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J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 128(7): 2844-2855, 2024 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38414834


Propane dehydrogenation (PDH) is an on-purpose catalytic technology to produce propylene from propane that operates at high temperatures, 773-973 K. Several key industry players have been active in developing new catalysts and processes with improved carbon footprint and economics, where Pt-based catalysts have played a central role. The optimization of these catalytic systems through computational and atomistic simulations requires large-scale models that account for their reactivity and dynamic properties. To address this challenge, we developed a new reactive ReaxFF force field (2023-Pt/C/H) that enables large-scale simulations of PDH reactions catalyzed on Pt surfaces. The optimization of force-field parameters relies on a large training set of density functional theory (DFT) calculations of Pt-catalyzed PDH mechanism, including geometries, adsorption and relative energies of reaction intermediates, and key C-H and C-C bond-breaking/forming reaction steps on the Pt(111) surface. The internal validation supports the accuracy of the developed 2023-Pt/C/H force-field parameters, resulting in mean absolute errors (MAE) against DFT data of 14 and 12 kJ mol-1 for relative energies of intermediates and energy barriers, respectively. We demonstrated the applicability of the 2023-Pt/C/H force field with reactive molecular dynamics simulations of propane on different Pt surface topologies and temperatures. The simulations successfully model the formation of propene in the gas phase as well as competitive, unproductive reactions such as deep dehydrogenation and C-C bond cleavage that produce H, C1 and C2 adsorbed species responsible of catalytic deactivation of Pt surface. Results show the following reactivity order: Pt(111) < Pt(100) < Pt(211), and that for the stepped Pt(211) surface, propane activation occurs on low-coordinated Pt atoms at the steps. The measured selectivity as a function of surface topology follows the same trend as activity, the Pt(211) facet being the most selective. The 2023-Pt/C/H reactive force field can also describe the increase of reactivity with the temperature. From these simulations, we were able to estimate the Arrhenius activation energy, 73 kJ mol-1, whose value is close to those reported experimentally for PDH catalyzed by large, supported Pt nanoparticles . The newly developed 2023-Pt/C/H reactive force field can be used in subsequent investigations of different Pt topologies and of collective effects such as temperature, propane pressure, or H surface coverage.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 11(16): e2309779, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38361396


The present paper reports a remote carbon-to-carbon boryl migration via an intramolecular 1,4-B/Cu shift, which establishes an in situ stereospecific electrophilic trap on the alkene moiety. The synthetic application is developed to prepare functionalized cyclopentenes by means of a palladium-catalyzed regioselective intramolecular coupling that completes a strategic cyclopropanation and generates valuable structural bicyclic systems. The mechanism is characterized by DFT (density functional theory) calculations which showed that the 1,4-migration proceeds through an intramolecular, nucleophilic attack of the copper-alkyl moiety on the boron atom bonded to the C(sp2), leading to a 5-membered boracycle structure. The computation of the 1,3- and 1,4-B/Cu shifts is also compared as is the impact of the endo- or exocyclic alkene on the reaction kinetics.

ACS Catal ; 13(15): 10324-10339, 2023 Aug 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37560188


The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the main undesired side reaction in catalytic oxidation processes of industrial interest that make use of H2O2 as a terminal oxidant, such as the epoxidation of alkenes. However, the mechanism responsible for this reaction is still poorly understood, thus hindering the development of design rules to maximize the efficiency of catalytic oxidations in terms of product selectivity and oxidant utilization efficiency. Here, we thoroughly investigated the H2O2 decomposition mechanism using a Zr-monosubstituted dimeric Lindqvist tungstate, (Bu4N)6[{W5O18Zr(µ-OH)}2] ({ZrW5}2), which revealed high activity for this reaction in acetonitrile. The mechanism of the {ZrW5}2-catalyzed H2O2 degradation in the absence of an organic substrate was investigated using kinetic, spectroscopic, and computational tools. The reaction is first order in the Zr catalyst and shows saturation behavior with increasing H2O2 concentration. The apparent activation energy is 11.5 kcal·mol-1, which is significantly lower than the values previously found for Ti- and Nb-substituted Lindqvist tungstates (14.6 and 16.7 kcal·mol-1, respectively). EPR spectroscopic studies indicated the formation of superoxide radicals, while EPR with a specific singlet oxygen trap, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidone (4-oxo-TEMP), revealed the generation of 1O2. The interaction of test substrates, α-terpinene and tetramethylethylene, with H2O2 in the presence of {ZrW5}2 corroborated the formation of products typical of the oxidation processes that engage 1O2 (endoperoxide ascaridole and 2,3-dimethyl-3-butene-2-hydroperoxide, respectively). While radical scavengers tBuOH and p-benzoquinone produced no effect on the peroxide product yield, the addition of 4-oxo-TEMP significantly reduced it. After optimization of the reaction conditions, a 90% yield of ascaridole was attained. DFT calculations provided an atomistic description of the H2O2 decomposition mechanism by Zr-substituted Lindqvist tungstate catalysts. Calculations showed that the reaction proceeds through a Zr-trioxidane [Zr-η2-OO(OH)] key intermediate, whose formation is the rate-determining step. The Zr-substituted POM activates heterolytically a first H2O2 molecule to generate a Zr-peroxo species, which attacks nucleophilically to a second H2O2, causing its heterolytic O-O cleavage to yield the Zr-trioxidane complex. In agreement with spectroscopic and kinetic studies, the lowest-energy pathway involves dimeric Zr species and an inner-sphere mechanism. Still, we also found monomeric inner- and outer-sphere pathways that are close in energy and could coexist with the dimeric one. The highly reactive Zr-trioxidane intermediate can evolve heterolytically to release singlet oxygen and also decompose homolytically, producing superoxide as the predominant radical species. For H2O2 decomposition by Ti- and Nb-substituted POMs, we also propose the formation of the TM-trioxidane key intermediate, finding good agreement with the observed trends in apparent activation energies.

Inorg Chem ; 62(26): 10100-10109, 2023 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37319404


Hydrogenolysis of a series of alkyl sulfido-bridged tantalum(IV) dinuclear complexes [Ta(η5-C5Me5)R(µ-S)]2 [R = Me, nBu (1), Et, CH2SiMe3, C3H5, Ph, CH2Ph (2), p-MeC6H4CH2 (3)] has led quantitatively to the Ta(III) tetrametallic sulfide cluster [Ta(η5-C5Me5)(µ3-S)]4 (4) along with the corresponding alkane. Mechanistic information for the formation of the unique low-valent tetrametallic compound 4 was gathered by hydrogenation of the phenyl-substituted precursor [Ta(η5-C5Me5)Ph(µ-S)]2, which proceeds through a stepwise hydrogenation process, disclosing the formation of the intermediate tetranuclear hydride sulfide [Ta2(η5-C5Me5)2(H)Ph(µ-S)(µ3-S)]2 (5). Extending our studies toward tantalum alkyl precursors containing functional groups susceptible to hydrogenation, such as the allyl-and benzyl-substituted compounds [Ta(η5-C5Me5)(η3-C3H5)(µ-S)]2 and [Ta(η5-C5Me5)(CH2Ph)(µ-S)]2 (2), enables alternative reaction pathways en route to the formation of 4. In the former case, the dimetallic system undergoes selective hydrogenation of the unsaturated allyl moiety, forming the asymmetric complex [{Ta(η5-C5Me5)(η3-C3H5)}(µ-S)2{Ta(η5-C5Me5)(C3H7)}] (6) with only one propyl fragment. Species 2, in addition to the hydrogenation of one benzyl fragment and concomitant toluene release, also undergoes partial hydrogenation and dearomatization of the phenyl ring on the vicinal benzyl unity to give a η5-cyclohexadienyl complex [Ta2(η5-C5Me5)2(µ-CH2C6H6)(µ-S)2] (7). The mechanistic implications of the latter hydrogenation process are discussed by means of DFT calculations.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 62(30): e202304791, 2023 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37166170


Regioselective borylcupration of borylated skipped (Z)-dienes generates diborylated alkylcopper species that are involved in an intramolecular stereospecific B/Cu 1,3-rearrangement by migration of Bpin moiety from C(sp2 ) to C(sp3 ). DFT mechanistic studies showed that boryl migration occurs through the formation of 4-membered boracycle intermediate with a moderate free-energy barrier. Moreover, the use of KOMe forms stable Lewis base adducts with Bpin moieties that blocks the reaction. Subsequently to the 1,3-boron shift, the in situ electrophilic trapping allows selective C-H, C-C and C-X bonds, followed by intramolecular cross coupling giving access to cyclic functionalized alkylidenecyclohexanes or alkylidenecyclobutanes.

Inorg Chem ; 62(11): 4570-4580, 2023 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36893373


Ru and Rh nanoparticles catalyze the selective H/D exchange in phosphines using D2 as the deuterium source. The position of the deuterium incorporation is determined by the structure of the P-based substrates, while activity depends on the nature of the metal, the properties of the stabilizing agents, and the type of the substituent on phosphorus. The appropriate catalyst can thus be selected either for the exclusive H/D exchange in aromatic rings or also for alkyl substituents. The selectivity observed in each case provides relevant information on the coordination mode of the ligand. Density functional theory calculations provide insights into the H/D exchange mechanism and reveal a strong influence of the phosphine structure on the selectivity. The isotope exchange proceeds via C-H bond activation at nanoparticle edges. Phosphines with strong coordination through the phosphorus atom such as PPh3 or PPh2Me show preferred deuteration at ortho positions of aromatic rings and at the methyl substituents. This selectivity is observed because the corresponding C-H moieties can interact with the nanoparticle surface while the phosphine is P-coordinated, and the C-H activation results in stable metallacyclic intermediates. For weakly coordinating phosphines such as P(o-tolyl)3, the interaction with the nanoparticle can occur directly through phosphine substituents, and then, other deuteration patterns are observed.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 61(37): e202208495, 2022 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35857816


1,1-Diborylalkenes can be transformed into (Z)-skipped dienes through CuI -phosphine catalyzed allylic coupling reactions. The energetically preferred formation of (Z)-α-borylalkenyl copper (I) species and the subsequent nucleophilic attack, explains the stereoselective nucleophilic substitution with allyl bromides. The eventual treatment of (Z)-skipped dienes with NaOt Bu promotes cyclization/aromatization patterns via enyne intermediates.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(20): 8951-8960, 2022 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35536652


Aqueous solutions of polyoxometalates (POMs) have been shown to have potential as high-capacity energy storage materials due to their potential for multi-electron redox processes, yet the mechanism of reduction and practical limits are currently unknown. Herein, we explore the mechanism of multi-electron redox processes that allow the highly reduced POM clusters of the form {MO3}y to absorb y electrons in aqueous solution, focusing mechanistically on the Wells-Dawson structure X6[P2W18O62], which comprises 18 metal centers and can uptake up to 18 electrons reversibly (y = 18) per cluster in aqueous solution when the countercations are lithium. This unconventional redox activity is rationalized by density functional theory, molecular dynamics simulations, UV-vis, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering spectra. These data point to a new phenomenon showing that cluster protonation and aggregation allow the formation of highly electron-rich meta-stable systems in aqueous solution, which produce H2 when the solution is diluted. Finally, we show that this understanding is transferrable to other salts of [P5W30O110]15- and [P8W48O184]40- anions, which can be charged to 23 and 27 electrons per cluster, respectively.

Front Chem ; 10: 876630, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35494630


Polyoxometalates (POMs) structures have raised considerable interest for the last years in their application to biological processes and medicine. Within this area, our mini-review shows that computational modelling is an emerging tool, which can play an important role in understanding the interaction of POMs with biological systems and the mechanisms responsible of their activity, otherwise difficult to achieve experimentally. During recent years, computational studies have mainly focused on the analysis of POM binding to proteins and other systems such as lipid bilayers and nucleic acids, and on the characterization of reaction mechanisms of POMs acting as artificial metalloproteases and phosphoesterases. From early docking studies locating binding sites, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have allowed to characterize the nature of POM···protein interactions, and to evaluate the effect of the charge, size, and shape of the POM on protein affinity, including also, the atomistic description of chaotropic character of POM anions. Although these studies rely on the interaction with proteins and nucleic acid models, the results could be extrapolated to other biomolecules such as carbohydrates, triglycerides, steroids, terpenes, etc. Combining MD simulations with quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) methods and DFT calculations on cluster models, computational studies are starting to shed light on the factors governing the activity and selectivity for the hydrolysis of peptide and phosphoester bonds catalysed by POMs.

Inorg Chem ; 61(1): 474-485, 2022 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34890181


The reaction of [TaCpRX4] (CpR = η5-C5Me5, η5-C5H4SiMe3, η5-C5HMe4; X = Cl, Br) with SiH3Ph resulted in the formation of the dinuclear hydride tantalum(IV) compounds [(TaCpRX2)2(µ-H)2], structurally identified by single-crystal X-ray analyses. These species react with azobenzene to give the mononuclear imide complex [TaCpRX2(NPh)] along with the release of molecular hydrogen. Analogous reactions between the [{Ta(η5-C5Me5)X2}2(µ-H)2] derivatives and the cyclic diazo reagent benzo[c]cinnoline afford the biphenyl-bridged (phenylimido)tantalum complexes [{Ta(η5-C5Me5)X2}2(µ-NC6H4C6H4N)] along with the release of molecular hydrogen. When the compounds [(TaCpRX2)2(µ-H)2] (CpR = η5-C5H4SiMe3, η5-C5HMe4; X = Cl, Br) were employed, we were able to trap the side-on-bound diazo derivatives [(TaCpRX)2{µ-(η2,η2-NC6H4C6H4N)}] (CpR = η5-C5H4SiMe3, η5-C5HMe4; X = Cl, Br) as intermediates in the N═N bond cleavage process. DFT calculations provide insights into the N═N cleavage mechanism, in which the ditantalum(IV) fragment can promote two-electron reductions of the N═N bond at two different metal-metal bond splitting stages.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 57(98): 13361-13364, 2021 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34821229


Exchange of boryl moieties between alkenylboranes and diboron reagents has been postulated as a stereospecific cross-metathesis pathway with concomitant formation of mixed diboron reagents. DFT calculations propose a mechanism for the stereocontrolled C(sp2)-B/B'-B' cross-metathesis with both symmetric and non-symmetric diboron reagents.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 57(90): 11935-11947, 2021 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34704565


Any attempt to facilitate a new generation of C-B bonds represents a useful tool in organic synthesis. In addition, if that approach highlights the nucleophilic character of boryl moieties in the absence of transition metal complexes, the challenge to create new reactive platforms becomes an opportunity. We have been deeply involved in the experimental and theoretical validation of C-B bond formation by means of alkoxide activation of tetra-alkoxy diboron reagents and here is presented a convenient guide to understand the concept and the applications.

Chemistry ; 27(48): 12352-12361, 2021 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34156127


The chemistry of stabilized α-boryl carbanions shows remarkable diversity, and can enable many different synthetic routes towards efficient C-C bond formation. The electron-deficient, trivalent boron center stabilizes the carbanion facilitating its generation and tuning its reactivity. Here, the electronic structure and the reactivity trends of a large dataset of α-boryl carbanions are described. DFT-derived parameters were used to capture their electronic and steric properties, computational reactivity towards model substrates, and crystallographic analysis within the Cambridge Structural Dataset. This study maps the reactivity space by systematically varying the nature of the boryl moiety, the substituents of the carbanionic center, the number of α-boryl motifs, and the metal counterion. In general, the free carbanionic intermediates are described as borata-alkene species with C-B π interactions polarized towards the carbon. Furthermore, it was possible to classify the α-boryl alkylidene metal precursors into three classes directly related to their reactivity: 1) nucleophilic borata-alkene salts with alkali and alkaline earth metals, 2) nucleophilic η2 -(C-B) borata-alkene complexes with early transition metals, Cu and Ag, and 3) α-boryl alkyl complexes with late transition metals. This trend map aids selection of the appropriate reactive synthon depending on the reactivity sought.

Inorg Chem ; 60(2): 807-815, 2021 Jan 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33411534


The mechanism responsible for peptide bond hydrolysis by Co(III) and Cu(II) complexes with (oxa)cyclen ligands has been revisited by means of computational tools. We propose that the mechanism starts by substrate coordination and an outer-sphere attack on the amide C atom of a solvent water molecule assisted by the metal hydroxo moiety as a general base, which occurs through six-membered ring transition states. This new mechanism represents a more likely scenario than the previously proposed mechanisms that involved an inner-sphere nucleophilic attack through more strained four-membered rings transition states. The corresponding computed overall free-energy barrier of 25.2 kcal mol-1 for hydrolysis of the peptide bond in Phe-Ala by a cobalt(III) oxacyclen catalyst (1) is consistent with the experimental values obtained from rate constants. Also, we assessed the influence of the nature of the ligand throughout a systematic replacement of N by O atoms in the (oxa)cyclen ligand. Increasing the number of coordinating O atoms accelerates the reaction by increasing the Lewis acidity of the metal ion. On the other hand, the higher reactivity observed for the copper(II) oxacyclen catalyst with respect to the analogous Co(III) complex can be attributed to the larger Brönsted basicity of the copper(II) hydroxo ligand. Ultimately, the detailed understanding of the ligand and metal nature effects allowed us to identify the double role of the metal hydroxo complexes as Lewis acids and Brönsted bases and to rationalize the observed reactivity trends.

Cobalto/química , Complexos de Coordenação/química , Cobre/química , Ciclamos/química , Peptídeos/química , Catálise , Teoria da Densidade Funcional , Hidrólise , Ligantes , Conformação Molecular , Termodinâmica
Chem Commun (Camb) ; 56(44): 5973-5976, 2020 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32347249


Copper(i) catalyzes the borylative cyclization of γ-alkenyl aldehydes through chemo- and regioselective addition of Cu-B to C[double bond, length as m-dash]C and concomitant intramolecular 1,2-addition of Cu-C on C[double bond, length as m-dash]O. The products are formed in an exclusive diastereoselective manner and computational analysis identifies the key points for the observed chemo- and diastereoselectivity.

Chemistry ; 26(26): 5799-5809, 2020 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32104951


The influence of the composition of chaotropic polyoxometalate (POM) anions on their affinity to biological systems was studied by means of atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The variations in the affinity to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) were analyzed along two series of POMs whereby the charge or the size and shape of the metal cluster are modified systematically. Our simulations revealed a quadratic relationship between the charge of the POM and its affinity to HEWL as a consequence of the parabolic growth of POM⋅⋅⋅water interaction with the charge. As the charge increases, POMs become less chaotropic (more kosmotropic) increasing the number and the strength of POM-water hydrogen bonds and structuring the solvation shell around the POM. This atomistic description explains the proportionally larger desolvation energies and less protein affinity for highly charged POMs, and consequently, the preference for moderate charge densities (q/M=0.33). Also, our simulations suggest that POM⋅⋅⋅protein interactions are size-specific. The cationic pockets of HEWL protein show a preference for Keggin-like structures, which display the optimal dimensions (≈1 nm). Finally, we developed a quantitative multidimensional model for protein affinity with predictive ability (r2 =0.97; q2 =0.88) using two molecular descriptors that account for the charge density (charge per metal atom ratio; q/M) and the size and shape (shape weighted-volume; VS ).

Ânions/química , Cátions/química , Muramidase/química , Compostos de Tungstênio/química , Ligação de Hidrogênio , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Relação Estrutura-Atividade
Inorg Chem ; 58(18): 12157-12166, 2019 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31448905


Treatment of the dinuclear compound [{Ti(η5-C5Me5)Cl2}2(µ-O)] with allylmagnesium chloride provides the formation of the allyltitanium(III) derivative [{Ti(η5-C5Me5)(µ-C3H5)}2(µ-O)] (1), structurally identified by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations confirm that the electronic structure of 1 is a singlet state, and the molecular orbital analysis, along with the short Ti-Ti distance, reveal the presence of a metal-metal single bond between the two Ti(III) centers. Complex 1 reacts rapidly with organic azides, RN3 (R = Ph, SiMe3), to yield the allyl µ-imido derivatives [{Ti(η5-C5Me5)(CH2CH═CH2)2}2(µ-NR)(µ-O)] [R = Ph(2), SiMe3(3)] along with molecular nitrogen release. Reaction of 2 and 3 with H2 leads to the µ-imido propyl species [{Ti(η5-C5Me5)(CH2CH2CH3)2}2(µ-NR)(µ-O)] [R = Ph(4), SiMe3(5)]. Theoretical calculations were used to gain insight into the hydrogenation mechanism of complex 3 and rationalize the lower reactivity of 2. Initially, the µ-imido bridging group in these complexes activates the H2 molecule via addition to the Ti-N bonds. Subsequently, the titanium hydride intermediates induce a change in hapticity of the allyl ligands, and the nucleophilic attack of the hydride to the allyl groups leads to metallacyclopropane intermediates. Finally, the proton transfer from the amido group to the metallacyclopropane moieties affords the propyl complexes 4 and 5.

Inorg Chem ; 58(17): 11308-11316, 2019 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31411866


The 9-cobalt(II)-containing trimeric, cyclic polyanion [Co9(OH)3(H2O)6(PO4)2(B-α-GeW9O34)3]21- (1) was synthesized in an aqueous phosphate solution at pH 8 and isolated as a hydrated mixed sodium-cesium salt. Polyanion 1 was structurally and compositionally characterized in the solid state by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, as well as thermogravimetric and elemental analyses. The magnetic and electrochemical properties of 1 were also studied and compared with those of its phosphorus analogue, [Co9(OH)3(H2O)6(HPO4)2(B-α-PW9O34)3]16- (Co9-P). The electrochemical water oxidation activity of the cesium salt of 1 under heterogeneous conditions was also studied and shown to be superior to that of Co9-P. The experimental results were supported by computational studies.

Inorg Chem ; 58(6): 3881-3894, 2019 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30830759


A series of stable reduction-oxidation states of the cagelike [I@VIV xVV18- xO42]5- x polyoxovanadate (POV) with x = 8, 10, 12, 16, and 18 were studied with density functional theory and molecular dynamics to gain insight into the structural and electron distribution characteristics of these metal-oxo clusters and to analyze the charge/redox-dependent assemblage processes in water and acetonitrile (MeCN) solutions. The calculations show that the interplay between the POV redox state (molecular charge) and the solvent polarity, countercation size, and hydrophilicity (or hydrophobicity) controls the POV agglomeration phenomena, which substantially differ between aqueous and MeCN media. In MeCN, agglomeration is more pronounced for intermediate-charged POVs, whereas in water, the lowest-charged POVs and organic countercations tend to agglomerate into a microphase. Tests made on wet MeCN show diminished agglomeration with respect to pure MeCN. Simulations with alkali countercations in water show that only the highest-charged POV can form agglomerates. The herein presented theoretical investigation aims to support experimental studies of POVs in the field of functional nanomaterials and surfaces, where controlled molecular deposition from the liquid phase onto solid substrates requires knowledge about the features of these metal-oxo clusters in discrete solutions.

Org Lett ; 21(7): 2251-2255, 2019 04 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30859836


This work explains the reactivity of diboron reagents with 1,3-dienes in a transition-metal-free context. The sole addition of Na2CO3 (30 mol %) to bis(pinacolato)diboron in MeOH allows the 1,4-hydroboration of cyclic and noncyclic 1,3-dienes. The electronic influence on the substrate guarantees the conjugated 1,4-hydroboration versus 1,2-diboration. DFT calculations show that the distribution of charge in the allylic anion intermediate governs the selectivity toward 1,4-hydroboration, while the favored trans configuration in diene reagents determines the preference for the E allyl boronate products.