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Sci Adv ; 9(51): eadj6129, 2023 Dec 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38134271


Coupling plasmonic and functional materials provides a promising way to generate multifunctional structures. However, finding plasmonic nanomaterials and elucidating the roles of various geometric and dielectric configurations are tedious. This work describes a combinatorial approach to rapidly exploring and identifying plasmonic heteronanomaterials. Symmetry-broken noble/non-noble metal particle heterojunctions (~100 nanometers) were synthesized on multiwindow silicon chips with silicon nitride membranes. The metal types and the interface locations were controlled to establish a nanoparticle library, where the particle morphology and scattering color can be rapidly screened. By correlating structural data with near- and far-field single-particle spectroscopy data, we found that certain low-energy plasmonic modes could be supported across the heterointerface, while others are localized. Furthermore, we found a series of triangular heteronanoplates stabilized by epitaxial Moiré superlattices, which show strong plasmonic responses despite largely comprising a lossy metal (~70 atomic %). These architectures can become the basis for multifunctional and cost-effective plasmonic devices.

ACS Nano ; 16(3): 3917-3925, 2022 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35235746


Strong coupling between light and matter can produce hybrid eigenstates known as exciton-polaritons. Although polariton dynamics are important photophysical properties, the relaxation pathways of polaritons in different coupling regimes have seen limited attention. This paper reports the dynamics of hybridized states from 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites coupled to plasmonic nanoparticle lattices. The open cavity architecture of Al lattices enables the coupling strength to be modulated by varying either the lead halide perovskite film thickness or the superstrate refractive index. Both experiments and finite-difference time-domain simulations of the optical dispersion diagrams showed avoided crossings that are a signature of strong coupling. Our analytical model also elucidated the correlation between the exciton/plasmon mixing ratio and polariton coupling strength. Using fs-transient absorption spectroscopy, we found that both the upper and lower polaritons have shorter lifetimes than the excitons and that polaritons can show faster excited-state dynamics when they have access to additional energy transfer channels.

Nano Lett ; 21(18): 7775-7780, 2021 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34490777


This Letter describes strong coupling of densely packed molecular emitters in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and plasmonic nanoparticle (NP) lattices. Porphyrin-derived ligands with small transition dipole moments in an ordered MOF film were grown on Ag NP arrays. Angle-resolved optical measurements of the MOF-NP lattice system showed the formation of a polariton that is lower in energy and does not cross the uncoupled MOF Q1 band. Modeling predicted the upper polariton energy and a calculated Rabi splitting of 110 meV. The coupling strength was systematically controlled by detuning the plasmon energy by changing the refractive index of the solvents infiltrating the MOF pores. Through transient absorption spectroscopy, we found that the lower polariton decays quickly at shorter time scales (<500 ps) and slowly at longer times because of energy transfer from the upper polariton. This hybrid system demonstrates how MOFs can function as an accessible excitonic material for polariton chemistry.

ACS Nano ; 14(9): 11518-11532, 2020 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32790353


While most active plasmonic efforts focus on responsive metamaterials to modulate optical response, we present a simple alternative based on applied orientation control that can likely be implemented for many passive plasmonic materials. Passive plasmonic motifs are simpler to prepare but cannot be altered postfabrication. We show that such systems can be easily manipulated through substrate orientation control to generate both active plasmonic and active chiral plasmonic responses. Using gold nanocrescents as our model platform, we demonstrate tuning of optical extinction from -21% to +36% at oblique incidence relative to normal incidence. Variation of substrate orientation in relation to incident polarization is also demonstrated to controllably switch chiroptical handedness (e.g., Δg = ± 0.55). These active plasmonic responses arise from the multipolar character of resonant modes. In particular, we correlate magnetoelectric and dipole-quadrupole polarizabilities with different light-matter orientation-dependence in both near- and far-field localized surface plasmon activity. Additionally, the attribution of far-field optical response to higher-order multipoles highlights the sensitivity offered by these orientation-dependent characterization techniques to probe the influence of localized electromagnetic field gradients on a plasmonic response. The sensitivity afforded by orientation-dependent optical characterization is further observed by the manifestation in both plasmon and chiral plasmon responses of unpredicted structural nanocrescent variance (e.g., left- and right-tip asymmetry) not physically resolved through topographical imaging.

ACS Nano ; 14(6): 7347-7357, 2020 Jun 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32453547


Colloidal quantum dot (CQD) assemblies exhibit interesting optoelectronic properties when coupled to optical resonators ranging from Purcell-enhanced emission to the emergence of hybrid electronic and photonic polariton states in the weak and strong coupling limits, respectively. Here, experiments exploring the weak-to-strong coupling transition in CQD-plasmonic lattice hybrid devices at room temperature are presented for varying CQD concentrations. To interpret these results, generalized retarded Fano-Anderson and effective medium models are developed. Individual CQDs are found to interact locally with the lattice yielding Purcell-enhanced emission. At high CQD densities, polariton states emerge as two-peak structures in the photoluminescence, with a third polariton peak, due to collective CQD emission, appearing at still higher CQD concentrations. Our results demonstrate that CQD-lattice plasmon devices represent a highly flexible platform for the manipulation of collective spontaneous emission using lattice plasmons, which could find applications in optoelectronics, ultrafast optical switches, and quantum information science.

Nano Lett ; 19(10): 7309-7316, 2019 10 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31518135


The plasmonic properties of tip-substrate composite systems are of vital importance to near-field optical spectroscopy, in particular tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), which enables operando studies of nanoscale chemistry at a single molecule level. The nanocavities formed in the tip-substrate junction also offer a highly tunable platform for studying field-matter interactions at the nanoscale. While the coupled nanoparticle dimer model offers a correct qualitative description of gap-mode plasmon effects, it ignores the full spectrum of multipolar tip plasmon modes and their interaction with surface plasmon polariton (SPP) excitation in the substrate. Herein, we perform the first tip-enhanced Raman excitation spectroscopy (TERES) experiment and use the results, both in ambient and aqueous media, in combination with electrodynamics simulations, to explore the plasmonic response of a Au tip-Au substrate composite system. The gap-mode plasmon features a wide spectral window corresponding to a host of tip plasmon modes interacting with the plasmonic substrate. Simulations of the electric field confinement demonstrate that optimal spatial resolution is achieved when a hybrid plasmon mode that combines a multipolar tip plasmon and a substrate SPP is excited. Nevertheless, a wide spectral window over 1000 nm is available for exciting the tip plasmon with high spatial resolution, which enables the simultaneous resonant detection of different molecular species. This window is robust as a function of tip-substrate distance and tip radius of curvature, indicating that many choices of tips will work, but it is restricted to wavelengths longer than ∼600 nm for the Au tip-Au substrate combination. Other combinations, such as Ag tip-Ag substrate, can access wavelengths as low as 350 nm.

Nano Lett ; 19(9): 6435-6441, 2019 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31390214


This paper reports hierarchical hybridization as a mode-mixing scheme to account for the unique optical properties of non-Bravais lattices of plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs). The formation of surface lattice resonances (SLRs) mediated by localized surface plasmons (LSPs) of different multipolar orders (dipole and quadrupole) can result in asymmetric electric near-field distributions surrounding the NPs. This asymmetry is because of LSP hybridization at the individual NP level from LSPs of different multipole order and at the unit cell level (NP dimer) from LSPs of the same multipole order. Fabricated honeycomb lattices of silver NPs exhibit ultrasharp SLRs at the Γ point that can also facilitate nanolasing. Modeling of the stimulated emission process revealed that the multipolar component of the lattice plasmon mode was responsible for feedback for lasing. By leveraging multipolar LSP responses in Al NP lattices, we achieved two distinct Γ point band-edge modes from a single honeycomb lattice. This work highlights how multipolar LSP coupling in plasmonic lattices with a non-Bravais symmetry has important implications for the design of SLRs and their associated plasmonic near-field distributions. These relatively unexplored degrees of freedom can decrease both ohmic and radiative losses in nanoscale systems and enable SLRs to build unanticipated connections among photonics and nanochemistry.

Acc Chem Res ; 52(9): 2548-2558, 2019 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31465203


Plasmonic surface lattice resonances (SLRs) are mixed light-matter states emergent in a system of periodically arranged metallic nanoparticles (NPs) under the constraint that the array spacing is able to support a standing wave of optical-frequency light. The properties of SLRs derive from two separate physical effects; the electromagnetic (plasmonic) response of metal NPs and the electromagnetic states (photonic cavity modes) associated with the array of NPs. Metal NPs, especially free-electron metals such as silver, gold, aluminum, and alkali metals, support optical-frequency electron density oscillations known as localized surface plasmons (LSPs). The high density of conduction-band electrons in these metals gives rise to plasmon excitations that strongly couple to light even for particles that are several orders of magnitude smaller than the wavelength of the excitation source. In this sense, LSPs have the remarkable ability to squeeze far-field light into intensely localized electric near-fields that can enhance the intensity of light by factors of ∼103 or more. Moreover, as a result of advances in the synthesis and fabrication of NPs, the intrinsic dependence of LSPs on the NP geometry, composition, and size can readily be exploited to design NPs with a wide range of optical properties. One drawback in using LSPs to enhance optical, electronic, or chemical processes is the losses introduced into the system by dephasing and Ohmic damping-an effect that must either be tolerated or mitigated. Plasmonic SLRs enable the mitigation of loss effects through the coupling of LSPs to diffractive states that arise from arrays satisfying Bragg scattering conditions, also known as Rayleigh anomalies. Bragg modes are well-known for arrays of dielectric NPs, where they funnel and trap incoming light into the plane of the lattice, defining a photonic cavity. The low losses and narrow linewidths associated with dielectric NPs produce Bragg modes that oscillate for ∼103-104 cycles before decaying. These modes are of great interest to the metamaterials community but have relatively weak electric fields associated with dielectric NPs and therefore are not used for applications where local field enhancements are needed. Plasmonic lattices, i.e., photonic crystals composed of metallic NPs, combine the characteristics of both LSPs and diffractive states, enabling both enhanced local fields and narrow-linewidth excitations, in many respects providing the best advantages of both materials. Thus, by control of the periodicity and global symmetry of the lattice in addition to the material composition and shape of the constituent NPs, SLRs can be designed to simultaneously survive for up to 103 cycles while maintaining the electric field enhancements near the NP surface that have made the use of LSPs ubiquitous in nanoscience. Modern fabrication methods allow for square-centimeter-scale patches of two-dimensional arrays that are composed of approximately one trillion NPs, making them effectively infinite at the nanoscale. Because of these advances, it is now possible to experimentally realize SLRs with properties that approach those predicted by idealized theoretical models. In this Account, we introduce the fundamental theory of both SLRs and SLR-mediated lasing, where the latter is one of the most important applications of plasmonic SLRs that has emerged to date. The focus of this Account is on theoretical concepts for describing plasmonic SLRs and computational methods used for their study, but throughout we emphasize physical insights provided by the theory that aid in making applications.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 9(3): 504-512, 2018 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29314843


Facile control of the radiative and nonradiative properties of plasmonic nanostructures is of practical importance to a wide range of applications in the biological, chemical, optical, information, and energy sciences. For example, the ability to easily tune not only the plasmon spectrum but also the degree of coupling to light and/or heat, quality factor, and optical mode volume would aid the performance and function of nanophotonic devices and molecular sensors that rely upon plasmonic elements to confine and manipulate light at nanoscopic dimensions. While many routes exist to tune these properties, identifying new approaches-especially when they are simple to apply experimentally-is an important task. Here, we demonstrate the significant and underappreciated effects that substrate thickness and dielectric composition can have upon plasmon hybridization as well as downstream properties that depend upon this hybridization. We find that even substrates as thin as ∼10 nm can nontrivially mix free-space plasmon modes, imparting bright character to those that are dark (and vice versa) and, thereby, modifying the plasmonic density of states as well as the system's near- and far-field optical properties. A combination of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) experiment, numerical simulation, and analytical modeling is used to elucidate this behavior in the finite substrate-induced mixing of dipole, quadrupole, and octupole corner-localized plasmon resonances of individual silver nanocubes.

ACS Nano ; 11(10): 10583-10590, 2017 10 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28956598


In situ electron microscopy provides remarkably high spatial resolution, yet electron beam irradiation often damages soft materials and perturbs dynamic processes, requiring samples to be very robust. Here, we instead noninvasively image the dynamics of metal and polymer nanoparticles in a liquid environment with subdiffraction resolution using cathodoluminescence-activated imaging by resonant energy transfer (CLAIRE). In CLAIRE, a free-standing scintillator film serves as a nanoscale optical excitation source when excited by a low energy, focused electron beam. We capture the nanoscale dynamics of these particles translating along and desorbing from the scintillator surface and demonstrate 50 ms frame acquisition and a range of imaging of at least 20 nm from the scintillator surface. Furthermore, in contrast with in situ electron microscopy, CLAIRE provides spectral selectivity instead of relying on scattering alone. We also demonstrate through quantitative modeling that the CLAIRE signal from metal nanoparticles is impacted by multiplasmonic mode interferences. Our findings demonstrate that CLAIRE is a promising, noninvasive approach for super-resolution imaging for soft and fluid materials with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Nano Lett ; 16(10): 6668-6676, 2016 10 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27673696


Negative-index metamaterials composed of magnetic plasmon oligomers are actively being investigated for their potential role in optical cloaking, superlensing, and nanolithography applications. A significant improvement to their practicality lies in the ability to function at multiple distinct wavelengths in the visible part of spectrum. Here we utilize the nanometer spatial-resolving power of electron energy-loss spectroscopy to conclusively demonstrate hybridization of magnetic plasmons in oligomer dimers that can achieve this goal. We also show that breaking the dimer's symmetry can induce all-magnetic Fano interferences based solely on the interplay of bright and dark magnetic modes, allowing us to further tailor the system's optical responses. These features are engineered through the design of the oligomer's underlying nanoparticle elements as elongated Ag nanodisks with spectrally isolated long-axis plasmon resonances. The resulting magnetic plasmon oligomers and their hybridized assemblies establish a new design paradigm for optical metamaterials with rich functionality.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 67: 331-57, 2016 05 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27215817


Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) offers a window to view nanoscale properties and processes. When performed in a scanning transmission electron microscope, EELS can simultaneously render images of nanoscale objects with subnanometer spatial resolution and correlate them with spectroscopic information at a spectral resolution of ∼10-100 meV. Consequently, EELS is a near-perfect tool for understanding the optical and electronic properties of individual plasmonic metal nanoparticles and few-nanoparticle assemblies, which are significant in a wide range of fields. This review presents an overview of basic plasmonics and EELS theory and highlights several recent noteworthy experiments involving the interrogation of plasmonic metal nanoparticle systems using electron beams.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 6(13): 2569-76, 2015 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26266735


Motivated by the need to study the size dependence of nanoparticle-substrate systems, we present a combined experimental and theoretical electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) study of the plasmonic spectrum of substrate-supported truncated silver nanospheres. This work spans the entire classical range of plasmonic behavior probing particles of 20-1000 nm in diameter, allowing us to map the evolution of localized surface plasmons into surface plasmon polaritons and study the size dependence of substrate-induced mode splitting. This work constitutes the first nanoscopic characterization and imaging of these effects in truncated nanospheres, setting the stage for the systematic study of plasmon-mediated energy transfer in nanoparticle-substrate systems.

Nano Lett ; 15(5): 3465-71, 2015 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25845028


Energy transfer from plasmonic nanoparticles to semiconductors can expand the available spectrum of solar energy-harvesting devices. Here, we spatially and spectrally resolve the interaction between single Ag nanocubes with insulating and semiconducting substrates using electron energy-loss spectroscopy, electrodynamics simulations, and extended plasmon hybridization theory. Our results illustrate a new way to characterize plasmon-semiconductor energy transfer at the nanoscale and bear impact upon the design of next-generation solar energy-harvesting devices.

J Phys Chem B ; 118(28): 8070-80, 2014 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24666158


We report on a general theoretical approach to study exciton transport and emission in a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) in the presence of a localized surface-plasmon (SP) mode within a metal nanoparticle interacting via near-field coupling. We derive a set of quantum mechanical equations of motion and approximate rate equations that account for the exciton, SP, and the environmental degrees of freedom. The material equations are complemented by an expression for the radiated power that depends on the exciton and SP populations and coherences, allowing for an examination of the angular distribution of the emitted radiation that would be measured in experiment. Numerical simulations for a (6,5) SWNT and cone-shaped Ag metal tip (MT) have been performed using this methodology. Comparison with physical parameters shows that the near-field interaction between the exciton-SP occurs in a weak coupling regime, with the diffusion processes being much faster than the exciton-SP population exchange. In such a case, the effect of the exciton population transfer to the MT with its subsequent dissipation (i.e., the Förster energy transfer) is to modify the exciton steady state distribution while reducing the equilibration time for excitons to reach a steady sate distribution. We find that the radiation distribution is dominated by SP emission for a SWNT-MT separation of a few tens of nanometers due to the fast SP emission rate, whereas the exciton-SP coherences can cause its rotation.