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J Med Entomol ; 2024 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39024462


Surveillance of triatomines or kissing bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae), the insect vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, a Chagas disease agent, is hindered by the lack of an effective trap. To develop a kissing bug trap, we made iterative improvements over 3 years on a basic design resulting in 7 trap prototypes deployed across field sites in Texas, United States and Northern Mexico, yielding the capture of 325 triatomines of 4 species (Triatoma gerstaeckeri [Stål], T. sanguisuga [LeConte], T. neotomae [Neiva], and T. rubida [Uhler]). We began in 2019 with vertical transparent tarpaulin panel traps illuminated with artificial light powered by AC current, which were successful in autonomous trapping of flying triatomines, but were expensive, labor-intensive, and fragile. In 2020, we switched to white LED lights powered by a solar cell. We tested a scaled-down version of the vertical panel traps, a commercial cross-vane trap, and a multiple-funnel trap. The multiple-funnel traps captured 2.6× more kissing bugs per trap-day than cross-vane traps and approached the performance of the vertical panel traps in number of triatomines captured, number of triatomines per trap-day and triatomines per arthropod bycatch. Multiple-funnel traps required the least labor, were more durable, and had the highest triatomines per day per cost. Propylene glycol in the collection cups effectively preserved captured triatomines allowing for molecular detection of T. cruzi. The trapping experiments established dispersal patterns for the captured species. We conclude that multiple-funnel traps with solar-powered LED lights should be considered for adoption as surveillance and potentially mass-trapping management tools for triatomines.

Conserv Physiol ; 11(1): coad087, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38026803


The eastern population of the North American monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) overwinters from November through March in the high-altitude (3000 m+) forests of central Mexico during which time they rely largely on stored lipids. These are acquired during larval development and the conversion of sugars from floral nectar by adults. We sampled fall migrant monarchs from southern Canada through the migratory route to two overwintering sites in 2019 (n = 10 locations), 2020 (n = 8 locations) and 2021 (n = 7 locations). Moderate to extreme droughts along the migratory route were expected to result in low lipid levels in overwintering monarchs but our analysis of lipid levels of monarchs collected at overwintering sites indicated that in all years most had high levels of lipids prior to winter. Clearly, a significant proportion of lipids were consistently acquired in Mexico during the last portion of the migration. Drought conditions in Oklahoma, Texas and northern Mexico in 2019 resulted in the lowest levels of lipid mass and wing loading observed in that year but with higher levels at locations southward in Mexico to the overwintering sites. Compared with 2019, lipid levels increased during the 2020 and 2021 fall migrations but were again higher during the Mexican portion of the migration than for Oklahoma and Texas samples, emphasizing a recovery of lipids as monarchs advanced toward the overwintering locations. In all 3 years, body water was highest during the Canada-USA phase of migration but then declined during the nectar foraging phase in Mexico before recovering again at the overwintering sites. The increase in mass and lipids from those in Texas to the overwintering sites in Mexico indicates that nectar availability in Mexico can compensate for poor conditions experienced further north. Our work emphasizes the need to maintain the floral and therefore nectar resources that fuel both the migration and storage of lipids throughout the entire migratory route.

PLoS One ; 18(2): e0272979, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36735654


INTRODUCTION: Ursus americanus Pallas 1780 is the largest carnivore and the only ursid in Mexico. It is considered an endangered species in the country because its distribution and population have been reduced by up to 80% because of habitat loss or furtive hunting. These problems can lead to a diet change, which could result in metabolic disorders, such as fatty acid ß-oxidation defects or organic acid metabolism disorders. In our study, a free amino acid and acylcarnitine profile was characterized. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were drawn from nine free-ranging black bears in a period of five months, from June to October of 2019 in Northeastern Mexico, and 12 amino acids and 30 acylcarnitines were determined and quantified. Age differences were observed in the samples through ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey test. RESULTS: Only three metabolites showed a significant difference with age: alanine (Ala) [cubs vs juvenile], free-carnitine (C0) [juvenile vs cubs] and acetylcarnitine (C2) [cubs vs adults and juvenile vs cubs]. CONCLUSION: Metabolites with variability due to age were identified, making them potential biomarkers to monitor metabolic status as early diagnosis in endangered species. This is the first study of black bear amino acid and acylcarnitine profiles, and the values found could be used as reference for free amino acid and acylcarnitine concentrations in further studies of the species.

Ursidae , Animais , Ursidae/metabolismo , Aminoácidos , México , Carnitina/metabolismo
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 996-1008, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977361


Resumen Las interacciones interespecíficas entre especies de mesocarnívoros tropicales han sido poco estudiadas, a pesar de tener implicaciones importantes en la supervivencia, estructura, demografía, y distribución de estas especies. En este estudio se analizaron las interacciones espacio-temporales de tres mesocarnívoros simpátricos que se encuentran en el límite Noreste de su distribución geográfica en México, con el objetivo de determinar si estas especies coexisten o compiten. Con un periodo de muestreo de enero 2015 a diciembre 2016 y con un total de 26 estaciones de trampeo equipadas con dos trampas-cámara puestas frente a frente y ubicadas en caminos y veredas dentro de los diferentes tipos de vegetación que presenta la Reserva de la Biosfera El Cielo, se determinó el patrón de actividad y uso de hábitat de L. wiedii (margay), L. pardalis (ocelote) y P. yagouaroundi (yaguarundi). Las fotografías independientes de cada especie se agruparon en tres categorías temporales (día, noche y crepúsculo) y en seis categorías espaciales (tipo de vegetación) para el uso del hábitat; Bosque de Encino, Bosque de Pino Encino, Bosque de Encino Pino, Bosque Mesófilo de Montaña, Selva Baja Caducifolia y Selva Mediana. El solapamiento entre especies (o interacciones) temporales y espaciales se obtuvieron con el índice de Czekanowski y el índice de Pianka, respectivamente. Estos índices son simétricos y toman valores de cero a uno, donde los resultados cercanos a cero indican que no hay solapamiento entre especies y los valores cercanos o con valor de uno indican solapamiento. Se obtuvieron un total de 379 fotografías independientes, de las cuales 239 correspondieron al margay, 118 a ocelote y 22 para el yaguarundi. Se documentó que el margay y el ocelote fueron nocturnos, más del 80 % de sus registros se presentaron en esta categoría y fueron también los que mostraron un solapamiento temporal alto (0.85), en contraste, el yaguarundi fue una especie con actividad totalmente diurna, lo que muestra que probablemente coexiste con las otras dos especies. El yaguarundi utilizó tipos de hábitat similares al ocelote y al margay (con un solapamiento de 0.81 y 0.72, respectivamente), mientras que el solapamiento espacial entre el margay y el ocelote fue intermedio (0.53), debido a que utilizaron distintos tipos de hábitat en la mayoría de los casos. Los resultados indican que no hay competencia interespecífica entre las especies de mesocarnívoros tropicales de este estudio, esto probablemente se debe a las interacciones antagonistas que exhiben entre ellos ya sea en el eje temporal o espacial. Estas estrategias pueden favorecer positivamente a las poblaciones de estos mesocarnívoros, los cuales se caracterizan por tener un comportamiento territorial alto.

Abstract Interspecific interactions among tropical mesocarnivorous species and other mammalian trophic guilds have been poorly studied, despite they have important implications in the survival, structure, demography, and distribution of these species. In this study we analyzed spatio-temporal interactions of three sympatric mesocarnivores that are located in the Northeastern limit of their geographic distribution in Mexico, with the objective of analyzing if these species coexist or compete in the axis of the temporal and spatial niche. With a sampling period from January 2015 to December 2016 and 26 camera-trapping stations (with in a set of two camera traps opposite to each other) and located along roads and animal trails, we determined the activity pattern and habitat use of L. wiedii (margay), L. pardalis (ocelote) y P. yagouaroundi (yaguarundi). All independent photographs of each species were grouped into three temporal categories (day, night and twilight) and six habitat categories; Oak Forest, Oak-Pine Forest, Cloud Forest, Pine-Oak Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest and Medium Forest. Temporal and spatial overlap between species (i.e. interactions) was obtained with the Czekanowski index and the Pianka index, respectively. These indices are symmetrical and take values from zero to one, where the results close to zero indicate that there is no overlap between species and values close to one indicate overlap. We obtained a total of 379 independent photographs, of which 239 corresponded to margay, 118 to ocelot and 22 to yaguarundi. Margay and ocelot were nocturnal, with 75 % of their records in this category showing a high temporal overlap (0.85); whereas yaguarundi was fully diurnal, suggesting it may be able to coexist with the other two species (margay and ocelot). Moreover, the yaguarundi used habitat similar to ocelot and margay (with high spatial overlap of 0.81 and 0.72, respectively), while the spatial overlap between the margay and ocelot was intermediate (0.53), since they used in most cases different habitat types. Our results suggest that there is no interspecific competition among these tropical mesocarnivorous species, probably due to antagonistic interactions among them on the temporal and spatial axis. These strategies may positively favor populations of mesocarnivores, which are characterized by having a high territorial behavior. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 996-1008. Epub 2018 September 01.

Carnívoros/classificação , Felidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Panthera/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal/análise , México
Rev Biol Trop ; 64(4): 1451-68, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29465909


Information on the ecology of jaguars (Panthera onca) in "El Cielo" Biosphere Reserve in Tamaulipas, Mexico is scant and limited to anecdotic records in a handful of publications. The objectives of our study were to: a) determine population density and structure of jaguars, b) compare their activity patterns with that of pumas (Puma concolor), c) ascertain potential prey relative abundance, and d) evaluate local resident's perception on loss of domestic animals due to jaguar predation. Between April 2013 and April 2014 we conducted camera trapping in Gomez Farias Township with a total sampling effort of 8 580 camera trap days. Besides, we completed 136 semi-structured interviews among local residents of Gomez Farias and Llera Townships to gather information on domestic animal losses attributed to jaguars and other carnivores. We identified eight different jaguar individuals during a complete year of camera-trapping, composed of four adult females, one juvenile female, two adult males and one juvenile male. We estimated a jaguar density of 5.9 ± 1.3 jaguars/100 km². Activity patterns for jaguars and pumas were similar as both were nocturnal and crepuscular in nature. The most abundant potential prey species for jaguars in the study site were Crax rubra, Cuniculus paca, Mazama temama, Odocoileus virginianus and Didelphis virginiana; while the rarest were Mephitis macroura and Procyon lotor. Interview results suggested that chickens, dogs, and house cats were the most consumed domestic animals from all reported losses by local residents (n= 107). This study represents the first attempt to describe jaguar ecology in "El Cielo" Biosphere Reserve; however, there is a need of additional monitoring efforts to determine the current status of jaguars in a larger area in order to establish conservation strategies. Finally, this jaguar population may have an important role in maintaining the species in the Sierra Madre Oriental biological corridor connecting populations in Nuevo Leon and San Luis states in Northeastern Mexico.

Ecossistema , Panthera/fisiologia , Distribuição Animal , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , México , Densidade Demográfica , Comportamento Predatório , Puma/fisiologia