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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 1568, 2023 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36709389


Western Gondwana amalgamated by collision of continental blocks that did not form prior conjugated margins (extroversion), and by typical Wilson cycles, when continental blocks that rifted away giving birth to new oceans were subsequently re-joined in approximately the same position (introversion). The introverted systems are characterized by the opening of V-shaped basins through rifting and hyperextension of various continental pieces (micro- and ribbon continents) from a former Central African Block. These continental fragments lost substantial parts of their mantle lithosphere and became decratonized while drifting towards the external Goiás-Pharusian ocean. Protracted seafloor spreading and consumption through subduction of the internal and external oceans, respectively, ultimately led to multiple, diachronous collisions with other continental blocks detached from Rodinia (Amazonian, West Africa, Embu, etc.). These collisions pushed the ribbon continents back and closed the introverted basins, squeezing and incorporating the reworked basement tracts between the main colliding blocks and the rigid remainder of the Central African Block (the São Francisco-Congo craton). Continental extrusion and lateral escape tectonics ensued, generating thousands-of-km long networks of anastomosing directional shear zones (keirogens), as a consequence of both the accretionary systems developed between the involved blocks and the highly deformable nature of the decratonized ribbon continents.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20010, 2021 10 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34625630


We combine U-Pb in-situ carbonate dating, elemental and isotope constraints to calibrate the synergy of integrated mountain-basin evolution in western Gondwana. We show that deposition of the Bambuí Group coincides with closure of the Goiás-Pharusian (630-600 Ma) and Adamastor (585-530 Ma) oceans. Metazoans thrived for a brief moment of balanced redox and nutrient conditions. This was followed, however, by closure of the Clymene ocean (540-500 Ma), eventually landlocking the basin. This hindered seawater renewal and led to uncontrolled nutrient input, shallowing of the redoxcline and anoxic incursions, fueling positive productivity feedbacks and preventing the development of typical Ediacaran-Cambrian ecosystems. Thus, mountains provide the conditions, such as oxygen and nutrients, but may also preclude life development if basins become too restricted, characterizing a Goldilocks or optimal level effect. During the late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian fan-like transition from Rodinia to Gondwana, the newborn marginal basins of Laurentia, Baltica and Siberia remained open to the global sea, while intracontinental basins of Gondwana became progressively landlocked. The extent to which basin restriction might have affected the global carbon cycle and climate, e.g. through the input of gases such as methane that could eventually have collaborated to an early Cambrian greenhouse world, needs to be further considered.

Evolução Biológica , Clima , Fenômenos Geológicos , Ciclo do Carbono , Ecossistema , Fósseis , Sedimentos Geológicos , Geologia , Oceanos e Mares , Paleontologia
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 5719, 2021 03 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33707542


Dispersion and deformation of cratonic fragments within orogens require weakening of the craton margins in a process of decratonization. The orogenic Borborema Province, in NE Brazil, is one of several Brasiliano/Pan-African late Neoproterozoic orogens that led to the amalgamation of Gondwana. A common feature of these orogens is that a period of extension and opening of narrow oceans preceded inversion and collision. For the case of the Borborema Province, the São Francisco Craton was pulled away from its other half, the Benino-Nigerian Shield, during an intermittent extension event between 1.0-0.92 and 0.9-0.82 Ga. This was followed by inversion of an embryonic and confined oceanic basin at ca. 0.60 Ga and transpressional orogeny from ca. 0.59 Ga onwards. Here we investigate the boundary region between the north São Francisco Craton and the Borborema Province and demonstrate how cratonic blocks became physically involved in the orogeny. We combine these results with a wide compilation of U-Pb and Nd-isotopic model ages to show that the Borborema Province consists of up to 65% of strongly sheared ancient rocks affiliated with the São Francisco/Benino-Nigerian Craton, separated by major transcurrent shear zones, with only ≈ 15% addition of juvenile material during the Neoproterozoic orogeny. This evolution is repeated across a number of Brasiliano/Pan-African orogens, with significant local variations, and indicate that extension weakened cratonic regions in a process of decratonization that prepared them for involvement in the orogenies, that led to the amalgamation of Gondwana.

Geobiology ; 19(2): 125-146, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33347697


In east-central Brazil, the Ediacaran-Cambrian Bambuí Basin has the potential to provide a record of unique geochemical responses of Earth's ocean and atmosphere evolution during this key time interval. From this perspective, we studied an interval of the upper Bambuí Basin using sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and chemostratigraphic tools. The lower Cambrian Jaíba Member of the uppermost Serra da Saudade Formation is an interval of up to 60 m-thick of carbonate rocks disposed into two shallowing upward trends. Inner to outer ramp and high-energy shoal deposits are described, in which laminated microbialites are the prevailing sedimentary facies. REE + Y data suggest contamination by iron (oxy)hydroxides that are dissociated from the riverine detritic flux. Sedimentary iron enrichment may be related to the settling of iron nanoparticles in coastal environments, diagenetic iron mobilization, or both. MREE enrichment is caused by microbial degradation of organic matter in the iron reduction zone during the anoxic early-diagenetic stage. Chromium isotopes yielded negatively fractionated values (δ53 Cr = -0.69 to -0.27‰), probably resulting from biotic and abiotic reduction of dissolved Cr(VI) to light and less toxic Cr(III) within pores of microbial mats. The δ53 Cr data of the Jaíba microbialite are thus a product of metabolic reactions in microbial mats and do not reflect seawater signal. The isotopic offset from seawater is feasible from molecular diffusion of Cr into pore water and reduction reactions occurring deep inside the mat, although the exact mechanism and consequences are not yet fully understood due to the poor preservation of metabolic reactions in the geological record. Our study suggests that Cr isotopes can be used to reconstruct Cr and other metals cycling within ancient microbial mats, and that caution should be taken when using past microbialites to infer seawater Cr records and redox state of the atmosphere and ocean.

Oligoelementos , Brasil , Carbonatos , Isótopos do Cromo/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos , Água do Mar