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PLoS One ; 18(8): e0281277, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37594978


Microbial communities in terrestrial geothermal systems often contain chemolithoautotrophs with well-characterized distributions and metabolic capabilities. However, the extent to which organic matter produced by these chemolithoautotrophs supports heterotrophs remains largely unknown. Here we compared the abundance and activity of peptidases and carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) that are predicted to be extracellular identified in metagenomic assemblies from 63 springs in the Central American and the Andean convergent margin (Argentinian backarc of the Central Volcanic Zone), as well as the plume-influenced spreading center in Iceland. All assemblies contain two orders of magnitude more peptidases than CAZymes, suggesting that the microorganisms more often use proteins for their carbon and/or nitrogen acquisition instead of complex sugars. The CAZy families in highest abundance are GH23 and CBM50, and the most abundant peptidase families are M23 and C26, all four of which degrade peptidoglycan found in bacterial cells. This implies that the heterotrophic community relies on autochthonous dead cell biomass, rather than allochthonous plant matter, for organic material. Enzymes involved in the degradation of cyanobacterial- and algal-derived compounds are in lower abundance at every site, with volcanic sites having more enzymes degrading cyanobacterial compounds and non-volcanic sites having more enzymes degrading algal compounds. Activity assays showed that many of these enzyme classes are active in these samples. High temperature sites (> 80°C) had similar extracellular carbon-degrading enzymes regardless of their province, suggesting a less well-developed population of secondary consumers at these sites, possibly connected with the limited extent of the subsurface biosphere in these high temperature sites. We conclude that in < 80°C springs, chemolithoautotrophic production supports heterotrophs capable of degrading a wide range of organic compounds that do not vary by geological province, even though the taxonomic and respiratory repertoire of chemolithoautotrophs and heterotrophs differ greatly across these regions.

Rev. argent. salud publica ; 5(21): 14-23, dic.2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, ARGMSAL | ID: biblio-992169


INTRODUCCION: La enfermedad cardiovascular en mujeres constituye un tema de relevancia epidemiológica enArgentina y debe ser abordada desde una perspectiva integral. OBJETIVOS: Indagar acerca de los imaginarios de profesionales y usuarias del sistema sanitario, que podrían operar como barreras para la prevención y el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular en mujeres. METODOS: Estudio descriptivo que incluyó: entrevistas a médicos/as e informantes clave, dispositivos grupales de cardiólogos/as y encuestas a usuarias de servicios de Cardiología de un centropúblico y uno privado. Se realizó un análisis cualicuantitativo de la información recogida. RESULTADOS: Se observó que los/as profesionales perciben especificidades y rasgos diferenciales de la enfermedad cardiovascular en mujeres, aunque tienen dificultad para conceptualizarlos y traducirlos en cambios en sus prácticas clínicas. Se observó vulnerabilidad de clase y género como determinante de riesgo cardiovascular, con predominio del paradigma de la igualdad de atención en los imaginarios. En las usuarias se identificó que haypercepción del riesgo psicosocial en enfermedad cardiovascular, aunque con brechas entre percepción y prácticas. Se observaron discordancias entre los imaginarios de los/as profesionales y el de las usuarias del sistema de salud. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultadosmuestran que existen sesgos en los imaginarios de género en relacióncon la salud cardiovascular que operan como barreras para adoptarestrategias preventivas eficaces en enfermedad cardiovascular dirigidasa mujeres. La revisión de estos imaginarios puede promover mayoresgrados de equidad de género en la calidad de prevención y en el acceso a la atención.

INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease in women is an issue of epidemiological relevance in Argentina,which should be approached from a holistic perspective. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the imaginary of health system professionals and women users, that could act as a barrier for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in this group. METHODS: Descriptive study that included: interviews to physiciansand clue actors, group mechanisms for cardiologists, and surveys to users of public and private cardiology services.A qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed. RESULTS: Professionals perceived some specific features ofcardiovascular disease in women, although there were still difficulties for conceptualize and make changes in clinical practices. Class and gender vulnerability was seen as a determinant of cardiovascular risk, under the prevalent paradigm of equality in health care. Female users showed psychosocial risk perception, with differences between beliefs and practices. Some differences were observed between imaginaries of professionals and health system female users. CONCLUSIONS: Some bias between genderrelatedimaginary regarding cardiovascular health are still present, and they can hinder the adoption of effectivepreventive strategies for manage cardiovascular disease in women.By reviewing this, it would be possible to achieve a higher degree of gender equity in terms of prevention quality and health care access.

Masculino , Doença das Coronárias , Identidade de Gênero , Mulheres , Percepção Social , Prevenção de Doenças
Rev. argent. salud publica ; 1(3): 18-23, jun. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-674982


RESUMEN. En los últimos años, ha crecido el interés por las causas de violencia de género contra las mujeres en Argentina. OBJETIVO: obtener un cuadro de situación agregado y actualizado sobre esta problemática, visualizar su peso y gravedad e identificar las consecuencias en salud que produce. MÉTODO: estudio cuali-cuantitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio en tres etapas: 1) Se realizó un mapeo nacional de la mortalidad de las mujeres por causas externas a partir de las estadísticas vitales nacionales y de estadísticas policiales. Se desagregaron datos sobre suicidios, homicidios y accidentes, y se relacionaron los resultados entre jurisdicciones con el fin de establecer heterogeneidades regionales en el mapeo. 2) Se relevaron las noticias sobre casos de muertes por causas externas que se vincularon con situaciones de violencia hacia las mujeres en los principales diarios del país durante 2005. 3) Se relevaron los registros de casos de violencia contra mujeres en el Hospital Álvarez de Buenos Aires. RESULTADOS: las principales causas de suicidio en mujeres relevadas en estadísticas vitales oficiales son por ahorcamiento y por utilización de armas de fuego, en tanto que para los forenses estas causas son las menos frecuentes. CONCLUSIONES: algunos casos consignados como suicidios podrían en realidad tratarse de femicidios, hipótesis que requiere de futuras investigaciones específicas.

ABSTRACT. In recent years, has increased interest in the causes of gender violence against women in Argentina. OBJECTIVE: to get a picture of the situation added and updated on this issue, evaluate their weight and gravity and identify the health consequences it produces. METHOD: qualitative and quantitative, descriptive, exploratory study in 3 stages:1) A national mapping of mortality from external causes women was built with national vital statistics and policestatistics. Data on suicides, homicides and accidents were disaggregated, and outcomes compared between jurisdiction sin order to establish regional heterogeneities in themapping. 2) News on deaths from external causes related to situations of violence against women were analyzed in 4 major newspapers. 3) Search of records of violence against women in a public hospital in Buenos Aires city. RESULTS: the more frequent causes of suicide in women from the vital statistics are by hanging and use of firearms For the forensics, these causes are the less frequent ones. CONCLUSIONS: it can be suspected that some cases considered assuicides would actually be femicide cases. This hypothesis should be verified in future research.

Humanos , Feminino , Mulheres Maltratadas , Coleta de Dados , Causas Externas , Desenvolvimento de Pessoal , Homicídio , Mortalidade , Suicídio , Violência contra a Mulher , Estatísticas Vitais