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Front Oncol ; 14: 1362786, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38751813


Background: Fast adaptation of glycolytic and mitochondrial energy pathways to changes in the tumour microenvironment is a hallmark of cancer. Purely glycolytic ρ0 tumour cells do not form primary tumours unless they acquire healthy mitochondria from their micro-environment. Here we explored the effects of severely compromised respiration on the metastatic capability of 4T1 mouse breast cancer cells. Methods: 4T1 cell lines with different levels of respiratory capacity were generated; the Seahorse extracellular flux analyser was used to evaluate oxygen consumption rates, fluorescent confocal microscopy to assess the number of SYBR gold-stained mitochondrial DNA nucleoids, and the presence of the ATP5B protein in the cytoplasm and fluorescent in situ nuclear hybridization was used to establish ploidy. MinION nanopore RNA sequence analysis was used to compare mitochondrial DNA transcription between cell lines. Orthotopic injection was used to determine the ability of cells to metastasize to the lungs of female Balb/c mice. Results: OXPHOS-deficient ATP5B-KO3.1 cells did not generate primary tumours. Severely OXPHOS compromised ρ0D5 cells generated both primary tumours and lung metastases. Cells generated from lung metastasis of both OXPHOS-competent and OXPHOS-compromised cells formed primary tumours but no metastases when re-injected into mice. OXPHOS-compromised cells significantly increased their mtDNA content, but this did not result in increased OXPHOS capacity, which was not due to decreased mtDNA transcription. Gene set enrichment analysis suggests that certain cells derived from lung metastases downregulate their epithelial-to-mesenchymal related pathways. Conclusion: In summary, OXPHOS is required for tumorigenesis in this orthotopic mouse breast cancer model but even very low levels of OXPHOS are sufficient to generate both primary tumours and lung metastases.

Front Oncol ; 12: 857686, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35372069


The ability of cancer cells to adjust their metabolism in response to environmental changes is a well-recognized hallmark of cancer. Diverse cancer and non-cancer cells within tumors compete for metabolic resources. Metabolic demands change frequently during tumor initiation, progression and metastasis, challenging our quest to better understand tumor biology and develop novel therapeutics. Vascularization, physical constraints, immune responses and genetic instability promote tumor evolution resulting in immune evasion, opportunities to breach basement membrane barriers and spread through the circulation and lymphatics. In addition, the unfolded protein response linked to the ubiquitin proteasome system is a key player in addressing stoichiometric imbalances between nuclear and mitochondrially-encoded protein subunits of respiratory complexes, and nuclear-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal protein subunits. While progressive genetic changes, some of which affect metabolic adaptability, contribute to tumorigenesis and metastasis through clonal expansion, epigenetic changes are also important and more dynamic in nature. Understanding the role of stromal and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment in remodeling cancer cell energy metabolism has become an increasingly important area of research. In this perspective, we discuss the adaptations made by cancer cells to balance mitochondrial and glycolytic energy metabolism. We discuss how hypoxia and nutrient limitations affect reductive and oxidative stress through changes in mitochondrial electron transport activity. We propose that integrated responses to cellular stress in cancer cells are central to metabolic flexibility in general and bioenergetic adaptability in particular and are paramount in tumor progression and metastasis.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29163365


The ability to rapidly adapt cellular bioenergetic capabilities to meet rapidly changing environmental conditions is mandatory for normal cellular function and for cancer progression. Any loss of this adaptive response has the potential to compromise cellular function and render the cell more susceptible to external stressors such as oxidative stress, radiation, chemotherapeutic drugs, and hypoxia. Mitochondria play a vital role in bioenergetic and biosynthetic pathways and can rapidly adjust to meet the metabolic needs of the cell. Increased demand is met by mitochondrial biogenesis and fusion of individual mitochondria into dynamic networks, whereas a decrease in demand results in the removal of superfluous mitochondria through fission and mitophagy. Effective communication between nucleus and mitochondria (mito-nuclear cross talk), involving the generation of different mitochondrial stress signals as well as the nuclear stress response pathways to deal with these stressors, maintains bioenergetic homeostasis under most conditions. However, when mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations accumulate and mito-nuclear cross talk falters, mitochondria fail to deliver critical functional outputs. Mutations in mtDNA have been implicated in neuromuscular and neurodegenerative mitochondriopathies and complex diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders, aging, and cancer. In some cases, drastic measures such as acquisition of new mitochondria from donor cells occurs to ensure cell survival. This review starts with a brief discussion of the evolutionary origin of mitochondria and summarizes how mutations in mtDNA lead to mitochondriopathies and other degenerative diseases. Mito-nuclear cross talk, including various stress signals generated by mitochondria and corresponding stress response pathways activated by the nucleus are summarized. We also introduce and discuss a small family of recently discovered hormone-like mitopeptides that modulate body metabolism. Under conditions of severe mitochondrial stress, mitochondria have been shown to traffic between cells, replacing mitochondria in cells with damaged and malfunctional mtDNA. Understanding the processes involved in cellular bioenergetics and metabolic adaptation has the potential to generate new knowledge that will lead to improved treatment of many of the metabolic, degenerative, and age-related inflammatory diseases that characterize modern societies.

Antioxidants (Basel) ; 6(3)2017 Jul 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28737676


We have previously shown that exposure to high dose ascorbate causes double stranded breaks (DSBs) and a build-up in S-phase in glioblastoma (GBM) cell lines. Here we investigated whether or not this was due to genotoxic stress as well as metabolic stress generated by exposure to high dose ascorbate, radiation, ascorbate plus radiation and H2O2 in established and primary GBM cell lines. Genotoxic stress was measured as phosphorylation of the variant histone protein, H2AX, 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8OH-dG) positive cells and cells with comet tails. Metabolic stress was measured as a decrease in NADH flux, mitochondrial membrane potential (by CMXRos), ATP levels (by ATP luminescence) and mitochondrial superoxide production (by mitoSOX). High dose ascorbate, ascorbate plus radiation, and H2O2 treatments induced both genotoxic and metabolic stress. Exposure to high dose ascorbate blocked DNA synthesis in both DNA damaged and undamaged cell of ascorbate sensitive GBM cell lines. H2O2 treatment blocked DNA synthesis in all cell lines with and without DNA damage. DNA synthesis arrest in cells with damaged DNA is likely due to both genotoxic and metabolic stress. However, arrest in DNA synthesis in cells with undamaged DNA is likely due to oxidative damage to components of the mitochondrial energy metabolism pathway.