaction was observed with Nellore having a greater average daily gain (P < 0.05) than crossbreds in every feeding phase that LYSO was introduced to the diet. A treatment × feeding phase interaction was observed for digestibility, such that LYSO increased total dry matter (P = 0.004), crude protein (P = 0.043), and NDF (P = 0.001) digestibility during the finishing period. A treatment × breed × day classification was observed (P < 0.05). During the finishing phase, crossbreds treated with LYSO had greater DMI (P < 0.05) on very hot days than NON. Also, animals treated with LYSO presented a greater C18:3 n3 concentration (P = 0.047) in the longissimus. Overall, feeding LYSO during GRO and FIN enhanced feedlot performance and should lead to higher intakes during very hot days of the finishing feeding period.

Front Vet Sci ; 10: 1110671, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761885


Provision of shade reduces radiant heat load on feedlot cattle, thus reducing demand of water and energy for thermoregulation. While the positive effects of shade on animal welfare are widely known, the literature lacks data on the magnitude of its economic impacts. In this study, we propose the concept of novel shade design to prove that a correctly oriented and dimensioned roof structure, which optimizes shade to be displaced within the pens, motivates cattle to seek shade, protect them from short-wave solar radiation, and is resilient to counteract weather adverse conditions. The beneficial outcome is improvement in animal welfare and productive performance, as well as increments on financial return and sustainability. To attest these benefits, eight hundred B. indicus × Bos taurus bulls were randomly assigned in pens with or without shade from a galvanized steel-roof structure. Performance data (e.g., dry matter intake, body weight gain, feed efficiency and hot carcass weight) and heat stress indicators (e.g., subcutaneous temperature, body-surface temperature, respiratory rate and water intake) were assessed along the study period. The economic outcomes derived from shade implementation were determined using the net present value. Meteorological variables were also monitored every 1 min, and grouped in a thermal comfort index for feedlot cattle, the InComfort Index (InCI). The shade structure efficiently reduced radiant heat load on cattle in pens with shade. According to the classification of the InCI, during very hot days (InCI > 0.6; around noon with mean solar radiation above 800 W m-2 and mean air temperature above 33°C), greater proportion (80%) of animals in shaded pens were using shade. Under such circumstances, cattle in shade had water intake reduced by 3.4 L per animal, body temperature was lower by 5°C, subcutaneous temperature was lower by 1°C and respiration rate was lower by 10 breaths min-1 compared to animals in pens without shade (P = 0.0001). Although dry matter intake was similar (P = 0.6805), cattle in pens with shade had higher average daily gain reflected in a heavier hot carcass weight (8 kg animal-1; P = 0.0002). Considering an initial investment of $90 per animal to build a structure that lasts 15 years, the expected payback time is four finishing cycles (~110 days per cycle). In conclusion, this study confirms that the proposed novel shade design is economically profitable, improves performance, and enhances animal welfare.